How to reduce blood sugar in medicines and without insulin?
Last reviewed: 22.11.2021
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The increase in blood sugar levels is not only in diabetes: there is a condition called "prediabetes" that is the borderline period preceding diabetes, and at this stage it can still be cured. The first thing you need to know how to reduce blood sugar - it takes, no less, to change the way of life and nutrition. Doctors have a lot of recommendations on this matter - the main thing is to strictly observe all medical prescriptions.
How to reduce blood sugar in medicines?
Drugs for reducing sugar - this is a fairly serious tool for correcting the balance of insulin and glucose. Therefore, only a qualified doctor is entitled to prescribe such medicines. Independent use of such tools is strongly discouraged. See also: Insulin therapy for diabetes
Medications designed to reduce blood sugar are numerous and varied. In order for physicians to be more comfortable in their assortment, the classification of hypoglycemic drugs was determined , first of all, depending on the pharmacodynamic characteristics of these drugs. The main groups are four groups of such medicines:
- Drugs that activate the secretion of insulin - the so-called secretagogues. These include drugs on the basis of sulfonylurea, and preparations of methylglide. Sulfonylureas include such drugs as Glibenclamide, Himeperid, Glikvidon - their effect is rapid and effective, but there is a significant disadvantage: on taking sulfonylurea, the pancreas is depleted and subsequently ceases to respond to such drugs. Methylglinides act more gently - they include Nateglinide, Repaglinide, etc.
- Insulin sensitizers are medicines that enhance the sensitivity of tissues to insulin. This group is represented by biguanides (for example, known Metformin) and thiazolidones (Pioglitazone and rosiglitazone).
- Medications that inhibit α-glucosidase - their action is based on inhibition of absorption of carbohydrates by the digestive system. A typical representative of such funds is Akarobaza.
- Preparations of liraglutide - they are used to improve the condition of patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity. Liraglutide affects the functioning of the pancreas, activating insulin secretion. A typical representative of such medications is Saxend.
How to reduce sugar without drugs?
To gradually reduce sugar without the use of drugs, in the first place, it is necessary to prevent it in advance. To do this, you need to change the diet, adhere to a special diet, and also remove a number of prohibited foods from the diet, the use of which leads to a "jump" in the glucose level. To such products carry, naturally, sugar and sweets (including honey).
Sugar is reduced gradually, if such products are excluded:
- baked pastry;
- any fruit or berry juice;
- any dried fruits;
- sweet fruit;
- starch-containing products (eg potatoes);
- products with a large number of animal fats (cream, butter, lard).
Few know, but there are also a number of products that help reduce blood sugar - as a rule, this list includes products with a low glycemic index :
- sea fish and other seafood;
- green vegetables, pumpkin;
- root crops, olives;
- corn;
- almost all kinds of nuts;
- oatmeal;
- lemons and grapefruits;
- white meat;
- cereals, beans;
- garlic, all kinds of onions.
In addition to the above, it is necessary to drink enough pure water: this will help normalize carbohydrate metabolism and lower sugar.
How to reduce sugar without insulin?
If the doctor has given you insulin, it means that without this you can hardly normalize blood sugar. Independently to cancel insulin preparations in no event it is impossible, as such arbitrariness can cost to you not only health, but also a life.
However, in your power to try to help yourself and additionally make efforts to normalize the glucose in the blood.
Many diabetics successfully use chicory to reduce sugar. Chicory contains inulin (not to be confused with insulin!) - it's an oligosaccharide, a combination of fructose and glucose. Inulin belongs to the category of dietary fiber, and therefore is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract. However, its influence on the digestive processes and on the quality of intestinal function is indisputable.
What benefits can chicory bring with increased blood sugar? Inulin from chicory retains carbohydrates, which came with food. Partially these carbohydrates then enter the bloodstream, but are mostly taken out together with the inulin from the body. This is useful: inulin reduces the "sugar content" of the food consumed.
The useful substance from chicory does not break down when the beverage is heated, but it can change and undergo hydrolysis. This property is characteristic of inulin, which is contained in ready-made instant drinks. Self-prepared infusion of the plant, as well as chicory extract, do not lose their medicinal properties and the ability to reduce sugar in the blood.
How to quickly reduce sugar?
Alternative methods can sometimes be very helpful if you need to quickly reduce sugar. For example, you can use such simple recipes:
- Half a cup of oats pour ½ liter of boiling water in a thermos bottle, leave for 1 hour. Then filter and take ½ cup before meals three times a day. You can be treated this way every day for a month.
- Pour a glass of boiling water 5 g of flaxseed, stand for 35-45 minutes, add 1-2 tablespoons. L. Lemon juice. Drug is drunk in the intervals between meals.
- Grinded buckwheat groats (20 g) in a coffee grinder are mixed with 200 ml of kefir, stand the night in the refrigerator. Eat in the morning, 60 minutes before the first meal.
- Boil for an hour 20 g of walnut baffles in 200 ml of boiling water. The received means take one art. L. Between meals.
- Stir 1 chicken egg and 1-2 tbsp. L. Lemon juice. Take on an empty stomach 50-60 minutes before eating. The course can last 3 days.
- Prepare the juice from equal parts of potato tubers, beets and cabbage. Drink 100 ml before meals twice a day.
How to reduce blood sugar before analysis in one day?
Very well and quickly act such plants as dandelion and burdock. These plants, like chicory, contain inulin - a substance that prevents the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine. Thanks to inulin, the sugars entering the body with food are not digested, but leave the body naturally. The greatest percentage of this substance is contained in the rhizome of plants - this must be taken into account if you are going to prepare a quick hypoglycemic agent.
