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Tetraborate sodium for thrush in women and children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Among the diseases of the female sexual sphere, the thrush holds one of the leading places, because banal lowering of immunity or violation of the microflora of the vagina can lead to active reproduction of yeast fungi that cause this pathology. Children and men suffer from candidiasis (and this is what is called thrush in medical circles) less often, which is still not an excuse to ignore the disease, because today scientists have sufficient knowledge of this pathology and have developed many drugs that can help reduce the activity of pathogens . The borax in glycerin is one of the budget funds used for candidiasis of genital organs, skin, and oral cavity. Tetraborate sodium with thrush allows you to slow down the process of reproduction of fungi, because, despite the fact that the disease does not pose a danger to human life, it has quite unpleasant, you can even say painful symptoms that significantly reduce the quality of life.
A little about the disease itself
Thrush is a disease caused by a conditionally pathogenic microflora. It would seem that so much has been said about it, but the topic does not lose its relevance. And all because the treatment of thrush is very difficult, despite the wide variety of drugs developed to combat fungi of the genus Candida.
The fact is that these fungi can be directly called opportunists. Their ability to hide from the killer effect of antifungal agents and survive in the most inappropriate conditions is simply amazing. Medicines are able to reduce the activity of these fungi and their ability to reproduce, but to destroy completely the entire family, settled on the skin or mucous is not able to. Approximately this is the case with sodium thrush and sodium tetraborate.
Being representatives of the conditionally pathogenic microflora, they are always present on our body, but they begin to multiply actively only under certain conditions. Most often this occurs against the background of a decrease in the protective functions of the body. A rather popular reason for the development of candidiasis is called dysbacteriosis, which in turn can develop as a negative consequence of antibiotic therapy, and in women this result can result in excessive hygiene (intimate hygiene with antibacterial detergents, frequent douching, etc.).
The development of fungal microflora is promoted by hormonal disorders that affect the state of local and general immunity. It is also possible to include pregnancy, hormonal reorganization at which becomes the main reason for the prevalence of thrush among expectant mothers. Fungi are very fond of warm and wet secluded places (for this reason the disease is most often diagnosed in women whose genital organs meet all these requirements), so that the propagation of pathogens always waiting for their hour on the human body can be banal wearing synthetic underwear and regular Use daily gaskets that create a greenhouse effect. Promotes this and the abuse of thermal procedures (baths, saunas, where often the disease is transmitted).
Provoke the activation of fungal flora and metabolic disorders, in particular diabetes mellitus. Increased blood glucose is not the only violation in diabetics. In this disease, the normal acidic environment of the vagina in women changes the pH values towards alkalization. Namely, the alkaline medium is considered more suitable for the active life of fungi.
In this regard, you can talk for a long time about the need to observe the hygiene of the genitals, but without fanaticism and the use of unsuitable intimate caring and cleansing agents, contraception, which prevents the transmission of infection about a partner to a partner, the danger of regular intake of oral contraceptives, imbalance in hormones . And the most important thing about the benefits of linen from natural tissues and the maintenance of immunity. But all this does not solve the problem of candidiasis in those whose body has already experienced all the symptoms of the disease, although it can help reduce the frequency of recurrence of the disease.
How can a fungal infection manifest itself? With vaginal candidiasis, which can be diagnosed in women and girls, the main symptom is painful itching in the genital area. Since fungi (or rather the products of their life) have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, it shows redness and swelling, which indicates an inflammatory reaction. When urinating and during intercourse, inflamed tissues can burn and ache. From the genital organs begins to be made cheesy with an unpleasantly acidic odor.
Symptoms of candidiasis of the genital organs in men are less pronounced and the disease is most often diagnosed by whitish plaque in the area of the foreskin resembling cottage cheese.
In children, thrush such localization is rare, but candidiasis of the oral cavity and skin can appear already from birth. Usually, babies get the disease while they are passing through the birth route, if the mother is sick with milkmaids, and the unformed immune system of the baby is not able to stop the growth of the pathogens that have got into the body.
Curing thrush, especially in the genital area in women, it is not easy, because fungi can temporarily hide, creating the illusion of recovery, and in any suitable case, to remind myself again. To effectively treat thrush, you need to work on pathogens, both from the inside and outside. Therapy with drugs for external use makes it possible to influence fungi directly in the locus of their localization, which in this case is even more urgent than systemic treatment. Although, if the fungus from the oral cavity penetrate the digestive system and descend to the intestines, causing its irritation, without the oral preparations is clearly not enough.
