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Ointments for pain in the knees
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Musculoskeletal system - thanks to it, any person is able to stand, sit and move. And if at least one of its elements breaks down, there is obvious discomfort, not only physical, but also psychological. The knee is, perhaps, the most complex and dimensional joint. Trauma or defeat by any disease brings a lot of suffering to the patient, from which you want to get rid as soon as possible. The pain symptomatology of this joint is also an age-related problem. It affects almost all the elderly. It is she who comes out on top in the diseases of professional athletes. Therefore, drugs that allow you to easily and quickly remove the pain, are in high demand with the consumer. Of the most convenient to use, you can call ointments from pain in the knees.
Indications for the use of ointments from pain in the knees
Pain symptomatology, limiting the mobility of the joint may occur in the patient for many reasons. Therefore, before proceeding with adequate treatment, it is necessary to establish the source of the problem and only then to proceed to therapy.
But even at the stage of establishing a diagnosis, you can apply special painkillers to relieve the pain. Indications for the use of ointments for pain in the knees can arise in the presence of such diseases:
- Trauma and violation of the integrity of the meniscus.
- Arthritis (rheumatic and rheumatoid) - an inflammatory disease of the joint articulation.
- Osteoarthritis is a degenerative-dystrophic joint disease.
- Exacerbation of gout.
- Failure in the normal blood flow of this area of the human body.
- Inflammatory process affecting the knee:
- Radiculitis.
- Bursitis.
- Lumbago.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Bechterew's disease.
- Osteoparosis.
- Osteoarthritis.
- Arthritis.
- Tendonitis.
- Sciatica.
- Injury of the knee without compromising its integrity.
- Myalgia of non-rheumatic origin.
- Neuralgia.
- Traumatic inflammation of the soft tissues adjacent to the knee joint.
- Ankylosing spondylitis.
- To provoke joint pains can, and, apparently, not connected with the work of the locomotor system of the disease:
- Adnexitis - inflammatory processes in the appendages of the uterus.
- Disease of ENT - organs.
- Algodismenorea - a violation of the menstrual cycle, manifested by cramping or aching pain in the lower abdomen, but painful symptoms can occur in the joints of the knees.
- Pathology of dental genesis.
- Migraine.
- A feverish condition at an infectious-inflammatory process in an organism of the patient.
The main symptomatology requiring medication:
- Deforming the patella.
- Puffiness in the area of the affected joint.
- Pain symptomatology if you want to change the position of the joint.
- Limitation of knee mobility.
- Appearance, unusual for the normal operation of the joint, sounds: clicks, crackles and crunch.
- Prolonged pain, aggravated by movement of the knee.
Form of issue
Medicines for the intended purpose are presented by the pharmacological companies in the assortment with a sufficiently large list. But the form of release considered in this article is represented by ointments developed for local external application.
In the case of a severe clinical picture of the disease, the ointment in question can be entered into the protocol of complex treatment.
Preparations of this group were designed for external use. Therefore, their pharmacodynamics is aimed at providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on tissues. Part of the preparations, due to their composition, have a warming, or, on the contrary, antipyretic effect.
Ointments for knee pain inhibit cyclooxygenase, an enzyme of arachidonic acid, which occupies not the least place in the course and spread of the inflammatory process. There is a direct direct effect on prostaglandins. The process of platelet aggregation is suppressed.
Medicines have the properties of analgesics. With external application to the affected joint, the drug improves the motor activity of the knee, reduces pain intensity.
When applied in a thin layer, the medicines of the pharmacological treatment under consideration do not have a significant adverse effect on the patient's body.
Pharmacokinetics of this group of drugs show a high degree of penetration, entering the tissues adjacent to the affected joint. It is in these tissues that active active substances begin to be cumulated (rather than in blood plasma), reaching maximum concentrations. This allows patients with diseases of the mucosa of the digestive tract to effectively treat without fear of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (as opposed to tablets).
The half-life (T1 / 2) of the drugs in this group is usually two to three hours. About 80% of the components of the medicine are excreted from the patient's body in conjunction with the urine. In this case, seven parts - in the form of metabolites, and one - in unchanged form. The rest in the form of metabolites leaves the body together with the calves.
Names of ointments from pain in the knees
Pain when moving, the problem of unbending and bending the knee, an unpleasant crunch in the joint - all this does not add comfort, but is an occasion to turn to a specialist. A qualified doctor will conduct a survey and determine the cause of this symptomatology. Only after this, complex treatment is prescribed, which can consist of physical procedures, medication, including ointments for knee pain. In especially severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Their choice is wide enough, and the doctor who will prescribe the drug most effective in a particular clinical picture will help you understand the proposed assortment. The list of medicines of the considered pharmacology and the form of release is quite extensive. In this article we will only get acquainted with some of them. Below are the names of ointments for knee pain - fastum gel, doloben, ibutop, diclofenac, orthophene, voltaren, heparin ointment, nurofen, arthroactive, ibuprofen-norton, brufen, dolgite, troxevasin, rapidgel, ferbedone, diprifiliff and many others.
