What if the tooth of wisdom is cut?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pains the pain in the gums, they itch, and the tooth that erupts, crawls sideways and gums gum? All these symptoms can be signs of teething. What if the tooth of wisdom is cut? How can we alleviate suffering? Let's understand.
What is the wisdom tooth?
First, you need to understand what the wisdom tooth is, how many of them there are, whether they all grow up, and at what age they erupt.
The peculiarity of wisdom teeth is that they have no predecessors - milk teeth. That is, the baby has less milk teeth than the molars in the adult.
In addition, wisdom teeth usually erupt in sexually mature people. This process can begin at 18 years. Usually, by the age of 25, all the teeth of wisdom are already erupting from a person. But there are exceptions.
Usually, wisdom teeth are four. But this is optional. Some people get only one or two wisdom teeth. There are times when a person does not have any such tooth.
All these options are not a deviation from the norm. Therefore, if you still do not have a single wisdom tooth, and you are already in adulthood, you should not worry and get upset. Especially since these teeth usually erupt, causing considerable anxiety and pain.
In addition, unlike teeth that erupt in childhood, wisdom teeth can sprout for a very long time. In infants, teeth erupt in a few weeks, in older children, molar teeth erupt too quickly. But the wisdom teeth can sprout for several years. Especially if this process is complicated by various factors, which we will discuss later in this article.
Why is wisdom teeth cut so late and do they really need it? Maybe it's just so-called rudiments? If your eighth tooth grows correctly and without complications, then it can fully participate in the chewing process. In addition, he can replace the seven if it is removed or damaged. Moreover, prosthetists can use wisdom teeth to fasten bridges. Therefore, if the wisdom teeth erupt without complications, do not rush to remove them.
It is important to provide such teeth with proper care. Because the wisdom teeth are at the very edge of the tooth row, when cleaning with a toothbrush they can, so to speak, be overlooked. This can lead to a rapid deterioration of these teeth and they will have to be removed. Therefore, when brushing your teeth, you need to pay special attention to the eights and thoroughly clean and rinse them to prevent the development of caries.
Where does it hurt?
Complications of teething wisdom teeth
Let's return to the question: what to do if the wisdom tooth is erupted? As already mentioned, this phenomenon can be accompanied by severe pain or discomfort. In this case, it is worth turning to the dentist, because eruption can be accompanied by some complications.
For example, the wisdom tooth can grow in the wrong direction. It can climb perpendicular to the growth line of the remaining teeth. That is, in this case, he will either "look" inside the mouth and stab the tongue, or prick and cut the inner surface of the gum.
Or the wisdom tooth can grow under the base of the next tooth. It can also cause difficulties in erupting wisdom tooth and cause pain syndrome. It's just necessary to consult a dentist.
Another common complication in the eruption of a wisdom tooth is pericoronitis. This incomprehensible word means that the tooth did not cut through to the end and is partially covered with the mucous membrane of the gum. This state of things can cause unpleasant sensations and even lead to inflammation of the gum.
First, when biting on such a tooth, the mucous membrane is injured, which causes pain. Secondly, there is space between the tooth and the "hood" from the mucosa. There food can get there and harmful bacteria can multiply there. They cause the inflammation of this "hood" or scientific, pericoronitis.
What if the tooth of wisdom is cut and there was such a complication? You need to see a doctor. He will help the tooth to cut through to the end and cut the hood. This procedure is not very pleasant, but quite tolerable and is done quickly.
Another common problem that occurs when teething wisdom is lacking is the lack of space for them on the jaw. This causes dullness of the teeth. The dentition can be bent under the pressure of erupting wisdom teeth. This situation requires medical intervention. In some cases, the only solution is to remove the wisdom teeth and prevent their twisted growth and pressure on other teeth.
There are several more reasons for removing wisdom teeth. One of them is the growth of such a tooth on the cheek. Because of the wrong arrangement, such a tooth does not participate in the chewing process. Therefore, it is removed to avoid permanent injury to the cheek, which can lead to inflammation.
