Preparations for the relief of menopause
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Preparations for the relief of menopause are the means that help to reduce the severity of the clinical symptoms of the menopause period. To this end, you can use some medicines, as well as alternative medicine methods. But in any case, before beginning any treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct hormonal screening, which will reveal the level of changes that contribute to the development of certain symptoms.
Medications for the relief of menopause
To know what to take to treat menopause, you need to know about certain features of the development of this process and its effect on the entire body. Menopause is a physiological process in the body of a woman, which indicates the aging of the reproductive system in the first place, as well as the aging of the whole organism. In this period, there is a decrease in the concentration of estrogens, as the main components of regulation of the hormonal background. Therefore, the onset of menopause is accompanied by unpleasant sensations on the part of many internal organs. And then women have a logical question - what drugs can I drink to ease menopause. The answer is obvious - these are preparations of hormonal origin for replenishment of deficiency of basic substances. But it is necessary that the doctor should choose the drug on the basis of the individual characteristics of the woman, the severity of the symptoms and on the basis of hormonal screening. After all, each hormone drug has in its composition a different dose of the drug and there are particular uses for different symptoms, both from the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, and also from the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, it is important to take into account these features and take not only hormone replacement therapy, but also use other groups of drugs in complex treatment. The main drugs of hormonal composition that can be taken in this case are the following:
- Regulon is a preparation containing estradiol and gestagen in its composition, it is a highly dosed drug, due to which its prophylactic role is manifested not only in the correction of the hormonal background, but also in the development of complications in the form of kraurosis of the vulva. The drug acts in this case for hormonal inconsistency and due to this the dryness of the vagina during menopause is less pronounced. Beneficial effect of the drug due to its local effect on the endometrium and gland, by increasing secretion secretion, which helps normalize not only the dryness of the skin of the vagina, but also renews the environment for the further normal functioning of lactic acid bacteria. Due to this effect, the secretion of vaginal mucus is restored.
Regulon is produced in pharmacological form of tablets, containing 21 pieces. The reception must start from the first day of the cycle. You can start taking and from the fifth day in case of use in women of menopausal age. The course of admission is one tablet per day for three weeks, then a break of seven days, then you need to resume reception. Adverse events are possible on the part of the digestive tract in the form of a stool, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, vomiting. There may also be asthenovegetative reactions, manifestations of hormonal treatment from the side of the breast in the form of engorgement of the mammary gland, secretions, as well as an increase in the secretion of the vaginal secretion. Contraindication to the use of the drug for treatment - a problem with blood coagulability and a history of heart attack or a stroke, malignant neoplasms, severe liver damage, pancreatic damage, diabetes, systemic connective tissue diseases, epilepsy.
- Logest is a preparation containing estradiol and gestagen in its composition, it is a highly dosed drug, due to which its prophylactic role is manifested not only in the correction of the hormonal background, but also in the prevention of oncological diseases of the female reproductive system. The drug contributes to the leveling of hormonal inconsistencies and due to this disturbance in menopause are less pronounced.
Logest is produced in the pharmacological form of capsules, containing 21 pieces per package. The reception must start from the first day of the cycle. You can begin to receive and the fifth day of the menstrual cycle in the case of menopause in women. The course of admission is one capsule per day for three weeks, then a break of seven days, then you need to resume reception. Adverse events are possible on the part of the digestive tract in the form of a stool, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, vomiting. There may also be asthenovegetative reactions, manifestations of hormonal treatment from the side of the breast in the form of engorgement of the breast, soreness, secretions, as well as an increase in the secretion of the vaginal secretion. Contraindication to the use of the drug for treatment - a problem with blood coagulability and a history of heart attack or a stroke, malignant neoplasms, severe liver damage, pancreatic damage and diabetes.
- Synphasic is a complex hormone replacement agent that contains a small amount of estrogen, which allows it to be used in the initial stages of treating climacteric changes. This drug is produced in pharmacological form of tablets.
