Drawing pains in the lower abdomen: diagnosis, treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Every second person was disturbed at least once in the life by the pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Today many people are asking themselves what these pains are, whether they need to be treated, whether they are considered a disease, or simply a pathological condition. It is known that such pain can occur even in a normal state, in a completely healthy person. Pain can be present in both men and women, and even in children. In order to properly respond to the occurrence of pain, you need to have a certain idea about them.
They occur in women about 2.5 times more often than in men. Every second person at least once in life experienced the pain of a pulling character in the lower abdomen. Women, in contrast to men, have physiological, natural pain. In men, any pain in the lower abdomen indicates a pathology. Women account for 65% of premenstrual pain, which is considered physiological and is considered a variant of the norm.
In pregnancy, pain occurs in 78% of women. In 73% of cases, pain occurs early and is physiological, in 23% of cases, pain is pathological. In women older than 35 years, pathological pains occur in 54% of cases, whereas in women under 35 years of age, pathological pain occurs only in 21% of cases.
Diagnostics of the pulling pains in the lower abdomen
In order to diagnose the traumatic pain, you must first determine the cause of their occurrence. You can first seek advice from a therapist who will prescribe the necessary examination and send for consultation to a highly specialized specialist.
To clarify the diagnosis may require the results of laboratory and instrumental studies. In order to distinguish several diseases with similar signs, it is necessary to conduct differential diagnosis. This requires an anamnesis, the results of laboratory and instrumental studies. It is required to establish an accurate clinical picture of each disease, to identify the main features.
Some specific methods may be required. For example, in order to differentiate a polyp from a malignant tumor, a biopsy should be performed with further collection of biological material for histological examination. By results, by the nature of the growth of the microorganism, the rate of its growth, it is possible to judge the nature of the neoplasm and select appropriate therapy.
The main principle of diagnosis is accuracy and timeliness. The earlier the disease is identified, the easier it is to choose the treatment. And the more chances there will be for recovery. Many diseases, for example, peritonitis, oncological processes, can be cured only in the early stages. Therefore, it is important to undergo timely diagnosis, attend preventive examinations. This is the key to early detection and elimination of pathology.
To determine the cause of pain, you need to conduct a series of studies. They are a sign of many diseases. Therefore, they often start with clinical tests: blood, urine, feces. By results, at least a general picture of the pathology will be visible, and one can judge in which direction to move further. So, the results can outline in general terms the pathologies that are present in the body.
For example, a blood test may indicate that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body. Urine analysis can clarify that the inflammatory process occurs in the kidney and urogenital system. After this, specialized research methods are conducted, aimed at clarifying the diagnosis. A lot can tell biochemical analysis. By results, we can also judge the nature of pathology in the body.
Specific studies may be required. For example, an expanded immunogram is often performed if there is a suspicion of a violation of the immune system and the protective mechanisms of the body. In almost all cases, hormone tests are required, especially for women. This is due to the fact that women are more prone to hormonal changes and often the cause of pain is hormonal imbalance, or hormonal changes.
Often, an analysis of hidden infections is required, since pain often occurs as a result of the inflammatory and infectious process in the genito-urinary organs. Men are more likely to develop latent infection.
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Instrumental diagnostics
Since analysis is often not enough, instrumental diagnostics are required. It is more informative. For example, with suspicion of diseases of the stomach and intestines, most often performed gastroscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound.
Gastroscopy provides an opportunity to examine the condition of the gastrointestinal tract from the inside, assess the walls, mucous membranes, identify possible pathologies. In this case, the person swallows the probe, at the end of which the camera is contained. The advantage of this method is that, if necessary, you can take a biopsy for further histological examination, or scraping from the mucosa for the detection of Helicobacter, which are the causative agents of gastritis, and other diseases. You can examine the microflora, acidity of the medium and gastric juice. Also, the procedure, if necessary, can go from diagnostic to treatment: one can perform polyp removal, cauterization of small erosions or bleeding vessels, and the like.
Colonoscopy provides an opportunity to assess the state of the intestine from the lower divisions: rectum, sigmoid. This makes it possible to detect changes, mucosal lesions, erosion, tumors, and assessability of intestinal permeability. This method has great diagnostic significance, because often the cause of pain in the lower abdomen are constipation, congestion, intestinal obstruction, sigmoid colon inflammation, its expansion or lengthening, accumulation of feces, intoxication with calves.
