Vegeto-vascular dystonia with menopause
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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VSD in menopause is very common, especially in women who are prone to changes in blood pressure and lability of the nervous system. Vegeto-vascular dystonia is a functional disease that is difficult to diagnose and treat. The emergence of IRR for the first time during menopause indicates a mild manifestation of menopause, which not only can be successfully treated, but also prevented. To know some features of the correction of menopause in the VSD, it is necessary to know the features of the pathogenesis and the causes of the development of this pathology, as well as the main clinical manifestations.
Causes of the vSD with menopause
Do not worry about the development of IRR for the first time with menopause, because in this case, this condition is also easy to treat, as it has arisen.
Climax is a physiological process of changes in the reproductive system of a woman, in which involuntary processes take place in the body. These changes occur primarily with the reproductive system, but since it is continuously associated with the normal functioning of other organs, these changes affect the whole organism. The hormonal background of the female body is very diverse and provides not only the functioning of the female genital organs, but also affects the metabolism, the muscle tone of the vessels, the blood pressure, the regulation of nervous activity. Thanks to this phenomenon, the nervous system of a woman is very labile, and any hormonal disorders contribute to a change in nervous regulation. This affects the development of the VSD during the menopause, because then the hormonal background is very labile. The climacteric period is conditionally divided:
- premenopause - the period from 45 years to the onset of menopause;
- Menopause is the period of the last menstruation, the average age is about fifty years;
- Postmenopause - the period from the last menstruation to the end of a woman's life.
All these periods are characterized by successive changes in the body and if there are no violations, then the nervous system works normally and gradually adapts to the change in the hormonal background. Therefore, the process of transition of a woman to menopause should be gradual with the change of these periods.
Premenopause is a period characterized by hormonal disorders, which are primarily of a central nature. There is an involution of the higher regulatory center - the hypothalamus, which is characterized by a gradual decrease in the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to the effect of estrogens, which violates its regulatory function by the principle of reverse regulation. As a consequence of all these processes - there is not enough concentration of hormones and their alternation for normal regulation of the nervous system. As is known, progesterone and estrogens ensure the normal conduct of a nerve impulse through the cell, and also in a broader sense they regulate the tone of the autonomic nervous system. The vegetative or autonomic nervous system is divided according to the principle of action into a sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system provides active processes in the body, which are accompanied by energy expenditure, and the parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system ensures the accumulation of energy. Such regulation occurs at the level of all internal organs and ensures their normal functioning. Normally, these two departments of the autonomic nervous system are balanced, which provides a normal level of hormones in the body. Therefore, the main cause of the development of IRR in menopause is hormonal imbalance, which naturally develops in this state. As for the pathogenesis of the development of these changes, it is very simple.
Violation of hormonal regulation in menopause leads to a violation of the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which leads to a disruption of the normal functioning of internal organs. Also, an additional pathogenetic mechanism for the development of the VSD is the central principle, which consists in disturbing the processes of inhibition and excitation in the main brain, and this also breaks the conductivity along nerve fibers and further deepens the changes. In this case, the normal functioning of the heart is disturbed because of a violation of its innervation with the development of the cardial type of the VSD. Also, the nervous regulation of vascular activity and the muscle tone of the vessels of internal organs are disturbed, which leads to a violation of blood pressure. With the climax, the extra-staggered foci of hormone synthesis are activated, as a protective mechanism, and this facilitates the release of a large number of catecholamines, which significantly exacerbate and stimulate the development of the AVR in menopause, as they significantly disrupt the hormonal regulation of vascular tone.
Thus, we can say that the causes of IRR in menopause are hormonal disorders in the female body, which naturally arise during this period.
Symptoms of the vSD with menopause
Vegeto-vascular dystonia is a functional disease, but its symptoms very often can be very serious and provoke the development of serious complications. Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia develop gradually, but also they can be sudden and under themselves they can hide other pathologies. Also, the danger of the VSD is that the development of the clinical picture is sometimes so pronounced that one can think of a serious disease on the part of an organ, and this is just a functional change. This also shows that it is necessary to urgently treat this pathology, because it disrupts the normal life of a woman.
The first signs of IRR in menopause often have a vasomotor and emotional-mental character. The woman is concerned about irritability, mood swings, depression, decreased sexual desire, fatigue. Also, vegetative manifestations often can be attacks of sweating, fever, headache and palpitations, increased fatigue, sleep disorders such as insomnia or drowsiness, impaired functioning and daily activity. Expressed a decrease in sexual desire and vasomotor manifestations. These are, as a rule, the first clinical signs of the onset of premenopause, and in the future may manifest more serious symptoms of VSD.
