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Sprays from bedsores
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Life is complicated, and it's simply impossible to insure yourself against all its unpleasant manifestations. If the mountain peeps through the house and a recumbent patient appears in it, in addition to treating the underlying disease, the family will have to take care of special care aimed at preventing bedsores that make the life of such patients simply unbearable. But the help is very close. At pharmacy shelves, you can always find cream, ointment, napkins, solution, gel or spray from pressure sores, which will greatly facilitate the life of the patient, protecting the skin and the entire body from dangerous complications.
Indications of the sprays for bedsores
In order to understand how effective this method of protecting and treating the skin, like a pressure sore spray, you need to understand those skin changes that occur due to pressure on it for a long time. And this process is much more complicated than it seems at first glance.
The fact that squeezing the skin and subcutaneous layer under the weight of the body, leads to thinning of the subcutaneous layer and impaired blood circulation in the tissues. The latter in turn affects the nutrition of cells. If a long time to put pressure on the skin in one place cells lose oxygen, resulting in oxygen starvation. The supply of nutrients to the cells of the body stops, and they gradually die, as a result of which areas of necrotic (dying) skin are formed.
Bedsores in their development pass through 4 stages:
- The first stage (the easiest) is manifested as a slight irritation with the appearance of redness on the skin, but neither wounds nor ulceration have been observed. Such a condition poses no danger, the patients are confused by only a slight discomfort in the form of numbness and tingling at the site of compression.
- In the second stage, the pain in the affected area joins the usual sensations, the peeling, ulcers appear, the skin in this place swells and tangible seals develop. Gradually, the process moves to the deeper layers of the skin and under the skin.
- The third stage is characterized by the withering away of soft tissues in the deep layers, which sometimes occurs with the release of fluid.
- At the fourth (most dangerous) stage, the necrotic process goes so far as to reach the bones and tendons. It is at this stage that the risk of intoxication of the body and contamination of blood by the products of tissue decay is too high.
The 1st stage of the process does not require special treatment. All measures should be aimed at preventing its further development. This is exactly what the means for decubitus in aerosols will help, because one of the indications for the use of many of them is precisely the prevention of inflammatory processes on the skin.
At the second stage, specialized sprays have already curative and prophylactic effect, removing inflammation, destroying bacteria in the wounds, leading to the fastest healing of lesions on the skin.
Treatment of stages 3 and 4 is carried out in an operative way, and only then it becomes expedient to use antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, including spills from pressure sores.
What kind of spray to choose in this or that situation, based on the severity of the process, determines the attending physician. Self-medication can not only not bring the desired result, but also worsen the condition of the patient's soft tissues. In addition, often you can not solve the problem with sprays alone, complex treatment with various drugs is necessary to stop the process of necrotic tissue and restore damaged surfaces.
What kind of action on the tissues of the body have sprays from bedsores? To understand this, you need to consider the pharmacodynamics of these drugs.
Virtually all sprays from decubitus have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling and redness on the skin. In addition, they have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Most often, the composition of the sprays includes antimicrobial components that are sensitive to a large spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms that can parasitize the wound surface. The death of bacteria occurs as a result of a violation of protein synthesis in their cells.
Many sprays contain a wound healing component. Often in its role is the well-known for its effectiveness in this regard, sea buckthorn oil, psyllium extract, celandine, etc.
Sprays from decubitus help to cope not only with skin lesions, but also with the accompanying pain sensations by including an anesthetic in the analgesic component, for example anestezin.
Special sprays used in stages 3 and 4 of the development of pressure ulcers contain components that can purify wounds from purulent discharge and necrotic masses, and also reduce the amount of fluid released.
Dosing and administration
The way of application and the dose of preventive sprays against bedsores are indicated in the instructions to these products. Usually, sprays are recommended to be applied to clean and dry skin, with the exception of Menalind foam, spraying from a distance of 10-20 cm, after shaking the can. "Cavilon" should be applied in 1-2 layers, "Second Skin" allows the application of 3 more layers after the drying of the previous ones. Protector for the skin Menalinide can be applied in one place, spreading over the skin with your hands with a layer of the necessary thickness.
