Why does the child have red eyes and what to do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The red eyes of a child are a symptom of a discoloration of the mucous membrane of the eye, which arises from a variety of causes, and may indicate a serious illness. Even a simple reddening of the eyes in a child can be the beginning of a serious infection or simply a reaction to eye irritation. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly differentiate the infectious disease and the pathology of the eyes, which are accompanied by such reddening.
Epidemiology of red-eye distribution in a child speaks about the majority of cases when this pathology is caused precisely by an infectious disease. More than 55% of cases of such a symptom are caused by a viral pathology - in the first place it is adenovirus infection, and on the second place measles. More than 87% of cases of allergic reactions are accompanied by reddening of the eyes during initial contact with the allergen, but only after a while there are other symptoms. This can be used not only for statistical analysis of clinical manifestations of allergies, but also for preventing the development of the same attack of bronchial asthma. Therefore, it is important to distinguish one symptom of an infectious and allergic disease.
Causes of the red eyes in the child
The causes of reddening of the sclera in a child can be many, and this not only indicates local inflammation or scleral reaction. The greatest number of causes lies in infectious diseases, which are accompanied by such a symptom.
Most often in children, there are acute respiratory diseases, which can be accompanied by an injection and reddening of the sclera. Any viral infection is accompanied by manifestations from the upper respiratory tract, which corresponds to the largest location of the pathogen. For example, the rhinovirus is localized mainly on the mucous membrane of the nose, which causes the symptoms of a pronounced rhinorrhea. Moreover, it can also cause reddening of the eyes, since outflow can be disturbed along the nasolacrimal canal, which causes such a reaction. But this is rather a secondary cause of such redness. Adenovirus is a virus that penetrates the body through the mucous membrane of the eyes, where the original place of reproduction is located. Further, the virus penetrates the back wall of the pharynx and causes further clinical changes. Therefore, if a child has an adenoviral infection, then this is accompanied by inflammation of the conjunctiva and its reddening. And the main cause of red eyes in a child with a viral infection can be considered adenovirus infection, which can be considered a specific symptom. This does not mean that there are no such manifestations in other infections, but they are not so specific.
Among other infections in children, the same frequent cause of red eyes is measles. This is an acute infectious disease that is caused by the measles virus. The causative agent penetrates the respiratory tract of the child by airborne droplets and multiplies there. The properties of such a virus are associated with a high toxic effect on capillaries and small vessels. Therefore, when infected with such a virus, there is a pronounced prolonged spasm of small vessels, especially the eye. This is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of blood and reddening of the eyes, which can be so pronounced that the child has photophobia. It is characteristic for the measles is a pronounced reddening of the conjunctiva, but it is worth taking into account other symptoms.
Inflammatory diseases of the eye can also be accompanied by its redness. Such pathologies include conjunctivitis, scleritis, as well as a foreign body of the eye. The pathogenesis of the reaction to any agent consists in a quick reaction to the ingress of any factor. If it is a virus or a bacterium, there will be a purulent secret against the background of redness, as a reaction to irritation. The foreign body will also be accompanied by redness and lacrimation, as a protective reaction to the intervention. Therefore, such a reaction can be considered protective and indicates immediate action. But if redness is caused by the damage of the eye itself, and not by the systemic infection, then the symptoms from the visual analyzer will necessarily be - pain in the eyes, pain, burning, deterioration of vision. This must be taken into account when providing assistance.
Sometimes the eyes can be a mirror of our body and can indicate the state of internal organs. So maybe in this case, if the red eyes of the child are accompanied by swelling around, you can think about the pathology of the kidneys. If the eyes under the red rims or circles, then this may be one of the symptoms of a systemic disease of connective tissue.
And the most common cause of red eyes in a child today can be considered allergic reactions. As for the redness of the conjunctiva, in children this can be a manifestation of pollinosis. It is allergic to pollen and flowering plants, which is also accompanied by lacrimation and symptoms from the side of the nose. But the cause of reddening of the eyes can be not only pollinosis, it happens with bronchial asthma, with urticaria, and with allergic rhinitis, as a concomitant symptom of ingestion of an allergen by inhalation.
Considering all possible causes, it is necessary to allocate risk factors for the development of redness in the eyes of children, which can cause certain diseases. First of all, children with allergic diseases should be identified as a risk group, in which redness of the eyes can be the initial symptom of an acute attack. As for infectious diseases, contact with infectious patients in the last three weeks places children at risk, so the redness of the eyes in such contact children should be considered one of the first symptoms.
