Transparent discharge from the urethra in men
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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For some reason, it is considered that the color and texture of excretion from the reproductive organs is the prerogative of women. And when something like this is noticed by men, immediately panic begins. There are cases when such anxiety is justified, it all depends on the quality and amount of secret secretion. But white or transparent discharge in men does not always need to be associated with some kind of pathology. There are several types of physiologically determined secretions, and there is no reason to sow panic.
Causes of the transparent discharge in men
Let's try to figure out in which situations the usual hygienic procedures are sufficient, since the discharges are physiologically conditioned, and when it is worth hurrying to see a male doctor.
Which allocations are considered normal?
In our body, there are many glands. Each gland distinguishes a secret that is characteristic only of her. The sexual glands in humans reveal their secret when sexual arousal occurs. In women, the highest degree of excitement is manifested by an increase in the volume of transparent mucus discharge, acting as a lubricant during the act of copulation, in the strong sex - by the release of a seed, which in biology is usually called sperm.
In fact, semen is a two-component composition consisting of a liquid part, which is the secret of the gonads, and spermatozoa. The latter fall into the secreted sexual glands not permanently, but only during ejaculation, which is the culmination of coitus or masturbation.
Identical secretions can be at night in men who have not experienced sexual discharge for a long time for various reasons, or in adolescent males during puberty. This involuntary ejaculation (pollutions) is also considered a variant of the norm, even if it happens 2-3 times a week.
Sometimes on the head of the penis and under the foreskin in men and boys, you can see a cluster of whitish oily ointment reminiscent of a substance with a pungent odor. This is a speca, which is the secret of the sebaceous glands, mixed with moisture and dead cells of the epithelium. In its allocation there is nothing to worry about. There is a danger when a man neglects hygienic procedures and the pegma becomes a hotbed of bacteria, causing inflammation in the area of folds of the prepuce and the glans penis (balanitis, balanoposthitis).
And, at last, transparent allocation at men which are considered normal. It is a question of the secretion of the urethral glands, which they excrete on the background of sexual arousal. This condition is called libidinal urethra, and it is considered normal, regardless of the amount of secretion secreted. The volume of secretions in turn depends on the characteristics of the male organism and the duration of sexual abstinence.
Sometimes such secretions are observed during straining, for example, during bowel evacuation. And in this, too, there is nothing dangerous.
In the urethral secretion in some cases, sperm are detected, albeit in small amounts. And yet they remain sufficiently active that in case of getting into the body of a woman a virtually transparent secret to fertilize an egg.
In addition to physiological discharge from the penis, males may have a discharge that is not characteristic of a healthy body. Moreover, it is very difficult to differentiate physiological discharges from pathological ones without special studies and studying the patient's complaints.
It is difficult to talk about any specific characteristics of secreted secret, which would indicate its pathogenicity, except perhaps pus and unpleasant odor. But the disease in men can indicate not only purulent discharge, but also mucopurulent, and even transparent mucous, not unlike urethremia.
Transparent discharge, however, like white, yellow, greenish, bloody and others, can be more liquid or more dense consistency. The volume allocated can also be different, which does not always characterize the pathology with which they are related. Most often, abundant secretions simply indicate a strong inflammation, covering a large area of the skin of the genital organ.
In some cases, secretions occur spontaneously in the morning or evening hours. They can be either permanent or periodically. Sometimes the secretion of secretion provokes the intake of alcohol. In other cases, clear discharge is noted at the end of the act of urination.
The reasons for the transparent secretions in men can be different. In other words, one can say that the same symptom can characterize different diseases. Very often, discharge from the penis is caused by inflammatory processes in the body, associated with various infectious factors (this can be pathogenic bacteria that enter the body from the outside, or a native conditionally pathogenic microflora).
Most of the discharge from the urethra is associated with sexually transmitted diseases, or as they are also called STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), which, according to statistics, occur in 80 percent of cases without the appearance of specific symptoms. Those. Discharge and other symptoms may appear already in the advanced stage of the disease.
It is necessary to understand that the causative agent of inflammatory and venereal diseases can be as one kind of pathogenic microflora, and a whole bacterial bouquet. For example, a combined infection is often observed in STDs (trichomonads and chlamydia, gonococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.). It is clear that the symptoms of the disease will change in accordance with the present infection. Accordingly, it is not necessary to talk about the specific characteristics of the secretions with each disease.
But the inflammatory pathologies of the penis are not always associated with infection (bacteria, viruses, fungi). Risk factors for such pathologies include organ trauma and surgical interventions (in this case, inflammatory discharges are considered unpleasant consequences or complications of the transferred trauma or surgery). In some cases, secretions from the genitals are associated with nervous disorders, in other cases can become cancer.
If the allocation of a man does not fit the description of the physiological, and, moreover, accompanied by a certain discomfort in the penis (burning, itching, pain, unpleasant odor), this can be considered the first signs of the onset of the disease. Yes, most often the first to appear is the allocation, but men do not always pay attention to them, if they actually do not have color. Another thing is purulent, yellow or greenish secret, which clearly can not be a variant of the norm.