When spraying means, the can should be held vertically.
Effective sprays to prevent the formation of pressure sores
The age-old truth that the disease is easier to prevent than treat, in this situation is as relevant as possible. The process of withering away of tissues in a lying patient is very difficult to stop, therefore, every step should be taken to ensure that the skin is not damaged. Such measures include a regular overturning of the patient, the use of special water mattresses, creams and, of course, preventive sprays from decubitus, diaper rash and other irritations arising from constant contact of the skin with the bed, as well as excrement, if a person due to illness is unable get up and go to the toilet.
It is difficult to specify the specific names of sprays from decubitus, since most of these drugs are non-specific and find their application in various areas of human life: medicine, cosmetology and even veterinary medicine.
"Cavilon", which is also called a liquid band-aid, is a preventive agent for the occurrence of diaper rash and irritation, as well as to prevent the infection of the formed skin lesions, including pressure ulcers 1 and 2.
Cavilon is a rapidly drying solution that forms on the patient's skin the finest protective film, which does not allow moisture and bacteria, but allows the skin to breathe. The protective effect of this film lasts for 3 days. However, its use does not complicate therapy with other drugs.
"Cavilon" does not cause allergic or painful reactions, it does not promote the development of tissue necrosis, performing only the role of a protective barrier. Nevertheless, there are some contraindications to the use. Liquid plaster is not used as the only protection of open wounds, breaches of the integrity of the skin, requiring additional protection with a special antibacterial bandage, and in case the wound has already got an infection.
You can not combine the drug with other creams, ointments and lotions.
Cavilon is tolerated for use in both adult and newborn patients.
To care for bed patients are suitable as pharmacy, and cosmetics that have anti-inflammatory and protective properties.
Menalind is a series of special cosmetic products that are used to care for dry mature skin. Nevertheless, experience shows that they are no less effective as a prophylactic against decubitus in bedridden patients. They perfectly clean, moisturize and protect the dry skin from damage.
For example, cleaning foam from this series allows you to carry out hygiene measures without soap and water. The agent from a can is put on a skin or a soft napkin to which wipe a skin of the patient.
In the Menalinide series there is also a protective oil-spray and a skin protector, which form a protective barrier on the skin in the form of a transparent thin film, protecting the skin from drying out and the influence of negative environmental factors, as well as stimulating restorative processes in tissues.
Our resourceful people do not limit the search for funds from bedsores only "human" drugs. To combat this problem, veterinary drugs are also involved. For example, a spray with aluminum to treat various wounds in animals with an unusual name "Second Skin".
This drug can not be called a full-fledged pressure spray, however its composition, including anti-inflammatory and wound-healing extracts of celandine and plantain, and also an active aluminum powder, which creates a protective film on the skin, speaks in favor of using a spray to prevent the development of inflammatory processes on skin. Having also a tangible antimicrobial effect, "Second Skin" is also suitable for healing of small wounds already formed.
As with Menalinide, this drug has no side effects other than hypersensitivity reactions to the components, and is not capable of causing an overdose.
It is not recommended to use veterinary spray for more than 2 weeks. At the same time, it is necessary to observe some precautions, because "Second Skin" has coloring properties.
Treatment and prophylactic sprays against decubitus
In the first stages of bedsore formation, the above-described drugs may also be effective, but sometimes their actions are not enough. Then the means come to the aid, in the composition of which there are active antiseptic, antibacterial, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory components.
"Panthenol", known to everyone as an irreplaceable remedy for sunburn, is no less effective in treating and sores. Dexpanthenol - the main active substance of the drug - has not only an anti-inflammatory effect, it also restores the metabolism in soft tissues, increases the strength of collagen fibers, has a regenerating effect on the skin.
The drug has excellent penetrating and cooling properties, removing heat and irritation in the area of damage. The disadvantage of the drug is that this spray, used from pressure sores, does not have sufficient antimicrobial properties, so its application is advisable after treating the wound surface with antiseptics. After that, "Panthenol" is sprayed with a thin layer on the affected skin, where it forms a thin curative-preventive film.