All of them are simple enough to use, while quickly and effectively remove pain symptoms. With prolonged use reduce the inflammatory process, stopping swelling and improving mobility of the knee joint.
Usually, drugs of this group are divided according to the type of action, although modern drugs have almost all these properties (more or less).
- Ointments of warming action. This effect arises due to the specific animal poisons, plant and chemical components that enter into the composition of the ointment. When applying the drug, blood flow to the periarticular tissues is improved, the heat exchange processes of this zone are activated, which allows to reduce the recovery period of the affected joint. But you should know that preparations with a warming effect should not be used immediately after injuring the knee. They are effective in the rehabilitation of injuries or when used for preventive purposes. Before using any ointment, the drug should be tested on a small area of the skin. This will avoid a more extensive allergic reaction of the body to the drug. To such medicines carry: ayiskuyu ointment, ointment Ogarkova and others.
- Ointments of anti-inflammatory action. Medicinal products of this pharmacoparity work on the relief of inflammation, which affects the joint and surrounding tissues. An acute or slow inflammatory process indicates that the body's defenses are weakened by the body's defenses. Local application of ointments allows not only to remove the inflammation, but also locally increase the immune status of a person. To the preparations of this group are: fastum gel, diclofenac, orthophene, rapidgel, voltaren and many other ointments.
- Ointments that have an analgesic and cooling effect. Drugs of this category have a low (in contrast to warming ointments) irritant effect. Such drugs are allowed to use and immediately after the injury. They effectively relieve pain syndrome.
Dosing and Administration
Therapeutic therapy for knee joint damage is a lengthy business, so you will have to be patient. There are cases when such treatment is not able to solve a medical problem, then it is used to rid the patient of uncomfortable symptoms, although partially improving the health situation.
The drug for pain in the joints, depending on the clinical picture of pathology, can go both as a drug of monotherapy, and as a medicine that is part of complex treatment. But in this or that case the name of the medicine, the way of application and the dose should be prescribed only by the attending physician after the examination and additional examination of the patient.
All ointments are applied a thin layer, in some cases the ointment is not even rubbed (it is necessary to carefully read the instructions to the preparation). If the disease is chronic, it is desirable to choose ointments for pain in the knees, which include iodine.
In most cases, external ointment therapy is only part of a larger set of therapeutic measures.
It should be recalled that independent treatment and refusal of medical care can lead to serious complications and irreversible changes in the structural structure of the joint itself and surrounding tissues, which unambiguously leads to the need to replace the deformed joint with an artificial mechanism.
Often it is recommended to apply the ointment with a strip about 10 cm to the area of the affected knee, and distribute the medicine in a thin layer over adjacent areas. Such a procedure, having previously read the instructions or on the recommendation of a doctor, is conducted from two to five times throughout the day. But before proceeding to treatment, it is desirable to make a test for the absence of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. To do this, apply a little medicine on a small patch of skin and stand for about 20 minutes. If no reaction followed, it is fashionable to use the drug safely.
The duration of the treatment course is different and is determined depending on the severity of the disease and the level of sensitivity of the patient's body to the active constituents of the ointment.
Medicines with increased caution should be used during pregnancy, feeding a newborn baby with breast milk. It is also necessary to exercise caution:
- To the elderly.
- With severe damage to the kidneys and liver.
- Presence of an anamnesis patient with chronic heart failure.
In the presence of one or more symptoms (of the above) throughout the treatment, continuous monitoring of the heart, kidney, liver and peripheral blood condition is necessary.
Use of ointments for pain in the knees during pregnancy
Fetching a baby is a period when any outside interference can make adjustments (often unfavorable) to the development of the embryo and the general course of the pregnancy. Therefore, even having an external character of application, the use of ointments from pain in the knees during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, is not allowed. In the first and second trimester, taking ointments is only permissible if there is a significant need to stop the problem with the health of the expectant mother. That is, when possible harm to the fetus is lower than not the result of therapy for the woman.
Often, minor amounts of active substances of the drug are excreted in breast milk. But the use of drugs in this group during lactation is still allowed. An exception is the situation when the drug must be taken for a long time and with high dosages, then it is necessary to raise the issue of stopping the feeding of the newborn with breast milk.
Contraindications to the use of ointments from pain in the knees
Many patients believe that if the medicine has external application, then it can not harm the health. But this is not so. Contraindications to the use of ointments from pain in the knees still exist.
- Increased sensitivity of the patient's body to the component composition of the ointment.
- Propensity to allergic reactions.
