

Ointments for lice

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pediculosis - defeat by lice - has been known for a long time. In the old days, people struggled with importunate insects in a variety of ways, using kerosene, dust, vinegar and other household methods. Now the situation has changed: a lot of effective drugs appeared on the pharmaceutical market, which allow getting rid of arthropods quickly and comfortably. For example, ointment from lice is a good and safe remedy suitable for both children and adults.

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Indications for the use of ointment from lice

Ointments from lice are prescribed for the treatment of pediculosis - human lesions by the corresponding insects.

Several species of lice are known, and each of them can cause one of the variants of the disease:

  • pediculosis of the head - is caused by the head lice, which remains viable for up to 40 days, delaying up to 400-500 eggs (the so-called nits) during this time. Infection occurs as a result of using other people's hairbrushes, caps, pillows, etc .;
  • pediculosis of the pubic zone - is caused by pubic lice (carpenter's), which leaves nits on the skin of the pubis or on the scrotum. In rare cases, the plaque can also infringe on the eyebrows, beard and axillae. Means of transmission of the pathogen are bedding, personal hygiene products;
  • pediculosis - is caused by a louse, which settles inside the folds of clothing or linen. Defeat often occurs in people without a specific place of residence.

Names of ointments from lice


Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Dosing and Administration

Storage conditions and shelf life

Sulfuric ointment

Ointment not only relieves lice, but also struggles with microbial diseases. Entry into the systemic blood supply is negligible.

Ointment is applied up to 3 times a day, according to the individual scheme prescribed by the doctor.

They are kept under normal conditions, up to 2 years.

Serotum ointment from lice

Antiparasitic and antiseptic external remedy, consisting of concentrated mercury ointment, lanolin, pork and bovine fats.

They are used externally, rubbing into the skin in places of lesion by parasites.

Keep in a cool place, until 3 years old.

Mercury ointment

An antiseptic, which weakly affects parasites and their eggs, therefore requires repeated use.

The ointment is diluted with water in half. Apply to the affected skin and leave for 30 minutes. After that, the skin together with the hair is diluted with water vinegar. The procedure is repeated weekly, until complete recovery from lice.

Keep in cool places, up to 2 years.

Turpentine ointment from lice

Ointment with a distracting and antiseptic effect. Weakly affects lice and nits.

Use weekly, applying to the affected skin, until complete elimination of parasites. At the same time, you should comb out the nits every day.

Keep in a dark place, at t ° up to + 15 ° C. Shelf life - up to 2 years.

Benzyl benzoate ointment

Ointment from lice and mites that die from 30 minutes to 5 hours.

Ointment is applied for half an hour under a cap or handkerchief, after which it is washed off with warm water with the addition of vinegar. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Preserve under normal conditions, for 3 years.

Boric ointment from lice

Ointment has antiseptic, fungicidal, anti-pediculous and tanning action.

Apply to the affected area, wash off after 25-30 minutes. After the procedure, hair is recommended to comb out.

Keep in normal conditions, up to 3 years.

Sulfur-mercury ointment

Ointment used for skin parasitic pathologies.

Rub into the skin, affected by parasites, periodically, until the lice completely disappear.

Keep in the refrigerator until 2 years old.

Nitifornaya ointment (Nittifor cream)

Destroys lice and their larvae for 10 minutes. Can be used to treat head and pubic lice.

Use on dry and clean hair. Wash off after 10 minutes, then comb, removing the dead parasites. It can be used no more often than once in two weeks.

Store away from heating appliances and light sources, up to 2 years.

Permethrin ointment from lice and nits

Insecticidal and acaricidal agent, provoking the death of nits and mature parasites.

Use once, keeping on the affected surface for 24 hours. After that, wash your skin thoroughly and change clothes and bed linen. The procedure can be repeated in two weeks.

Ointment from lice is stored up to 2 years in normal conditions.

Lauri ointment from pubic lice

An external preparation approved for use in the treatment of pediculosis and phthyriosis.

Distribute to hair and skin, wash off after 20-40 minutes in the usual way.

Does not require special storage conditions.

Knicks ointment from lice for children

An antidepressant agent based on permethrin. Children up to 6 months are used with caution. In 90% of cases, the ointment is effective after the first application.

Apply on the scalp, rinse after 10 minutes after application. After the procedure, the hair is washed, dried and combed.

The ointment is stored for 2 years at room temperature.

Special instructions on the use of ointment from lice

When using several drugs against lice simultaneously, care must be taken: first, it is advisable to read the instructions and make sure that the data of interaction with other drugs will not cause harm to the body.

In the treatment of skin, precautions should be taken:

  • Do not allow ointment to enter the eyes, into the nasal and oral cavity, to the external genitalia;
  • when handling, wear protective gloves;
  • after applying the ointment, wash hands thoroughly with detergent;
  • after treatment, ventilate the room well.

If ointment from lice caused any reaction to the skin, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Use of lice against lice during pregnancy

Despite the fact that a lot of different ointments from lice are known, not all of them are allowed to be used during pregnancy. The fact is that permethrin is the active component of the majority of external anti-pediculosis drugs, a substance that paralyzes arthropods. Permethrin enters the bloodstream in small amounts, only about 2%. However, this is considered sufficient to cause possible harm to the growing in utero.

Nevertheless, if lice appeared in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to get rid of them. If only because a woman with pediculosis is unlikely to be taken to the maternity ward without proper treatment. But there is no need to resort to an independent solution to the problem: a pregnant woman should be treated by a dermatologist who will choose the most safe and effective remedy.

Contraindications to the use of ointment from lice

  • Propensity to allergic reaction to any of the components of the external agent.
  • Children's age (for some drugs).
  • Open skin lesions in the areas of use of an anti-pediculosis ointment.
  • Inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Often - pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

The use of ointments in these cases can damage the body, or aggravate the existing problem. Therefore, if there are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will choose the safest drug. Sometimes, if you can not apply any of the existing medicines against lice, you have to destroy the parasites mechanically - comb out and select insects manually.

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Side effects of ointments from lice

Ointments from lice can cause small local reactions, often associated with excessive sensitivity of the body:

  • burning sensation, itching;
  • temporary numbness of the skin area at the site of application;
  • redness of the skin;
  • rash, swelling of the skin.

If you accidentally swallow the ointment, you may experience signs of eating disorder, heart rhythm disturbances, irritability and drowsiness.

As a rule, after a while after application of ointment from lice, the listed symptoms pass independently.

With the use of ointment inside the symptomatic treatment aimed at the rapid removal of the drug from the body.

Overdose ointment from lice

Overdose with external drugs is considered unlikely, since only a small amount of active substance enters the systemic circulation. However, with the occasional intake of the drug inside this is possible. If any amount of ointment is swallowed, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, take a sorbent preparation (activated charcoal, enterosgel, sorbex) and during the day drink plenty of clean water.

If there are any suspicious symptoms, it is recommended that you call the doctor urgently.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointments for lice" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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