The cause of red eyes in a child can be many, and it is not necessary to limit them only to the pathology of the full-body bottom or the eye itself, it is necessary to remember a number of infectious and allergic factors that can cause such manifestations.
Symptoms of the red eyes in the child
If the child has an adenoviral infection, the red eyes are not only a characteristic symptom, but there are other clinical signs. Everything can begin with a mild ailment and an increase in body temperature, usually up to a low-grade figure. This is accompanied by intoxication of the child's body - muscle pain, headache, loss of appetite. Against the backdrop of such nonspecific symptoms, there is sore throat, an unproductive superficial cough appears, and eye symptoms also appear. It may be not just the redness of the conjunctiva, but purulent discharge or serous discharge from the lacrimal canal. The totality of such symptoms is most typical for adenovirus infection. But if there are discharge from the nose, nasal congestion, an increase in temperature, reddening of the eyes can be only against the background of such a rhinovirus infection without purulent or serous conjunctivitis. Red circles under the eyes can be exactly with accompanying viral diseases, which is caused by a violation of the normal outflow of venous blood on the background of the edema of the nasal cavity.
Measles is an acute, contagious infection that is caused by a virus from the Morbilli group. The disease develops 7-17 days after contact with the patient (incubation period). First, there are symptoms of respiratory disease with severe intoxication, muscle pain, and fever. Then there is a marked reddening of the child's eyes, he is afraid of light and catarrhal phenomena with discharge from the nose and lacrimation are expressed. Then, after two or three days of catarrhal phenomena, there is a rash all over the body - it has the appearance of spots and papules of red color with a start behind the ears and spreading from top to bottom. The rash is spread not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes, which is an important diagnostic sign of the disease. Thus, the redness of the eyes in a child with measles occurs at the height of the intoxication syndrome and is accompanied by severe photophobia and lacrimation.
If the child has red eyes and itches, it is likely manifestations of allergic pathology. In this case, the allergen gets through the conjunctiva and causes a primary reaction - the eyes swell, pronounced lacrimation, redness, itching. This may be accompanied by the further development of other symptoms, if the condition is not docked in time. Then there may be sneezing, nasal congestion or rhinorrhea, coughing, allergic rash. And as a rule, redness of the eyes is not the only manifestation, if it is an allergic. There is also a regularity that if the child has red eyes in the morning, then most likely the "meeting" with the allergen was at night (down, feathers, dust), and if red eyes in the evening, it is possible that during the day the child was in contact with an allergic factor.
If the child's eyes are red and fester, then this can be considered a disease specifically the eye. Then it's about purulent conjunctivitis or scleritis. If there is pain, it can be a disturbing symptom of visual impairment against the background of the inflammatory process of the eyes.
Often, children have red swollen eyes, and especially in the morning, which is associated with kidney pathology. With prolonged pathology of the kidneys, their excretory function is violated and this is accompanied by morning swelling in this area.
The red eyes of a child after childbirth require a doctor's consultation, this may be a simple reaction to passing through the birth canal, or it may be the initial manifestation of inflammation. Sometimes there may be red pimples under the eyes of a newborn, which is a sign of a sexual crisis. In utero, the child had a huge amount of maternal sex hormones, which after birth contribute to blockage of the sweat glands. It looks exactly like red pimples under the eyes and on the cheeks, which pass without any interference and are not accompanied by any other symptoms.
To date, the number of conjunctivitis is increasing, which is caused by a specific flora and causes other clinical symptoms. One of these diseases is Chlamydia infection. Teenagers are more often ill. The first signs of chlamydial infection develop with increasing body temperature to subfebrile and febrile digits. Fever with a high body temperature (39-40 ° C) is relatively rare with acute onset of the disease. Against the backdrop of a temperature reaction, a clinic of urethritis, conjunctivitis, and later arthritis (a typical triad of lesions) develops. Such a sequence is not always observed, different combinations of symptoms, erosion of certain clinical manifestations are possible. The most constant is the defeat of the urino-genital organs with the development of urethritis, vesiculitis, prostatitis, cystitis. In girls, urethritis is often combined with vulvovaginitis, in boys - with balanitis. There may be arriving dysuric disorders, pyuria. In 1-4 weeks after the urethritis, eye damage develops, as a rule, bilateral, most often there is catarrhal conjunctivitis lasting from several days to 1.5-2 weeks, sometimes up to 6-7 months. Then there is redness of the eyes, which according to the parents is not related to the previous pathology of the genitourinary system. Therefore, this pathology is a little difficult to diagnose. Eye damage can be limited not only by inflammation of the conjunctiva, but it is possible to develop acute anterior uveitis (in 5-6% of children), episcleritis, keratitis, resulting in reduced visual acuity. Then there are symptoms of arthritis with pain in the joints. But such dynamics may not be complete, often all symptoms can be simultaneously, then you need to pay attention and suspect a chlamydial infection. Especially if for a long time the problems with the eyes do not respond to treatment, then you can look for a hidden persistence of chlamydia.
