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Ointments from age spots: on the skin of the face, body, hands, reviews
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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No matter how much we would like to have an even, clean skin without birthmarks and pigment spots, you will not go against nature, so you often have to struggle with its ridiculous jokes with the help of special methods and means. One of the safest, albeit far from effective remedies for getting rid of excessive pigmentation is ointment from pigment spots. And the whitening effect of various ointments can be more or less, because not all the means were designed specifically to reduce the intensity of the pigment. For some creams, skin whitening is simply a side effect, discovered accidentally.
Indications of the ointments from age spots
Probably, many noticed that prolonged exposure to the sun provokes the appearance of dark spots on the skin, a change in the color of already existing markers, increased pigmentation of freckles on the face and body, etc. Fight with such manifestations can be with the help of special sunburn creams with a protective UV filter. But if the moment is missed and the appearance of pigment spots on the skin can not be avoided, to return the skin of the former whiteness and tenderness, you can use various ointments from pigmented spots with bleaching effect.
But not only the sun's rays provoke an excess of the culprit of pigmentation of melanin in the human body. Pigmented spots can be congenital and acquired due to hormonal adjustment, age-related changes, metabolic disorders. In this regard, and the indications for the use of ointments from pigmented spots are wide enough:
- congenital pigmentation and birthmarks
- areas of enhanced pigmentation, arising from increased production of melatonin (chloasma)
- dark spots that do not rise above the surface of the skin in people of middle and old age, appeared after exposure to the sun
- freckles on face and body
Among other things, the ointment used from pigmented spots is most often effective in the treatment of acne, acne, acne and other skin defects.
Release form
In the pursuit of beauty, we are often willing to spend any money to achieve the desired result, without even thinking that this money can be found more worthy application, starting to combat flaws in the skin from inexpensive drugstores. But in most cases they will not go further than them. Sometimes, however, home-made ointments come to the aid of pharmaceuticals. In any case, such care for the skin will give noticeable results at low costs.
And you can achieve the ideal only with the help of serious cosmetic procedures, for example, laser pilling. Even the most expensive and effective ointments and creams from pigmented spots will not give such a result, but will only improve the appearance of the skin.
Names of ointments from age spots
So, why pay more if there are decent inexpensive but effective means. Take, for example, zinc ointment. Zinc oxide in its composition has uncommon whitening properties, which makes the ointment effective in lightening the pigment spots on the skin.
Zinc ointment is universal, so it can be successfully used as an ointment from pigment spots on the face. Here we get a double effect. First, the bleaching of the skin. Secondly, the fight against pimples and acne due to antimicrobial and easy drying effect. If the second problem is not relevant for you and the drying effect causes only discomfort, you can get rid of dryness and a feeling of tightness of the skin using moisturizing or fatty creams.
What is good zinc ointment? According to many patients and doctors, she copes well with the task of lightening the pigment on the skin without causing damage to health. The only side effect of the ointment is allergic reactions, and that happens in isolated cases. Yes, and a contraindication to the use of this drug is only an increased sensitivity to the active substance - zinc oxide, which is observed in a very small percentage of the population.
Zinc ointment from pigment spots can be used 2 to 6 times a day until the desired effect is achieved, applying it to the cleansed skin with pinpoint motions. In the struggle for the beauty of the skin, the ointment will not spare any age spots, acne and pimples, or fine wrinkles, which is also very important.
The way of application and the dose of the preparation, which are insignificantly small in the case of point application, exclude the toxic effect of the ointment on the human body, which means that there is no question of overdose. Nevertheless, do not put zinc ointment on the skin with open wounds and severe purulent inflammation.
Interaction with other drugs. Zinc ointment can be painlessly mixed with baby cream or castor oil. This will help avoid drying the skin.
Antifungal agents and control of pigment spots
Sulfur ointment is a rather effective antifungal drug, which, among other things, can combat acne and excessive pigmentation. By its action, the preparation based on sulfur differs from the previous one. The removal of pigment spots is achieved by drying and exfoliating the cells of the epidermis at the site of application of the ointment.
