

Types and Symptoms of Allergies

Allergy Symptoms

In some diseases, the symptomatology is poorly manifested and for years it is not possible to mean a developing ailment. Allergy symptoms are immediate, which contributes to its early diagnosis. What can not be said about the detection of an allergen. It can take a very long time to install, especially if the allergen is not single, but combined or there is a cross-allergy.

Food allergy

Food allergy is very hard to tolerate because the allergen, entering the body, has a strong depressant effect, in practice, on all organs and systems.

Allergies to the eyelids of an adult and a child: what to treat

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Allergy to milk in children

This kind of food allergy, like milk allergy in children, is very common. Usually the disease begins with the first birth of the baby and passes to two years of his life.

Allergy to water

Not many people have heard of the fact that there is an allergy to water. It is much more common to perceive facts about an allergic reaction to sweets, pollen or medicines. However, the body can also react to water inadequately.

Cold Allergy

Allergy to cold, is perceived as a symptomatic manifestation of cold or viral diseases - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria.

Manifestation of an allergy

The manifestation of an allergy is a whole symptomatic complex, diverse and diverse, each manifestation of an allergy directly depends on its kind, on the provocation factor and on the health of the person himself.

Allergy to alcohol

An allergy to alcohol, paradoxically as it sounds, could be a salvation for many who suffer from alcohol dependence. However, among them, there are quite rare cases of an allergic reaction to substances containing alcohol.

Allergy to the body

Allergy to the body is a fairly broad concept, including a variety of diseases and other manifestations. It is impossible to answer the exact question about the methods of treating allergies, since it is first necessary to determine the source that causes the body's allergic reaction.

Allergic to the eye

Allergic to the eyes - an inflammatory process of the eyes, allergic conjunctivitis or a phenomenon that is often called red eye syndrome.


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