Nevertheless, transparent excretions in men are not always physiological, so it is necessary to treat them with a certain degree of caution, observing any changes in their characteristics. When there are suspicious symptoms or worsening of well-being, it is necessary to visit the doctor for a consultation with a follow-up examination. And for preventive purposes, it would be superfluous to clarify how physiological the symptoms are.
So, transparent discharge from the urethra in men can be normal, providing the natural functions of the reproductive system, or associated with various diseases. So transparent discharge without a foul smell can manifest itself in men as a physiological urethremia. But a similar symptom can mark the inflammatory process inside the genitals. After all, any inflammation is accompanied by the release of exudate, and the more difficult the process, the more abundant the discharge.
This usually refers to an inflammatory pathology, such as urethritis. With inflammation of the urethra, the usual symptom is the allocation of a mucus-like transparent liquid with an admixture of pus. The composition of such secretions includes inflammatory exudates, leukocytes and mucus, actively secreted by the internal walls of the urethral canal. But inflammation can be caused by various factors. These can be infectious agents and not causes not associated with a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. The latter include: trauma, surgery, allergic reactions, mechanical irritation when leaving the urine stones and crystals. External inflammation of the skin of the penis can also become a consequence of her irritation with chemicals.
Infectious inflammation can cause bacteria present on our skin and in the body. In most cases, these are streptococci and staphylococci, but one can not underestimate the contribution to the development of inflammatory processes of Escherichia coli, protea and other pathogens. And the inflammatory process can be localized not only in the urethra, but also in the bladder, kidneys, prostate. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, localization and the degree of inflammation of the discharge from the penis (which in men is also the urethra) can be transparent or translucent with an admixture of pus.
Non-gonorrhagic urethritis may also be accompanied by other symptoms. Men may initially have very scanty transparent discharge, later they will become mucopurulent and more abundant, there will be pain in the urethra and itching. Some men also note a noticeable burning sensation in the urethra during the emptying of the bladder, when urine irritates the inflamed urethral mucosa.
If we are talking about a venereal disease called gonorrhea, caused by pathological microorganisms gonococci, then the symptoms in the form of itching and burning with this pathology will be more pronounced, and the discharge will become purulent: it will be sticky, thick, with a dirty yellow or greenish color , a nasty putrefactive odor.
Transparent stretching discharge in men can be observed with such sexually transmitted pathology as chlamydosis, the causative agents of which are chlamydia, but other types of infection can not be ruled out. Most often such a symptom, as a vitreous discharge, appears in the morning. Transparent discharge in the morning in men was called the "morning drop", they can be both viscous vitreous and watery. Sometimes contain an admixture of pus or blood (with acute inflammation).
Discharge of chlamydosis can also be accompanied by itching and burning in the urethra, back and back pain, fever to subfebrile indicators, cloudiness of the first urine.
The same clear mucus secretions in scant amounts are manifested in men urea- and mycoplasmosis (pathogens respectively ureaplasma and mycoplasma). With ureaplasmosis, the secretions are transparent and are often accompanied by pain and burning during urination. For a long time, the infection can be asymptomatic with good general health.
Mycoplasmosis is characterized by transparent and translucent secretions, as well as pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen and the region of the penis. During the act of urination, a man can experience severe burning and pain. The disease can be accompanied by an increase in regional lymph nodes, swelling of the scrotum tissues, hyperemia of the genital area. Then there is a decrease in sexual desire and problems with erection.
For syphilis, clear discharge is not characteristic. Usually, this pathology caused by pale treponema, accompanied by a copious discharge of purulent fluid whitish or yellowish color, which appears somewhere on the 20-21 day after infection, when the other symptoms of pathology are still absent.
In the chronic course of STDs, secretions are usually transparent without any impurities. But the acute stage is characterized by mucous secretions with an admixture of pus.
These pathologies are dangerous because their symptoms are not permanent. Sometimes they disappear completely and the man forgets them. But the disease remains and can lead to dangerous consequences.
Another very common pathology, sexually transmitted, is trichomoniasis. In the male population, this disease very often does not cause any symptoms. But if they appear, then first of all this burning and transparent (and sometimes white, yellow or green) discharge from the urethra in men. Transparent such discharge occurs at the very beginning of the disease, later they change color and acquire an unpleasant smell of rotten fish.
Transparent discharge with an unpleasant odor in men is characteristic of a rare in the male environment of a venereal pathology called gardnerellez. Again there is the smell of rotten fish, the cause of which is the active propagation of the causative agent - gardnerella, which, incidentally, are also representatives of the opportunistic microflora and multiply only against the backdrop of malfunctions in the immune and other systems. Additional symptoms are itching and painful urination.
