Soluble chicory: the composition, how much you can drink and how useful
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Soluble chicory is made from the root of the same plant, which has become popular as a substitute for natural coffee. Drink from it, not only looks and looks like coffee, but also contains many useful ingredients not found in coffee. It is recommended to people who are contraindicated in caffeine. The plant is also used in alternative medicine and cuisine of different peoples.
How to choose chicory soluble?
The root of chicory vulgaris is very powerful: it grows up to 15 meters in length. Soluble chicory is manufactured by an industrial method, grinding dried and roasted rhizomes - separately or together with coffee beans.
The powder is brewed with boiling water and a fragrant drink, similar to coffee, is obtained. Its virtues are that chicory does not contain caffeine, and that it has a natural sweetish taste, so it does not require sugar. Powdered chicory is often added to dishes and pastries.
Manufacturers offer different types of product. How to choose chicory soluble from this variety?
Experts pay special attention to the amount of inulin. This substance is split into fructose and other compounds that enter the blood. The rest is removed, removing from the body heavy metals, cholesterol, toxic components. A quality product contains a lot of inulin. Experts call quality drinks "Galka Ranok", "Khutorok", "Golden root", "Health", "Tsikorinka" (with stevia).
- Visually the product looks like a dry powder, without foreign additives, lumps and coalesced layers.
- Sold in a sealed container, when stored, also requires a sealed container.
- Recruit chicory need a dry spoon, like other hygroscopic substances.
- When moisture enters the powder turns into a solid, unsuitable for use.
Soluble is also liquid chicory - a thick dark extract, with a rich bitter taste. It is produced in cans. Bred or boiling water or unheated water - who loves. When sweetened, the bitterness begins to resemble the taste of chocolate. The extract is easier to store and prepare than the powder product.
In some varieties of the beverage fillers are added: sea buckthorn, lemongrass, ginseng, dog rose, cinnamon, blueberry, stevia. Natural supplements enrich the taste, affect both the properties and the price of the product.
Soluble powdered chicory
Soluble powdered chicory is one of the best substitutes for natural coffee. This is a natural product without preservatives, colorants and other additives; it is obtained by special technology, when the root is ground and dried. In this regard, its properties are slightly different from the ordinary root, but most of the useful qualities are preserved.
Soluble chicory appeared on the market relatively recently, but already found its admirers. And not only for taste, but also for therapeutic and preventive. The drink causes such positive changes:
- strengthens sleep, protects from stress, nervous and emotional overload;
- normalizes heart activity;
- regulates digestion, eliminates toxins from the intestine;
- reduces blood sugar;
- accelerates metabolism, promotes weight loss.
Since chicory possesses medicinal properties, it is necessary to know about the contraindications and undesirable consequences in its use.
Information about this is contradictory. Some sources write that the product is useful to almost everyone. Others, on the contrary, call whole lists of contraindications. Here you can find information about who should be careful, starting regularly taking a chicor drink.
- With ulcers and gastritis, a drink can worsen the situation.
- When hemorrhoids can cause bleeding.
- With unstable psyche can cause increased excitability.
- With a tendency to allergies on the skin, rashes, swelling, itching are possible.
When purchasing a product, you should study the packaging; The quality must contain natural chicory, and not its extract.
Properties of soluble chicory
Soluble chicory contains low-calorie inulin, which gives the drink sweetness (in coffee and tea this substance is not). Therefore, sugar is required less, only to soften bitterness, and many people completely refuse it.
Thanks to the unique composition of the drink invigorates in the morning and helps to fall asleep in the evening. Added in coffee, chicory improves its properties and reduces the price.
Other properties of soluble chicory:
- relieves stress, soothes nerves;
- dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure;
- normalizes the activity of the digestive tract;
- removes toxins, has a beneficial effect on the liver;
- increases the body's immune forces.
Drink from chicory stimulates the appetite, normalizes the fever. Medicines with chicory in the composition are used as choleretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drugs.
With external application, chicory has a healing effect; as a counter-cellulite procedure in the salons make wraps with chicory.
But these properties can be harmful. Thus, the ability of chicory to dilate blood vessels can harm people suffering from hemorrhoids and varicose veins. An invigorating effect is undesirable for people with unbalanced psyche. Adverse effect of the root on the inflamed organs of digestion, on the skin of people prone to allergies. With a cold, drinking from chicory can enhance the cough reflex.
Is it possible for pregnant women to have instant chicory?
Is it possible for pregnant women to have instant chicory? Definitely yes. This is one of the most useful drinks during pregnancy. And, importantly, it can successfully replace a coffee drinker with a familiar morning drink.
Unlike coffee, soluble chicory has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and hematopoietic system, soothes nerves and emotional state, eliminates constipation, heartburn and nausea. The drink supports the spleen, liver and removes poisons from the body; promotes the assimilation of milk, so necessary for a woman who is expecting a child. With the help of chicory it is easy to prevent anemia in pregnant women. It is a source of additional vitamins, organic acids, inulin. Chicory eliminates stagnation of bile and urine, stimulates metabolism.
- However, there are contraindications. Chicory strengthens the appetite and can lead to excess weight. To avoid this, the pregnant woman should control herself, eating often and little by little.
Also, the plant stimulates and intensifies coughing. Therefore, when colds should be consumed other drinks.
You can not drink soluble chicory for gastritis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, gastric ulcer and 12-colon. If an allergy to chicory and similar plants is found, then an unwanted reaction is also possible on the drink from the root.
Chicory soluble for children
Soluble chicory benefits not only adults but also children. Chicory soluble for children is recommended from year to year, so it is included in the menu of kindergartens and nurseries.