Indications Sodium tetraborate with thrush
"Tetraborate sodium" is a drug known as a good antiseptic. In other words, it is an antimicrobial agent for topical application that can treat the skin and mucous membranes for various injuries. Antibacterial properties of the drug due to boric acid, and glycerin, known for its softening and protective effects, protects the skin from irritation. In pure form, apply boric acid in powder or borax to the skin undesirable, so they are bred with alcohol, water or glycerin.
The borax in glycerin is considered to be a more sparing agent than boric acid, so when thrush, when the delicate tissue of mucous membranes is damaged, sodium tetraborate is used more often. Moistened with a cotton swab or a slice of a bandage lubricate the mucous membranes of the mouth with candidiasis of the oral cavity, as well as the genital organ of a man with thrush of genital organs. Women with a solution of borax moisten cotton or gauze swabs, which are intended for rubbing the skin of the external genitalia, as written in the instructions, and also inject the solution into the vagina by douching. The coleitis is treated identically in the same way.
With candidiasis of the skin, the drug rubs any affected areas.
But candidiasis is not the only indication for the use of antiseptic. Tetraborate sodium can be used to treat the skin of newborns with diaper rash and sweat. Often in children in the mouth (less often in adults) single or multiple sores are detected, which is a characteristic sign of stomatitis. The borax in glycerin and here will help the rapid healing of lesions on the mucosa.
Recalling diaper rash, it can be said that similar injuries on the skin can appear in adults in the area of skin folds and skin contact areas of different organs. They can also be treated with the antiseptic described.
The borax in glycerin is used to treat decubitus in bedridden patients, because such lesions on the skin can become a breeding ground for various infections.
With stomatitis and infections of the throat with a solution of borax in glycerol, you can lubricate the inflamed areas or use a rinse aid. Thus, the spread of the infection can be prevented, but it is important not to swallow a medicine intended for external use only.
Release form
But today we will talk about the local treatment of candidiasis and the use of an inexpensive but effective method called "sodium tetramerate". In people this drug is often called "borax in glycerin", which is explained by the composition of the drug.
On pharmacy shelves this medicine can be found in the form of a 20% solution of borax. The sodium salt of boric acid (which is the drill used in medicine, industry, everyday life) is dissolved in glycerol in a ratio of 1: 5. The resulting composition is packed in glass dark vials in a volume of 30 g.
This is the most popular form of drug release. In this form, the drug goes on sale. However, it is not always possible to find it in pharmacies, but on order, pharmacists can quickly prepare the necessary solution (this can be 5, 10 or 20%), because the procedure is not very difficult.
And since the manufacture of the medicine seems to be simple, and whose components are readily available on the market, it is quite fair to ask how to make sodium tetraborate at home. To do this, you first need to buy a bottle of glycerine in the pharmacy, and you can find the borax in manufactured and construction stores. It is possible to find a salt of boric acid in a small package will not be possible (most often it is packed in 0.5 kg). Be upset in this case is not worth it. The packing price is low, but there are a lot of possibilities for using borax, for example, the prepared glycerin composition can be used for cleaning ovens and plates, and also for making a popular toy called "lisun."
Prepare sodium tetraborate in this way: in a clean glass we fill 1 spoonful of borax and fill it with 5 tablespoons of glycerin, obtaining a 20% solution. Stir the composition thoroughly until the borax is completely dissolved, which is sold as a crystalline powder. In addition, it is better to filter the resulting solution through 2-3 layers of gauze.
Many people confuse the main component of the drug with borax with boric acid, although these are somewhat different mineral compounds. Boric acid is also an antiseptic and is used in the treatment of thrush. But doctors prefer a still solution of borax, which is considered less toxic.
On the Internet, you can find recipes for borax from boric acid, soda and salt crystals, but it is unlikely that the resulting composition will have the same properties as that produced in industrial conditions (where boric acid and sodium hydroxide are used, which are mixed under certain conditions). To clean the tile, this composition may be suitable, but we are talking about medical procedures when the health of a person is at stake. So it's better to buy a ready-made chemist's drug or even a real borax.