The dosage of the drug is selected individually. In the menopause, the admission schedule is also different, therefore, a doctor's consultation is necessary before the reception. Side effects are possible on the part of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of a stool, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Possible fluid retention and headaches, so the drug is not recommended with concomitant hypertension. Contraindications to taking the drug is the pathology of the blood coagulation system, the pathology of the coronary vessels and veins.
Medications to ease menopause are not limited to these drugs, so you need to know the basic composition of the drugs and apply them only according to the doctor's recommendations.
Alternative means to relieve menopause
Tablets for the relief of menopause have clear indications, so they should not be taken on their own. But with the preventive purpose and without special fears it is possible to apply alternative methods and homeopathic preparations. They have a not very aggressive composition and do not often cause complications.
Relief of menopause with alternative means can be carried out at home using simple methods and medicinal plants.
- Leaves of valerian, coriander, and oregano must be soaked in hot water and after that you need to take one tablespoon three times a day. Such a solution calms the nervous system, stabilizes the symptoms of vegetation and hot flashes, and also normalizes the heartbeat. Prophylaxis disturbs the activity of the nervous system in menopause, removes symptoms of irritability, nervousness, and also normalizes sleep.
- Often, women in the climax are concerned about their appearance, so it is important not only to regulate the normal functioning of the internal organs, but also to prevent skin changes - its aging, dryness, wrinkles. In this very helps elecampane. To make the tincture, you need to collect the leaves in the amount of 2 tablespoons, dry them, pour alcohol and insist in a dark place for at least 24 hours, and then dilute with boiled water to take one tablespoon three times a day. If you take two drops of alcohol solution, dilute with two drops of water and two drops of any essential oil, you get an excellent mask.
- A good effect in alleviating symptomatology with menopause is shown by the hog uterus, due to its hysterotropic action. It is very widely used in gynecology due to the rich composition of vitamins, essential oils, as well as tannins. To prepare tincture, it is necessary to collect the leaves of the hog uterus, dry them, pour in a solution of alcohol and insist in the refrigerator for three days, and then dilute with boiled water to take one tablespoon three times a day. This tincture well regulates hormonal leaps and relieves the severity of clinical manifestations of menopause.
You can also successfully use homeopathy not only in treatment, but also for the prevention of climacteric changes.
- Cyclodinone for the relief of menopause is very often used, since this drug has a mild effect. It is a combined homeopathic remedy that affects hormonal disorders and restores estrogen deficiency, which helps alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
This drug is available in the form of pharmaceutical drops and tablets. Take one tablet a day, preferably in the morning or 40 drops with the same multiplicity. Duration of treatment is about three months. Contraindication to taking the drug - acute infectious processes in the body. This drug is well tolerated by women, so it can also be recommended as a means for prevention.
- Sigetin - a homeopathic remedy, which has a composition similar to the natural hormone estrogen, which allows you to replenish its stock with menopause.
It has properties as a tonic, soothing. It has a good effect on the psychosomatic manifestations of menopause, as well as on the vegetative and psychological symptoms of menopause, strengthens the libido against the background of a decline in general depressiveness. Therefore, it can be used as an initial and complex therapy.
- Lachezis-plus is a combined homeopathic remedy that affects hormonal disorders during the menopause, as well as on the activities of other organs and systems, primarily on the immune and endocrine system.
This allows the drug to be used as an additional therapy to relieve menopause, which regulates the violation of the hormonal status of a woman. Lachezis-Plus is available in the pharmacological form of homeopathic granules and is dosed on eight granules five times a day half an hour before meals or an hour after. It is necessary to dissolve the granules until completely dissolved and not washed down with water. Side effects are not common, but there may be stool disorders, dyspepsia and allergic reactions. There may be an exacerbation of symptoms, but this is considered a normative value and does not require withdrawal of the drug, so you need to monitor the condition of a woman and after three days the severity of the symptoms should go down.
This is the main means that you can use to facilitate menopause at home, and which are very affordable.
Preparations for the relief of menopause are not only medications, but also alternative methods that can also be widely used to prevent violations during menopause. It must be remembered that it is better to prevent the appearance of symptoms from other organs than to take hormonal remedies.