Symptoms of male menopause
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Absolutely all the symptoms of men's menopause are associated with a natural age-related decline in the production of gonadotropins and, in the first place, the main male hormone (androgen) - testosterone.
In Greek, klimax means "ladder", and in application to human physiology determines the biological stage of life, which begins to show signs of aging.
Symptoms of male menopause and hormonal changes
Immediately notice that to consider the decrease in testosterone levels in some pathologies (for example, diabetes mellitus), we will not, because the main goal is to understand those hormonal changes that occur over time in healthy men and appear as signs of andropause or, in more popular formulation, the symptoms of men's menopause. Although the "signs" are a more correct definition, since "symptoms" immediately suggest worrying thoughts about the disease. Men, remember, this is not a disease, just you, too, are aging ...
In addition, the term "male climax" is associated with female age problems. In principle, this is correct, since age problems are inherent in men. But if in women menopause means the final completion of the reproductive period of life, men continue to develop seed during andropause and have the opportunity to become a father after 70 years. But at the same time physiological processes conditioned by age involution are inevitable, but they occur less intensively. Western medics use the abbreviation ADAM: androgen deficiency in the aging male, that is, the syndrome of androgen level decline in aging men.
So, the synthesis of testosterone begins to decrease in the average man after 30 years - about 2% per year, and by the age of 80 the secretion of testosterone with testicles (testes) is reduced to a prepubertal index. The main reason for this process during the men's menopause is the decrease in the testes of the amount of testosterone- synthesizing special cells - Leydig cells.
In addition, the symptoms of male menopause are caused by a different ratio and the biochemical interaction of other important hormones: GnRH-secreted by the hypothalamus (gonadoliberin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone); Gonadotopins produced by the pituitary gland FSH (follitropin) and LH, as well as growth hormone growth hormone (STH); progesterone (PG), which is synthesized by the adrenal cortex and semen cells.
The smaller the production of testosterone, the more pronounced the first signs of men's menopause depending on age: 40-45 years (early andropause), 50-60 (normal age for menopause) or after 60 years (late andropause).
Read also:
- How to increase the level of testosterone?
- Products that raise testosterone
- Herbs that raise testosterone
What are the symptoms of men's menopause?
In healthy men, in the fifth decade, despite a gradual but constant decrease in testosterone levels, the concentration of gonadoliberin (GnRH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which stimulates the synthesis of testosterone by Leydig cells, remains at the same level due to the fact that for a while the hypothalamic-pituitary endocrine tandem functions in compensatory mode. However, with a further drop in testosterone, the level of GnRH and LH decreases. And the first signs of men's menopause after 40 years - a decrease in libido (sexual desire) and problems with erection.
In addition, most men begin to lose hair faster, which leads to alopecia (baldness). Worse and slower grow beard and mustache.
A decrease in the synthesis of testosterone leads to the fact that the pituitary gland begins to produce less foliotropin (FSH). These changes explain such symptoms of male menopause as a decrease in the volume of sperm and a decrease in the number of mature spermatozoa. Also, the decrease in FSH, which controls the testes tissue, causes changes in the functioning of Sertoli cells located in the testicle canals. Therefore, in men at the beginning of menopause, the level of estradiol (which is synthesized by these cells) increases. And this gives the following symptoms of male menopause:
- increase in body weight due to fat build-up;
- deposits of adipose tissue in the area of the mammary glands, at the waist and abdomen;
- flushes of blood to the head and neck;
- increased sweating and heart palpitations.
The ratio of testosterone and estradiol (as well as FSH and LH) continues to change, and eventually estrogen begins to dominate. And then the symptoms of male menopause after 50 years can be expressed in benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement), problems with urination, decreased bone density ( osteoporosis ).
With age, the secretion of somatotropin (STH) gradually decreases, which causes changes in protein metabolism and, in turn, decreases in muscle mass and physical strength.
Separately, it should be noted that all the hormonal changes in the complex have a big impact on the central nervous system and psyche.
Mental changes in men's menopause
The most frequent mental changes in men's menopause include:
- sleep disorders (insomnia or increased drowsiness);
- rapid fatigue, reduced efficiency and a sense of total loss of strength;
- sharp mood swings;
- anxiety and depression;
- increased nervousness and irritability;
- deterioration of cognitive (cognitive) function of the brain;
- difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness;
- decreased motivation or self-confidence.
Obviously, mental changes in men's menopause are also due to a decrease in the level of progesterone. The fact is that not only testosterone is synthesized from progesterone, but also neurostyroid allopregnenolone, which is a substance that binds to the receptors of the main neurotransmitters of the central nervous system (gamma-aminobutyric acid and glycine). And there, where something is broken with the transmission of nerve impulses, there are always problems of a mental nature.
Of course, medicine does not ignore the problems of aging men. For example, everything is very accessible and reasonably stated in the popular book "Male Menopause", written by American physician Jed Diamond (Jed Diamond) in 1997. According to the author, every man with age has to survive hormonal, physical, psychological, interpersonal, social, sexual and even spiritual changes. And this can not be avoided ...
In the life of each man, the stage of life will come (or has already come), when the organism undergoes age-related reorganization and the most complicated biochemical processes take place. They are accompanied by symptoms of men's menopause. Treat them adequately and stay healthy as long as possible.