As you can see, "Tetraborat sodium" has a fairly wide application in medicine, and given the low price (it fluctuates within 15-20 hryvnia), the drug can be called a fairly profitable acquisition. The medicine is used to treat candidiasis in women, men and children, colpitis, stomatitis, infections of the throat, irritations on the skin, and all due to its properties to restrain the reproduction of bacterial and fungal microflora and prevent re-infection.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug has its differences depending on the causative agent of the disease. "Tetraborate sodium" is considered a good antiseptic, showing a pronounced bacteriostatic effect against microbes (inhibits the process of dividing the bacterial cell), but with thrush it affects the fungus somewhat differently. The drug does not give the fungus a good attachment to the skin or mucous membrane, so that pathogens can be easily removed from the affected area. This prevents fungi from actively multiplying and reduces their number, which provides a therapeutic effect.
With the acute form of candidiasis, the treatment of the skin and mucous membranes with brown in glycerin allows you to cope with the disease more quickly, and when the thrush turns into a chronic form it makes it possible to achieve remission and to stop unpleasant symptoms.
It should be understood that the borax in glycerin, despite its activity against fungi of the genus Candida, is not a full-fledged antifungal drug. She does not have fungicidal and fungistatic effects. That is, the drug can not destroy fungi, inhibit their growth and reproduction. But as an antiseptic, it is able to significantly reduce the number of active pathogens in the affected area.
With mild forms of thrush, the effect of the drug can be considered sufficient. But the treatment of severe forms of vaginal candidiasis requires an additional use of antifungal agents. In this case, "Tetraborat sodium" will enhance their effect.
Speaking about the pharmacokinetics of the drug, it should be mentioned that when applied to the skin, the absorption of the solution is insignificant, unless they are damaged. If you accidentally swallow and get the drug into the digestive tract, it is absorbed into the blood more actively and faster. When the concentration of 40 mg of the preparation is reached per liter of blood, strong intoxication begins, and an increase in the dose by another 10 mg / l can lead to the death of the patient. A dose of 10-20 grams of sodium tetraborate is considered to be a life threatening adult.
Removal of the drug from the body for a long time (about 7 days). In this process, kidneys and intestines are actively involved. Bura can accumulate and persist for a long time in the tissues of the liver and bones, having a negative impact on them.
Boric acid, the salt of which is borax, is known for its toxic effect. Therefore, prolonged use of the drug, especially in areas of the body with damage to the skin, can lead to intoxication and malfunction in the work of different organs.
Dosing and administration
Since the fungal infection of its habitat and reproduction can choose different warm places with high humidity: the genitals, the mouth, skin folds, the way of using the drug will be slightly different. When candidiasis genitals also have to take into account the difference in the structure of the genitals of a woman and a man.
Tetraborate sodium for thrush in women, localized in the genital area and the vagina is used to lubricate the mucosa and syringing. Less common practice is the introduction of tampons, after all, the medicine is considered quite toxic and not everyone decides to leave a tampon in the vagina for a long time.
A great role should be given to preparing for the procedures of applying borax on the mucous membranes. To begin with, clean the external genitals with clean water and soap (it's better to use baby soaps without extra fragrances), then do a preliminary syringing of the vagina using infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, sage. Some of the fungi will leave the body after this procedure.
Next, choose one of the procedures with the use of borax in glycerin: lubrication, syringing or insertion of a tampon. To lubricate the genitals on the finger, you need to wrap the bandage and dab it into the borax solution. Now diligently lubricate the external genitalia and how deeply can we penetrate into the vagina. To wash out a solution it is not necessary.
For syringing, the borax solution is collected into a prepared syringe and injected into the vagina, leaving it there for about 10 minutes. To perform the procedure, lie on your back, lift your knees bent at the knees, insert "Tetraborate sodium" with douche inward and lie down, without lowering your legs a few more minutes.
For tamponing, you can use ready-made shop tampons, but it's best to make them yourself from cotton wool and bandage (or use a bandage twisted several times), leaving a tail for which the tampon can be removed. Ready tampon impregnated with borax solution in glycerin and injected deep into the vagina. You do not need to keep a tampon for a long time. It is enough 20-30 minutes, during which it is better to lie down peacefully.
Treatment of an acute form of candidiasis or exacerbation of a chronic infection is carried out within a week. The number of procedures per day is discussed with the doctor, but usually a gynecologist appoints 1 to 3 procedures a day, depending on the severity of the disease.
