Rectum adenocarcinoma
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The disease, which will be discussed, namely adenocarcinoma of the rectum, is dangerous because it is not transmitted either by airborne or by sexual route, or is a consequence of medication intervention. It is embedded in the human genetic code, so there is little hope of disposable syringes, gauze bandages and a condom.
The precursors of this terrible disease are observed in a quarter of the population. This disease, when activated, kills an absolutely healthy person for a year. Survivors after the first attack, as a rule, do not live longer than two years. Meet: rectum adenocarcinoma is a cancer of the rectum. It is adenocarcinoma is the most common of the known malignant tumors of the rectum.
Colorectal cancer, but we will call it a scientific colon adenocarcinoma, is already recognized in the world as the main oncological problem of mankind in the 21st century. And the most insulting is that the early stage of a benign or malignant tumor does not cause any inconvenience to its carrier. If the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma occurred at an early stage, such a high mortality rate would not exist. Unfortunately, tumors that can not be cured can not be cured, and the chances of recovery even after surgery and chemotherapy are small. That is why the doctors of the whole world are focused on the study of rectal adenocarcinoma, and especially the symptoms of this disease.
Causes of rectal adenocarcinoma
Advances in medicine have revealed the secret of the origin of collorectal cancer. Let's give an example - in tumor units - the consequences of genetic mutations. In most people with rectal adenocarcinoma, the disease is a complex interaction of external factors and heritage. Scientists have found a regularity and argue that in most cases the adenocarcinoma of the rectum develops from benign adenoma (in other words polyp). Among the reasons for the occurrence of such a disease, as adenocarcinoma of the rectum, scientists call the following:
- First of all, it is, sadly, a hereditary factor. Most likely, colon cancer will be affected by those whose relatives have suffered this disease;
- Food. A small amount of vegetable fiber, which is found in fresh vegetables and fruits, a predominance of fats, an excess of flour, an unsuitable diet;
- Age. According to statistics, the majority of patients with rectal adenocarcinoma are people over fifty;
- In a person who works with asbestos, the risk of getting sick doubles;
- Constant nerve stress, prolonged constipation, exposure to toxic chemical compounds (including drugs)
- Anal sex, papillomovirus;
- Diseases of the colon - polyps, fistulas, colitis.
Symptoms of rectal adenocarcinoma
It is important to know the symptoms of the disease in order to diagnose and treat as early as possible. You should be alerted if you run into one, let alone several, factors listed below. So, the main symptoms of the disease:
- Irregular aching pain in the abdomen;
- Absence of hunger, weight loss;
- Slight temperature increase;
- Weakened condition of the patient, pale appearance;
- In feces, the presence of blood, mucous disseminations or possibly pus;
- Bloated abdomen;
- Irregular stool - when constipation alternates with diarrhea, it can only manifest permanent constipation or persistent diarrhea;
- Defecation is accompanied by painful sensations.
Where does it hurt?
Classification of rectal adenocarcinoma
Scientists and physicians take into account the different parameters of the colonization of colon cancer. By type of disease, the main indicator is the degree of differentiation (homogeneity), this factor is the determining method of cancer treatment and careful diagnosis is needed to identify the type of tumor. So they distinguish
- Highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the large intestine,
- Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the large intestine,
- Low-differentiated adenocarcinoma
- And, poorly treatable undifferentiated cancer.
Highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon is treated faster, easier, hope for recovery in such cases is greater.
Low-grade adenocarcinoma of the large intestine is divided into the following types:
- Mucus adenocarcinoma (it is also called mucous cancer, colloid cancer). The main difference is a large amount of mucus secretion with clusters of different sizes;
- Ring-like cell (mucocellular carcinoma). This kind of cancer is also found in people of young age. Treatment of this subspecies of adenocarcinoma is complicated by a wide internal growth of the tumor with blurred boundaries. It is difficult to resect the intestine. This type of cancer quickly "starts up" metastases, usually spreads not only in the gut, but also passes to neighboring organs and tissues, if the gut is at least slightly damaged.
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Iron-squamous cell carcinoma (diagnosed less frequently than other types of colon cancer).
Undifferentiated cancer is characterized internally by the growth of the tumor by the tumor, which must be taken into account during surgical intervention.
For treatment it is necessary to know such an indicator as the depth of germination, the clarity of the boundaries of the tumor, the frequency of lymphogenous metastasis.
