

Types and Symptoms of Allergies

Allergy to wine

The allergy to wine is manifested after 10-15 minutes after consuming the drink in the form of swelling, redness of the face, increased local temperature in the hands.

Allergy to penicillin

Allergy to penicillin - a fairly common problem in allergic and pediatric practice. There are allergic reactions to this antibiotic at the age of 20 to 49 years.

Allergy to mites

Allergy to house dust mites is a disease that is becoming more prevalent. An allergy to dust mites is manifested by itching, swelling and redness of the skin.

Allergies to sperm

For the first time the allergy to sperm was described in the middle of the 20th century, then there was an exceptional rarity of this pathology. But over the years the diagnosis of cases of allergy to sperm has increased.

Allergies to parrots

Allergies to parrots - a kind of household allergies, which affects mainly the urban population. It appears typical: itchy skin, runny nose, sometimes occurs in the form of anaphylactic shock.

Allergy to persimmons

Allergy to Persimmon - a type of food allergy. It occurs mainly in the winter season. Symptoms of allergy to persimmons are typical: itchy skin, hives, shortness of breath.

Hormonal allergy

Hormonal allergy is very difficult to differentiate from other allergic reactions due to the blurring of symptoms and frequent spontaneous remissions.

Allergy to diapers

Allergy to diapers, or a hyperimmune response, can occur on exposure to substances that enter the human body in a variety of ways. Irritant substances in contact with the skin cause a reaction such as allergic dermatitis.

Allergy to food

Allergy to food - the so-called food allergic reaction. To some extent, any person can not perceive a particular product and react to it either with irritable bowel syndrome or with an allergy.

Strong allergy: types and what to do?

A strong allergy is a more common name for acute allergic conditions, as the attacks of bronchial asthma caused by allergy, anaphylactic shock, stenosis-narrowing of the trachea and larynx, urticaria, Quincke's edema, acute allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis are indicated in clinical practice.


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