


Navel pain

The pain in the navel can occur in both the infant and the adult. The soreness of the abdomen, often, knocks a person out of balance, depriving him of rest day and night.

Pain before delivery

Pain before delivery is a precursor to the onset of labor. It is believed that the pain in the process of delivery is inevitable, accompanying every appearance of a new inhabitant of the planet.

Pain in the appendages

Pain in the appendages can bother women with inflammation of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes, both together and separately. The most common gynecological disease associated with inflammation of the appendages is adnexitis.

Pain in the pit of stomach

Discomfort sensations in the epigastric / epigastric zone (the area below the xiphoid process, corresponding to the projection of the stomach on the wall of the peritoneum) is commonly called pain in the pit of the stomach.

Pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy

The process of bearing a fetus sometimes presents unpleasant surprises, among which pain in the hypochondrium during pregnancy. Whether it is necessary to worry the future mum? What is the cause of discomfort and soreness, tingling and pulling sensations? And most importantly, what to do?

Pain in the hypochondrium

If you have pain in the hypochondrium, do not delay the visit to the doctor. It is difficult even for a specialist to find out the cause of uncomfortable sensations. In the zone of the hypochondrium, the thoracic and abdominal cavities are separated by a powerful muscle - the diaphragm.

Pain in the iliac region

Pain in the ileum is not a specific symptom of a particular disease. Rather, it is a sign that should prompt a person to listen carefully to their feelings, analyze them and promptly consult a doctor to find out the cause of the painful symptoms.

Pain in the abdomen

Pain in the abdomen can be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, menstrual cycle, gynecological or urological pathologies, can also be caused by the formation of a hernia and inflammation of the appendix. Diagnosis of pain in the abdominal area depends on the symptoms present and the place of pain concentration.

Lower abdominal pain in children

Pain in the lower abdomen in children can occur as a result of emotional factors, and as a result of any pathologies.

Lower abdominal pain after menstruation

Abdominal pain after menstruation may indicate the presence of such pathologies as adnexitis, vulvitis, endometriosis.


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