Ultrasound makes it possible to study the topography, location and appearance of internal organs, to evaluate their proportions and the ratio between themselves, the size of the organs. An important diagnostic significance is the echogenicity of individual sites. Zones of increased echogenicity can be a sign of a malignant process. Ultrasound gives an opportunity to study internal organs from the outside, from a different position, and also to track the dynamics of many processes. Together, these three methods make it possible to comprehensively investigate the digestive system and determine the cause of the traumatic pains.
When suspected of diseases of the genitourinary system, also carry out a number of additional studies. Women undergoing ultrasound, X-ray examination. Abdominal or transvaginal examination may be used. Often resort to hysteroscopy, which examines the uterus cavity, hysterosalpinography to assess the state of the fallopian tubes, or colposcopy, during which the vagina is inspected.
Men in most cases require a colonoscopy, ultrasound and X-ray examination.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is based on differentiation of various signs of diseases that have similar features. So, if a virus or bacterial infection is suspected, a bacteriological study is carried out. To do this, take a swab from the mucous membrane of the genitals or sexual secret. Preliminary microscopy is carried out. With the help of a microscope, estimate which approximate microflora is included in the secretion. According to morphological signs, it is suggested approximately what kind of microorganisms is the causative agent of the disease.
Then they sow the biological material on a nutrient medium, incubate the culture under the conditions of a thermostat for several days. After that, the degree of growth, the concentration of microorganisms, the colonies of the causative agent of the disease are assessed. Produced by re-breeding on a selective nutrient medium. A pure culture of the pathogen is obtained. After incubation, they produce further biochemical, immunological studies, find out the species and generic accessory, the concentration of the pathogen. This gives grounds to clearly determine who the pathogen and differentiate viral, bacterial, fungal diseases, or mixed infection, be appropriate therapy.
If a tumor is found, it is necessary to determine its genesis: whether it is malignant or benign. For this, a biopsy with a biological material is performed for further histological analysis. Preliminary microscopy is performed, which makes it possible to assess the condition of the tissue, detect the presence or absence of atypical cells, detect inclusions, signs of inflammatory or infectious diseases.
Then, the biological material is seeded on a selective medium intended for tissue growth. Within a few weeks the culture is incubated under the conditions of a thermostat, then it is reseeded. According to the nature and direction of growth of microorganisms, the origin, type, stage of the tumor is estimated and make a further prognosis for its treatment or elimination.
In order to differentiate various inflammatory diseases and infectious processes, a number of instrumental studies are required, for example: special studies of the digestive tract, urinary, reproductive system. Additional expert advice may be required.
Treatment of the pulling pains in the lower abdomen
Treatment depends directly on the diagnosis and is assigned depending on the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, expert opinions. In general, therapy can be conservative or radical.
Conservative therapy implies medication. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is performed, which is determined by those symptoms and signs that are present in the patient. For example, with severe pain, pain medications are prescribed, with spasms - spasmolytics and muscle relaxants, with swelling and allergic reactions - antihistamines, antiallergic drugs. If the cause of the disease is a viral infection, antiviral drugs are prescribed. With pain of bacterial etiology, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
In addition, they can prescribe vitamin therapy, methods aimed at stimulating the immune system, normalizing the emotional and hormonal background. If necessary, physiotherapy, alternative and homeopathic remedies, alternative medicine: yoga therapy, oriental practices, meditation, acupuncture, massage, acupuncture, reflexotherapy can be used.
Independently, without preliminary diagnosis, you can not take medicine. This is due to the fact that, first, you need to determine the cause of the pain. It is on this depends the effectiveness of treatment. If you treat without knowing the cause of the pain, you can not only not get positive results, but also exacerbate the pathology. Many drugs can have serious side effects, especially if used incorrectly or inappropriate. It is important to follow the precautionary measures - to undergo preliminary diagnosis, to determine the diagnosis, and only after that to conduct therapy. Until an accurate diagnosis is made, only mild symptomatic therapy is allowed. For example, with strong pain, you can drink anesthetic.
It is recommended to take no-shpa. It has a minimum of side effects, eliminates pain and spasm. But-shpu take 50 mg 2-3 times a day. If the drug has no effect for several days, this indicates the need for urgent diagnosis and selection of aetiological therapy, which will directly eliminate the cause of the pathology. Severe pain, in which treatment with dehydrating agents is ineffective, can indicate serious pathologies, including oncological process.