An unpleasant odor in the secretions appears and with the development of inflammatory diseases in the head and foreskin of the penis. With balanitis and balanoposthitis there is an accumulation of a bacterial component in the folds of the urethra. A smell is the result of the life of bacteria.
In any case, the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the discharge always indicates an infectious nature of the pathology, i.e. Increased activity of bacteria and fungi. The latter is characterized by a sourish flavor.
There is also this type of discharge from the urethra in men, like prostatea. In most cases, this is an off-white liquid, but sometimes a clear discharge is also observed. Prostatea alone is not a pathology. And not always this symptom should be associated with any disease.
The appearance of prostate fluid (the secret of the prostate plus seminal vesicles without the absence of a bacterial component) can be observed during defecation against a background of chronic constipation, and also after urination, especially after some abstinence. In this case, it is a matter of defecatory and mikrotsionnaya prostate, which are not considered signs of the disease.
There is nothing surprising if the secret of the prostate will be allocated in a small amount after massages in the field of the body or after active physical exercises (this symptom often pursues male athletes).
In other cases, the appearance of such secretions is associated with a decrease in the tone of the prostate gland or urethra, which happens in diseases such as prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma), chronic prostatitis, impairment of innervation of the bladder, etc. And in itself, prostatria is observed in rare cases, usually accompanied by involuntary discharge of seminal fluid, and in some cases, pus.
Prostayareya can be accompanied by itching and unpleasant sensations in the urethra, and in some pathologies, more or less severe pain, rei, and burning may also appear.
Transparent excretion in excitation in men in the vast majority of cases has no pathological cause. And such symptoms as pain, itching and burning do not occur, especially if the hygiene of the penis at a height. But if such allocation is observed, when a man does not experience sexual arousal, there is already something to think about.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the transparent discharge in men
The danger of transparent secretions in men lies in the fact that they can be both normal physiological manifestations, and also testify to the development of one of the inflammatory or venereal pathologies. Determine by eye, with which we are dealing is problematic even for a specialist, not to mention ignorant people. However, in most cases, embarrassed by their problems, men wait until the last and rely more on the advice of close friends than on the opinion of the doctor.
Yes, it is not easy to talk about the problems associated with the male dignity of the representatives of the stronger sex. And the very idea of diagnosis in the presence of female medical personnel is simply unbearable for a man. But when it comes to sexual and reproductive health, all constraints and prejudices must be thrown away. It is better to make sure once that you are healthy, or to detect a disease in time, than to spend weeks and months to ensure that the pathology does not affect the sexual function.
With all their questions and problems, men can contact a urologist or a specialist in male pathology andrologue if such a doctor is available in a medical institution. After the man tells about his suspicions about the discharge from the urethra and describes the existing unusual symptoms, the doctor will begin to physically examine the patient. At the same time, he will pay most attention to the penis, prostate, perineum.
You can reassure those who consider the size of their penis insufficient, which is the reason for the complexes. The length of the penis - this is the last thing that can interest a specialist doctor, even when he will conduct an examination and palpation of the organ. The doctor is more interested in the traces of discharge on the urethra, changes in its shape, the appearance of seals and signs of the inflammatory process, the presence of rashes on the skin, indicating an allergy or venereal pathologies.
But as for the regional lymph nodes, here for the doctor will be important and size. In addition, the important parameters are the body temperature in their area, the pain of the lymph nodes or the absence of discomfort when pressing on them, mobility and the presence of ulceration.
Since a man has visited one of his doctors (urologist or andrologist), the specialist will not change his assessment of the health situation of the prostate, especially if the patient tells about the symptoms of possible inflammation. The palpation and massage of the prostate gland through the large intestine is performed. Here the man will have to suffer and not be surprised when there will be discharge from the penis, necessary for a specialist for microscopic and morphological research (for example, PRC test). It is important to know that before a prostate exam, doctors recommend refraining from going to the toilet (referring to the act of urination).
Obtained biomaterial doctor necessarily sends to a study in the laboratory. In addition, the patient is assigned other tests: a general blood test, a blood glucose test, a general and biochemical urinalysis. Analyzes should be taken in the morning after hygienic procedures, but before breakfast begins, ie. On an empty stomach.
If you suspect a cancerous process (detection of tumors, tissue dysplasia, enlargement of the lymph nodes, when they become firm, but painless), a material is taken for histological examination (biopsy).
Instrumental diagnostics of transparent secretions in men may include ultrasound examination of the bladder, kidney, prostate, computer tomogram of the pelvic organs, X-ray examination of the urinary tract (urography) with suspected pathological processes in the kidney and bladder area.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnostics involves not only revealing the difference between physiological and pathological excretions, but also the search for the cause of these secretions. Still, the same symptom may indicate a completely different pathology. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to other manifestations of diseases: changes in tissue density, homogeneity of these changes, the appearance of itching, burning, pain in the penis, as well as studying the results of laboratory studies.