A frequent problem is also that the child has red eyes on the sea or after the pool. This can be explained by the simple irritating reaction of excess salt in the sea or the chlorinated water in the pool, and if this is not accompanied by other symptoms, then one should not worry.
In any case, do not individually evaluate this symptom, you need to approach all the symptoms differentially.
Complications and consequences
The consequence of red eyes in a child may be complications from the respiratory system, if there is a persistence of the virus. Inflammation of the bronchi and lungs can quickly develop with the further attachment of the bacterial flora. A frequent complication is the development of otitis, which even threatens hearing loss. Complications can develop if redness of the eyes is an allergic etiology. Then a massive supply of an allergen through a conjunctiva can cause a systemic reaction in the form of pronounced bronchospasm, an attack of asthma or a Quincke edema.
Diagnostics of the red eyes in the child
Diagnosis of the condition in which the child has red eyes should begin with anamnestic data. If a family has an anamnesis for allergic diseases, then it is necessary to diagnose the first allergy symptoms in such a case in time. Therefore, it is important to understand that red eyes are just one of many symptoms and you need to evaluate all the changes together.
If the child had contact with an infectious patient, the red eyes may appear in the incubation period and then most likely they indicate the onset of measles. Anamnestic data can also provide information on the presence of renal pathology or changes in the nature of urination, which can give swelling under the eyes of a child. All these moments can become the basis for further diagnosis of the disease.
Analyzes that must be performed in a child with red eyes should necessarily include a general analysis of blood and urine. In a general blood test, changes may be characteristic of an allergic reaction - this is an increase in the number of eosinophils. If we are talking about a viral infection, then we can note an increase in lymphocytes. This is also important for the purpose of differential diagnosis, since with a viral infection there may be concomitant catarrhal conjunctivitis, whereas with acute purulent conjunctivitis, in the general blood test there will be leukocytosis with a shift of the formula to the left. A general urine test should be done to exclude a urinary tract infection if the red eyes are also accompanied by swelling. Sometimes, in case of suspected acute purulent conjunctivitis or scleritis of a specific etiology, serological examination of the blood should be performed. Often chlamydia can cause redness of the eyes with conjunctivitis, which must be diagnosed by determining the level of antibodies to chlamydia.
Instrumental diagnosis of "red eyes" may be limited to general studies with suspected renal pathology. Then a simple ultrasound examination allows you to examine the kidneys, adrenal glands and eliminate such a problem. If the eyes are primarily affected, then the vision function is examined, the full-scale bottom is examined and the intraocular pressure is measured, if necessary.
What do need to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis should be performed between allergic and infectious reddening of the eyes in the first place. To do this, it is important to know the history of the patient, and if the child is allergic, then it would be excellent to note also what it has such reddening eyes. If there is a rash on the skin or pronounced catarrhal phenomena, then the probability of acute respiratory viral infection is high. An early diagnostic sign for differential diagnosis of measles from other infectious diseases is the presence of Belsky-Filatova-Koplik spots. These are spots that the mother can see herself - on the mucous membrane of the mouth at the level of small molars there are small white spots, like millet grains. Their presence clearly indicates measles, and that soon the baby will have a rash on the skin. And the red eyes of the child can only push mom to the idea of such a pathology.
Thus, in the presence of a red eye symptom, the child should not immediately consult an ophthalmologist, as in most cases this is a secondary secondary problem. Therefore, it is better to seek the advice of a pediatrician, and then, if necessary, to a specialist. Sometimes the mother herself on a number of other symptoms can first diagnose what happened in the child. Therefore, you just need to carefully study all the information on this issue, and then go to a specialist for treatment.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the red eyes in the child
Treatment of such pathology must necessarily include an etiological approach. That is, if the pathology is measles or adenovirus infection, then appropriate treatment of the infection should be used. In case the pathology is allergic, necessarily antihistamine should be included in the complex treatment. And if the pathology of the eyes is primary, then the approaches to treatment are completely different.
