Drawing pains in the lower abdomen: causes, signs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Drawing pains in the lower abdomen - today a fairly common phenomenon, which worries mostly women. Also, there are special conditions when pain can make itself felt, and this is the norm. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the pain can simply irradiate from other areas where inflammation is developed in the genital area, or arise on the nerves, with prolonged overstrain, disturbance of the day's regimen and nutrition.
Causes of drawing pains in the lower abdomen
Among the great variety of phenomena by which they can develop can be found as physiological mechanisms that are very natural and explainable, yet pathological, arising from the pathological process, dysfunction and disruption of normal processes in an organ. It often happens that a person feels pain in a particular place, while inspecting it there is a structural or functional disorder. But not infrequently there are also cases when a person complains of pain and discomfort in one, quite specific area, however, on examination no pathology can be identified. All processes and functions proceed in full accordance with the norms of the norm. This means that the localization of the main pathological process should be sought in a completely different place. Such a signal is transmitted along the nerve.
The cause may be structural, or functional, impairment. Structural change involves changing the anatomical structures that may arise as a result of damage, or it was such initially as a result of genetically determined pathology or intrauterine development. Functional change means a change in the function of the organ and system, which arises in connection with various causes. At the same time, anatomical pathologies are not detected.
Below the abdomen, pain can be associated with disorders in the reproductive, genitourinary system of various genesis. Sometimes people just think that the pain is localized in the pelvic area, whereas in reality it just radiates from neighboring areas, and is a consequence, for example, of the intestinal inflammatory process. Especially frequent are these pains with constipation, inflammation of appendicitis. Spasms of the intestine, flatulence also cause such feelings. The female half of the population suffers from such pains, as a result of gynecological diseases, various kinds of dysfunctions. If we talk about men, then among the main reasons, it is expedient to single out and consider such causes as prostatitis, adenomatic processes, tumors, neoplasms and overgrowth. In the representatives of both sexes, the cause of such pains can be hernia, trauma of the lumbar and sacral spine, and oncological pathologies. In this way, cystitis, kidney problems can manifest itself. If a person has impaired renal function, you can easily differentiate this problem from similar pathologies by frequent urination. It is also advisable to pay attention to the admixture of blood in the urine, unnatural color, the smell of urine. Especially dangerous are the situations when fainting, weakness, pallor, sharply reduced pressure. Almost always, intra-abdominal bleeding develops, urgent surgical intervention is required.
Often, there are cases in which nausea and vomiting are a concomitant sign, indicating that intoxication is progressing. Also, a bad sign is the appearance of persistent pain that does not go on for a long time, and even painkillers are powerless. This almost always indicates that the body develops a benign or malignant tumor.
Risk factors
It is simply impossible to single out a special group, since absolutely anyone, whether an adult, a child or an elderly person, is at risk. It is not surprising, because the reasons for which they can arise are infinite. This risk is especially increased by the fact that the causes can even be natural, which can not be avoided anywhere, and it is impossible to avoid them. Women are most at risk, as they often experience premenstrual changes. Hormonal background can play an important role in the development of absolutely any sensations and contribute to the development of various pathologies. Can be inflamed or painfully transformed tissues and other components of the female uterus, ovaries. Moreover, the female uterus, in its permanence and functioning is very changeable, can be in a different state. It depends on the cycle, with the slightest change which can undergo different transformation processes. This is especially pronounced during pregnancy, during menopause, and during adolescence, when major hormonal changes occur.
The risk group includes people who suffer from permanent constipation, or other disorders of the stool. Sheep, feces with impurities of blood and mucus, insufficient digestion of food can be accompanied by pain. In most cases, such pain occurs in the area of the intestine, which undergoes an inflammatory process. This involves receptors, which are the nerve endings. Their intense irritation leads to the impairment of the perception of the pulse, its transmission through the reflex arc and the processing by the appropriate structures of the brain. So, the brain can "blur" the signal and send it to other anatomical structures. Or the pain can spread along the nerve fiber. This is facilitated by the very anatomical structure of the nerve, in which the cells are connected to each other in a single anastomosis.
Also very risky people who have polyps in the intestines and stomach. They can cause pain. It will be especially strong if the polyp grows, or in its structure there are transformed cells that gradually degenerate into cancerous cells.
Pathogenesis depends on the etiological factor and the state of the body. If this is a physiological reason, the pain can pass quite quickly. For example, against a background of hormonal adjustment, a woman can vary in shape and size of the uterus, other internal organs. Pregnancy promotes the stretching of muscles, ligaments and skin, as well as pressure on internal organs, their compression. If we talk about the representatives of the male, it is advisable to consider such physiological factors as, for example, excessive accumulation of seminal fluid in the gland, hormonal changes.
