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Maxidex is a SCS used in ophthalmology. The drug has anti-inflammatory properties, is applied topically.
Indications Maxisode
Among the indications: treatment of allergic or inflammatory reactions (non-infectious nature) sensitive to steroids of the cornea, conjunctiva, and the anterior ocular segment. This category also includes inflammatory processes that develop after surgery.
Release form
Produced in the form of eye drops or ointments. Drops 0,1% in bottles-droppers with a volume of 5 ml. The package contains 1 bottle of medicine. Ointment 0.1% in a tube with a volume of 3.5 g. The package contains 1 tuba with ointment.
Corticosteroids are very effective in eliminating inflammatory processes on the part of the organs of vision. They suppress molecular adhesion to endothelial vascular cells, as well as cyclooxygenase I or II, and in addition to this, the secretion of cytokines. This helps to suppress the formation of inflammation conductors and leukocyte adhesion to the vascular endothelium. As a consequence, these substances can not penetrate into the inflamed eye tissues. Dexamethasone has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, as well as mineralocorticoid effects (reduced in comparison with other steroids) and is considered one of the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs.
Ophthalmic bioavailability of the active component after local drug use has been studied in patients who have been cataracted through surgery. The peak level of the active substance in the intraocular fluid is approximately 30 ng / ml - it is reached 2 hours after application. Later, the concentration begins to decrease, and the half-life is 3 hours.
Dexamethasone is excreted by metabolism. About 60% is excreted in urine in the form of 6-β-hydroxydecksamethasone. Unchanged substance in urine is not found. The half-life in plasma is rather short - about 3-4 hours. The binding of the active substance to blood serum albumins is about 77-84%. The coefficient of purification is in the range of 0,111-0,225 l / h / kg, and the distribution volume is within 0,576-1,15 l / kg. In case of internal intake of dexamethasone, its bioavailability is about 70%.
Dosing and administration
In case of acute or severe inflammation, 1-2 drops should be dripped into conjunctival eye bags every half hour-hour (initial stage of treatment). If this method gave a positive result, the frequency of the procedure is reduced - it should be carried out in the same dosage every 2-4 hours. Later dosage can be reduced to the 1 st drop 3-4 times per day (if this amount is sufficient to control the inflammatory process).
If there is no effect, additional therapy (subconjunctival or systemic) may be prescribed during 3-4 days of treatment.
In the case of a chronic form of inflammation, the dosage is 1-2 drops every 3-6 hours (or more often if necessary).
With mild inflammation or allergies, the dosage is 1-2 drops every 3-4 hours until the desired result is obtained.
Premature termination of treatment is not recommended. It is also necessary to monitor the intraocular pressure indices all the time.
In the case of concomitant reception with other drugs for local use, a minimum of 5-minute interval between procedures should be observed. Ointments in such cases are applied last.
Use Maxisode during pregnancy
Maxxix is forbidden to use during pregnancy.
Among the main contraindications to the use of drugs:
- individual intolerance to dexamethasone or other components of the drug;
- incomplete bacterial infections in acute form;
- varicella or cowpox and other viral infections affecting the conjunctiva with the cornea;
- the development of fungal lesions in the eye structures;
- mycobacterial form of eye infection;
- keratitis, provoked by herpes simplex.
Side effects Maxisode
Among the side reactions to the drug are the following:
- organs of the National Assembly - dysgeusia develops occasionally;
- ophthalmic disorders - mainly the appearance of uncomfortable sensations in the eyes; occasionally - conjunctivitis, keratitis, dry eye syndrome, development of photophobia, ocular itching, blurred vision, corneal staining, increased lacrimation, sensation of foreign object in the eye, and in addition irritation, the appearance of scales on the edges of the eyelids and eye hyperemia.
Not mentioned.
Storage conditions
Keep the medicine (drops) should be strictly in the vertical position, and the bottle should be tightly closed. Do not freeze any drops. The rest of the storage conditions are standard, for both ointment and drops. The temperature is a maximum of 25 ° C.
Shelf life
Maximex is allowed to be used for 3 (droplets) or 4 (ointment) years from the date of manufacture. After opening the bottle with drops, the drug can be stored for no more than 4 weeks.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Maxisode" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.