- The presence of abrasions and other damage to the skin at the site of the intended application of the drug.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Third trimester of pregnancy.
- Age of children from six or 12 years for each particular drug separately.
- Violation of hematopoiesis.
- Severe degree of renal or hepatic insufficiency.
Side effects of ointments from pain in the knees
Preparations for joint pain are fairly well tolerated by the human body. But in the case of applying the drug to the skin with large doses and with a long course of therapy, the side effects of ointments from knee pain can still be manifested. Usually they are expressed by symptoms of an allergic nature: the appearance of itching, skin rashes, hyperemic surface. But this symptomatology will disappear in eight to twelve hours as soon as the application of the drug is discontinued.
To date, there is no complete information whether it is possible to overdose the drugs of this pharmacological group and the form of release. It can only be noted that, under certain circumstances and individual characteristics of the patient's body, he may have allergy symptoms: itching, hives, hyperemia of the area treated with ointment, slight puffiness, burning sensation.
But enough to stop using the ointment, as after a certain time (from 8 to 12 hours), this pathological situation will go away on its own.
Interactions with other drugs
No matter how innocuous the drug may seem, but when combined with drugs that belong to other pharmacological groups or the one to which the drug in question belongs, one can observe their mutual influence on the pharmacodynamics of each other. Therefore, before introducing a new drug into the protocol of treatment, it is necessary to know the consequences of the work of ointments and their interaction with other drugs.
In the case of tandem reception with drugs containing indirect anticoagulants (for example, acenocoumarol), it is possible that they are displaced from the binding complexes with blood proteins.
A similar situation can be observed when combined with phenytoin, as well as derivatives of sulfonylureas, which are hypoglycemic drugs.
With the simultaneous use of ointments from pain in the knees and antihypertensive drugs, the level of pharmacological properties of the latter decreases. These include beta-adrenoblockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
When tandem input significantly reduces the effectiveness of diuretics. Acetylsalicylic acid leads to a decrease in the concentration of the active agent of the ointment in the blood plasma of the patient.
And when working with anticoagulants, on the contrary, increases their influence on the patient's body.
If one treatment protocol includes the drugs and glucocorticosteroids discussed in this article, possibly an evoked side effect of the digestive tract.
When combined with amlodipine, there may be a slight decrease in the antihypertensive characteristics of the latter.
There are documented cases when, with one protocol of treatment with baclofen, an increase in the toxicity of the baclofen components was observed.
Tandem colestyramine and the drugs considered in this article significantly reduces the absorption capabilities of ointments. And when you enter with magnesium hydroxide, on the contrary, there is an increase in this characteristic.
In a joint admission with warfarin, bleeding may occur, long enough in time. Perhaps the appearance of hematomas and signs of microhematuria.
The risk of reducing the antihypertensive effect of captopril increases with its joint administration with ointments from pain in the knees.
There is an increase in the quantitative component of lithium in blood plasma when combined with lithium carbonate.
With the simultaneous introduction of drugs that relieve pain symptoms in the knee joints, and methotrexate, there is an increase in the toxicity of methotrexate.
Storage conditions
The drug is prescribed, but immediately after it was purchased at the pharmacy, it is necessary to pay attention to its storage conditions, at home. After all, the quality of the remaining pharmacological characteristics that the drug should display throughout the therapeutic period depends on how correctly a person begins to withstand these recommendations, given in the medicine attached to the medicine.
There are several such recommendations:
- Store the medicine in a cool place where the room temperature does not exceed + 25 ° C. But do not store the tube with the drug in the refrigerator or freezer.
- The room where the ointment is stored must be dry, moisture reduces the quality of the product, and worsens its pharmacological characteristics.
- The drug should not be available to young children.
- The storage location should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
Shelf life
After buying a drug, it is absolutely necessary to get acquainted with the terms of the drug production and especially pay attention to the end date of effective operation, which must necessarily be reflected on the packaging of any product. If the end date is already overdue, further use of the medicinal product in question is unacceptable. The shelf life of the ointments under consideration in this article is basically two to three years from the date of release of a particular batch of the drug.
We are used to the fact that our body obeys us at the slightest signal from the brain. Therefore, when there is pain in the knees and their ability to move smoothly decreases, delivering many unpleasant minutes, one should not self-medicate, attributing to himself all kinds of drugs. This approach to the signals of your body can lead to the loss of precious time and aggravation of the situation with the clinical picture of the disease. Therefore, the faster the patient gets to consult a doctor, the less effort and time it will take to fix the problem. Often, ointments from pain in the knees can help in the treatment of this problem. They are easy to use and, differing in local effects, show minimal impact on other organs and systems of the human body. The main thing that must be remembered is that a drug should be prescribed by a specialist and that its recommendations must be strictly followed. Only in this case can we expect a quick and effective result, with a minimal risk of relapse.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointments for pain in the knees" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.