"Tetraborate sodium" for thrush in men is much easier to use, although the comfort in this case can not be said. Usually a piece of bandage, folded in half or three times, is moistened with borax solution and wound on the penis for half an hour. Additionally, you can 2-3 times a day just wipe the penis soaked in a bandage.
Since the candidiasis of the penis in men is usually easier than thrush in the vagina in women (namely, women in most cases become a source of infection), then performing such procedures for 7 days is enough to eliminate signs of the disease. But even if the unpleasant symptoms of itching and irritation have disappeared earlier, treatment should be carried out to the end (this applies to both men and women) in order to avoid relapse of the disease in the near future.
Such a disease, as a candidiasis of the oral cavity, in adults is rare. But inadequate hand hygiene during eating, habit of gnawing nails and eating unwashed vegetables and fruits against a background of reduced immunity can lead to the development of candidal stomatitis. As a treatment for pathology, mouth rinsing and / or smearing with a borax solution in glycerol can be used. In the first case, use 1 tbsp. "Tetrabodium sodium" for 1 glass of water and rinse the mouth as usual with stomatitis, trying not to swallow the medicine, in the second - impregnated with an undiluted composition of a piece of bandage or use a cotton swab, carefully treating them with mucous lips and cheeks, gums, tongue.
Candidiasis of the oral cavity is considered a child's disease, characteristic of infants. But if the baby is on natural feeding, the lactating mother is also at risk, because the fungi from the mouth of the baby can migrate to the nipples of the mammary glands that the woman during this period tries to keep warm, which makes it possible for the infection to multiply. With the nipple of the nipples, the main symptoms are itching, hypersensitivity and soreness in this area, which make the feeding of the baby a torture for his mother, but can be used to treat the pathology of sodium tetramerate only in the event of refusal to continue breastfeeding (for the period of drug use).
If the mother does not want to deprive the baby of food that supports his health and immunity, she will have to look for other, safer methods of treating thrush on the nipples than a fairly toxic drill. After all, even washing the breast before feeding can not remove the substance that has ingested deep into the tissues and possibly into breast milk. Nevertheless, our mothers and grandmothers often solved this problem with the help of borax or boric acid, but this did not stop us from growing healthy. So the damage to the treatment of nipple brown is still in doubt.
For the treatment of adult patients, a popular 20% solution of borax in glycerin is used, but it is better to take a 5 or 10% formulation for the treatment of nipples, which is used to treat oral candidiasis in children.
"Tetraborate sodium" for thrush in children, especially newborns, should be used with extreme caution. Concentrated solution can cause severe intoxication and convulsions in the baby, so a drug with a lower concentration is preferred. But in this case, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
Rinse the mouth with a solution of "sodium tetramerate" and water (1 tablespoon 10 or 20% solution per glass) can only be done by older children who know how to do the procedure correctly without swallowing the composition. Babies up to 2-3 years old enough to treat the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue with a finger with a wrapped bandage, previously saturated with a 10% solution of "sodium tetramerate". Rinse and lubricate the mucous membranes of the mouth in a child 1-2 times a day for 3 days, but no more.
If you can not find the drug in the drug store the right concentration, you can take a normal 20% solution and dilute it with water in equal proportions. To obtain a 5% water content, we take 2 times as much.
Use Sodium tetraborate with thrush during pregnancy
As you can see, the borax in glycerin, despite all its useful properties, is far from being the safest drug. That is why discussions about the possibility and feasibility of treating thrush and other diseases through this medication go to this day. At the same time, one group of specialists is of the opinion that with proper use, the remedy can only benefit, facilitating the treatment of such a tenacious illness. Another group claims that the best way is to refuse the use of sodium tetraborate in thrush due to the high toxicity of boric acid preparations.
Adhering to the position of the first group of physicians, one must understand that the effect of the drug on people at different periods of life can differ. The most dangerous is the toxic effect on the body of an unborn child in the embryonic period. After all, we are not even talking about work, but about the formation of organs and systems. And any negative impact during this period can lead to various developmental defects.
It is clear that the embryo itself will not use the drug, which means that it is about his mother. Applying a drill to treat vaginal candidiasis, one can expect that the active substance will penetrate the embryo through the placenta, exerting its toxic effects and disrupting its development.