For example, the prostate has not one but two parts. If they are enlarged in the same way with pronounced strains, it is a prostate adenoma, and if only one or a part of the prostate is enlarged, it is possible to suspect an oncology that is confirmed or denied by the biopsy results.
As for the results of the tests, an increase in the level of leukocytes indicates an exacerbation or acute stage of the inflammatory process. If a large percentage of eosinophils is detected in the blood, it may be the allergic nature of inflammation, but other causes of urethritis can not be ruled out . If the inflammation occurs in severe form or is a consequence of a trauma of the penis in the secretions, red blood cells can be detected. The same symptom is present for tumor pathologies, urolithiasis, inflammation of the kidneys.
Taking a smear to study is a very important procedure that requires some preparation. It is not recommended to carry out a small need for 2-3 hours before taking the material for analysis. Do not get carried away and hygienic procedures. You can spend them in the evening, and in the morning to go to see a doctor without washing the genitals.
Treatment of the transparent discharge in men
It is necessary to understand that transparent allocation in men is not a pathology, but only one of the symptoms of a possible disease. Therefore, it is not the allocation itself that needs to be treated, but the disease in all its manifestations. This is not about physiological discharge, which does not require treatment, as it corresponds to the normal state of the male body, but about a pathological symptom that requires careful study.
As we have already understood, in most cases of pathological discharge from the urethra it is an inflammatory process in it (urethritis). But the reasons for the inflammatory process in the genital can be a great many. If it is a question of non-bacterial urethritis (for example, the consequence of trauma), as evidenced by smear tests, anti-inflammatory therapy is performed and the patient is instructed about sexual behavior and care of the penis. In severe cases of traumatic urethritis, surgical treatment is prescribed.
If the inflammation was caused by a venous congestion in the back of the organ (congestive urethritis, which is often adjacent to prostatitis caused by the same cause), the patient will simply have to change his lifestyle: return to traditional sex, treat constipation, and replace physical inactivity with physical activity. In parallel, a prostate massage can be prescribed.
If the urethritis is of an allergic nature, the drugs of choice are antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.).
But in most cases, doctors still deal with urethritis, caused by a bacterial infection. And here you can not do without antibiotic therapy. Another thing is that urethritis can be caused by many kinds of pathogens, and by and large the treatment should be prescribed after the results of the analysis have been obtained for the causative agent of the disease. But most often no one waits 1,5-2 weeks until the results come. Doctors prefer antimicrobial drugs with a wide spectrum of action.
However, in this case, attention should be paid to all the symptoms of the pathology, in order to accurately pick up an effective drug. For example, if suspected streptococci, staphylococci and other opportunistic microflora, the most effective prescription is an antibiotic from a number of penicillins or cephalosporins. If these drugs are intolerant or the strains are resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics, macrolides may be prescribed, and in severe cases of purulent urethritis and fluoroquinolones.
Chlamydial infection (detected only through PRC diagnostics) is treatable with antibiotics of various groups:
- tetracyclines ("Doxycycline"),
- macrolides ("Erythromycin" "Azithromycin", "Josamycin", "
- fluoroquinolones ("Ofloxacin", "Levofloxacin").
In this case, the preference is again given to the preparations of the tetracycline series.
The same groups of drugs have previously been used for mycoplasma, but recently the number of resistant strains has increased significantly, so it is necessary to resort to the help of the latest generations of fluoroquinolones (for example, "Moxifloxacin"). Of tetracyclines, good efficacy in preparations based on doxycycline. You can also refer to a new type of antibiotics - streptogramins ("Piostaticin", "Pristinamycin"), but it is not so easy to get them in our country.
If the cause of inflammation in the urethra is ureaplasma, most likely we are talking about Ureplasma urealiticum, which is well treated with tetracyclines and macrolides (mostly prescribed "Josamycin").
For getting rid of Trichomonads, Metronidazole and Tinidazole have been used for many years. Their effectiveness has not declined over the years.
Any other infections (even those whose pathogens could not be established) are treated with tetracyclines. Other types of antibiotics are usually prescribed only when tetracyclines are ineffective.
If a person is prescribed a course of antibiotics (most often a monotherapy or a combination of two effective antimicrobial drugs), they are offered to take probiotics in parallel with them, which are capable of normalizing the microflora in the body that is disturbed by antibiotics.
Viral urethritis with antibiotics is useless, and even dangerous. To combat viruses, antiviral drugs are intended (for example, "Acyclovir", if it is a herpetic infection). But quite often the disease passes by itself, it is enough to increase the immunity, which will not allow the viruses to show excessive activity.
Both bacterial and viral infections show the use of immunostimulants, which contribute to increased immunity and give the body strength to fight the disease. In the same way, men are prescribed vitamins (most often in the form of complexes containing various vitamin supplements and useful minerals).
