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Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Levomekol has an antimicrobial and dehydrating effect.
Indications Levomekol
It is used to draw pus and relieve severe inflammation; the medicine is used for treatment of purulent (this includes infections with a mixed type of microflora) wound areas in the first stage of inflammation.
Ointment helps to heal bedsores and wound lesions, heals boils and advanced stages of hemorrhoids, and besides calluses or herpes (in case of herpes the medication is used if the disease is accompanied by suppuration of ulcers - in this case, it helps to purify them and speeds up the regeneration process). In addition, it is used for purulent inflammations in the outer ear and purulent pimples.
Levomekol is used as a local remedy for the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes (lymphadenitis, which has a chronic or acute nature). The main attention is paid to the treatment of lymphadenopathy.
The medicine receives positive feedback on its effect in the treatment of purulent wound lesions developing in the oral cavity. Ointment helps to treat stomatitis, periodontal disease, ulcers that have a trophic character, and various inflammations.
The drug is also used in surgical dental procedures - during the removal or implantation of teeth (as a substance that helps to remove pain and reduce tissue edema).
In gynecology the agent can be prescribed as a local anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antibacterial - after various surgical procedures or births. Sometimes ointment is used for colpitis - to inhibit the activity of pathogenic microflora.
Men can be prescribed medication for the treatment of balanitis or balanoposthitis.
Release form
The drug is produced in the form of an ointment for external processing. The drug is placed in tubes with a volume of 40 grams, and in addition in glass jars with a capacity of 0.1 or 1 g.
The drug has a complex composition and is prescribed for local treatment. It eliminates inflammatory processes and shows activity against Gram-positive and-negative microbes: Escherichia coli, Staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Chloramphenicol without complications passes deep inside the tissues, promoting their healing, while not damaging the cell walls.
The antimicrobial effect of the medication is preserved even in the presence of purulent discharge and necrotic masses.
Dosing and administration
An open wound lesion is treated with cotton or a sterile cloth, which is pre-impregnated in an ointment. The procedure is as follows - a piece of cotton or a napkin is applied to the affected area, and then fixed in this place, using a bandage or patch.
The same method is also used in the treatment of furuncles. First, the area where the boil is located, treated with a disinfectant, and then apply to it gauze, pre-impregnated with ointment, and fix it with a plaster.
In addition, the medication can be injected into the purulent cavities - this is done with a syringe through the catheter. Before such procedures it is necessary to heat the ointment to temperature grades of 35-36 ° C.
Perform such dressings every day until the wound cavity is completely cleared of pus with necrotic masses. With a large area of the wound surface, the daily portion of the ointment, when calculated for chloramphenicol, should be a maximum of 3 g.
Levomecol should be used for 4 days immediately after the onset of the lesion. The hyperosmolar basis of the drug does not allow its use for more than 5-7 days (due to the fact that with a longer use, the ointment can lead to the development of osmotic shock in the area of intact cells).
Starting from the 5th-7th day of therapy, the patient moves to drugs that help restore the integrity of the affected tissues.
Use of drugs in calluses.
The drug is often used for calluses. Already opened, blistered calluses should be treated with ointment with intervals lasting 2-3 hours (it is recommended to apply the remedy for a bandage).
With a water callus, you must first gently puncture it in 2 places, using a sterile needle (the puncture site must be pretreated for disinfection with iodine or a green solution). After that, you need to remove all the liquid from it, gently pressing the wadded disk to the callus. Further corn is abundantly treated with a medicine, and the affected area is bandaged.
The use of the drug for the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis or inflammation in the ear.
If the inflammation has a purulent character and is located in the outer part of the ear, it is necessary to soak the gauze flagellum with medicine and insert it into the ear for 10-12 hours. According to a similar scheme, the drug is used for purulent maxillary sinusitis.
When treating a cold (with thick green mucus that has a bad separation), doctors can advise inserting dense cotton swabs from cotton wool inside the nostrils. This procedure should last 4 hours.
Methods of using medicament in dentistry.
For the treatment of oral mucosal lesions, and in addition, with implantation or removal of teeth, the ointment rubs inward with circular motions inside the damaged tissues. Use the medicine should be for 2-3 days.
After the treatment procedure for 30 minutes, you should refrain from eating, drinking and rinsing the oral cavity.
Methods of application of the drug in urological and gynecological practice.
To treat pathologies of a gynecological nature, you need to treat the ointment with a sterile swab, and then inject it into the vagina. It is recommended to leave the tip of the gauze from which the tampon is made, from the outside, so that it can then be more easily removed.
Change bandages and tampons need daily, because they are soaked with pus and products of decaying tissues.
Levomekol can also be injected into the wound cavity through a syringe (the ointment must be heated to the body temperature level before administration).
To treat erosion in the area of the uterine neck, the drug is used very carefully and only after the woman has completed a complete examination. The drug is effective in healing wounds, but the methyluracil in it can provoke the appearance of a tumor.
Begin the use of medication can be after the procedure of colposcopy and cytological examination.
Therapy of balanoposthitis is performed by observing some important rules. In order to achieve the most effective medicinal effect, it is necessary to treat the preparation with exclusively cleaned from pus with a deposit of the area of the body.
For the washing procedure, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used. At its end, the affected area is dried and treated with a thin layer of Levomechol. Repeat similar procedures should be 1-3 times / day. The duration of the treatment cycle is determined by the doctor.
Use of ointment to treat hemorrhoids.