The official instruction says that the use of the drug "sodium terorabate" during pregnancy is contraindicated. Nevertheless, many doctors consider a medicine that belongs to the category of low-risk substances (class 4 toxicity), the least of the troubles compared with antifungal agents prescribed for candidiasis. It is believed that these drugs can have an even more dangerous effect on the embryo and the body of a pregnant woman, and the refusal of treatment in general threatens to infect the child during childbirth.
I must say that in pregnant women the choice of drugs in connection with any disease is small. In addition, the effectiveness of the drugs allowed in most cases leaves much to be desired. In this situation, future mothers do not envy, because they have to choose the medicine at their own peril and risk.
Although, perhaps, the danger of borax in glycerin is somewhat exaggerated. The substance is in fact considered to be of low toxicity. In the absence of effective antifungal agents during the Soviet Union, it was actively used to treat thrush in pregnant women and to treat nipples in nursing mothers. But this did not lead to the general development of violations in the body of newborns, and if there were such, their connection with the preparations of boric acid remained unproven, because there are a lot of factors affecting the development of the embryo.
It is difficult to say what the ban on boric acid preparations abroad is actually caused by: concern for ordinary people or commercial interest (the cost of antifungal and many antibacterial agents is much higher than boric alcohol or borax in glycerin). Our country still does not support this ban, and "Tetraborate sodium" gynecologists and now are often prescribed for thrush in pregnant and lactating mothers.
After reading the instructions to the drug, you can understand that pregnancy, regardless of the term, is not the only contraindication to its use. Like any other drug, the borax in glycerin can not be used if a history of the patient has a reference to hypersensitivity reactions that occur when using boric acid or glycerin.
Since the penetration of boric acid into the blood during local administration of the drug is mainly associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane, the drug should not be applied to areas where there are wounds, ulcers, scratches, microcracks, burns.
Nevertheless, this is not an obstacle to the appointment of borax in stomatitis, a characteristic symptom of which is the appearance on the oral mucosa and the tongue of painful sores. Yes, and note the microcracks on the skin or inflamed mucous not so easy, although no special studies in this regard prescribing the drug the doctor does not conduct. But for large wounds the drug is not exactly used.
Salts of boric acid, penetrating into the body are able to accumulate in liver tissues, so people with pathologies of this organ should beware of treatment with drugs based on them.
In the treatment of women, there is a period when the procedure becomes impossible - these are the days of menstrual bleeding. It is better to have a course of treatment in the interval between monthly so that it does not stop.
"Tetraborate sodium" can be prescribed even by pediatricians for the treatment of candidiasis of the oral cavity and stomatitis in children. In this case, the instruction is recommended to observe special care, not forgetting the toxic effect of the drug on the baby's body, some important systems of which even after birth are in the stage of formation. Treatment of small children is better conducted under the supervision of medical staff, and for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis in girls choose safer means.
Side effects Sodium tetraborate with thrush
The borax in the preparation "Tetraborate sodium" is dissolved in glycerol. This component has a protective effect, therefore it prevents irritation of the skin or mucous membranes during external application of the drug. However, the body of some patients may be more sensitive to the active ingredient, which increases the risk of allergic reactions.
Since the drug is applied to the skin and mucous membranes, and not taken internally, allergic reactions are manifested locally in the form of rashes, itching, swelling and redness of the skin and mucous membranes, some of their soreness as a result of irritation.
The use of borax in glycerin to treat small children can provoke a convulsive syndrome in them. This again means that the drug should be treated in the presence of a doctor.
During the treatment procedure, when applying the drug to the skin and mucous membranes, some part of the medicine can get into the blood. If the course of treatment is small, it is unlikely that this can cause serious intoxication, but with prolonged use and even more so if the medicine is swallowed, which is possible, if brown treat the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue, unpleasant general symptoms that require a doctor may appear:
- the appearance of nausea and vomiting, not associated with eating,
- hyperhidrosis (increased sweat secretion even at rest);
- suddenly appeared and regularly recurring dizziness and headaches,
- strong weakness,
- twitching of the muscles of the face and limbs, convulsive syndrome,
- allergic reactions,
- disorders of the menstrual cycle,
- malfunctions in the heart (increased heart rate), liver, kidney.
If there was a penetration of the drug into the gastrointestinal tract (with unintentional or targeted ingestion of the solution), epigastric pains occur, severe diarrhea, which along with hyperhidrosis and vomiting leads to dehydration (dehydration) of the body, signs of anemia appear. In severe cases, heart failure occurs, a person loses consciousness, at high doses, a toxic shock may occur.