It is shown with urethritis and local treatment with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. In this case, drugs can be injected directly into the urethra (instillation with Miramistin, Dioxydin, Furacillin, Hydrocortisone). According to the doctor's prescription, it is possible to wash the penis with a solution of hydrocortisone, decoction of chamomile, a weak solution of manganese, a solution of furacilin. The same means can be used in the form of warm baths. With viral herpes infection, ointment "Acyclovir" is prescribed externally.
Physiotherapeutic treatment is always prescribed only for chronic pathologies. Acute infections and exacerbations of chronic inflammation with physiotherapy are not treated! Effective procedures include electrophoresis, UHF, laser and magnetotherapy. At the same time, all procedures should be carried out under the supervision of qualified medical personnel; nevertheless, it is a question of male dignity, which is very sensitive to various external influences.
Medication Therapy
It is clear that to consider in one article all drugs, the appointment of which is acceptable with urethritis, is simply impossible. Yes, and whether it is necessary. It makes sense to dwell on the medicines that doctors prescribe most often.
An effective drug of the tetracycline series, applied to various infectious agents, even those that are insensitive to other antibiotics. It is active against opportunistic microflora, chlamydia, mycoplasma, causative agents of syphilis and gonorrhea.
The preparation is issued in the form of capsules, which must be swallowed and washed with water. Doing this is recommended after eating, so you can reduce the irritant effect of the medicine it's organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
The initial dose of the drug is usually 200 mg. If it is a case of light infections, including chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis, then the daily dose is reduced by half. It can be taken at a time or divided into 2 parts and taken at intervals of 12 hours.
In therapeutic regimens, "Dixycycline" can be successfully combined with "Clindamycin" and "Gentamycin". The course of treatment in most cases does not exceed 2 weeks.
Syphilis is treated with a shock dose of 300 mg, which will take at least 1.5 weeks.
Reception of the drug may be accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as nausea (sometimes vomiting), epigastric pain, diarrhea, sweating, dizziness. Allergic reactions can be as light (in the form of itching and rashes), and severe (angioedema, anaphylaxis).
Contraindications to the use of the drug are: hypersensitivity to tetracyclines, porphyria, leukopenia, severe liver disorders. Children prescribe the drug from 9 years of age, when most of the teeth are already formed. When pregnancy is possible to use in 1 trimester, then it's better to be careful. Breastfeeding at the time of treatment with the drug is discontinued.
Among macrolides, used in urology, the drug is located in one of the places of honor. It is effectively used for eradication of various strains of chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasma, which most often cause the appearance of transparent secretion in men.
The preparation is produced in the form of usual and dispersible tablets. The first need to be swallowed and washed down with water, the latter can be used to prepare a suspension (dissolve in 2040 ml of water). Take the medicine out of food.
For men with urological problems, the drug is prescribed in a daily dosage of 1 to 3 g, depending on the pathology and its course. The daily dose is recommended to be divided into 2 or 3 doses. The course of treatment is usually not less than 5-7 days.
In the treatment of "Josamycin", the patient may experience nausea and heartburn, diarrhea. Appetite may decrease and gas formation may increase. There may also be mild allergic reactions, malfunction in the liver, the development of pseudomembrane colitis, hearing impairment. If you do not take probiotics, it is likely that the development of dysbacteriosis and activation of fungi such as Candida.
Contraindications for the drug a little It is not recommended to appoint it in severe liver pathologies and individual intolerance of the components of the drug.
Antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drug, which is actively used for trichomonas infection and gardnerellez, because it is active against the causative agents of these diseases.
It has several forms of release. With venereal pathologies, you can use tablets, suspension, gel and cream for external use, with a severe course of pathologies - solutions for infusions and intravenous injections with a subsequent transition to tablets.
Tablets with Trichomonas infection and Gardnerella should be taken at a dosage of 250 mg twice daily. The course of treatment will be exactly 10 days.
There is also an alternative scheme, according to which the drug is prescribed a course of 5 to 8 days, but a single dose in this case will be 400 mg with the same frequency of reception.
Tablets "Metronidazole" swallow without chewing. Take the medicine during or after a meal. At the same time, the instruction suggests washing them with milk.
In addition, local therapy with a gel or cream can be prescribed.
Like any antibiotic, the drug is characterized by side effects. Patients may complain of diarrhea, impaired appetite, the appearance of metallic taste in the mouth, the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pancreas. Constipation and intestinal colic, dizziness and coordination disorders, headaches and sleep disturbances are also possible. Inflammatory processes in the bladder occur infrequently, which can be accompanied by urinary incontinence, allergic reactions and pain in the joints. The level of leukocytes in the blood can decrease (leukopenia).
In what cases is the drug not prescribed? With individual intolerance of the components of the medicine, organic pathologies of the central nervous system, epilepsy, in the first trimester of pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Accuracy with doses should be observed in serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys, especially if they occur with impaired functionality of the body.
Steroid drug, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which when inflammation of the urethra and penis is used mainly in the form of external forms: ointments and solution.