In addition, as already mentioned, the wisdom tooth or the eighth tooth can grow under the root of its neighbor, that is, the seventh tooth. In this case, he can cause caries of the seventh tooth and even complete destruction of it. To save the seventh tooth, the eighth must be removed.
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What to do with teething wisdom teeth?
But even if all of the above problems were avoided, eruption of such a tooth can be painful. So what to do if the tooth of wisdom is cut and how to alleviate the suffering and pain?
If it seems to you that you can not properly clean the wisdom tooth and gum with a brush or if the brushing causes severe pain, then it can be replaced by rinsing. For example, you can use a warm solution of soda and salt. Rinse their mouth and hold for a few seconds in the area of teething. This will help alleviate the pain and reduce inflammation by killing the harmful bacteria.
You can also use the means for babies with teething. For example, will approach a child. This is the liquid that is smeared on the gum in the area of teething. In it there is an anesthetic, which locally anesthetizes the gum. Thus, oral analgesics can be avoided.
How to alleviate the pain of teething wisdom by alternative methods?
Alternative medicine is rich in various prescriptions for anesthetizing and relieving inflammation with teething wisdom. It often uses different medicinal herbs. Here is another recipe for an alternative remedy for pain in the teeth: tincture from the root of chicory.
Prepare it this way: one spoonful of dried and chopped root is poured a glass of boiling water. Put on the fire and cook for about five minutes. When the tincture cools, it must be filtered and can be used to rinse the mouth. Do not use this tincture more than four times a day. It removes inflammation and partially anesthetizes the gums with the eruption of the wisdom tooth.
Similar tinctures can be prepared from other medicinal plants. For example, from the bark of oak, chamomile or melissa. They are prepared in a similar way and are applied the same way.
What should I avoid in an attempt to anesthetize the process of teething wisdom? First, do not heat the cheek or gum, because the pain can be caused by an infection or inflammation. Heating only aggravates the situation, because bacteria multiply faster in a warm environment.
In addition, you should not treat wisdom teeth yourself, you need to see a doctor and get timely and qualified medical care. After all, as already mentioned, the eruption of wisdom teeth can lead to serious consequences. One of them is an inflammation of the ternary nerve of the face, which can be very painful and difficult to treat.
Another alternative remedy for teething wisdom teeth is an alcohol tincture of calendula. First, calendula has a healing and calming effect. It will help to remove puffiness of the gum and ease the pain. In addition, alcohol tincture is an excellent antiseptic. It will help prevent gum disease and stop the growth of harmful bacteria.
If the pain is very severe, you will most likely have to see a doctor and cut the gum to accelerate and ease the eruption of the wisdom tooth. Especially if the pain when teething wisdom is accompanied by swollen face and high fever.
Wisdom tooth extraction
Unfortunately, the removal of the wisdom tooth is not an easy task. Firstly, the very location of such a tooth creates difficulties in extracting it. Before it is difficult to reach, pick up, especially if the tooth is growing incorrectly or poddevayut next seventh tooth.
As a rule, the removal of the wisdom tooth is a rather painful procedure. In some countries, it is produced under general anesthesia, especially if all four wisdom teeth are removed at once. Our wisdom teeth are removed under local anesthesia.
Heals the gum after removal of wisdom tooth slowly. The patient may experience pain and discomfort for a few more days. Other side effects of wisdom tooth extraction are possible. For example, prolonged numbness in the cheek or tongue. It can last several days. Sometimes a patient has to go to a doctor to get rid of this phenomenon.
It happens that wisdom teeth begin to erupt during a woman's pregnancy. Or, require treatment or even removal. What to do in this situation? If the wisdom tooth does not require immediate removal or treatment, it is worth waiting for the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second trimester, the placenta is already formed, which protects the fetus from the harmful effects of honey. Drugs or anesthesia.
Therefore, treatment or removal of wisdom teeth after sixteen weeks of pregnancy is much preferable than in the early stages. Of course, it is worth remembering that frequent use of pain medication during pregnancy is very undesirable. Therefore, the treatment or removal of wisdom teeth should be carried out for medical reasons, when the benefit of such treatment exceeds the possible harm.