Massage during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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A general wellness or (if necessary) therapeutic massage when planning a pregnancy, of course, can and should be done.
But women who have already implemented this plan (that is, they carry the baby) are interested in whether it is possible to do massage during pregnancy? And if you can, then what kind of this procedure will be useful.
Massage and pregnancy: what can and can not be
Unanimous opinion of obstetricians and gynecologists: almost any massage in the early stages of pregnancy is a category of absolutely contraindicated procedures, since it is in the first trimester that many miscarriages occur.
You can do only light cosmetic facial massage during pregnancy - on the classic massage lines, and to relieve the headache - massage the whiskey and scalp. But not the fact that this will help, because the female body during pregnancy for ordinary actions often reacts unpredictably ...
Let's not forget that hormonal restructuring of the woman's body during this period affects almost all systems - from endocrine to osteo-muscular. And everything that can destabilize or disrupt this most complicated process must be abandoned without any doubt. Especially if the pregnancy was given to a woman at a high price: long-term hormone therapy, previous disruptions, etc.
In domestic obstetrical practice, contra-indications to the massage for future mothers are recognized: individual features of the condition of a particular woman, toxicosis, ARI and ARVI in a pregnant woman, as well as arterial hypertension, varicose veins on the legs, dermatological diseases and problems with the cardiovascular system.
From the scientific point of view, the mechanisms of the massage effect are still largely unknown. Although research by the Miami University School of Medicine shows that massage therapy during pregnancy (prenatal massage) can have some positive effects, including reducing anxiety and relaxation, improving mood and sleep, reducing pain in the back and legs. It is suggested that massage can raise the level of such hormones as serotonin and dopamine, and, on the contrary, reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone).
Safety and comfort for the mother and child ensures the correct position of the body: during the massage, the pregnant woman should be half-lying on her side, and the stomach should be supported with a pillow or a special roller (massage tables with a "hole" for the abdomen, as gynecologists say, are completely inappropriate).
Secondly, during the gestation period, some massage techniques can not be used, for example, the deep-lying muscles, taken with a classical massage, or Thai massage during pregnancy, in the list of contraindications of which pregnancy is in the first place. Promising disposal of cellulite, edema and even varicose lymph drainage massage in pregnancy is also contraindicated.
Third, certain parts of the body should be avoided: pressure in the wrist and ankles on the legs can cause a reduction in the musculature of the uterus!
Do not need a special breast massage in pregnancy: in the mammary glands under the action of hormones prolactin and lactogen, there is an increase in glandular tissue, the number and size of the alveoli and milk ducts. Easy massage can be done while bathing - rotational movements of both hands around the chest. But the areola and nipple can not be touched. Even an easy touch to this erogenous zone, not that nipple massage during pregnancy, causes a reduction in the muscular tissues of the uterus, increasing its tone.
The use of massage oils and creams - in spite of the producers' claims about their complete safety - is unacceptable, since they contain too many "auxiliary substances", including parabens. In addition, their smell can cause a pregnant headache, nausea and vomiting.
Anti-cellulite massage in pregnancy
Cellulite during pregnancy appears in many expectant mothers, and this worries them very much and causes fears that after childbirth it will not pass. May not pass, but gynecologists warn that to do anti-cellulite massage during pregnancy is not only contraindicated, but also useless. Changes in the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer - gynoid lipodystrophy or cellulite - occur for many reasons and more often with a general negative effect of metabolic and hormonal factors. In any case, to force cut stretched collagen fibers, which must tightly hold subcutaneous fat cells in the thigh and buttocks, during pregnancy will not succeed.
Hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women (excess estrogen), and a hereditary factor (American Academy of Dermatology experts see a genetic predisposition to cellulite), and, of course, weight gain during the period of gestation (see - How to not recover during pregnancy ) .
The contraindication concerns also such version, as a vacuum can massage at pregnancy. And if you are told that you can do honey massage during pregnancy and that this will help you reduce the "orange peel" on your hips, do not believe it. Although in beauty salons they promise that intensive pressing movements on the problem zones smeared with warm honey give a good "anti-cellulite effect". Perhaps, this massage helps someone, but in pregnant women this procedure will only increase the flow of blood into the subcutaneous capillaries and increase the pressure on their walls.