The use of the drug with hemorrhoids leads to such improvements:
- elimination of microbes that provoke the development of infectious lesions;
- strengthening local immunity (this allows the body to act more actively in the development of various infections);
- acceleration of the processes of cleansing wound sites in the hemorrhoidal nodes from inflammatory products of tissue decay;
- the potentiation of protein binding within the cells of the mucous membranes and venous membranes of the intestine, as a result of which the regeneration processes are accelerated;
- reducing the risk of complications developing in the form of local intoxication;
- elimination of swelling, pain, burning and itching;
- drying of the affected tissues (therefore, ointment is often used for therapy with hemorrhoids wetting).
All the above characteristics of the drug allow it to be used not only in the early stages of the development of the disease, but also to stabilize the patient's condition after removal of the inflamed hemorrhoidal nodes surgically, and in addition, in situations where the pathology is aggravated by complications.
Before applying the drug, the anal zone should be rinsed with cool clean water and then dried with a towel. Treatment of hemorrhoids should be performed in the evening, before bedtime. Further anal area should be closed with a clean piece of gauze.
The therapeutic cycle lasts 10 days. During this period, the exacerbation of pathology flows into the stage of remission. For a longer treatment, you need to obtain a prior authorization from the doctor.
Completely get rid of hemorrhoids, using only Levomekol, it is impossible, this requires a combined treatment.
Methods of using drugs for burns.
The main active element of the drug is chloramphenicol (levomycetin), which is a universal antimicrobial component. It shows activity against a variety of bacterial strains, and in addition to some viruses. It is also important for burns and the fact that the drug is able to stimulate immunity.
Another component of the drug, methyluracil, has a stimulating effect on the processes of leukocyte formation with interferon. The latter has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect, and leukocytes help protect the body from pathogenic bacteria.
Together with this, methyluracil acts on the growth and cell division processes, due to which the regeneration of tissues within the affected area is accelerated.
Additional components of the drug enhance the effect of active elements, especially when there is pus with necrotic masses in the wound.
Levomekol has a good regenerating and antiseptic effect against affected tissues, weakens puffiness and prevents purulent process. The aqueous base of the ointment promotes its rapid absorption, and also simplifies its washing.
Due to these properties, the medication can be used for burns of any degree (this includes 3 rd and 4 th, in which tissue decay and massive necrosis are noted). But with a severe degree of impairment, it is used only as a complementary means, together with methods of general treatment.
Before starting the use of medicines for burns, it is necessary to rinse the damaged area, and then cover it with a napkin, pre-moistened with ointment. Change this dressing should be up to 5 times a day.
Use of medicines for acne.
Quite often the medicine is used to treat acne appearing on the face. To apply ointment it is necessary punctually, on the largest spots with pus (it is recommended to spend this procedure before a dream).
After opening the abscess, it is necessary to treat the wound with ointment.
Use Levomekol during pregnancy
Prescribe Levomekol in lactation or pregnancy is allowed only in situations where a positive effect on the mother's body is more likely than the occurrence of complications in the child or the fetus.
Lactating women ointment can be prescribed to lubricate the cracks that form on the nipples.
The main contraindications:
- presence of strong sensitivity with respect to methyluracil or chloramphenicol;
- psoriasis or eczema;
- diseases affecting the epidermis, and having a fungal origin.
Side effects Levomekol
The use of the drug may provoke the appearance of local allergy signs: itching, flushing, skin rash, local swelling, burning sensation, urticaria, dermatitis and Quincke edema.
At times, there is also a feeling of general weakness.
With the development of such manifestations, it is necessary to stop therapy and consult your doctor.
It is forbidden to insert tampons in the vagina, pretreated with ointment, if the patient has thrush (this is due to the fact that Levomekol can lead to the development of candidiasis).
Poisoning can lead to potentiation of symptoms of side effects.
Long-term (more than 5-7 consecutive days) external use of drugs often leads to the appearance of contact sensitivity, because of this, with the subsequent use of ointment or systemic forms of the drug containing chloramphenicol with methyluracil, the patient may develop signs of intolerance.
Symptomatic procedures are used to treat disorders.
Interactions with other drugs
It is required to abandon the combined use of Levomecol and suppressing hemopoiesis drugs (such as sulfonamides, cytostatics and pyrazolone derivatives).
Storage conditions
Levomekol should be kept out of the reach of children. Temperatures are a maximum of 25 ° C.
Shelf life
Levomecol can be used within 24 months of the manufacture of the therapeutic agent.
Application for children
The medicine is not assigned to children under 3 years of age.
Analogues of the drug are Levomethyl preparations with Netran, and in addition Lingezin, Streptonitol, Levomycetin with Fastin 1, Levosin and Protegmentina ointment.
Analogue Levomecola for the treatment of gynecological diseases or hemorrhoids can sometimes become Methyluracil suppositories.
Levomekol gets basically very good reviews. Very often it is used in surgery. Thanks to a water-based ointment, it can be used to treat infected wound lesions from the very first days of the onset of the disease. The drug effectively eliminates germs, reduces swelling and exudation, and besides it helps to remove necrotic masses and pus.
The medication, in addition to surgery, is used in dentistry and gynecology with urology, and besides in proctology, for the treatment of hemorrhoids (soaked in ointment compresses with hemorrhoids contributes to a faster onset of remission of exacerbated pathology and prevent the development of its complications).
Excellent reviews about the ointment are left by people who used it to treat acne. Based on their comments, you can understand that the medicine works as efficiently as possible, quickly eliminating inflammatory abscesses.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Levomexol" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.