All these symptoms are characteristic of a condition called "overdose". Moreover, they are considered dangerous for the life and health of a human being, and therefore require the provision of emergency care. So, if the solution is swallowed, immediate stomach lavage is required by any possible means and the use of a large amount of water, which accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body.
In a hospital, a diuresis can be assigned to the victim. This is a complex of procedures, the purpose of which is to increase the production of urine (namely, with it poisonous substances will be excreted faster) and acceleration of its excretion from the body. Introduction to the body of the liquid can be carried out either by a peroral route or by means of a dropper. Diuretics also stimulate the removal of it from the body along with toxins.
With severe poisoning and ingestion of boric acid salts in the blood, hemodialysis (blood purification) will be effective. In addition, symptomatic therapy is performed:
- intramuscular introduction of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which takes an active part in metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs, increases the resistance of the body to diseases and negative factors (10 mg per day),
- intravenous administration of water-salt solutions and other drugs that reduce the effects of dehydration,
- subcutaneous administration of solutions of atropine, promedol, platifillin if severe pains in the abdomen are present (alternatively, a mixture of glucose and novocaine is administered via a dropper),
- the appointment of drugs that support the work of the heart, kidneys, liver.
During the entire period of overdose treatment, doctors conduct necessary laboratory tests and monitor the operation of the cardiovascular system.
Special instructions
In the instructions to pharmacies, there is always such a point as drug interaction, because chemical and natural substances are able to enter into reactions, the consequences of which can enhance or reduce the therapeutic effect, increase or decrease the toxicity of the combined drugs, and some drugs are strictly prohibited together. This must be taken into account regardless of whether the drug was purchased in a pharmacy or prepared in-house at home.
Interaction with other drugs "Tetraborate sodium", used with thrush, may increase the risk of toxic effects on the body of the drill itself or used simultaneously with her medicine. It is not necessary to apply antifungal agents, boric acid, phenol-based preparations, which are toxic by themselves, to the sites affected by the disease. For the period of treatment, brown will have to give up and use of local hormonal means.
The application of several external agents simultaneously becomes a risk factor for allergic reactions, therefore it is advisable to adhere to local monotherapy or to observe a large interval between application of different drugs.
The drug is not designed to treat the eye mucosa, so if by chance the solution still gets into the eyes, it should be dabbed with a soft sterile cloth and rinsed well with warm water.
Achieving maximum effect, you do not need to abuse brown in gicerin, applying it to large areas of the body or using more than 3 times a day. Such treatment can provoke the appearance of signs of intoxication.
Shelf life
For treatment to be effective and as safe as possible, pay attention to the expiration date of the medication. In "Tetrabodium sodium" it is equal to two years. The composition prepared at home can also be stored for a long time, but it is better to use it for half a year.
Fungal infection, like bacterial infection, is quite contagious, and in order to achieve a positive effect of treatment, regular hygiene of the genitals, daily change of underwear (in severe cases, it will have to be changed after each procedure), refusal to use daily pads and sexual contact. If one of the partners has a thrush, it is worth treating both, with the difference that men often only need local topical antiseptics and antifungal drugs, while thrush in women often requires an integrated approach to treatment.
Hygiene of the genitals is still half the battle. Clean should be also the hands, which will carry out medical procedures. And after manipulation, the hands will have to be thoroughly washed repeatedly using a household or antibacterial soap. And it's not even that there are particles of toxic medicine on the hands and fingers, but that there may still be active fungi there.
Not observing the hygiene measures, getting rid of the fungus will be very difficult, because even one accidentally introduced into the oral cavity or vagina microorganism under suitable conditions is able to give numerous offspring. And how many can boast of excellent immunity?
Thrush is a disease that has plagued humanity for decades. It is not surprising that scientists and fans of folk methods of treatment during this time have developed a variety of drugs and recipes that can fight fungal infection. But in connection with the high adaptive abilities of the fungi of the genus Candida, even special preparations do not always give the desired effect. The patient often has to try a variety of means and methods of treatment before he finds exactly what will help him specifically.
"Tetraborate sodium" is actively used for thrush due to the high antifungal activity of boric acid and its compounds. But the drug helps, alas, not all. On what medicines it is worth paying attention to those to whom the method of treatment with brown in glycerin is not approached due to the lack of a decent effect or the development of reactions of intolerance.