The main complaints of a woman with VSD in menopause are pain in the heart. Such pain occurs after excitement, a very long one, is not associated with physical exertion and does not have a clear localization. When removing the stress factor, such pain passes or disappears after taking sedatives. Given the state of menopause, such heart pains can occur abruptly and are accompanied by hot flashes to the face, palpitations or irregularities in the heart. These are the main symptoms of the cardial type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The cardiovascular system suffers also due to hyperkatecholamineemia, which is characterized by arrhythmias in the form of irregularities in the heart, paroxysmal tachycardia, which accompanies such vegetative changes.
The most common type of vegetative-vascular dystonia in menopause is the dystonic type, which is characterized by the lability of pressure. Thus there are symptoms of the lowered pressure in the form of a headache, a giddiness, a nausea. At the same time, blood pressure is reduced and it is a hypotonic type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Hypertensive type of vegetative-vascular dystonia is more common, which is explained not only by functional changes in vascular tone against the background of hormonal imbalance, but also by some organic changes. Violation of the regulation of vascular tone, which contributes to periods of spasm of peripheral vessels, increased peripheral resistance and increased blood pressure. Also, hypertension is promoted by sodium and water retention and increased circulating blood volume. This is accompanied by the appearance of symptoms of arterial hypertension in the form of bursting headaches, nausea, palpitations, dizziness, flicker flies before the eyes. All these symptoms are typical for the hypertensive type of VSD.
If the symptoms are combined and it is difficult to identify a conductive symptom of the disease, then they speak of a mixed type of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Also VSD in menopause can often be accompanied by other symptoms from other organs. This can be a violation of the nervous regulation of the act of breathing, which leads to a violation of the contraction of the diaphragm. Then there are symptoms of breathing disorders in the form of frequent breathing, a feeling of lack of air, deep breathing, which has the character of panic. That is, while there are some concerns that the patient may suffocate, which once again confirms the functional nature of such a problem.
There may be manifestations on the part of other organs in the form of disturbance of peripheral circulation due to spasm of small vessels if the regulation of their tone is disturbed, which will be accompanied by marbling of the skin of the hands and feet, as well as excessive cooling. Such symptoms are often accompanied by excessive sweating of both hands and feet.
With menopause, the symptoms of VSD can appear on the part of the gastrointestinal tract, which will be manifested by "stressful" diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, intestinal motility disorder. All this also occurs against the background of the disturbance of nervous activity and the regulation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Symptoms VSD at a climacterium can be rather various, that is connected with pathogenetic features of disturbance of nervous regulation of all organs. In this case, most often observed symptoms from the cardiovascular system, which require immediate correction, as they violate the normal life of women. Manifestations may be less significant in the form of hyperhidrosis, sweat tides, emotional instability.
There are several types of VSD in menopause, which is due to the peculiarities of the symptomatology.
- According to the cardial type.
- On the hypertonic type.
- By hypotonic type.
- By mixed type.
This classification is based on the severity of clinical symptoms. At the same time, the system that suffers most from such a violation of vegetative innervation is cardiovascular. In this case, the normal operation of not only the heart, but also the blood vessels with violation of blood pressure is disrupted.
Complications and consequences
Complications of IRR in menopause occur rarely, as this is a functional disease. But ignoring the symptoms and untimely correction of hormonal imbalance can cause serious clinical manifestations. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the condition with the determination of the level of sex hormones. Complications of directly climacteric changes in the form of pathology from the side of the cardiovascular system - coronary heart disease, pathology on the part of the bone system - osteoporosis, as well as metabolic disorders may also appear.
Diagnostics of the vSD with menopause
Climax - a special condition of the female body, which requires correction of any of its manifestations, if it brings discomfort to a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly diagnose any condition in menopause for timely treatment. It is very important to diagnose in time vegetative-vascular dystonia, because this is a functional disease that can be treated by correcting the hormonal background in menopause.
First of all, you need to start the diagnosis with a careful history. It is necessary to find out when for the first time there was a delay in menstruation, what their nature is now, how the symptomatology changed with the onset of menopause, and also to detail the patient's complaints. It is necessary to clarify the nature of the headache, the nature of pain in the heart, their appearance and connection with stress, a reaction to soothing agents. You also need to measure blood pressure and find out its fluctuations over the last period. It is also important to find out the genetic anamnesis, because vegetative-vascular dystonia has a clear connection with the genetic predisposition.
Next, it is necessary to examine a woman with a measurement of heart rate, it is desirable to do this several times to assess its change. You need to listen to the heart sounds, calculate the pulse and find out its main characteristics. You also need to count the frequency of breathing. All these studies should be carried out with the purpose of differential diagnosis, in order to exclude all possible organic pathologies.