Diagnosis of rectal adenocarcinoma
Accepted modern methods of treatment presuppose the possibility of detecting colon cancer always following the following conditions: a clear adherence to the diagnostic algorithm and the application of all diagnostic methods available to science. The sequence of diagnosing adenocarcinoma of the colon is as follows: assessment of complaints, clinical studies, finger examination of the rectum, careful rheromomanoscopy, clinical blood analysis, mandatory feces for the presence of hidden blood, colonoscopy, in special cases and irrigoscopy, ultrasound of the stomach and pelvis, endorektalnoe ultrasound study, biopsy of the tumor when it is detected. Any disturbing symptoms in the intestinal area should be regarded as a possible risk to people over fifty years of age. Seventy percent of tumors, as the statistics show, are localized in the straight and sigmoid parts of the colon. Therefore, good results in the diagnosis gives a simple finger examination. It is also important to conduct an ultrasound examination correctly - the evaluation of tumor prevalence and possible metastases is done only in this way. In the most difficult cases, doctors usually require computer tomography and MRI.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
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Treatment of rectal adenocarcinoma
There are three methods of treating this type of cancer - purely surgical, combined and complex. The first method is used only at the initial stages of the disease.
The main method of treatment is radical intervention and removal of the inflamed organ by surgery. Surgical intervention is radical, ablastic and aseptic. Successful surgery is due to careful preparation for the operation. Ability and asepticity in surgical intervention is the result of a whole complex of interrelated actions. For example, careful treatment of the colon, early treatment of major vessels, mobilization of the intestine. Radicalism of the operation is the surgeon's decision about an adequate amount of intervention with the obligatory removal of the metastasis zone.
Most often, doctors resort to combined and complex treatment of rectal adenocarcinoma. First, the doctors act on the tumor, in order to reduce its mass, devitalize the tumor cells, and only then resort to an operative intervention. Adenocarcinoma of the rectum and large intestine, according to the studies, is radiosensitive, and therefore it is irradiated with the bremsstrahlung of the beaver. In many patients, after such a procedure, the tumor decreases in size (in fifty percent of patients) due to devitalization of dangerous cells. Thus, fruitful conditions are created for subsequent surgical intervention.
Now a sufficient number of treatment schemes for rectal adenocarcinoma have been developed, which include both pre and post operational chemical effects on cancer cells, in individual cases, doctors make a decision on an individual basis. Usually the combination of radiation and chemotherapy is recommended in extreme cases, when other methods do not help.
Operation with rectal adenocarcinoma
In terms of volume, surgeons divide operative interventions into typical, combined advanced ones. It all depends on the stage of the cancer, the degree of spread, the presence of metastases. Typical resections - localize the tumor. Combined resections are applied when a cancerous tumor has spread to other organs. Extended resections are used in several synchronous tumors that occurred simultaneously.
More information of the treatment
Prophylaxis of rectum adenocarcinoma
Unfortunately, often patients overcome shame when the problem becomes unbearable. Of all the doctors, it is the proctologists who are most afraid. People endure inconveniences until the last. This is an erroneous attitude to yourself and your health, which leads to terrible consequences - including the development of rectal adenocarcinoma. And the prognosis for such a disease is not very comforting. And treatment is one of the most difficult. It is necessary to overcome the feeling of fear, because it is the doctor-proctologist who is engaged in diagnosing the disease. What must be done to avoid the disease? First of all, he takes care of his gastrointestinal tract. Timely treat diseases of the digestive tract. You must first pay attention to proper nutrition, if necessary, to seek advice from a nutritionist. If you have already been prescribed a diet - stick to it. Try to avoid exposure to harmful substances (asbestos). Take only those medications that you were prescribed after a thorough examination. Coping with stress is a must. Realize your problem and learn to deal with it. Infectious diseases need to be treated, the principle of "going by itself" is fatal. Anal sex is prohibited. Carefully study what hurt your family. If you find cases of rectum carcinoma in your relatives, realize that you are at risk. Be surveyed! Usually a person develops an adenocarcinoma of the rectum, when several unfavorable factors act immediately. So in your power and ability to exclude the harmful factors of influence on your body. Leave one, two unfavorable factors from the list is not as scary as general inaction.
Prognosis of rectal adenocarcinoma
The prognosis of colon cancer directly depends on the stage of the tumor process. The initial stages of the disease are good survival statistics of patients even after radical surgery, patients survive in 90% of cases. But with the increase in the stage of the disease, the indicators of the cured deteriorate. When the lymphatic system is affected, the five-year survival rate is already 50% or less. With right-sided localization of the tumor on the colon, five-year survival is predicted in only 20% of patients. The average survival rate of patients with this diagnosis who underwent radical surgical intervention is not more than 50%.
We can not please you, saying that in the world there are already methods that reveal this disease at the time of origin. And there are no methods of treatment with a full guarantee of recovery. The most important task for a patient with rectal adenocarcinoma is to survive for five years after diagnosing cancer. Further the body will become easier. We hope that the Aesculapius will disclose the cause of this disease and suspend its spread. Here are just two facts to think about - adenocarcinoma of the large intestine is practically not diagnosed in Japan and northern Africa and is not found among vegetarians.