Apply the drug is recommended 1 to 4 times a day. If the remedy is used for a long time, you need to take small breaks to avoid influencing the synthesis of hormones in the body. Do not use on wet wounds!
Side effects of "Panthenol" are extremely rare and are associated with reactions of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Interaction with other drugs should be discussed with the attending physician, for the purpose of determining the optimal scheme for their administration. In the meantime, it is worth noting that "Panthenol" is able to prolong the action of the cardiac muscle relaxant "Succinylhallin".
"Panthenol" is recommended to use before the expiration date, which is 24 months. In order that during this time the remedy remains effective it is necessary to observe the necessary storage conditions: protect the drug from direct sun rays and store at a temperature of 15-25 degrees.
"Atserbin" is a universal wound healing and antiseptic agent based on apple, benzoic and salicylic acid, which equally effectively helps both with insect bites and burns, and in case of treatment of infected hard-healing wounds. The drug has a noticeable anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect, helps to clean the wound, effectively fights against various infections in it, stimulates wound healing and regeneration of damaged tissues.
The drug is safe for both adult patients and children. Has no contraindications to use, except for hypersensitivity to its components. Possible use during pregnancy and lactation.
The main side effect of the drug can be called a slight burning in the area of application. But this symptom does not require the withdrawal of the drug, in contrast to allergic reactions, which, although rare, but are.
"Atserbin" does not form a protective film, therefore the place of application should be covered with a sterile bandage. It is possible to apply the preparation directly to the dressing and then place it on the wound surface. At the beginning of treatment it is recommended to use the spray 2-3 times a day, and when the wound begins to tighten to switch to a single application.
Interaction with other drugs. Of the components that make up the drug, salicylic acid is most likely to react. That's it is about this issue is to consult with a doctor. Salicylic acid is incompatible with "Rezorcin" and zinc oxide. And it can intensify the side effects of other drugs (Methotrexate, hypoglycemic drugs, sulfonylurea derivatives).
The drug does not cause an overdose and does not require special storage conditions. The temperature in the storage facility should be within 15-25 degrees.
"Vitargol" is nothing more than an aqueous solution of colloidal silver (bio-silver), which possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial destiny. It is used as an antibacterial agent in the complex therapy of pressure sores, wounds, dental and ENT diseases.
It is recommended to apply the drug 3 to 5 times a day. Serious injuries may require additional protection of the wound in the form of a sterile bandage. The duration of therapy should not exceed 10 days.
"Vitargol" has practically no side effects and contraindications to use, with the exception of hypersensitivity reactions.
Store the drug at room temperature, and after opening the bottle - in the refrigerator. Shelf life - 1,5 years.
On pharmacy shelves, you can also find a special cosmetic lotion "EmikSi", designed to care for bedridden patients. It is also available in the form of an aerosol. This spray from pressure sores is famous for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effect. It cleanses the skin well and, thanks to the extract of propolis, saturates it with necessary useful substances.
This is a caring lotion, which has a positive effect on the damaged skin, resulting in a noticeable improvement in its condition. However, it is advisable to use it only at the first stages of development of skin lesions in bedridden patients, and also as a preventive agent that prevents the appearance of irritation and necrotic skin.
Antibacterial curative sprays against decubitus
In cases when an infection gets into wounds or microdamages on the skin, treatment of pressure sores becomes more difficult. Here already one antiseptic means more often than not is necessary, medicines are more feasible, capable in short terms to prevent growth and reproduction of bacteria. These medicines include antibiotics.
Whatever the names of antibacterial sprays that help with bedsores, their action must first of all be aimed at fighting infection, and only then on tissue repair.
So, "Levovinisol" refers to a group of bacteriostatic antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action. For ease of use, it is available as an aerosol.
The active substance of the spray is chloramphenicol, it is also levomycetin - passes through the cell membrane of bacteria and disrupts the synthesis of protein in them, which leads to the death of microorganisms. In addition, the components of the drug contribute to the cleaning of the wound surface, the healing of wounds and skin regeneration at the site of damage (epithelialization).