Analyzes that are carried out in case of suspicion of AVR in menopause have a very wide spectrum. First, the level of the main female hormones in the blood is determined, what it is necessary to know for the further correction and treatment of the symptoms of menopause, in this case for the treatment of the VSD. Also conduct general tests - a blood test, a biochemical blood test with a lipidogram, a urinalysis.
Instrumental diagnostics of the IRR in menopause has a wide use for the purpose of not only diagnosis, but also differential diagnosis. In case of prevalence of symptoms of dystonia, daily monitoring of arterial pressure is carried out, which allows to detect the difference in pressure day and night, as well as its fluctuations throughout the day. An obligatory diagnostic method is electrocardiography. This method allows you to identify possible changes in the rhythm of the heart, conduction, which is important in the cardialgic version of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Also, if necessary, ultrasound of the heart is performed to exclude organic damage to the valves and myocardium.
If respiratory symptoms prevail in the clinical picture of the VSD, then it is mandatory to perform X-ray and spirography. In this case, possible changes in the pulmonary pattern are determined, and also in the case of spirography, the tidal volume and its characteristics are determined. This makes it possible to eliminate problems with lungs and bronchi of an organic nature. If the genesis of the changes is unclear, more serious methods of examination in the form of computed tomography may be needed.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of venous water in menopause should be carried out primarily with organic diseases - coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myalgia, hypertensive disease, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
If the cardiological variant of vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by symptoms that are characteristic of coronary heart disease and angina, it is necessary to clearly differentiate complaints. With VSD, pain in the heart is associated with stress, and with organic diseases, the pain in the heart is associated with physical activity, it is localized, of the same type and can irradiate. Also, with organic pathology, characteristic changes in the ECG and ultrasound of the heart will be revealed.
It is very difficult to conduct differential diagnosis of the hypertensive type of VSD and hypertension. It is also necessary to pay attention to the daily fluctuation of arterial pressure in the AVI and its connection with stress. Also, you need to conduct a thorough examination, which in hypertensive disease allows you to detect the defeat of target organs. Hypertensive disease does not have a sharp start with the onset of menopause, whereas in the VSD there is a clear connection between the onset of symptoms and the onset of menopause.
Differentiating bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with respiratory manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be very simple with the help of spirography. Spirography allows to reveal functional disturbances in case of their presence or normal values of the respiratory volume in the case of VSD.
Clear diagnostic tactics and careful differential diagnostics allow time to identify the manifestations of VSD during the menopause and differentiate this pathology from organic diseases.
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Treatment of the vSD with menopause
Given the fact that the VSD is a functional disease, then the question of treating this pathology seems very doubtful. But sometimes the severity of the symptoms is so strong that it is simply necessary to carry out the treatment, especially since in climacteric symptoms can be expressed very strongly and require correction. The peculiarity of the treatment of this pathology is that the use of non-drug products prevails in comparison with medicamental methods. They use alternative medicine, homeopathy, as well as correction of the regime of the day.
Non-pharmacological methods of treatment of the IRR in menopause are as follows:
- Correction of the regime of the day with the normalization of the period of rest and work. It is necessary to establish a regime not only for rest after each labor, but also for proper nutrition. This will help the body to properly distribute forces.
- Normalization of sleep by means of a rest - you need to go to bed at about the same time, sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, and also ventilate the room before going to bed.
- Eliminate stresses, stresses, which lead to the appearance of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is better to find yourself an occupation that will distract from such experiences - embroidering, knitting, weaving, playing sports.
- It is necessary to train the respiratory and cardiovascular system by dosed physical exercise. It is very useful to go swimming, which helps strengthen the back muscles and regulates vascular tone.
- It is important to organize the right diet with dietary elements. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods, which load internal organs and contribute to the disruption of the metabolism of essential nutrients. It is also necessary to organize frequent fractional meals in small portions, with the exception of simple carbohydrates and the predominance of vegetable protein. You need to eat at least 300 grams of fruits and vegetables a day. Also, one should not forget about the drinking regime and drink clean water at least 1.5 liters. Such dietary recommendations will unload the digestive organs and then there will be a feeling of lightness. Also, such a diet contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, which is often worrisome in menopause, and may also be one of the manifestations of the VSD.
Drug therapy for patients with menopause is mainly directed to the correction of hormonal imbalance and at the same time to the normalization of the conductivity of the nerve impulse. This is achieved by hormone replacement therapy, which is combined with preparations of magnesium, potassium, and sedatives.
