
Information about doctor

Viacheslav Bard He is an advanced surgeon of Israel, a surgeon of cancer practice, a candidate of medical sciences. She is a senior doctor in the department of surgery of the most famous Israeli clinic "Assuta".

The surgeon Vyacheslav Bard uses only the leading laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques, performs low-impact interventions in the area of the larynx, the digestive tract, and removes the hernias. The practice of the doctor has more than one thousand successful interventions. According to the patients themselves, Viacheslav Bard not only is a professional in his field, but also has many positive human qualities: his positive attitude, benevolence and friendliness are closely intertwined with attentiveness and the desire to help the sick person.

Constant professional growth, building up skills, improving knowledge are all inherent in Dr. Bard. Science is also of great interest to him: he regularly takes part in specialized research of scientists. About Bard speak positively not only the surgeons of Israel, but other well-known international experts.

Education and work experience

  • Degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) at the State Medical University in Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Internship in the field of surgery of the gastrointestinal organs in the hospital "Beilinson" and MC them. Rabin, Israel
  • Internship in surgery of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum in clinics in Japan and South Korea
  • Advanced training in the specialty of minimally invasive techniques of abdominal surgery in the clinic of Hamburg, Germany

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association (IMA)
  • Israeli Association of Surgical Oncology (IASO)
  • European Association of Surgical Oncology (EASO)
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