Preparations based on sulfur are not so safe as a means, where the active substance is zinc oxide, so it is advisable to use them no more than a day later, leaving it on the skin for a day. The course of treatment with such a scheme will be only 12 days.
Side effects of ointments from age spots are most often reduced to allergic reactions, and sulfuric ointment is no exception. Nevertheless, increased sensitivity to sulfur preparations is not the only contraindication to the use of sulfuric ointment. It is also not recommended to use to remove pigmentation spots in infants up to 3 years, although the ointment is acceptable for use from 2 months of age.
The strong drying effect of sulfuric ointment can adversely affect the dry and sensitive skin, so if used according to the doctor's indications, after removing the ointment from the skin, it is necessary to lubricate the areas affected by the pigmentation with a moisturizing cream. It is not necessary to mix sulfuric ointment with creams.
Interaction with other drugs. Before using sulfuric ointment, it is not recommended to treat the skin with "potassium permanganate" or hydrogen peroxide, giving preference to other skin cleansers. Otherwise, you can earn a severe burn on the skin.
A significant disadvantage of sulfuric ointment is its unpleasant odor. In addition, it is heavily washed off the skin, leaving the yellow, fatty traces on the clothing in contact with the treated areas. Therefore, it is better to use it both on the face and on the body while you are at home.
Another antifungal drug, well proven in the fight against dark spots on the skin, is the ointment "Clotrimazole." Notable effectiveness, a small number of contraindications and complications, and therefore relative safety, absence of unpleasant odor made this tool popular among owners of freckles and other pigment spots.
To lighten the areas with hyperpigmentation, apply the ointment on clean and dry skin 3 times a day: in the morning, in the daytime and at bedtime. "Clotrimazole" is well absorbed and does not leave traces on clothes. Allowed to be used on the face, hands and body.
Ointment "Clotrimazole" does not enter the bloodstream when applied externally, affecting only the surface layers of the skin. Therefore, an overdose of the drug can be completely ruled out. However, sometimes during the use of Clotrimazole, unpleasant events can occur: burning, itching, which may indicate intolerance to the drug and require its withdrawal.
It is undesirable to apply this ointment in the area around the eyes, where the skin is most sensitive. Pregnancy and lactation are far from the best periods for the removal of pigment spots with ointment Clotrimazole.
Antibacterial agents and pigment spots
Not only do antifungal agents fight excessive pigmentation. This ability is also possessed by some antibacterial agents. For example, a chloramphenicol-based synthomycin ointment, although classified as an antibiotic, does a remarkable job not only with bacteria, but also with blemishes on the skin.
If someone is scared that this ointment is an antibiotic that can be dangerous to health, do not worry. The fact is that the sintomycin ointment, like the previous ones, does not penetrate deep layers of the skin and tissues of the body, does not enter the blood, which means that it is relatively safe for humans.
Apply sintomitsinovuyu ointment on the skin of the face and hands, preferably after cleaning and steaming. The skin should be dry at the same time. Duration of treatment up to 1 month. In cases of more prolonged use, addiction to the drug is observed. If 4 weeks was not enough to get the desired result, it makes sense to make a one-month break, then continue the treatment.
Keep the ointment on the skin should be at least 1 hour, applying point to the areas with increased pigmentation. Perhaps during this period there will be a slight discomfort on the site of application. Usually such a reaction is short-lived and lasts for an hour. But sometimes the allergic reaction is more serious, and in this case it is worth to cancel the drug.
Contraindications to the use of sintomycin ointment are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and a toxic reaction to the active substance of the ointment in the anamnesis. Drugs based on levomycetin (chloramphenicol) are not prescribed for psoriasis, eczema, oppression of hematopoiesis, impaired renal and hepatic function, pregnancy, lactation. But given that the external use of the ointment excludes its entry into the blood and other body fluids, the likelihood of complications is negligible. But to consult with the doctor about the possibility of applying this ointment from the pigment spots against the background of the diseases described above is still worth it.
