Moles after sunburn
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Moles are pigmentations, usually oval, appearing on the surface of the skin.
Almost all people have these educations. Some have more of them in others - it all depends on our skin features.
Causes of the moles after sunburn
The main cause of the appearance of moles is ultraviolet radiation, which activates melanocytes (skin cells). The result of the activity of melanocytes is the production of pigment melanin. In the epidermis (the upper layer of the skin), the pigment breaks down, leading to a brownish staining. Proceeding from this, with a moderate tan our skin acquires a bronze shade. Sometimes, the pigment is distributed unevenly over the layers of the skin, forming excessively pigmented areas - spots or moles. Their formation is associated with intense sunlight or stay in the solarium. Most emerging moles after sunburn is not dangerous, it is the skin's response to irritating environmental factors. Occasionally, the mass appearance of moles can indicate skin diseases, serious damage to the immune system. With a large number of moles, for a short time (1-3 months), a person should always consult a dermatologist.
There are two main types of moles: congenital and acquired. Congenital pigmentation is present from the moment of birth or occurs during the first months of the child's life. With the active growth of a child, they increase in size symmetrically. They are quite large.
Acquired birthmarks appear on the skin for life. They are small in size.
Symptoms of the moles after sunburn
Moles are differentiated by color (from light to dark brown tone), by the nature of the border (the edges are even or uneven), in terms of elevation above the skin and symmetry.
The boundaries of moles are uneven, rugged, indistinct. These are signs of a possible malignant neoplasm. Normally, the edge of the mole is smooth and clear.
Should be alerted and the color irregularity presence of impregnations of black, red, blue shades. Safe birthmarks of uniform color.
If the mole is enlarged and its diameter exceeds 6 mm, a specialist consultation is necessary.
Many moles after sunburn
If the body has many moles after sunburn, do not panic. This indicates that the person has been exposed to the sun for a long time and his skin has developed an increased amount of melanin. This process is considered the norm and does not deserve close attention.
Beware of the large moles in which there are no clear boundaries and uniform color.
White stain around the mole after tanning
Around the moles after sunburn may appear white spots. This is not evidence of their malignant degeneration, but can talk about the presence of vitiligo. With this disease, pigmentation is minimized or disappears in some parts of the skin.
White spots are of different shapes and sizes. Often, as a kind of moles, the spots protrude above the surface of the skin and, after some time, disappear on their own.
Ordinary moles, bordered with depigmented skin, experts call the nevus Sutton. These white patches of skin are always irregular in shape, prone to fusion. Such a disease in most cases does not lead to the formation of melanoma. More often achromic spots disappear themselves. Specialists consider malignancy of this process unlikely and offer treatment only in cases when a person considers this a serious cosmetic problem.
Complications and consequences
Moles, in their majority, do not bear negative consequences. In the case of the procedure for their removal, there remain minor scars and scars, which, over time, become almost invisible.
Only dangerous birthmarks provoke serious consequences that threaten human life.
In addition to scars and scars, after removal of the mole, a burning sensation, itching, dull pain is possible. One of the most formidable complications is an allergic reaction to the anesthetic. To avoid this, the doctor must carefully collect the history and take into account all the risk factors
For more rapid recovery of skin areas after surgery, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for the use of special ointments for healing and smoothing of scars.
Diagnostics of the moles after sunburn
Dermatological examination of moles should be performed by each of us. You can do it yourself. For this purpose, the entire body is carefully inspected. Moles that cause doubts require consultation in a specialized medical clinic.
The dermatologist for the accurate diagnosis should carefully examine the dubious birthmarks and conduct the following types of examinations: anamnesis (information on the presence of a diagnosed melanoma among relatives); dermatoscopy (examination of moles with a strong increase); if necessary, a biopsy is used.
When examining and diagnosing nevi, no tests are required.
In the case of surgery, except for the usual (biochemical and general blood test), specific blood tests (coagulogram, blood clotting time, blood glucose, etc.) may be needed. Conducting these studies is necessary for a general assessment of the work of the body and internal organs. Sometimes the results of tests reveal contraindications to the removal of dangerous moles.
Instrumental diagnostics
Dermatoscopy is painless, non-invasive (not damaging to the skin), a safe method of examination, allowing early diagnosis of tumors.
Digital dermatoscopy allows to fix all pigmented neoplasms, to measure their area, diameter, pigmentation degree and to control the dynamics with the help of special equipment.
Biopsy is the most accurate method of diagnosis of malignant neoplasms. Biopsy is of two types: puncture and excision;
In addition, it is prescribed: ultrasound, radiography, MRI.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Differential diagnosis
To distinguish a malignant neoplasm from an ordinary birthmark, only a qualified specialist (dermatologist or oncologist) can.
In appearance, pigment spots are classified: flat nevuses (pigmentation, hardly rising above the surface of the skin), nevi papillomatous (with multiple growths in the form of papillae), nevi in the form of education on the foot, etc.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the moles after sunburn
The most simple, but ineffective way to combat moles after sunburn is the use of special creams and masks. The composition of creams include depigmenting substances that interfere with the formation of melanin and the pigmented areas become lighter.
The most non-traumatic method is surface peeling (under the influence of acids, a slight chemical burn of the skin is caused, releasing a layer of keratinized cells containing an undesirable pigment). Combining the effects of acids with the use of substances that inhibit the production of pigment melanin can consolidate the result.
One of the fastest ways to get rid of unwanted pigmentation is laser resurfacing. The layer destruction of the pigment occurs as a result of the action of the laser beam.
More radical methods of excision of moles - electrocoagulation, cryodestruction and surgical excision.
It is not advisable to use medicamentous drugs on its own, because of the existing risk to provoke malignancy of the neoplasm.
Alternative treatment of moles after sunburn
How did our ancestors get rid of moles after sunbathing? Ancient healers recommended special rituals. Here are some of them.
One small washed potato, cut into 2 halves, is needed. One half is thrown away, and the second rubs the mole. Then the potatoes are buried in a deserted place. As a result of the ritual, the mole should disappear.
They also used a bread spike whose top was torn off. The stem was pricked several times and buried in moist soil. When the stalk sores, the mole will disappear.
Known castor oil was also used to get rid of moles. In the mornings and evenings a pigmented patch of skin was lubricated, waiting for the result not earlier than a month.
Read also: Removal of moles at home
Herbal Treatment
Lemon, marigold, celandine and onion juices lighten the skin a little, pigment spots and freckles, but do not help in getting rid of moles.
Operative treatment
There are several methods of radical removal of moles:
- electrocoagulation - cauterizing effect of electric currents, which allows quickly remove the mole, passing under local anesthesia with the application of cosmetic sutures.
- cryodestruction - freezing liquid nitrogen instantly destroying the birthmark.
- laser removal of moles;
- The most effective method of radical treatment is surgical excision with the help of a scalpel, which occurs under anesthesia and with the application of sutures.
- operational method. The surgeon, with the help of a local anesthetic, anesthetizes the area around the mole, and then removes it with a scalpel, followed by suturing.
In order not to create an additional risk of moles after sunburn, the following recommendations must be fulfilled:
- During the summer period, the maximum time spent in the open sun during noon hours.
- Mandatory use of sunscreen.
- If you inevitably stay in the sun, you need to protect the exposed skin areas as much as possible with light-colored clothes: wide-brimmed hats, lightweight natural pants, blouses and long-sleeved shirts.