Ointment can be applied to the skin of the penis not more than 4 times a day with a thin layer. A week is allowed to use no more than 60 g of ointment. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but usually it does not exceed 3 weeks.
Before applying the product, it is necessary to conduct hygienic procedures and dry the skin with a tissue.
Hydrocortisone solution in the hospital is used for urethral installations. In this case, a drug solution of about 5 ml volume is injected into the urethra by means of a syringe with a conical disposable cannula or a Tarnowski syringe. Before the procedure, it is recommended to empty the bladder. During the procedure, the patient should be relaxed and imitate the act of urination. After the introduction of the solution, the urge to urinate, on the contrary, must be restrained. At the end of manipulation, the penis head is gently squeezed by hand so that the solution does not leak.
Occasionally, a solution or ointment may cause irritation of the skin of the penis.
The drug is not used in the post-vaccination period, with intolerance of its components, skin pathologies, irritation or violation of the integrity of the skin, skin manifestations of syphilis, tumor processes on the skin. Be wary of patients with tuberculosis.
In the case of allergic nature of urethritis, as well as to reduce the symptoms of inflammation, doctors prescribe antihistamines. "Tavegil" is a vivid representative of antiallergic agents used for various pathologies. It can reduce the swelling of the tissues, remove the itching, strengthen the small vessels of the genital organ.
The drug in the form of tablets is prescribed twice a day. Single dose is equal to 1 tablet. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets.
As a solution, the drug is used for intramuscular and intravenous injections. The dose for injection is equated to 1 ampoule containing 2 ml of solution.
Treatment with the drug may be accompanied by some side effects: drowsiness, weakness, headaches, trembling in the hands, a violation of the coordination of movement. The digestive system for taking tablets can react with dyspepsia, nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, and constipation in the form of constipation. Possible changes in blood characteristics, impaired vision, bifurcation (diplopia), the appearance of noise in the ears, acute inflammation of the inner ear (labyrinthitis).
Contraindications to taking an antihistamine means pathology of the lower respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, hypersensitivity to the components of the medication. Do not use together with MAO inhibitors. Caution should be observed for men who have a urination disorder associated with prostate adenoma, obstruction of the bladder neck, stenosing the ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, if increased intraocular pressure, there are pathologies of the thyroid and cardiovascular system.
The drug several times depresses the functions of the central nervous system, which can negatively affect the concentration of attention. During treatment it is necessary to protect yourself from driving vehicles and performing works that require special attention.
On the Internet there was an advertisement of one more effective preparation, which helps with many male problems. The drug is called "Urethramol" and is available in the form of powder, packaged in sachets. As a part of the medicine there are only plant components and vitamins, which provide anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, increase the effectiveness of the immune system, improve the reproductive functions of the male body, restore sexual desire.
Take the drug, previously dissolving the contents of the package in a glass of water. For 1 reception use 1 sachet. Multiplicity of admission - 2 times a day. The course of treatment is not less than 2 weeks.
Side effects after the drug is not observed in the absence of allergy to components. Yes, and contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to a multicomponent drug, there are no.
The drug is patented and is actively offered by urologists as part of complex therapy. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, as the symptoms of pathologies go away quickly and subsequently do not return.
Alternative treatment
Transparent discharge in men, which are symptoms of the inflammatory process in the urethra, require an integrated approach to treatment, one of the components of which are alternative methods of combating diseases of the genitourinary system. Even doctors do not reject the effectiveness of alternative recipes, but advise not to get carried away by them at the expense of drug treatment, especially in case of a bacterial infection.
Let's just say, a decoction of calendula and celandine infusion possess a noticeable antibacterial effect. But whether they can replace the traditional antibiotic therapy, remains in question. Yes, they will reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, but this effect will not last long, especially if you take the drugs haphazardly. And if you still consider that the celandine is a fairly poisonous plant, then the more necessary is the recipe for cooking and taking infusion. Again, without consulting a doctor can not do.
With anti-inflammatory therapy for urethritis is a bit simpler and the effect is more reliable. Take even the infusion of roots of wheat grass. For its preparation 4 tsp. Shredded raw material is poured into a glass of non-hot water and left for half a day in a cool room. Next, the liquid part is poured into a separate bowl, and the roots are poured into a glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes, the infusion is filtered and mixed with the previously drained liquid.
Ready medicine should be drunk during the day, dividing it into 4 equal portions. Last time the infusion is taken before bedtime.
If the process of urination is accompanied by painful sensations and a burning sensation in the course of treatment, we include a decoction of lime flowers. 2 tbsp. L. Raw pour 2 glasses of hot water and boil only 10 minutes after which we cool and drink in the evening.
