

Smecta for poisoning

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Being an antidiarrheal gastrointestinal protector, that is, a means that protects the mucous membrane of the GI tract, Smecta in poisoning shows its adsorbing properties.

Therefore, answering the question of whether Smecta can be used in poisoning, experts note the advisability of its use, primarily in young children - because of the real threat of rapid dehydration in diarrhea. And, although conventional anti-diarrhea drugs are not used in detoxification therapy (since vomiting and diarrhea are a physiological way of cleansing the body of toxic substances), the use of Smecta - due to its adsorbing properties - is acceptable for adults. [1]

Indications Smecta for poisoning

Mainly used Smecta for diarrhea - in the complex treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by acute and chronic diarrhea of various origins.

Does Smecta help with poisoning? According to the official instructions, this remedy is effective in diarrhea and poisoning caused by food error, that is, in the complex treatment of food toxicoinfections - acute gastroenteritis in food poisoning; in the so-called travelers' diarrhea, as well as in intestinal disorders provoked by infectious diseases.

Other indications include chronic diarrhea caused by radiation therapy or chemotherapy and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

In irritable bowel syndrome Smecta does not reduce diarrhea, but due to sorption and removal of excess gas in the intestine significantly alleviates the general condition.

Since Smecta (other trade names: Diosmectite, Smectalia, Endosorb, Dioktab Solution) is also a non-systemic antacid, it can be prescribed for heartburn, stomach discomfort and other dyspeptic symptoms, for example, in poisoning and vomiting bile. But the use of this remedy for vomiting is inadmissible if it is a symptom of severe pathology of the digestive organs (gallbladder, pancreas, liver).

But in alcohol poisoning you should use not Smecta, but enterosorbents containing silicon dioxide (including colloidal, as in Polisorb) or aluminum oxide monohydrate (Algeldrat). Read more - What to do in case of alcohol poisoning?

Release form

Smecta is available in the form of fine powder (packed in sachets of 3 g) and in the form of ready-to-use suspension (also in sachets of 3 g).


The active substance of this remedy - dioctahedral smectite or diosmectite - belongs to layered clay minerals - aluminosilicates (containing salts of aluminosilicic acids) of the montmorillonite group. The mechanism of its action is not completely clear.

It is known that due to its complex crystalline structure (the hexagonal cells of the mineral have three octahedrons, two of which are occupied by aluminum cations) and very large specific surface area, it easily absorbs water (the volume of adsorbed water exceeds the weight of smectite taken inside by eight times); at the same time, the powder does not dissolve in water, but swells strongly, reducing the amount of free water in the feces.

Diosmectite changes the rheological properties of gastrointestinal mucus (by binding to its protein-carbon molecules), inhibits mucolysis of intestinal epithelial cells, prevents adhesion of bacteria and viruses (ingested orally) and adsorbs infectious agents (and their toxins) from the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, diosmectite increases the secretion in the colon of the glycoprotein MUC2 (mucin-2), which protects the epithelium from antigens formed during inflammation. [2]


Like other adsorbents, diosmectite is not absorbed in the GI tract and is excreted with the feces - without any biochemical transformation.

How quickly does Smecta work? In cases of poisoning, the therapeutic effect of this remedy comes in a few hours - depending on the time between the appearance of symptoms and taking Smecta.

Dosing and administration

Like other absorbents, Smecta in poisoning is taken orally: daily dose for children under one year - 3 g (one sachet), for children under two years - 3-6 g (one or two sachets); for children over two years - 6-9 g (two or three sachets); for adults - 9-12 g (three or four sachets).

  • How to dilute Smecta? The powder of one sachet is mixed with boiled water (130-150 ml or half a cup) at room temperature.
  • How to drink Smecta - before meals or after? In poisoning, the remedy is used before meals.
  • How much to drink Smecta in poisoning? In cases of food intoxication, diosmectite is used for two to three days.
  • How many times to drink Smecta in poisoning? It is enough to take three to four times a day.

Application for children

The official instruction states that Smekta can be used in children from two months of age - as an adjunct to oral rehydration therapy of acute diarrhea, including poisoning and intestinal infections. [3]

What to give in case of poisoning in a child is covered in detail in the publication - Food poisoning in a child

It is necessary to maintain water-electrolyte balance of the body and give children solutions for oral rehydration: Gastrolit, Glucosolan or Rehydron for poisoning.

According to a Cochrane review published in April 2018, administration of diosmectite to children with acute diarrhea, by creating a barrier to toxin entry, may reduce viral infection-induced intestinal inflammation.

Read also - Smecta for newborns

Use Smecta for poisoning during pregnancy

Read more - Smecta in pregnancy


Smecta is contraindicated in motor dysfunction (paresis) of the intestine, obturation intestinal obstruction and a high degree of intestinal failure of various etiologies.

Side effects Smecta for poisoning

Side effects may occur in the form of hypersensitivity reactions (with hives and itching) and constipation. Some people may experience flatulence and vomiting after Smecta.


Exceeding the dose of diosmectite may lead to constipation.

Interactions with other drugs

Smecta is not taken together with any other orally administered medicines, as it affects their absorption in the GI tract and effectiveness. Smekta and activated charcoal should not be taken at the same time.

Storage conditions

Diosmectite should be stored in whole sachets, at room temperature, in a dry place.

Shelf life

The shelf life of this product is 4 years.


In food poisoning, doctors recommend taking activated charcoal (Sorbex, Carbactin, Ultrasorb) or sorbents with polyvinylpyrrolidone - Povidon, Enterosorb (which begin to act in a quarter of an hour after taking).

Analogs of Smekta can be considered such enterosorbents as Enterosgel or Enteroactin (containing polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate); Polysorb (with colloidal silicon dioxide); Atoxil, Alfasorb, Sorboxan (based on silicon dioxide in the form of highly dispersed powder); Polyfan and Polyphelan (with hydrolyzed lignin as an active ingredient).

See also - Help with food poisoning

Pancreatin, Creon, Festal, Enzistal or Mezim tablets are not used in poisoning, since these means containing enzymes (lipase, α-amylase, protease, trypsin, chymotrypsin) are used for digestive disorders associated with a decrease in the production of pancreatic enzymes associated with functional insufficiency of the pancreas.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Smecta for poisoning" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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