Omission of the uterus
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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To the process, during which a change in the position of the uterus is observed downwards, the name "omission of the uterus" is used. In the future, this condition threatens with complications: loss (full or partially complete) of the uterus into the vaginal cavity. Is the omission of the uterus dangerous? About the causes, symptoms, consequences and medical measures, we'll talk in this article.
Causes of ovulation of the uterus
The omission can be found in female representatives of different age groups, but more often this condition is diagnosed in women from 30 to 50 years. The disease is quite common: about 15% of all gynecological surgeries fall on the diagnosis of the omission (or loss) of the uterus.
What can cause a change in the position of the uterus? As a rule, this is the weakness of the musculature and ligamentous system of the pelvic region. As a result of this weakness, the rectum can also shift and the position of the bladder change, which will lead to frustration in their work.
The onset of omission of the organ can occur at a young age, progressing with time. At the same time, violations of uterine functionality come to the forefront, which provokes both physical and psychological suffering, and may also be a factor in further disability.
In normal condition, the uterus is at equal distances from the right and left borders of the small pelvis, located behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. Correct position of the uterus - with a partial slope anteriorly and the formation of an obtuse angle with the uterine neck. Any violation of this provision can be a fundamental factor in the development of uterine prolapse.
The next cause of the pathology can be considered a violation of the anatomical structure of the pelvic organs, which can occur as a result of traumatization of the muscular fibers of the pelvic floor. Omission of the uterus after childbirth is one of the consequences of such a trauma. Damage can occur both during childbirth and during operative interventions in the reproductive field, with tear gaps, and innervation of tissues.
Omission of the uterus during pregnancy usually does not arise. However, the presence of pathology during conception of the child can serve as an obstacle to normal gestation and the timely birth of the baby. Generic activity during omission occurs with certain difficulties, therefore, when planning conception, it is recommended to conduct appropriate therapy of this pathology.
Omission of the uterus after cesarean section does not happen more often than with natural childbirth. The reason for this is the same injury of the musculoskeletal system, which provokes the displacement of all the reproductive organs in the parturient woman who, until the moment of trauma, was kept by these muscles. This same injury is a factor that provokes the prolapse of the uterus from the genital cleft.
Omission of the uterus in the elderly can be associated with violations of the hormonal balance (for example, in the menopause), with dysplasia of connective tissue fibers, with prolonged heavy physical exertion and lifting heavy loads. A provoking factor may be the presence of excess weight, frequent and prolonged constipation, chronic cough.
Abortion is also considered to be a provoking factor in the occurrence of omission. Therefore, for the purposes of healthy prevention, it is recommended to use contraceptives in advance if pregnancy is not desired. In order not to aggravate the situation, for the same reason it is not recommended to have an abortion when the uterus is lowered. Such actions will unequivocally lead to complication of already existing pathology.
Symptoms of ovulation of the uterus
Symptoms of omission of the uterus at first time may not attract the attention of a woman. Often, women tend to suffer discomfort without going to the doctor. And only when there are pains when the uterus descends, the patient decides to consult a specialist. However, it must be remembered that a timely visit to the doctor significantly improves the prognosis of the disease and makes the treatment more effective. Note the following symptoms:
- soreness, initially unobtrusive, sipping. It is felt in the lower part of the abdomen. Soreness is constant and monotonous, which largely affects the general condition and mood of the patient. Sometimes the pain manifests itself in the perineal zone, in the lumbar and sacral region: in these cases they are particularly pronounced and intense. It becomes uncomfortable to walk, and in general to be in an upright position;
- in the vaginal cavity there is a feeling of being in it an alien body, which causes additional discomfort. This sensation is most clearly manifested in the vertical position of the body;
- loss of control over the process of urination. This can happen when the posterior or anterior wall of the uterus descends;
- violation of the act of defecation. Changing the position of the uterus puts pressure on the intestines, which can contribute to the appearance of constipation;
- discharge at the omission of the uterus is often abundant, possibly the appearance of leucorrhoea, both a light shade, and with blood veins;
- monthly with the omission of the uterus can become more painful, prolonged and plentiful, difficulties with conception are possible;
- a feeling of discomfort with sexual contact, loss of pleasure from having sex. There may be pain, or in general, any sensations disappear.
The omission of the walls of the uterus in the future makes impossible the full-fledged sexual life of a woman.
Gradual development of pathology can be revealed by the woman herself. But often this happens only when the lowered uterus is already looking out of the vagina. The visible element of the uterus can be matte, pale pink, with multiple small hemorrhages and even sores. Such a surface can easily become infected.
Physiological omission of the uterine fundus can be observed in late pregnancy, which serves as one of the signs of the early onset of labor. This is due to the preparation of the baby for birth: it is pressed closer to the exit from the small pelvis, occupying the most comfortable position for passage through the birth canal. Symptoms of physiological omission of the uterus are:
- Relaxation of pressure on the diaphragm (dyspnea disappears, breathing is facilitated);
- relief of digestive discomfort;
- the appearance of pain in the lower part of the pelvis;
- increased urge to urinate;
- aggravation of constipation;
- changes in the contours of the abdomen;
- difficulties with walking;
- sleep disorders.
If the drop in the uterine fundus is observed just before the onset of labor, or approximately 3 weeks before the birth, this situation can be considered normal and not a threat of termination of pregnancy.
