


Aching, pulling, dull pain in the lower abdomen, in the right and left sides

Aching in the abdomen is a common symptom. She can warn about minor violations or the development of serious diseases.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen: causes, signs

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen - today a fairly common phenomenon, which worries mostly women. Also, there are special conditions when pain can make itself felt, and this is the norm.

Stretching pain in the lower abdomen in women

According to statistics, in females, the incidence of this symptom is much higher. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical and histological structure, greater plasticity, unstable psyche, endocrine regulation.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen: diagnosis, treatment

Every second person was disturbed at least once in the life by the pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Today many people are asking themselves what these pains are, whether they need to be treated, whether they are considered a disease, or simply a pathological condition.

Drawing pain in the lower abdomen in men

They mostly arise in women. Men they worry much less often. This is due to the fact that a woman in connection with the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the internal organs, there can be natural physiological pains, which are considered as the norm.

Pain in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy

Quite often pregnant women complain of the occurrence of pain in the area under the right rib. Such manifestations intensify as the term of gestation increases.

Abdominal pain left

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left is often associated with the onset inflammatory process in the large intestine, more precisely in its lower part. Thus there are a number of other signs - a constipation, a swelling.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left

The pain in the lower abdomen on the left can talk about problems with the kidneys or intestines. To say is unambiguously difficult, because it is necessary to conduct an appropriate examination.

Pain after eating in the right upper quadrant

Pain after eating in the right upper quadrant may be caused by pathological processes involving any of the organs located here.

Pain after eating in the stomach

The localization of pain after ingestion in the stomach is the most common, since it is into this hollow muscular organ of the human digestive system that everything that we eat gets to us. But you are deeply mistaken if you think that after a meal, pain can not arise anywhere else ...


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