The preparation is applied on infected surfaces, the area of which does not exceed 20 cm 2. Apply the product to the skin by spraying from a distance of 20-30 cm. Do this no more often 2-3 times a week, but in case of severe tissue damage, daily use is acceptable.
Side effects of the drug are limited to a burning sensation in the place of use, which very quickly passes and does not require the cessation of treatment. Among the contraindications to use is the intolerance of levomycetin. In addition, the drug is not used on extensive granular wounds.
"Olazol" - a spray with sea-buckthorn from decubitus and purulent wounds. Sea-buckthorn oil acts here as a wound-healing component, and bacteriostatic effect is achieved by the introduction of the drug levomitsetina and boric acid. The drug also contains anesthesin, which provides the drug with an anesthetic effect at the site of application.
The aerosol is equipped with a removable spray head, which allows you to expend the product very sparingly. Apply the medicine from a distance of not more than 5 cm from the end of the nozzle to the wound surface. The consumption of the preparation and the thickness of the applied layer is regulated by the force of pressing the valve head. The frequency of use of the spray depends on the severity of the injury and the degree of wound healing, in any case it should not exceed 4 times a day.
"Olazol" is not used in patients with impaired renal function, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, in children younger than 2 years, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Do not use on large wound surfaces.
Long-term therapy with "Olazolem" can provoke the onset of unpleasant symptoms: migraine, darkness of consciousness, the appearance of seizures, a decrease in the volume of urine, the peeling of the wound surface with epithelization, as well as various digestive disorders that turn from acute toxic into chronic ones. These symptoms are typical for drug overdose. With short-term use of the drug, side effects are usually not observed.
Therapy with the drug should not be combined in time with the application of other antimicrobial agents in order to avoid drug interactions with other drugs.
Keep aerosol in places where access to children is limited, away from heat and heating systems. Avoid striking and dropping the can to avoid damage. Shelf life - 2 years.
The narration about the popular drug "Chemi Spray" should be started with the fact that it is a remedy for the treatment of animals, not people who, like "Second Skin", proved to be effective enough in the treatment of pressure ulcers, as a result of which it became widespread.
"Chemie Spray" refers to a group of combined antimicrobial agents. Bacteriostatic action is achieved due to the inclusion in the composition of the gentian violet, levomycetin and chlorotetracycline hydrochloride. These substances block the function of the ribosomes of the cells of the bacteria responsible for the synthesis of protein and amino acids.
The drug has a strong antibacterial and antifungal effect. This makes it possible to use it in the complex therapy of severe infections in the wound.
Indications for the use of a veterinary drug are wounds and abscess in animals, nevertheless, "Chemie Spray" is successfully used for the treatment of infected wounds and pressure sores in humans. A major drawback of this drug is its color. Suspension in the balloon has a bright violet hue, so place the application of the drug should be covered with a bandage.
Spray the drug on the skin from a distance of 20 cm for at least 2 seconds. Before using the spray, the wound should be prepared for the procedure, for which purulent and necrotic masses are carefully removed from it. Apply the product on the skin can be no more than 3 times a day and no longer than 10 days.
Side effects of the drug are reduced to allergic reactions against the backdrop of intolerance to levomycetin. There have been no cases of overdose.
No matter how effective the veterinary spray seemed, use it only in the last resort. The drug has a strong drying effect, so its use is limited to skin, prone to fat. Otherwise, there is no significant discomfort when using the drug.
An important point in the therapy with the drug "Chemie Spray" is its limited action. Possessing strong antimicrobial action, this spray from pressure sores, of course, helps in a short time to cope with severe bacterial infections, but this is its effect and is limited. In the future, the patient will require therapy using wound-healing agents, aseptic dressings, as well as other antibacterial agents in the form of ointments and creams. "Cemi Spray" makes sense to use only as part of the complex therapy of pressure sores, and not as an independent therapeutic agent.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Sprays from bedsores" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.