Foot massage during pregnancy
Swelling of the legs, as well as the appearance of a subcutaneous vascular reticulum on the legs (on calves, under the knees, on the feet near the ankles) also relate to the problems accompanying pregnancy. So, maybe here you can use a foot massage during pregnancy?
Qualified masseurs adapt the main massage techniques to the peculiarities of changes that occur with the body of a pregnant woman. For example, the volume of blood increases during pregnancy by one-third, the outflow of blood from the veins of the legs often weakens (leading to stagnation), and the level of anticoagulants in the blood (designed to prevent bleeding during childbirth) rises. In addition, the walls of all blood vessels relax.
Under such conditions, massage, especially deep, with strong squeezing and pokolachivaniyami, just dangerous. Therefore, massaging the legs should be done very lightly and slowly stroking - only from the bottom up. Do not massage the ankles and inner thighs, as well as the areas where the dilated blood vessels appeared. By the way, with symptoms of varicose veins doctors recommend pregnant women to wear medical compression knitwear and sleep, putting a small pillow under their feet. And the best foot massage during pregnancy is to walk barefoot on sand or small pebbles, on the grass or just on the floor in the apartment.
Massage of the back, waist and neck during pregnancy
As the period of pregnancy increases, the back of the lumbar region begins to ache. Many people think that it's all about increasing the abdomen. But these pains are due to the fact that during the gestation period, the production of the hormone relaxin, which prepares the musculoskeletal system of the woman for the forthcoming birth, increases the mobility of the joints of the pelvic girdle and relaxes the ligaments of the spinal column, making the vertebrae slightly shifted. It is for this reason that there are drawing pains in the back.
Back massage during pregnancy consists of stroking movements (from the waist to the shoulder blades), soft rubbing (in both directions from the spine). Rinse the spine itself is not necessary.
With slight pressure (followed by trituration) on the short lateral and middle interstitial interdigitus muscles of the lumbar region of the back, a lumbar massage is performed during pregnancy. It is better to do standing or sitting, no more than 3 minutes - 2-3 times a day.
Neck massage during pregnancy is done on the same principle, it can remove not only the pain in the cervical spine, but also headache, and even back pain. Often after a long stay in a sitting position or after a dream (especially if a woman sleeps on a high pillow) pregnant women "numb the head". To disperse the blood and remove the unpleasant sensations will help light massage of the collar zone during pregnancy. It is done by stroking, and then and easy muscle kneading on the lateral surfaces of the neck - from the spine to the trapezius muscles. And the trapezius muscles (which grab the back of the neck and upper back) massage therapists are advised to knead with their fingers, as if you are going to pinch yourself.
Massage of the abdomen during pregnancy
Experts American Pregnancy Association strongly advise not to do a stomach massage during pregnancy, solidarity with them and our midwives. Although on the Internet you can find the statement that "after four months, a stomach massage for pregnant women is the most recommended."
Like, this massage (quote): "reduces the morning sickness of a woman, activates the work of the digestive organs and reduces the acidity of the stomach, reduces the risk of stretch marks and increases muscle tone" ... Truth only corresponds to an increase in muscle tone, but this reflex action in a pregnant woman to avoid.
You can only lightly and gently stroke the rounded tummy and at the same time affectionately talk with those who develop there. This is very useful - for both mother and child.
Perineal massage during pregnancy
Western trends can explain the interest in such a procedure as a perineal massage during pregnancy, which "is used to stretch the skin of the perineum and prepare the perineal region for childbirth." It is recommended to make a warm compress on the perineal region and lubricate the crotch and the index and middle fingers with vegetable oil. Then the fingers are inserted into the vagina to a depth of 1 inch (2.5 cm), pressing down and stretching to the sides (and lasts for about two minutes).
It is argued that this kind of prenatal massage helps to prevent gaps in the perineum during childbirth and do without perineotomy (dissection of the perineal skin).
Obviously, the inventors of this massage do not know that the perineal region, as part of the pubic-coccyx muscle of the pelvic floor, besides the skin, has several layers of striated muscles, and the described manipulations can not affect them in any way. But to bring the infection, cause a spasm of myometrium, bring the uterus into tone and before the time to get into the maternity ward it is possible.
After childbirth, you need to do massage after pregnancy: it will help to speed up the recovery of the young mother's body in a "pre-pregnancy" state, relieve the pain in muscles and relax. It is clear that at first the main efforts will be directed to the abdomen. On how to properly massage it, you should consult while still in the hospital.