Also infusions of hawthorn, hips are quite effective for reducing sugar. Suitable and fresh or dried currant leaves.
Quickly help and drink from chicory: however, for a successful reduction in sugar should not take a quick drink. It is better to brew the raw material bought in the pharmacy, or use the extract of chicory.
There is a recipe for reducing sugar, which is usually cooked in advance - for 5-6 days. However, this means can reduce the sugar relatively quickly. 500 grams of lemons with skin, 170 g of garlic teeth and 140 g of parsley roots pass through the meat grinder. The resulting mass is poured into a container and kept in the cold for five days. Take the drug in the morning, before dinner and before dinner, half a tablespoon.
How to reduce sugar on an empty stomach?
To reduce sugar in the morning on an empty stomach, you just need to rebuild the regime of the day and nutrition. So, dinner must be done early - no later than 4 hours before bedtime (ideally - for 5 hours). For example, if you go to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening, then it's best to have supper at six o'clock in the evening. If you dine later, it will lead to an increase in fasting sugar in the morning. At the same time, we should not forget that dinner should consist of permitted products:
- some low-fat white meat or seafood;
- eggs;
- vegetables, greens;
- quality hard cheese;
- a little vegetable oil;
- nuts, seeds;
- olives;
- low-fat yogurt, yogurt without additives.
We must not forget about the necessity of observing the principles of low-carb nutrition.
How to reduce sugar in urine?
Sugar in the urine can increase not only with diseases, but also under certain circumstances - for example, after severe stress. Therefore, it is important to prevent the appearance of sugar in the urine:
- avoid stress;
- avoid physical overload;
- eat less sweets;
- regularly monitor the status of the endocrine system.
If there is a need to quickly reduce sugar, you can use these methods:
- They drink tea from blueberry leaves during the day.
- Take in the morning, at lunch and at night for 1 tbsp. L. Dry brewer's yeast.
- They drink tea three times a day on the basis of birch buds and lilac flowers.
- Drink during the day a decoction from the rhizome of a dandelion or burdock.
- Eat three times a day on a tablespoon of mustard seed.
In addition, it is recommended to add garlic to dishes more often. This will help maintain a normal level of sugar throughout the day.
How to reduce sugar during pregnancy?
In order to reduce sugar during pregnancy, sometimes it is enough to just change the food - and sugar will come back to normal without any negative consequences. The use of any other means, and even more so of medicines to reduce sugar requires a doctor's advice.
After agreeing with a doctor, you can try and use alternative methods to reduce sugar:
- About 15 minutes before a meal, they drink 1 tbsp. L. Bulb juice, or infusion. Infusion is done this way: grind one medium onion head, add it to a cup and fill it with potable water at room temperature. Withstand for 2-3 hours. Such a preparation is drunk in the morning, before dinner before dinner by a third of a glass.
- By analogy with the previous recipe, you can cook garlic. And you can use, like teeth, garlic feathers and even arrows.
- Many people talk about the good effect of baked bulbs for reducing sugar. The recipe is simple: daily, in the morning on an empty stomach one should eat one medium baked onion. It is noted that within a month the sugar is gradually normalized.
When pregnancy is particularly important to regularly monitor the sugar, and in the blood, and in the urine. Therefore, if you are addicted to increased sugar, you should be systematically examined by a doctor, and also follow the recommendations given by him. Changes in diet and lifestyle in this situation should become mandatory.
How to reduce sugar in a child?
Sugar-reducing ability has juice from certain vegetables, fruits and berries. To reduce the sugar is recommended to dilute this juice half boiled water. On the first day should take 50 ml of juice, about 35 minutes before meals. If the body's reaction was normal, then the amount of juice can be gradually increased to 200 ml at a time.
Experts advise to prepare fresh juice from such ingredients:
- fresh potato tubers;
- fresh sheets of white cabbage;
- raspberries;
- fruits of dogwood and pear.
In the diet of the child must necessarily include leaves of garden salad, green peas, alfalfa. For older children, you need to prepare mushroom dishes - the usual mushrooms and oyster mushrooms also help reduce blood sugar.
How to reduce sugar by diet?
Changes in diet begin with a decrease in portion volumes - that is, eat often (about every 2.5 hours), but little by little. Read also: What foods reduce blood sugar?
The diet should contain a residual amount of fiber - it is obtained from plant foods. Vegetables, beans, not too sweet fruits well satisfy the feeling of hunger and prevent the development of true diabetes.
In addition to the above, it is important to reduce the consumption of sweets and fatty foods, reduce the total daily calorie content of food.
In addition to stabilizing the glucose concentration in the blood, a similar diet will help to normalize the body weight, strengthen immunity due to the full intake of useful food components into the body.
It is very important not to overeat. Overeating increases the load on the pancreas, as well as the abundance of fatty foods. Therefore:
- Do not overeat;
- we refuse sweets and fat;
- we refuse alcohol and spicy food;
- eat vegetables, cereals, bran, beans - in small portions, but relatively often.
How to effectively reduce sugar?
If the use of the above mentioned drugs, in particular, medicines, proved to be ineffective, then the doctor does not have to do anything else than to prescribe insulin preparations to the patient. Such means can be different:
- with an infrared effect (no more than 4 hours) - Novorapid, Apidra;
- with a short exposure (not more than 7-8 hours) - Actrapid, Humulin;
- with a medium-long exposure (no more than 15 hours) - Protofan, Insuman;
- with prolonged exposure (within days and more) - Lantus, Levemir.
However, the use of insulin preparations is an extreme measure, which is not always the case. Typically, lowering blood sugar begins with a change in lifestyle and dietary principles - the effect of this approach is better than any other means. And the best advice how to reduce blood sugar, will give only a competent medical specialist.