At the heart of the pathogenesis of pathological pain lie various mechanisms: blood circulation is disrupted, spasm occurs.
Types of pain in the lower abdomen
On their appearance indicate unpleasant, painful sensations in the lower abdomen, burning sensation, rezi, discomfort. If you suspect a development of any pathology, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Only timely diagnosis and timely treatment can guarantee a cure.
Pain in the lower abdomen and pulls the lower back
The loins can pull in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, with a hidden infection. Also, such feelings can arise after intensive training, or vice versa, after a long break in training. This is often due to damage, stretching or excessive compression of the muscle framework or the accumulation of uric acid.
The lower abdomen can pull in women during pregnancy, in the premenstrual period, with hormonal imbalances and restructuring. In men, this is most often a consequence of adenoma, or inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Loin and abdomen can pull with inflammation of the kidneys and diseases of the intestines, acute appendicitis.
Drawing pain in the lower abdomen on the left
This may indicate inflammatory processes of the intestine, in particular, the sigmoid colon. Often, such feelings occur with constipation, flatulence. Sharp, not passing pain can indicate oncological processes, the presence of polyps or other neoplasms, benign tumors. Women can indicate gynecological diseases, inflammation of the left ovary. In men, most often indicates inflammatory processes of the genital organs or hidden infections.
Drawing pain in the lower abdomen on the right
It can indicate inflammatory and infectious processes in the intestine, the poisoning or inflammation of appendicitis. This can be a sign of exhaustion, a decline in forces, in which the stored substances come from appendicitis to the blood (as the last reserve of the body). This is observed with prolonged starvation, frequent compliance with diets. Women can be a sign of gynecological diseases, inflammation of the right ovary, hidden infections, ectopic pregnancy.
It hurts and pulls in the lower abdomen
If the pains are periodic, coming, not too intense - this may indicate inflammation or an infectious process in the intestine, the genitourinary system. If the pains acquire a permanent permanent character, they become strong - this may be a sign of severe damage to the abdominal organs, a sign of a tumor (both benign and malignant), or polyp.
Pain in the lower abdomen, drawing pain in the legs
Often similar phenomena are observed during pregnancy, when the uterus presses on the surrounding nerves and tissues, as a result of which the pulse spreads throughout the entire nerve. It can also indicate pinch, intervertebral hernia, trauma.
Stretching pains in the lower abdomen and in the groin
Pain in the groin can indicate both the stretching of the muscles as a result of heavy physical work, pinching of the muscle or nerve, inflammation, and inflammatory and infectious processes in the pelvic and abdominal cavity.
Constant pulling pains in the lower abdomen
If the pain becomes permanent, you can suspect a commissural and inflammatory process, an intense muscle spasm. Such pain can be a sign of the development of malignant or benign tumors.
Sharp pain in the lower abdomen
Can indicate injury, damage, acute inflammation or poisoning. It can be a sign of acute appendicitis, which requires urgent surgical intervention. Also can indicate in women for ectopic pregnancy, swelling, miscarriage. In men, it can be a sign of damage to the prostate.
Drawing pain in the abdomen and temperature
It can be a sign of severe inflammation, bacterial and viral infection, acute intestinal pathology. Especially dangerous is the condition for women: it may indicate a risk of developing uterine bleeding, severe inflammation of the ovaries. Pregnant women indicate problems and complications: ectopic pregnancy, threat of miscarriage, placental abruption.
In men, prostatitis or adenoma often develops. The temperature can increase with intensive recovery processes in the postoperative period, with the development of complications, divergence of seams, attachment of infection, exacerbation of other chronic and accompanying diseases. It can also be a sign of development and progression of the tumor process, twisting the legs of the cyst and polyp.
Periodic pain in the lower abdomen
Indicate for periodic hormonal disorders or perestroika, spasms. This may indicate a latent infection, a disease that is asymptomatic.
Drawing cutting pains in the lower abdomen
If the pain is cutting, it usually indicates an acute pathology. Often, such pathologies require urgent surgical treatment. When there are cutting pains, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.
May occur as a result of the development of inflammation, trauma, stretching. It is necessary to exclude the risk of appendicitis, since this is a rather serious pathology that requires urgent surgical intervention. The disease is dangerous peritonitis - infection and inflammation of the entire abdominal cavity, sepsis.
In women, such pains arise as a result of gynecological diseases, with ectopic pregnancy, with complicated pregnancy.
Stretching pain in the lower abdomen and its swelling
Bloating usually occurs with diseases of the intestine, as well as with the accumulation of gases, constipation. It often occurs after surgery, or after a procedure such as a gastroscopy. Usually in such cases passes for several days.