A stronger agent is ketonal. It is taken on a quarter tablet 1-2 times a day. Often pains arise as a result of edema, hyperemia, excessive amount of histamine in the body. Remove all this will help suprastin. Take 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. If supratin does not have the desired effect, it is advisable to use loratodine, which is a stronger and more effective agent. Refers to preparations of new generation, has a prolonged action. Take 1 tablet a day. The drug is 24 hours.
With frequent headaches and cerebrovascular disorders, cinnarizine is taken. Recommended for 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.
Papaverin with pain in the lower abdomen
Papaverin is a drug that relieves pressure, eliminates spasms, relaxes smooth muscles. It is used as an anesthetic, sedative. With pains in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to take 0.5 or 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.
Both in a healthy state, and in pathology, the body needs vitamins. For various pains, it is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily dosages:
- Vitamin C - 500 - 1000 mg
- Vitamin D - 45 mcg
- Vitamin K - 360 mcg
- Vitam PP - 60 mg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
With pains, physiotherapy is carried out, which facilitates the fastest recovery, restores tissues, eliminates inflammation, swelling, and infection. The most commonly used electrophoresis, ultrasound, radio wave therapy.
Electrophoresis promotes the rapid and accurate penetration of the drug into the deeper layers, into tissues. With electrophoresis, the drug is applied to a bandage or gauze, and applied. Penetration is effected by microcurrents. The most effective way is to apply to mucous membranes or tissues. The essence of the method is that the drug penetrates directly into the tissue where it is necessary to exert an effect. In this regard, the dosage of the drug is significantly reduced.
Alternative treatment
There are alternative remedies that help fight pain in the abdomen. Of course, they can only have a partial effect, eliminate the symptoms. Finally, the drug can be selected only on the basis of a correctly diagnosed diagnosis, for which it is necessary to undergo a complete examination.
Well-established decoction of chamomile. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves spasm, swelling. You can take as a medicinal broth or add to tea. For preparation of broth it is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons, pour 500 ml of boiling water, to insist for 2-3 hours. Drink half a glass 5-6 times a day. It is also recommended to add chamomile to the tea. In the teapot with tea add 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile grass, pour boiling water, insist 30-60 minutes. Drink during the day in unlimited quantities, at will.
It is also recommended to prepare a nutritious mixture that strengthens the immune system, restores the body, normalizes the hormonal background.
For cooking, you need 200 grams of dates, dried apricots, prunes, raisins. Mix all the ingredients, pass through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until homogeneous. Separately squeeze the juice from 1 lemon. Pulp along with rind is passed through a meat grinder. Also 2-3 large sheets of aloe are passed. The resulting mixture is mixed with the previously prepared components. Add 4-5 tablespoons of honey, half teaspoon of ground cinnamon and ginger. All mixed, insisted for 2-3 days. Take 1 tablespoon twice a day.
They also take a regenerative juice, which is rich in vitamins, stimulates the immune system, helps restore the body. For the preparation of juice will require two-thirds of a glass of pomegranate juice, one third of lemon juice and 2-3 tablespoons of juice or magnolia extract. All components are thoroughly mixed, drunk at a time. Drink 2-3 times a day.
Herbal Treatment
Herbs have long been used to treat various diseases and pathologies. With pain in the lower abdomen, even if their origin is still unknown. So, for women it is recommended mint. For men it is not recommended to drink peppermint because it promotes the production of female hormones - estrogens. This positively affects the health of women, but has negative consequences for men. It is recommended to brew a decoction of mint. For cooking 2-3 tablespoons of peppermint will be needed for approximately 400-500 ml of boiling water. Pour, allow to infuse for 1-2 hours. Then I drink like tea during the day. If necessary, you can add honey to taste.
You can also prepare an infusion of wormwood. It well relieves pain and spasms, helps to relax smooth muscles. With caution should take hypertensive patients, as wormwood can increase blood pressure. To prepare the infusion, you need 2 teaspoons of wormwood, 250 ml of alcohol or vodka. Fill, tightly cork, set for a day in a dark place. After that you can drink 1 teaspoon three times a day.
