


Pain in the left ovary

Pain in the left ovary - a paired female organ in which viable eggs are formed, and hormone production occurs that regulates the entire reproductive female system - can occur for a number of reasons.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen

The abdomen, unlike the spleen, heart or liver, is not an independent organ - it is the container of the most diverse structures, tissues, other organs, etc. It is easy to guess - the pain in the left side of the abdomen, as, in fact, in its other parts, can be provoked by one of the many components that are in the stomach.

Pain in lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen is a common problem, not only women but also men are affected by it. Soreness in this case can have a different appearance: piercing, pulsating, aching, compressive.

Pain in the lower abdomen with monthly

Pain in the lower abdomen with menstruation, also called algodismenoreia, is familiar to half of the girls who have reached the age of 12-13 years. She forces the girls to suffer, swear with their close people in small things, regret their involvement in the beautiful sex. How does this scourge of the whole fair sex appear and how to reduce their monthly suffering?

Pain on critical days

Such a delicate female theme as the menstrual cycle is considered indecent for discussion in society. From an early childhood, girls are taught that menstruation is something, akin, shameful, even the name came up with a veiled - critical days. However, a lot of questions arise on this topic, and girls, becoming women, believe, for example, that pain in critical days is the norm.

Intestinal pain

All diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with rare exceptions, are accompanied by pain. However, intestinal pain has some differences from gastric pain. Knowledge of these differences allows you to establish the correct diagnosis in time, in severe cases, to provide correct, adequate pre-medical care.

Pain in pregnancy

Pain during pregnancy can occur in the back and in the perineum, in the chest, in the navel, in the kidneys. During pregnancy, women develop various pains of a different nature, degree of intensity and localization. Sometimes, it seems that everything can hurt at once or separately.

Pain in the bowels

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach, bloating and heartburn, nausea and, as they say, pain in the bowels. These symptoms occur in everyone and almost daily. The digestive system sometimes does not cope with the fact that we "force" it to digest. The more frequent failures occur in the digestive system, the more likely one or a whole complex of diseases.

Pain in early pregnancy

If you have one or more of the 12 signs of pregnancy, you need to think about going to the doctor to make sure that you are pregnant. During this period, the hormonal background begins to change dramatically, and the body "reacts" to these changes. There may be pain in the early stages of pregnancy.

Abdominal pain with menstruation

Abdominal pain with menstruation occurs in about 50% of women, among them up to 15% describe their menstrual cramps as severe. A survey of adolescent girls shows that over 90% of girls have abdominal pain during the menstrual cycle.


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