Treatment of adenovirus infection or any other viral infection is complex and involves the use of antiviral and symptomatic agents. Against the backdrop of such therapy, reddening of the eyes should go away on the second-third day.
- Laferobion is a drug that contains recombinant human interferon. The drug is used in the first three days of acute viral infection, which improves the course of the disease and reduces the severity of the intoxication syndrome. Laferobion has an immunomodulatory effect, which effectively increases the resistance of the organism to other infections. Dosage of the drug - 150 yew. International units for children up to 1 year, and after a year of 500 yew. Method of application - one rectal candle in the morning and evening for three or five days. Side effects are possible: thrombocytopenia, itching at the injection site, redness, and also allergies.
- With adenovirus infection, it is very important to resume normal nasal breathing in order to improve the outflow of blood and lymph and restore the normal circulation of small vessels. This will remove the swelling of the eyes and redness will go away. To do this, use a nose wash and special solutions.
Aquamaris is a drug used to wash the nasal cavity with pronounced catarrhal discharge from the nose. The active substance of this drug is sodium chloride, which moistens the nasal mucosa and does not allow it to dry out. The drug is available in the form of drops and spray. Dosage for newborns is one drop and one vapryskivaniyu in each nasal passage four times a day. For children older than a year - two drops. Side effects are not frequent, since the drug has an exclusively local effect.
- Paracetamol is an antipyretic medicine in the form of a suspension to reduce the temperature in children with a viral infection, especially with severe intoxication. This improves the overall condition of the child and removes photophobia with marked reddening of the eyes against adenovirus or measles infection. One hundred milliliters of the suspension contains one hundred and twenty milligrams of the substance. The way of using the drug - inside a single dose, you can repeat the reception no earlier than four hours later. Dosage is 10-15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per dose. Side effects - the effect on the liver can lead to cytolysis, can be an inhibition of the formation of blood cells, swelling of the larynx, lowering of the sugar level. Precautions - can not be used more than six times a day.
- If the cause of the redness of the eyes is a refined chlamydial infection, then one must use etiotropic therapy to avoid complications. Since chlamydia are intracellular parasites, the use of macrolide antibiotics in this case is a priority.
Clarithromycin is an antibacterial agent from the macrolide group. Among the known drugs has the maximum activity against chlamydia, is able to accumulate in the cell, in inflammation foci, does not lose qualities under the influence of lysosomes, that is, it acts on intracellular microorganisms, thus interrupting the persistence of the pathogen. Clarithromycin has a long half-life. The method of administration depends on the age and may be in the form of a suspension or tablets. It is prescribed for children older than 3 years and the dosage is 10 mg / kg / day on the first day, from 2 to 7-10 days - 5 mg / kg / day 1 time per day. A mandatory condition is eating two hours after a meal or an hour before it. The course of treatment is 5-7-10 days. Side effects of azithromycin - paresthesia, violations of skin sensitivity, numbness of the hands and feet, tremor, violation of the outflow of bile, as well as dyspepsia. Precautions - do not use for cholestasis or cholelithiasis.
- Allergic conditions, in which the first symptom is reddening of the eyes, it is necessary to stop at the stage of the initial manifestations. This can lead to an effective prevention of bronchospasm or skin allergic reaction.
L-the -et is an antihistamine means of systemic action, the main active substance of which is levocetirizine. The drug effectively blocks the histamine receptors and prevents the development of a clinic of an allergic condition. The dosage of the drug depends on the age. The drug in the form of a syrup and 5 milliliters of syrup contains 2.5 milligrams of the substance. The method of application for children from six months is one or two times a day. Side effects can be in the form of disorders of consciousness, double vision, photopsy, as well as a violation of urination.
Vitamins can be used in a child who often gets sick in treatment doses, and in the autumn-winter period in preventive doses. Physiotherapeutic treatment in acute period is not used.
Alternative red eye treatment in a child
Alternative therapies can be used for a child with a viral infection to speed recovery. To do this, you can use a lot of infusions and herbal teas, as well as immunomodulating agents.
- It improves immune status of the child immunomodulating agent from natural substances. To prepare this medicine, you need to take two lemons, wash them thoroughly and grind them with a blender. There you need to add two tablespoons of honey and a root of grated ginger. As a result, you need to mix everything and leave for a few days. A thick mass forms, which must be taken one tablespoon on an empty stomach. Ginger has a direct antiviral effect, so its use contributes to the ingestion of antibodies in the nasal mucosa and conjunctiva.