A popular antiseptic salicylic ointment possesses a good keratolytic and exfoliating effect . Salicylic acid in the composition of the ointment actively softens and removes the upper cells of the epidermis, in which melanocytes are concentrated, responsible for the pigmentation of a specific area of the skin. Thus, lightening of the skin is achieved.
Apply to the skin salicylic ointment again you need to point, avoiding skin areas with normal pigmentation, no more than 2 g for one use to avoid getting into the blood. You can do this up to 3 times a day. Therapeutic course should not exceed 4 weeks. An overdose of the drug causes severe allergic reactions.
Side effects of salicylic ointment from pigment spots are very rare. Usually this is redness, itching and slight burning sensation, corresponding to an allergic reaction to the drug.
Contraindications to the use of salicylic ointment are cases of hypersensitivity to the drug. Sometimes, children's age is also indicated, therefore, before using ointment in children, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. According to some sources, it is not possible to apply ointment to moles and birthmarks.
It can not be said that salicylic ointment is a health hazard, but it is a potent remedy, therefore it is often used in multi-component ointments and masks, where it brings a lot of benefit to owners of unattractive dark spots. And yet, applying salicylic ointment together with other components, it is necessary to take into account the drug interaction with other drugs, since salicylic acid in the composition of the ointment can enhance the effect, including the side effects of other drugs, and also form melting (with "Risorcinum") and insoluble (with zinc oxide) compounds.
Nevertheless, pharmacists managed to combine incompatible, as a result of which on the shelves of pharmacies appeared almost safe and effective whitening ointment - salicylic-zinc paste. Salicylic acid, as one of the components of the ointment, provides an exfoliating effect, and zinc oxide (the main active substance) exerts a whitening effect by reducing the production of melanocytes.
Apply the product to the skin 2-3 times a day, without fear of an overdose, which is possible only when applying ointment to large areas of the skin. Do not apply ointment to open wounds, especially festering, mucous, and skin areas that are constantly under the influence of moisture (axillary cavities, inguinal folds, etc.). The course of treatment can vary from 7 to 20 days, depending on the intensity of pigmentation.
Despite the apparent safety of the agent, the salicylic-zinc ointment has certain contraindications to the use. The drug is not used to treat children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Do not use ointment and in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug in order to avoid severe allergic reactions.
It should be understood that salicylic-zinc ointment dries the skin at least one-component preparations based on salicylic acid and zinc oxide, so its use on dry and sensitive skin is undesirable. And yet, children's cream and castor oil, which can be used during treatment with this ointment, will help to fix the matter.
Drug interaction with other drugs. Salicylic-zinc ointment is not used during treatment with antibiotics of the penicillin group, because of the ability to reduce the effectiveness of the latter. "Fenacetin" and "Rizorcin" can form with the ointment mixture with unpredictable effect, so the combination of these drugs is also undesirable.
Vitamins and excessive pigmentation
Retinoic ointment is currently a less popular remedy for pigmented spots, despite all its useful properties. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the ointment is dispensed only on the prescription of a doctor, and the lack of ointments that help with pigment spots, our people do not suffer. Whatever the case, retinoic ointment has the right to exist, including in connection with its skin-whitening properties.
Anti-aging and anti-inflammatory retinoic ointment is nothing more than a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, hence the name. Its use implies caution, because excess of vitamins is also unsafe, ka and lack. Therefore, the use of the ointment is limited to 1-2 times a week. At the same time, apply the ointment on the skin with a thin layer and only in the evening, as it increases the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. In case of daily use of the ointment, the reaction can be directly opposite.
Do not use retinoic ointment for a long time. It is better to treat with short courses, interrupting it if there is discomfort in the form of redness and flaking. After a couple of days, the drug can be resumed.