The borax in glycerin is an antiseptic with somewhat unusual properties. But to combat fungal infection, special drugs have been developed. So in the fight against fungi of the genus Candida as a local treatment, you can use the pharmacy vaginal suppositories "Nystatin." Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Fluconazole, Hexicon, Livarol, as well as preparations in the form of tablets and capsules intended for insertion into the vagina (Terzhinan, Polizinaks, Fluomizin).
Men are more likely to use antifungal medications in the form of ointments and creams (Nizoral, Dermazol, Miconazole, Mycosoril, Clotrimazole), which are applied to affected areas of the penis mucosa according to the instructions.
As an agent for genital hygiene in the treatment of thrush, genital herpes, human papillomavirus, Epigem-gel is well established, which doctors prescribe as part of the complex treatment of these pathologies.
For local treatment of oral candidiasis, doctors recommend:
- the use of analyte dyes ("zelenka", methylene blue solution, fucocin solution),
- application to the mucosa of therapeutic iodine-containing solutions (for example, lugol solution, "Ioddicerin", "Iodinol"),
- resorption of tablets with a fungicidal effect ("Lizak", "Lysozyme"),
- the use of nystatin or levorin ointment (topical for a fungal lunch).
Rinse mouth with thrush can be carried out with a soda solution (20 grams of soda per 1 liter of water), a solution of boric acid of the same consistency, a solution of iodinol mixed with water in equal proportions.
For syringing with vaginal milkmaid women often use various antiseptic drugs:
- "Miramistin" (used in undiluted form, the bottle is equipped with a special nozzle),
- "Chlorhexidine" (used undiluted),
- water solution "Furatsilina" (2 tablets per glass of hot water, dissolve and drain)
- a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water),
- complex preparation "Cytale" (2 capsules of antiseptic for 1 item of water),
- "Chlorophyllipt" (does not require dilution for syringing procedure),
These same antiseptics, which are in fact analogues of "sodium tetetorate" and boric alcohol, helping to remove fungi from mucous, you can wipe the penis with thrush in men. With a mild illness, sometimes even such simple procedures are enough. In more serious cases resort to the appointment of antifungal agents for systemic and external use.
For the treatment of candidiasis in infants, the following antiseptic solutions active against fungi can be used:
- light pink solution of "potassium permanganate powder" (potassium permanganate powder),
- a weak solution of soda (1 teaspoon of alkali per 1 of water),
- 2% aqueous solution of tannin,
- 1% aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide.
Antiseptics moisten a bandage or cotton swab and clean the baby's mouth, then smear the tongue and mucous membranes with a 2% aqueous solution of methylene blue, gentian violet or brilliant green, with the solution of the drug "Iodinol" (1 part of the drug we take 2 parts of water), lugol (diluted in 1: 3 ratio with warm water). Treatment is carried out for 3-5 days, repeating the procedure 3-4 times a day.
With persistent oral candidiasis, local antifungal agents can be used:
- suspension "Pimafucin" 2.5%,
- 1% solution of clotrimazole,
- suspension of nystatin or levorin (ground nastatin tablet 550,000 units diluted with 10 ml of water, levorin in the same dosage - 25 ml of water).
In the absence of the effect, antimycotics are administered orally or intravenously.
In pregnancy, when such a procedure as syringing is considered dangerous, it is better for women to pay attention to preparations produced in the form of candles (the safest "Pimafucin" and "Betadin"). In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the list of preparations can be expanded to include suppositories "Gino-Pevaril", "Ginoforth", "Clotrimazole".
I must say that it is almost impossible to cure thrush during pregnancy, because it requires not only special preparations, but also a certain diet, carrying out measures to increase immunity, a stable hormonal and neuro-psychic background. "Tetraborate sodium" with thrush, like other drugs, is not able to solve all these problems. The final fight with the disease will have to lead after the birth, but this is not an excuse to refuse treatment during pregnancy.
The toxicity of borax in glycerin can be considered as the least of the ills. After all, a fungal infection in the mouth of a baby can easily spread to the respiratory system, provoking the development of bronchial asthma, and digestion, causing gastrointestinal diseases, anemia, etc. If there is an infection in the blood, there is a risk of such complications as sepsis, which can even cause the death of a child whose body is not yet able to fight such a strong enemy.