The danger is pending for a period of up to 36 weeks: there may be a risk of early interruption of the gestation process. In such cases, a woman, as a rule, is put in hospital for carrying out measures for the maintenance of pregnancy.
Where does it hurt?
Degrees of ovulation of the uterus
The course of the process of ovulation of the uterus can be divided into three degrees:
- the displacement occurs downwards, however the uterine neck is localized in the inner part of the vaginal cavity. This degree is often found only on examination with a gynecologist;
- the uterus descends into the vaginal cavity, at the same time the cervix can already be seen at the entrance to the inside of the vagina (in such cases it is already possible to speak of an incomplete moment of loss);
- The uterus, together with the vaginal walls turned outward, is found below the level of the external reproductive organs (severe uterine lowering, or complete prolapse).
With the course of the process, protrusions of the anterior and posterior vaginal arches can occur, in which the intestinal loops, rectum, and bladder are found. In this state, they lend themselves to palpation through the vaginal wall.
Diagnosis of ovulation of the uterus
How to determine the omission of the uterus? Actually, the diagnostic measures for the omission and prolapse of the uterus, as a rule, do not present difficulties and are conducted when examined by a specialist on a gynecological chair. In order to determine the degree of the process, the doctor can ask the woman to strain, and then by the method of vaginal or rectal examination checks the change in the location of the vaginal walls, as well as organs of urination and rectum.
Patients with impaired localization of the reproductive organs are usually subject to medical examination. An obligatory condition is colposcopy.
If the level of ovulation of the uterus involves an organ-preserving plastic surgical intervention, then the complex of diagnostic measures becomes more extensive. Are applied:
- method of hysterosalpingoscopy and diagnostic scraping of the uterine cavity;
- Ultrasound of pelvic organs;
- bacterioscopic examination of the vagina, identification of atypical structures;
- bacterial examination of urine for infectious diseases of urinary organs;
- method of excretory urography, excluding obstructive changes in the urinary tract;
- computerized method of tomography of pelvic organs.
Women diagnosed with uterine prolapse are consulted in the proctologic and urological department, where the state of the intestine and urinary system is assessed.
Signs of omission and prolapse of the uterine organ must be differentiated from the vaginal cysts, the born myomatous formations and the inferior inversion of the uterus.
What do need to examine?
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More information of the treatment
Prevention of ovulation of the uterus
To prevent the occurrence of omission of the uterus, it is necessary to take care of this since childhood. It should not be allowed for girls and women to have heavy physical labor, as well as lifting weights of more than 10 kg.
When carrying a child and in the process of labor, the danger of changing the position of the uterus increases. However, it is necessary to know that in determining the pathology of omission, the determining role is played not so much by the number and frequency of delivery as by the qualified medical management of the pregnant woman, as well as by the generic and post-breeding period. Competent actions of an obstetrician, measures to protect the perineum, prevention of prolonged labor, correct manipulations during delivery are the main factors preventing ovulation.
After delivery, especially severe and complicated, it is recommended to follow all the doctor's advice on restoring and preserving the perineal tissues.
In the postpartum period, simple physical exercises, gymnastics for strengthening the muscular corset of the uterus are recommended. Heavy physical exertion should be avoided.
An important element of prevention is rational nutrition, prevention of constipation. To do this, you need to eat enough fiber (fruits and vegetables), and also observe the drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of clean water a day.
Prognosis of the omission of the uterus
The prognosis of the omission of the uterus can be favorable. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a full-fledged qualified treatment, carry out all the recommendations and appointments of a doctor, and then not overload the pelvic organs with excessive physical exertion.
Remember that you are a woman, and you need to especially take care of yourself. After all, you are the protection for your children and family, so you must maintain your health. Especially it concerns the health of the reproductive system.
Omission of the uterus is an unpleasant and serious disease, but if you treat yourself more carefully, this trouble will certainly bypass you.
Sport at the lowering of the uterus
Many women are wondering whether it is possible to play sports when the uterus is lowered. Of course, physical activity helps to strengthen the muscular system, including the pelvic region. It is recommended to perform gymnastic exercises, engage in fitness or yoga. However, during lessons, you should avoid carrying heavy objects, excessive loads, jumps and falls.
Running at the omission of the uterus is not contraindicated, but the runs should not be intensive and unhurried, without excessive activity and taking barriers.
Strengths in sports with the omission of the uterus are prohibited.
Sex with ovulation of the uterus
The disease associated with the omission of the uterus, can create many problems in the woman's intimate life. Sexual contact when lowered over time becomes unpleasant and painful, and the feeling of discomfort in the vagina persists the patient everywhere. What can I advise? Certainly, to treat pathology. Sexual life during the ovulation of the uterus for the entire period of treatment should be suspended.
- The pathology of omission is only aggravated and accelerated with active sexual intercourse.
- Pain during sexual intercourse should alert the woman and encourage her to seek help from a specialist: the initial stage of the disease is treated much easier.
- Running the process of omission of the uterus entails the appearance of intolerable pain and unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse, which reduces the frequency of practicing sex to almost zero.
- At some stages of the process, sexual contact can cause vaginal eversion with further loss of the uterus.
- Even after the end of treatment, sex should be gentle and not rough.
There is an opinion that having sex is a good prevention of omission. Most likely, it is so. However, when the problem already exists, it is better to exclude sex temporarily.