Grass pol-pala is effective in the conduct of preventive and restorative therapy. It helps to relax the muscles, normalize the hormonal background, stimulate the immune system, eliminate swelling and flushing, inflammatory processes.
For cooking 2 tablespoons of herbs are required. Pour two cups of boiling water. Insist 2-3 hours. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.
Melissa officinal herb is used to treat various pains, to relieve inflammation and eliminate the infectious process. To prepare, take leaves and stems, finely chopped. After this, pour about 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour. Drink half the glass, twice a day. You need to be careful of people with low blood pressure, because the grass significantly reduces blood pressure.
In order to cure the pain of any etiology, often in the complex therapy add homeopathic remedies. They are relatively safe, they can be taken for a long time. But still they can have numerous side effects. Therefore, take them with caution, following all instructions and precautions. It should be remembered that many homeopathic remedies are drugs of cumulative effect, as a result of which they can have the main effect only after a few days, or even after the completion of the full course of treatment.
As a homeopathic remedy, the "Altai" balm is often prescribed. To make it, you need about 30 grams of verbena, sage, lavender. Plants are mixed, poured with vodka or alcohol (approximately 500 ml), add 2-3 tablespoons of hawthorn berries. Insist for 2-3 days. Take inside 1 tablespoon twice a day.
Also, the "Taiga" collection has proved to be very useful. For its preparation requires badger fat, about 100 grams. Fat is melted in a water bath, 2-3 tablespoons of hop cones are added, half a teaspoon of ground ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg.
It is recommended to take pains to relieve pain, which promotes the activation of internal reserves and the recovery of the body. To prepare you need lemon juice. On a glass of lemon add about 50 grams of rose hip syrup and as much syrup of northern cloudberries. Stir thoroughly, drink a third cup three times a day. You can add honey to taste.
A nutritious mixture also proved to be very good. It is recommended to grate 1 banana on a grater, mix it with two tablespoons of lemon and honey. Stir until smooth, eaten at a time. Such puree can be cooked 2-3 times a day, washed down with juice or tea. Banana promotes the purification of blood, the restoration of the body, removes toxins from the body, acts as a sorbent. Lemon replenishes, saturates the body with vitamin C.
Recovery comes faster. Honey is also a good antioxidant and nutrient medium, removes from the body slag and free radicals.
Pain may require surgical intervention only if they are pathological. Often surgical treatment is used for tumors of various genesis and localization, with acute inflammatory diseases, urgent conditions. Everything depends on the diagnosis, the cause of the disease.
Often, surgery is carried out if the cause of the pain are disorders in the intestine, in particular, obstruction, dolichosigma (excessive expansion or lengthening of the sigmoid colon, which leads to permanent constipation). Also urgent surgical intervention is performed if the cause is the so-called "acute abdomen" - a condition requiring urgent surgery. This includes appendicitis, inflammatory processes that can lead to peritonitis and sepsis, necrosis. When detecting tumors, surgery is performed to remove them.
With gynecological diseases, bleeding, polyps, surgical intervention is often required. Also, the cause for surgery is ectopic pregnancy, miscarriages, uterine bleeding. Sometimes pain can be a sign of severe pregnancy pathologies that require urgent delivery. If necessary, a caesarean section is performed.
In men, surgery may be required for tumors, adenomas, various neoplasms and blockages.
Complications and consequences
Pain can be a sign of a disease. If a woman has pain, it can be natural, of a physiological nature, then men do not have such pains. They have all the pain is pathological.
If timely measures are taken and treatment is carried out, serious consequences can be avoided. If you do not find out the cause of the pain and do not treat them in time, you can get such complications as: pyelonephritis, prostatitis, urolithiasis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis. Many diseases are dangerous in themselves, but they can also cause other, even more serious diseases. For example, kidney disease can occur, resulting in kidney failure.
Often there are cirrhosis, ascites. Appendicitis is dangerous because there is a danger of peritonitis and sepsis. Pain is accompanied by the regeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant, cancerous tumor.
For the prevention of pain, it is necessary to contact the doctor in a timely manner, to carry out diagnostics, and to identify the pathologies necessary to carry out the necessary treatment. It is also important to observe a healthy lifestyle, eat right, avoid stress, neuropsychic stress. It is important to observe the regime of the day, play sports, perform breathing exercises and relaxation practices.