If the swelling does not go away within a few days, it can be a cause for concern. Pain and swelling may indicate inflammation or exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. If there is a violation of the stomach and intestinal environment, with insufficient digestion of food, stagnant phenomena and dysbiosis, a swelling can develop which does not pass for a long time.
Drawing pains in the lower abdomen with cystitis
Cystitis falls in the number of almost the main reasons for which there are pains of a pulling nature, the exact localization of which can not be determined. The main cause of development of cystitis is not only a violation of normal microflora and the violation of some anatomical structures, but also the appearance of bacterial and viral flora. Often these symptoms are accompanied by burning, pain in the perineum, urinary tract. Pain occurs directly at the time of urination, as well as some time after. Pulls hardest in the morning, but during the day, these feelings also do not pass. In the evening, everything depends on the state of the body. Usually, if the body is in a relatively normal state, under which the immunity corresponds to the norm, the pain will decrease by the evening. If the condition of the body is disturbed, the immunity is reduced, then pain intensifies towards evening. At night, pain can bother a person, may not bother. Basically, everything is determined by the individual sensitivity of the body and the response to inflammation and disease progression, endurance and the ability of the body to resist infectious and somatic pathologies. Often the body temperature rises.
Drawing pains in the lower abdomen while walking
Unambiguously to determine the cause of pain is almost impossible, not using a set of laboratory and instrumental studies. This can be both an inflammatory process, and a direct consequence of injuries that have occurred as a result of intense training, physical activity. The paradox is that such a pain can be felt by trained athletes with well-trained skeletal muscles and the bone system, as well as invalids who are for a long time in a stationary condition, or with insufficient level of motor activity. When walking, pain can occur in people with muscle atrophy or weakened muscle tone, which are restored after a trauma, wheelchair, or walk on crutches. Also, similar pain can occur in athletes with muscle hypertension, or uneven development of skeletal muscles, with excessive use of muscle growth stimulants, abuse or misuse of functional and sports nutrition.
Stretching pain in the lower abdomen and diarrhea
If there is diarrhea against the background of trailing pain, it also indicates functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Can occur with inflammation, after surgery. Often is a consequence of food poisoning, chronic infections, intoxication. Diarrhea is also seen as an individual reaction to food change, a symptom of food intolerance and intestinal indigestion.
Stretching pains in the abdomen at night
This can indicate both inflammation and recovery from a previous illness, tissue regeneration after surgery. Most often - with resorption of adhesions, scars. The main regenerative processes occur precisely at night, because at night the body is relaxed and protective mechanisms, the recovery resources are maximally mobilized. Also at night sensitivity increases. If the day the woman could not notice the weak pain, then at night they will be more noticeable.
Sometimes the pain arises due to various anomalies and inflammations, processes, the development of tumors, polyps. Most polyps are also formed at night.
It hurts and pulls the right side in the lower abdomen
With the localization of pain in the right side, it is better not to endure and not wait. This will simply result in the loss of precious time, which could be used for medicinal purposes. We must act immediately: pass the diagnosis and exclude the possibility of appendicitis. This is a serious enough disease, which can result in peritonitis and sepsis, if not to take timely measures. It is also important to exclude a number of gynecological diseases and inflammations, pregnancy outside the uterus, neoplasms.
Stretching pains in the lower abdomen during movement
It is possible to suspect that there is a spasm or an adhesion process. Also, similar feelings accompany the intensive training process of athletes (overstrain, stretching of the muscles of the stomach and ligaments). Sometimes - a pathological process, a disease, a pinched nerve, an intervertebral hernia.
Drawing pains in the lower abdomen in the morning
They can occur with muscle hypotension, or, conversely, excessive tension, intense training. For women, it is useful to relate this phenomenon to the twisting of the ovarian cyst, spasm, and gynecological diseases.
Drawing shingles in the lower abdomen
The pain of shingling localization is a consequence of severe inflammation, which is often accompanied by a soldering process, affects the urogenital sphere. Often develop damage, pinching of the nerve. As a consequence, the pain signal spreads throughout the entire length of the nerves. This is the case with a nerve, a pregnancy, a cold. The uterus grows and squeezes the internal organs and nerves: pain spreads, loses clear localization.
Drawing pains in the lower abdomen after an unprotected act
Often an objective examination reveals an inflammation against the background of viruses and bacteria, the development of a latent infection. It is such an infection that can persist for a long time in the body, multiplying and causing various damages in the body. Often people do not even know about the presence of this infection, because it does not make itself felt. It often manifests itself only in the case when irreversible processes developed. If there were even the slightest signs of pathology, you should immediately be treated. It is advisable to undergo a complete examination.