The hormonal drugs that are used in the treatment of the AVR in menopause contribute to the normalization of the level of estrogens and thus the normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system, which leads to a decrease in the severity of clinical symptoms of the IRR. Use drugs that have in their composition as progesterone, and estrogens, that is biphasic.
- Logest - a drug containing estradiol and gestagen in its composition, is a highly dosed drug, due to which its prophylactic role is manifested not only in the correction of the hormonal background, but also in the prevention of oncological diseases of the female reproductive system. The drug contributes to the leveling of hormonal inconsistencies and due to this symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia decrease. Logest is available in pharmacological form capsules, contained in 21 pieces per package. The reception must start from the first day of the cycle. You can begin to receive and the fifth day of the menstrual cycle in the case of menopause in women. The course of taking the drug is one capsule per day for three weeks, then a break for seven days, then you need to resume reception. Adverse events are possible on the part of the digestive tract in the form of a stool, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, vomiting. There may also be asthenovegetative reactions, manifestations of hormonal treatment from the side of the breast in the form of engorgement of the breast, soreness, secretions, as well as an increase in the secretion of the vaginal secretion. Contraindication to the use of the drug for treatment - a problem with blood coagulability and a history of heart attack or a stroke, malignant neoplasms, liver dysfunction, pancreatic damage and diabetes.
- Magnnefar is a drug that contains magnesium and pyridoxine, which contributes to the normalization of the nerve impulse through the fibers and regulates the vascular tone. Due to this effect, the drug has sedative properties and contributes to the normalization of the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. In addition, magnesium takes part in the metabolism of cellular elements and promotes the synthesis of energy. Also, magnesium participates in the metabolism of hormones, which, with menopause, takes precedence. Pyridoxine takes part in protein and carbon metabolism and improves the absorption of magnesium in cells. The combined effect of the two substances improves neuromuscular conduction and improves the breathing pattern for respiratory manifestations of the VSD.
The drug is produced in the form of pharmacological tablets of 500 milligrams and is taken in a dose of one tablet three times a day. The course of treatment is usually seven days, then you can take a prophylactic dose. Side effects are possible in the form of allergic manifestations, as well as changes from the gastrointestinal tract. Possible manifestations of the cardiovascular system in the form of violations of the heart rate, pressure decrease. Contraindications to taking the drug are pathology of the muscular system, arterial hypotension, elevated magnesium level in the blood.
Operative treatment of the VSD in menopause is not used, because there is no special indication for such an intervention.
Along with medications, it is important to carry out physiotherapeutic treatment. Use therapeutic physical activity in the form of swimming or therapeutic gymnastics. Very good effect gives the use of magnetotherapy, laser therapy, electrophoresis with therapeutic solutions. Very useful because of its tonic effect contrast shower, which is recommended to take in the morning and you can do it even at home.
As a complex therapy recommend the use of vitamins B, C, A, better in combination in complex vitamin products.
Alternative treatment of anemia in menopause
Alternative ways to treat IRR in menopause are of high priority, as this is a functional disease that can be easily corrected by phytopreparations. Use drugs that are aimed at correcting hormonal homeostasis and simultaneously at normalizing the balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
The main alternative means that use:
- Honey, as a natural source of nutrients and trace elements, which increase local immunity and stimulate regeneration, is widely used to treat the pathology of female genital organs, including in menopause. To create a medicine from honey, you need to make a solution of three tablespoons of honey, five drops of flaxseed oil and three tablespoons of boiled water and take a teaspoon twice a day, the course - 10 days. Such a tool helps normalize the hormonal background, and also has properties to calm the nervous system.
- Honey can be combined with herbs and take medicinal decoctions. To make such a decoction, you need to take the leaves of chamomile, mint, lemon balm and wild rose berries, then pour it all over with two glasses of hot boiled water and insist in a dark place for three hours. In such a decoction you need to add a tablespoon of honey and take a tablespoon twice a day: in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening after dinner before going to bed.
- Tea from the viburnum can be taken throughout the day several times instead of liquid drinks, you can add a spoonful of honey. This tea calms the nervous system and prevents the manifestation of the AVR.
- To normalize nervous excitement, it is necessary to take infusion of herb Leonurus and hawthorn, for taste, you can also add honey.
- Cones of hops, valerian, lime, coriander, motherwort and oregano must be filled with a liter of hot water and after being infused, drink in the morning and in the evening 2 teaspoons. Such a solution calms the nervous system and improves neuromuscular conduction in the ganglia.
- Sprigs of raspberries, currants and hawthorn are boiled for ten minutes in hot water, insist, and then drink half the glass of this broth in the morning and in the evening, the course of treatment is about three weeks.