Ointment based on retinoids is not suitable for everyone. Children's age, pregnancy and lactation require prior consultation with a doctor about the possibility of using this ointment from pigment spots. Contraindications to the use of retinoic ointment may be hypersensitivity to the drug, liver and kidney function deficiency, neoplasms on the skin, increased lipid and lipoprotein levels in the blood, excess in the body of vitamin A.
Side effects of the ointment from pigment spots in the form of allergic manifestations can appear both immediately and after 2-3 days. Other unwanted symptoms may result from vitamin A hypervitaminosis. Such symptoms include dryness of mucous membranes and skin, development of conjunctivitis, pain in muscles and joints, head whips and convulsions. More serious consequences are possible, such as bleeding from the digestive tract, development of pancreatitis and inflammatory processes in the intestine.
Interaction with other drugs. Retinoic ointment is incompatible with the antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group and progesterone. Simultaneous use of ointments and vitamin A increases the risk of hypervitaminosis.
Pharmacy ointment for pimples "Belosalik" and pigment spots
Ointment "Belosalik" is an anti-inflammatory drug with a pronounced keratolytic effect, due to which it has found application in the treatment of excessive pigmentation in adults and children over 6 months old. Ointment is created on the basis of salicylic acid and betamethasone, which effectively cleans the affected skin areas.
This ointment does not belong to the category of budgetary funds, besides, unlike the above-described ointments, there are many contraindications to the use. This and varicella, and skin tuberculosis, and viral skin infections, and many other diseases that have their manifestations on the skin. Do not apply ointment on open wounds. And of course, the use of ointment is forbidden, if the patient is intolerant of any components of the drug.
Method of administration and dose. Apply the drug 1-2 times a day on a clean and dry skin, using an ointment in a small amount. The duration of treatment with the drug should not exceed 4 weeks. If it is necessary to increase the therapeutic period, apply the drug to the skin 1 time in 2 days to avoid an overdose of the drug.
Side effects of the "Belosalik" ointment, used from pigment spots, are usually poorly expressed. It can be allergic reactions in the form of itching and redness, and sometimes even more serious manifestations, such as skin atrophy, pigmentation suppression, dermatitis development, the appearance of acne and others. If ointment is used for a long time, especially in the face, betamethasone accumulates in the body and can provoke reactions associated with a decrease in the functionality of the adrenal cortex.
Cosmetology in the fight for clean skin
Achromine ointment, it's the whitening cream from the pigment spots "Achromin" on the basis of hydroquinone, belongs to the category of medical cosmetics, which can also be found on pharmacy shelves. This is one of the most popular ointments that fight with the problem of dark spots on the skin and pimples. Its effectiveness is actively discussed in forums, and most of the reviews are positive. By the way, according to the same feedback, the updated "Achromin" without hydroquinone is inferior in efficiency to the original version.
"Achromin" has well established itself as a remedy for freckles and spots on the face and body, and also as an ointment from pigment spots on the hands that often accompany the aging process of the body.
To lighten the pigment spots, it is recommended to apply the ointment twice a day: morning and evening, applying to the clean skin with light massage movements. Usually the result becomes visible after 14-15 days, and after 1-3 months the pigmentation spots disappear completely.
Side effects of the ointment from the pigment spots "Achromin" are observed very rarely in the form of irritation on the skin. In this case, it is recommended that the skin calm down for 4-5 days, then begin treatment again, applying the ointment once, in the evenings. After a week, if side effects do not occur, you can go to the standard scheme for using the ointment.
Despite the effectiveness of Achromin, this ointment from pigmented spots is not intended for use by persons younger than 12 years. All the fault is the active substance of the ointment, which can be dangerous for the child's body. In large quantities hydroquinone can harm an adult body, so you need to apply the ointment for no more than a month. Better later, repeat the course of treatment without danger to health.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of whitening ointments used from pigmented spots mainly depends on the main active ingredient of the preparation, which can exert antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and membrane-protective action on cells, i.e. Prevents the destruction of the cell membrane.