Many people have heard about the benefits of parsley with urethritis, but not everyone knows how to make an effective medicine out of it. But there are recipes for every taste:
- Parsley in milk. We take about 100 g of greenery, cut, put into a saucepan and pour fresh milk. Milk should barely cover the parsley. We put the dishes in the oven, heated to such an extent that the milk in it does not boil, but languished, as for a burger. When the liquid part of the milk evaporates, strain the resulting "medicine" through a sieve and drink it during the day. Single dose - 2 tablespoons, the interval between doses is not more than 2 hours.
- Parsley leaves mnem. 1 tsp green raw materials in the evening pour boiling water (2 cups). In the morning, the infusion is filtered and taken during the day with an interval of 3 hours. The dose for a single dose is 3 tablespoons.
It helps with inflammation of the urogenital organs, cranberry juice and black currant, from which you can prepare broths, compotes, and also eat fresh fragrant berries.
In addition, it is recommended to treat herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic and enveloping effect. To such grasses it is possible to carry a cornflower (leaves), a hemp (seeds), zelenuki yellow, bedstraw, a hernia naked.
Useful for inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system and medicinal fees. For example, such a composition:
- St. John's wort,
- horsetail,
- sage,
- cuff,
- wheatgrass (rhizome),
- cumin (seeds).
Good medication can be found at the pharmacy. The packaging always says how to make a vegetable medicine and how to take it right. The main thing to study the composition, so that it does not contain plants that can cause individual allergic reactions.
When transparent allocation for men is a medical problem, I want so much that its solution is as safe as possible for health, and even promotes the increase of male power. Homeopathy can help in this, because its remedies do not harm the body, because it does not harm the body. Contain very low concentrations of active substances, which does not detract from their usefulness. However, immediately you need to adjust yourself to a long course of treatment, as is customary in homeopathy, but the result of treatment will be just as persistent.
Men with inflammatory discharge from the penis in some way lucky, if this, of course, can be called luck. The fact is that homeopathy for solving their problems offers a lot of effective drugs covering all types of secretions. As for the transparent liquid and mucous secretion, several drugs can be considered in this direction:
- Petroselinum sativum. The raw material for this preparation is parsley. Assign it, if the appearance of secretions is accompanied by frequent sudden urge to urinate, and the act of sending a small need occurs against the background of pain, severe itching and burning from the area of the penis.
- Kalium bichromicum. The preparation of potassium, which is shown in viscous, adhesive transparent and translucent secretions and burning in the urethra.
- Gelsemium sempervirens. The active substance of the medicine is jasmine, which everyone knows as a fragrant flower. Nevertheless, this plant is able to help men at an early stage of urethritis, when there are insignificant transparent discharge without pus and severe pains in the area of the penis are noted.
- Colocynthis, which is also a bitter gourd, is prescribed if urine has an unpleasant sharp odor, pains are noted not only in the urethra, but also throughout the abdomen, urination frequent with a slight discharge of urine. In this case, the discharge from the penis becomes viscous and sticky.
If the cause of transparent secretions is prostatitis, cystitis and other pathologies of the genitourinary sphere in men (often pathologies accompany each other), then the treatment can be carried out with such homeopathic medicines:
- Sabal-gommakord. The medicine is released in drops, which must be taken three times a day, dissolving them in half a glass of water. Single dose - 10 drops.
- Ursitab Edas-132. The drug is from prostatitis in any form. It is produced in drops, which must be dripped on a piece of sugar and taken between meals three times a day. Single dose - 5 drops.
- Gentos. A drug prescribed for various urogenital disorders. Assign drops in a single dose of 10 drops. The medicine is diluted with a small amount of water (1-3 tablespoons) and taken three times a day. This is recommended for half an hour before meals. Allowed to take the drug one hour after eating.
- Rectal suppositories of Andro-Vit on the basis of propolis, therapeutic muds, sea buckthorn oil and other useful components. They are indicated for any inflammation in the pelvic organs, accompanied by secretions from the genitals. Often they are prescribed for prostatitis and decreased libido.
Suppositories are injected into the anus once a day at night after the evening hygiene of the body. Course of treatment -1-2 months with the possibility of recurrence.
Advantages of homeopathic treatment can be considered the lack of contraindications in drugs, except for hypersensitivity to their components, and side effects (rarely allergic reactions are again against a background of hypersensitivity, especially when treated with bee products). Regarding rectal suppositories, one does not have to worry about even the irritating effect of any medicine on the digestive tract.
In cases of urinary tract infections, homeopathic treatment should be carried out in parallel with antibiotic therapy. This is the only way to achieve quick and lasting results.
Complications and consequences
Physiological clear and whitish discharge in men, which can be observed in the penis area against the background of sexual arousal, when straining during defecation or at the end of the act of urination, without accompanying discomfort and pain are not capable of harming the male body. But pathological discharge can conceal a danger not only for the man himself, but also for his sexual partners, regardless of gender.
Infection-inflammatory process in any part of the human body carries the danger of generalized infection. Even if in the beginning of the disease, bacteria and viruses are localized outside the genital organ, there are no guarantees that if the protective forces of the organism are weakened and the hygiene measures are insufficient, the pathogenic microflora will not penetrate deep into the body. Not to mention the activation of the opportunistic microflora, which is already there.