For the treatment of VSD in menopause, the methods of homeopathy are widely used. Homeopathic remedies can not only correct hormonal imbalances, but also they restore the normal state and balance of the nervous system. Possible use of such drugs:
- Dysmenorm is a combined homeopathic remedy that affects hormonal disorders during the menopause, as well as on the activities of other organs and systems, primarily on the neurovegetative system. Dysmenorm is produced in pharmacological form of tablets and is dosed one tablet three times a day twenty minutes before meals or an hour after. Side effects are not common, but there may be stool disorders, dyspepsia and allergic reactions. The drug is poorly tolerated by patients who do not digest gluten, therefore, for them, reception is limited.
- Likopodium - a combined homeopathic remedy, which has an effect on the disturbances in menopause by normalizing the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone, both ovaries and adrenals. Likopodium is produced in the pharmacological form of special homeopathic granules of ten grams, as well as in the form of a tincture in a 15 ml container. Take the granules between meals, while they need to dissolve under the tongue until completely dissolved, but not washed down with water. Dosage - one granule 4 times a day. Take with caution during pregnancy. Adverse events were not detected.
- Atarax is a preparation for oral and parenteral use, which has a pronounced effect on the nervous system and helps to normalize the tone by improving the psychophysiological state. Has a pronounced effect on the sympathetic part of the nervous system, which, in the case of an AVR with climax, can reduce hyperhidrosis, hot flashes, palpitation, and normalizes the act of breathing.
- Grandaxin is a drug that has properties as a tonic and soothing. It has a good effect on the psychosomatic manifestations of menopause, as well as on the respiratory symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in menopause.
- Sigetin - a drug that is a synthetic analogue of the natural hormone estrogen, and allows you to replenish its stock with menopause. He corrects the symptoms of the VSD precisely by normalizing the level of estrogen and improving nerve conduction, as well as normalizing the tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
- Cyclodinone is a combined homeopathic remedy that affects hormonal disorders and restores estrogen deficiency. This drug is available in the form of pharmaceutical drops and tablets. Take one tablet a day, preferably in the morning or 40 drops with the same multiplicity. Duration of treatment is about three months. Contraindication to taking the drug - acute infectious processes in the body.
- Klimaktoplan - one of the homeopathic remedies, which are analogous to phytoestrogenic substances and contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background in menopause. The drug normalizes the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular. The drug well compensates vegetative manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, attacks of hot flushes, palpitation, normalizes sleep.
The drug is used in the form of tablets, one tablet twenty minutes before meals, three times a day. The course of treatment with the drug is long - about two months. There were no side effects. Contraindications to the use of Climacoplane - this is hypersensitivity to the individual contents of the drug.
- Tonginal is a homeopathic complex medicine for the treatment of vegetative tonus disorders. It promotes normalization of arterial pressure, reduces excitation of the parasympathetic part of the nervous system, normalizes the tone of the vessels of the brain, neutralizes the effect of stress on the nervous system. The drug is released in drops and is prescribed 10 drops three times a day, can be taken unchanged or diluted with water. The course of treatment is also lengthy - about two to three months, then after the break you can repeat the reception.
Side effects of Tonginal are not revealed, if the dose is exceeded, arterial hypotension is possible, which is easily cortical. Contraindications to the use of the drug is allergic hypersensitivity.
More information of the treatment
Measures to prevent the development of VSD are simple rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Since the climax can not be avoided, it is possible to prevent the appearance of its symptoms and the manifestation of the VSD during the menopause. It is necessary to properly organize your daily routine with alternating periods of rest and work. You need to eat right with the exception of all harmful foods and the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Sleep is a necessary measure for health, its duration should be at least 8-9 hours. It is necessary to exclude stresses in life and to go in for sports even in a mode of walking.
Specific measures to prevent the development of VSD in menopause does not exist, but only non-specific methods can easily protect yourself from this unpleasant pathology.
The prognosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia with a climax for life is very favorable, since the pathology can be treated well even by non-medicamentous means. It is possible to completely eliminate the symptoms of IRR with the proper approach to the treatment of menopause.
VSD in menopause - an unpleasant pathology due to the severity of clinical manifestations and the appearance of symptoms during the period of premenopause, when all processes are expressed significantly and hormonal imbalance intensifies the clinical picture. But this pathology is well treated by non-medicament means, mainly due to changes in lifestyle. It is very important to prevent this pathology by timely and correct correction of the hormonal background in menopause. The main thing in the prevention of any disease is the right way of life, which helps to maintain health for a long time.