Pharmaceutical creams used to control enhanced pigmentation most often contain nonspecific components such as vitamin A (or its synthetic analogue), zinc oxide, chloramphenicol (synthomycin), clotrimazole, salicylic acid, which have sufficient whitening effect under the condition of regular application of ointments on their basis.
The products of various cosmetic companies can contain glycolic and azelaic acids, arbutin, rucinol, beta-carotene, hydroquinone and even mercury. Despite the noticeable effectiveness against pigmented spots and the strong whitening effect of cosmetic ointments from pigmented spots due to some insecure components, the body can do more harm than good.
Therefore, before you start using them, you need to carefully study the composition of creams and their effect on various systems and human organs. For example, if arbutin and beta-carotene do not adversely affect the body, then mercury and hydroquinone are highly toxic substances and, if misused, can significantly undermine a patient's health.
The form of production of pharmacy and cosmetic products from pigment spots - ointments and creams for external use, most often coming on sale in aluminum tubes or glass (sometimes plastic) jars of small volume.
Use of the ointments from age spots during pregnancy
If, in the case of a healthy adult, you can say that to get rid of unaesthetic stains on the skin, all of the above means are good, then pregnancy and breastfeeding impose certain restrictions on the use of medicines. After all, what good mother will put her interests above the child's health? Here, either you have to suffer and love yourself for who you are, or use not popular means, but those ointments whose action will be gentle with the baby's body.
The use of ointments from age spots during pregnancy should be preceded by consultation not only with a dermatologist, but also with a gynecologist who will help to correct the appointment of the previous specialist. For example, the same vaunted "Achromin" is not suitable for the treatment of pigmentation in a delicate period, because hydroquinone, accumulating in the body of a woman, can get to the baby through the placenta or breast milk. And this means that in this case it is safer to use another tool.
Ointment "Belosalik" can be used during pregnancy and lactation only on strict indications. It is used in small areas of the skin and very short, avoiding the area of the mammary glands.
Use a sintomycin ointment during pregnancy and feeding a woman can decide for herself. The active substance of the ointment is able to penetrate the placenta, and it is possible to enter the breast milk, however, there was no adverse effect on the child in all cases.
Retinoic ointment can cause an excess of vitamin A in the body, which will adversely affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development.
Salicylic ointment is allowed for use during pregnancy, but it should not be used for long and in small areas of the skin.
Ointment from the pigment spots "Clotrimazole", although considered to be generally safe, may still have a negative effect on the development of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy. Since 4 months of pregnancy, this ointment is used only under the supervision of a doctor. With care it is necessary to treat the treatment of pigmentation with "Clotrimazole" and during breastfeeding.
But ointments based on zinc oxide can also be used in an "interesting" position, since they do not have a harmful effect on either mommy or her baby. And yet it always makes sense to preliminarily coordinate your decision with the opinion of a specialist doctor on this score.
Storage conditions
Any ointment from pigmented spots should be used before the expiration of its expiration date, otherwise the result can be expected for a very long time. In addition, overdue ointments can cause some harm to the human body, as well as other drugs.
The shelf life of ointments from age spots can range from 18 months to 5 years. The smallest shelf life of achromine ointment. But zinc ointment can retain its properties for 5 years, if stored at a temperature of up to 15 degrees.
A long shelf life (4 years) can boast salicylic-zinc ointment and "Belosalik". In this case, you can store them at a higher temperature (up to 25 degrees).
Shelf life
The bulk of ointments from pigmented spots are stored for 2 years at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Only retinoic ointment requires a lower storage temperature (from 2 to 8 degrees).
To ensure that the ointment from age spots retains its properties during the shelf life, it is necessary to observe the storage conditions indicated on the package. Ointments can not be frozen, but the effect of sunlight and high temperatures affects them negatively. It is best to store the ointments in a dry, rather cool, darkened place, where access to children and brothers of ours is limited.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ointments from age spots: on the skin of the face, body, hands, reviews" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.