Since the sexual organ of a man is simultaneously the urethra, it is not surprising that the same balanitis or balanoposthitis can be further complicated by such infectious and inflammatory pathologies as prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), cystitis and pyelonephritis (inflammatory process in the bladder and kidneys if taken in their infections from the urethral canal), etc.
The same applies to sexually transmitted diseases. Any bacteria can cause an inflammatory process in the body. If this process covers the genitals, then first of all the reproductive function suffers. First, there is a decrease in sexual desire and sexual arousal, then we are talking about a weakening of the erection until it disappears (impotence), and then infertility, problems with urination, mental disorders on the background of awareness of its failure as a man.
But the presence of trichomonads, gonococci, urea- and mycoplasma, gardnerellae, chlamydia and other bacterial factors in the organism of the strong sex sexually transmitted sexual transmission is dangerous for the sexual partner of a particular man. Women equally with men are ill with STDs and complications of these illnesses are no less sad for them, since they often threaten the impossibility of conceiving a child.
The need for early consultation with a doctor is primarily due to the fact that a man can be contagious without knowing it himself. In the incubation period and during remission of symptoms, STDs usually do not exist, which means that you can consider yourself healthy, which is not always true.
You can get infected with a venereal disease even from a bacterium carrier whose organism does not allow the disease to actively develop, but does not make a person safe for others. And this again speaks not in favor of promiscuous connections, frequent changes of partners, and in general single changes. After all, even a one-time sexual contact with a sick partner or carriers of an infection can turn a further life into hell.
As usual, preventing a disease is much easier than curing it. And there is more that the prevention of pathologies of the genitourinary system does not present to the man impracticable or excessively complex requirements. There are not many of them:
- Any infectious diseases (not necessarily related to the genitourinary system) need to be treated in a timely manner, guided not by their knowledge, but by the experience of a professional doctor. Inadequate treatment or lack of it threatens to generalize the process, and then even banal angina can cause inflammation in any part of the body, including the urinary system.
- At occurrence of any regular vydeleny, including transparent without a smell, it is necessary to consult with the doctor concerning from safety for health of the man. And even more so if there were other symptoms that indicate a developing inflammatory process in one of the organs of the genitourinary system.
- Limitation of sexual relations with untested partners. It is better to have one permanent sexual partner, the confidence of which is beyond doubt.
- In all cases of doubtful sexual relations, the use of male contraception in the form of a condom is mandatory. The popular saying: "having sex in a condom is like sniffing a flower in a gas mask" is not so important today, given the choice of contraceptives that industry offers us. Yes, and forget that not only infections are transmitted through the sexual way, but deadly and not yet curable pathologies, such as AIDS, are not worth it. A minute of pleasure without a condom can be too expensive.
- Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene should enter into the habit of men, only this way it is possible to prevent the multiplication of infectious agents in the genital area and perineum, where they tend to take root.
- Council to abandon bad habits helps men and women in all situations, because alcohol and smoking, and overeating, not to mention narcotic drugs, can weaken our body. It becomes more prone to the influence of negative environmental factors, including pathogenic microflora, which is often the cause of inflammation in the genitourinary sphere.
- But bad habits are not the only factor contributing to the deterioration of the immune system. Therefore, it always makes sense to work on strengthening immunity and make your body more resistant to disease. It's not as difficult as it seems.
Strengthening the body contribute:
- full-fledged food, which has nothing to do with fast food, convenience foods and sweet soda,
- the use of products containing a sufficient number of useful vitamins and trace elements,
- moderate physical activity, allowing to keep the body in normal, but not causing fatigue,
- hardening procedures, including a contrast shower, swimming in natural water and swimming pools, morning jogging, walking in the fresh air.
But with all this you need to remember the danger of too low and excessively high temperatures. The latter negatively affect the reproductive function of a man, since they contribute to the overheating of the testicles. But hypothermia leads to weakening of its protective functions, as a result of which activity of opportunistic microflora is activated, inflammation of the urogenital organs develops and transparent excretions appear in men, which cause justified anxiety.
Transparent discharge in men - a symptom is rather doubtful, because you never know what cause it can be caused. If the discharge occurs occasionally, there is no particular reason for concern. But if this is observed regularly, moreover, and is accompanied by other suspicious symptoms, treatment should be one of the first items in the plans for the future.
The fact is that urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, venereal pathologies and other disorders in the work of the genitourinary system, in which there are discharges from the urethra, are treated fairly effectively in the initial stage of the disease, and the recovery prognosis is overwhelmingly favorable. But it's worthwhile to start the disease, let it go to a chronic form or give complications, and its treatment will have to be dealt with virtually all of life. In this case, treatment will be costly and not always effective in the sense that it is not always possible to avoid complications that affect the sexual life of men.