It is better to choose between boric acid preparations and their analogues than to let the process run its course, exposing the life of the child to even greater danger than the unconfirmed statistically risk of intoxication.
Since there is much debate around "Sodium tetetorate" and scientists can not come to a common opinion, many people are wary of using this tool. A similar situation is observed with boric acid. Nevertheless, the drugs are sold in our pharmacies and are still in demand as a budget option for solving such a difficult problem as candidiasis of the genitals and mouth.
If we compare boric acid preparations with modern antifungal agents, another question arises: which of them causes more damage to the body. Many women who were previously prescribed by the doctors "Fluconazole" or "Clotrimazole" eventually found a more optimal option for themselves - borax in glycerin. And it's not even about the cost of drugs (fluconazole is not an expensive medicine), but in the results of treatment.
The use of antifungal agents in some patients caused rather serious side effects. For example, there are complaints of hair loss, nausea, headaches, irregular menstrual cycle. But those who have been treated for a week with "Tetrabodium sodium" with thrush, do not report anything like that.
If you compare the reviews of antifungals and storms, you can see that in the second case, there is much less mention of any possible side effects. Sometimes women complain of a feeling of dryness of the vagina, but no other symptoms are usually mentioned. Perhaps the borax is not as toxic as we are told.
Some patients of gynecological departments risk treatment of recurrent thrush with even more radical methods, which they, incidentally, recommended by the doctors themselves. For example, insert a tampon with a bug in the vagina not for half an hour, but for the whole day, replacing it with a new morning and evening. According to reviews after 3 days, not only the itching disappears, but also the curdled discharge, irritation and pain disappear during urination. And even though boric acid is in contact with the mucous in a row for several days, there are no complaints about the appearance of symptoms of intoxication.
An interesting option for treatment, suggested again by gynecologists, is the use of "sodium tetramerate" with a thrush during sexual intercourse. This can be a preliminary lubrication of the vagina or syringing, but even more effective is the application of the solution to the entire surface of the penis. When contact with the mucous membrane of the vagina, the therapeutic composition also lubricates it. The likelihood of catching the "infection" in this case for men is minimal, and for a woman the sexual act becomes a kind of therapeutic procedure.
To say that the borax in glycerin helps absolutely everyone from thrush would be untrue. There are some reviews where people talk about the ineffectiveness of drug treatment. But most of those who write such testimonials complain about severe forms of thrush. At the same time, other methods of treatment and the drugs used were equally ineffective.
The reason for the lack of a sufficient effect of using antiseptic with high antifungal activity often becomes non-compliance with hygiene requirements during treatment, reluctance to abandon daily hygiene pads. There will be no effect if only one partner agrees, while the other remains the carrier of the infection.
With regard to the treatment of "Tetrabodium sodium" pregnant women, it is often advised even by the gynecologists themselves. They believe that antifungal agents during pregnancy are more dangerous than borax, so they can be prescribed only in the most extreme case. And here less dangerous means of a natural origin against a background of hormonal reorganization and decrease in immunity simply are not capable to cope with illness.
The absence of treatment of candidiasis before the birth of the baby again poses a danger to the child, because at the time of passing through the birth canal, he takes over the infection. And the body of children under 3 years old is not yet able to fight against any kind of infection.
The borax in glycerin in connection with the aforesaid is the optimal variant of treatment of thrush in future mothers, and apply it even on the last terms of pregnancy. In this case, there is no significant difference in the statistics of developmental malformations in mothers treated with borax in glycerin, and those who used other sparing agents.
When the drug is prescribed for the treatment of pediatricians, women are greatly concerned about the dissemination of information on the toxicity of sodium tetraborate. But those who risked treating the child with this remedy, do not notice the appearance of any unpleasant symptoms in kids. Unless there can be an allergic reaction at too sensitive toddlers. On the contrary, mothers are happy that in the short term the baby's mouth is cleaned from the whitish plaque, the child becomes more calm, eats better, sleeps well.
It is possible that not all children and adults treatment of the brown is so cloudless, but we were unable to find categorical, extremely negative reviews about the drug, indicating that "Tetraborate sodium" with thrush not only did not help, but also caused severe complications. If you use the product wisely and cautiously, you can get rid of a painful, intractable disease in a short time without serious consequences. If after a while the symptoms of the disease appear again, the borax will again come to the rescue without causing addiction and reducing the effect.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tetraborate sodium for thrush in women and children" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.