- To wash the nose with adenovirus infection, you can prepare a saline solution at home. To do this, you need to boil half a liter of water, cool it a bit and add half a tablespoon of sea salt. Salt can be bought in a pharmacy, it should be without any coloring or cosmetic. You can take plain salt, but it is not so purified and can cause allergies. With a warm solution, you need to instill a baby's nose with a pipette four times a day, one drop. This helps to cleanse the nasal cavity and speedy recovery.
- Kalina is an excellent remedy for rehydration in case of acute viral infection. To make tea, you need to take fifty grams of viburnum, add two tablespoons of honey and grind to gruel. After that, you need to add a glass of boiling water and drink hot. This tea should be drunk at least three times a day and always fresh.
Herbal treatment is also used because of their high effectiveness in the acute period of viral infections, but given that herbs can cause a strong allergic reaction.
- Decoction of sunflower leaves can be used for infection, especially measles, which causes an active effect on this particular virus. To do this, make infusion of a hundred grams of sunflower leaves and one liter of water, and drink twice a day for half a glass.
- The licorice root and the mother-and-stepmother's grass boil in hot water for several minutes, then the solution is cooled and diluted with boiled water in a one-to-one ratio. It is used for children, since the solution itself is very strong and can have allergic properties. This infusion is most effective in viral infections, which, in addition to lacrimation, are accompanied by a wet cough.
- Decoction of chamomile, altei and lemon juice has high antiviral activity. These herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and dilute the secretion of the nasal cavity, which quickly removes swelling from the nasal cavity and eyes and reduces their redness and swelling. For broth you need to take 30 grams of each pot and make tea. Take a glass of tea with lemon juice before drinking.
Homeopathy in the treatment of viral infections can also be used in complex therapy. If red eyes appear against the background of a viral infection of the respiratory tract, then effectively use complex antiviral agents.
- Influcid is a complex six-component preparation of plant origin. It is used to treat viral infections, and also the drug lowers the temperature and relieves the headache. Method of application of the drug in tablets. Dosage of the drug for children from one year to the tablet every two hours in an acute period. Side effects can only be in the form of allergic manifestations.
- Althea compositum is a homeopathic remedy of natural plant origin on the basis of althea with the addition of different respiratory herbs. The drug can be used for viral infections with a pronounced intoxication syndrome, especially in children with a history of allergic anamnesis. The method of using the drug is the use of a homeopathic solution in ampoules, dissolving them in pure water. Dosage - five drops per glass of water for children from two years. Side effects can be in the form of insomnia or stool disorders in the form of diarrhea.
- Arum triflyum - a homeopathic remedy of inorganic origin. This drug acts by improving the regeneration of the epithelium of the nasal mucosa and the normalization of the function of the cilia. Used in the treatment of nasopharyngitis, which is accompanied by conjunctivitis with the formation of bloody crusts. Dosage of the drug is two drops in each nasal passage in the morning. Side effects are possible in the form of local itching and burning. Precautions - do not use the drug with acute otitis.
- Signaling is an organic homeopathic preparation, which includes herbs. They are used to treat infections that are accompanied by strong mucous discharge from the nose, redness of the eyes and eyelids, and lacrimation. The way of application of the preparation is oral in the form of grains for reception or in the form of drops in the nose for the child. Dosage in case of taking drops - one drop twice a day. Preparation of a medicine should be made only by an experienced homeopath, because the dilutions can be different depending on the weight of the child. Side effects are possible in the form of increased salivation and nausea. Precautions - do not use in combination with honey.
Combine treatment methods only after consulting a doctor.
Prevention of complications is associated only with timely diagnosis of the child's condition. If the child is allergic or has bronchial asthma, it is very important to prevent seizures by avoiding contact with the allergen. Sometimes, if this is unavoidable, then it is possible to carry out prophylactic administration of antihistamines or bronchodilators.
If it is a question of measles, it is important to prevent possible consequences in the form of measles, encephalitis. To do this, you need to make a diagnosis on time and begin treatment with effective detoxification therapy.
The prognosis with adequate treatment is favorable for recovery and further normal development.
The child's red eyes are a common secondary problem, which can occur with any viral infection of the respiratory tract. This is due to a violation of the local circulation and the development of the local inflammatory process. The main element of treatment is precisely antiviral therapy, unless, of course, conjunctivitis is not of a primary nature. In any case, before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to find out the etiology of reddening of the conjunctiva.