The benefit of chicory is evidenced by the fact that he treats diathesis of newborns. But for the curative effect, decoction is used from the rhizome: it is added to the children's font or makes compresses.
Introduce in a diet of a small child a soluble chicory, like any other product, must be carefully. To begin with, a little bit of powder should be poured into warm milk. It is important to monitor his reaction - to prevent allergies in the very beginning. If undesirable effects are not observed, the dose can be gradually increased to two servings per day.
After 3 to 4 years, the dose of the powder is increased to a teaspoon per day. If the child normally tolerates chicory, you can offer him a cold drink, with the addition of honey, lemon and other juice.
Do not give the product:
- children up to one year;
- with individual intolerance;
- with a tendency to overweight;
- with pulmonary diseases.
Drink from chicory improves appetite, enriches the body with vitamins, increases protective forces, soothes the child. Has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, heat-reducing properties.
In drinking it is useful to add milk. In this form, lactic acids are well absorbed.
How to brew soluble chicory?
Trade offers ready-made powders and liquid soluble chicory, including those with natural flavors.
If desired, you can also prepare a rhizome, dry it, fry it, pound it and store it in the proper conditions. The technology of the process is described in many Internet sources devoted to medicinal plants and rational nutrition. The taste of this drink is different, and the quality is guaranteed, but the process of making raw materials is very laborious.
Soviets and ways how to brew soluble chicory, a great variety. Variety refers to additional ingredients: they are much larger than for coffee. Classics of the genre - just pour the powder with boiling water and insist to a warm temperature. Since soluble chicory does not dissolve completely, the ready-made drink can be filtered.
Some people like a drink with milk, cream, honey, sugar. On sale there are chicory drinks with natural ingredients (berries and other healthy fruits).
Recipes from instant chicory
Recipes from instant chicory:
- 1.On a portion of boiling water take 1/5 tsp. Soluble chicory; if desired, add milk, sugar or honey.
- 2.On a serving of boiling milk take ¼ tsp. Powder and honey to taste.
- 3. A portion of the drink is taken on a spoonful of chicory and cocoa powder; sugar to taste.
- 4. For a portion of soluble chicory take boiling water and milk in half. Sweeten with sugar or honey.
Soluble chicory with milk
Soluble chicory with milk is useful because it improves the absorption of milk several times. A drink with milk or cream is readily consumed by many children. It is prepared quickly and simply:
- 100 ml of boiling water and 50 ml of milk are mixed with 5 g of soluble chicory. They drink warm.
Buy soluble chicory can be in any supermarket, phyto-shops, some pharmacies. Fasuyut product, like classic coffee - in sealed bags or jars.
Issue also a portioned sachets for use in offices, hikes or trips; pour the contents of the sachets with hot water or milk.
Soluble chicory with rosehip
Soluble chicory contains inulin, fructose, intibine, vitamins, pectin, tannins and minerals, carotene, organic acids.
Rosehip is rich in carotene, vitamins C, B and E, mineral substances. The fruits of the plant enhance immunity, purify the blood and walls of blood vessels from cholesterol, tone up and promote growth of the body.
- Soluble chicory with rosehip is perfectly combined, in fact, their joint therapeutic effect is enhanced. Therefore, the product is used for very many health problems, and a ready-made drink in a jar or package with a ZIP-fastener is now sold in many places. This packing helps keep the powder dry and protects against odors.
"Tsikorinka", "Verkhovyna", "Fitodar", "Tsikorich", "Tonus", "Galka" are just some of the product brands. But before using the drink regularly with a medical purpose, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
The way of preparation of phytonutal - as well as other analogues of coffee: pour one or two tablespoons of powder with hot water per serving. You can sweeten, add milk or cream according to your preference. Soaking up the morning portion gives pleasure, gives vivacity and energy.
Chicory soluble with blueberries
The benefits of instant coffee are much discussed above. We recall the properties of another popular plant - blueberries, berries which contain a whole bunch of vitamins and organic acids.
Bilberry perfectly regulates the functions of the digestive organs - thanks to anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.
- Ophthalmologists strongly advise a black berry to increase visual acuity, relieve eye fatigue after hard work, including on the computer. Biogenic components of blueberry fruit stimulate the renewal of the eye retina.
Blueberries benefit diabetics because they can reduce sugar levels.
The healing qualities of blueberries save from anemia, help with kidney diseases, in particular, in the presence of stones, with rheumatism and skin problems.
Chicory soluble with blueberries is made by several companies for the production of phytonutrients. Cook them should be standard, dissolving the powder or extract with hot water (1 - 2 tablespoons per cup of liquid). If desired, natural bitter taste can be softened with milk and honey. But many prefer the natural taste of the drink - as the most reminiscent of natural coffee.
Chicory soluble with ginseng
Manufacturers of soluble chicory enrich the taste and properties of the drink with natural ingredients, among which is the famous ginseng.
The root of ginseng is an excellent adaptogen. Valuable immunostimulating, strengthening, tonic effects. Ginseng oppresses tumor neoplasms, slows down the aging of brain cells, supports memory and attention.
The curative root also reduces cholesterol, preventing the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the level of sugar in the blood, which is important in insulin-dependent diabetes.
Components that make up ginseng have anti-virus properties, so they are effective against herpes viruses, including AIDS pathogens.
- Preparations based on plants are recommended for loss of efficiency, impotence, flashes of irritability; helps the drug and in the recovery of the body after serious illness, heavy injuries and surgeries.
Chicory soluble with ginseng is used in the form of a drink, without strict dosage. Usually a day is enough 2 - 3 servings, cooked to taste - with milk, honey, sugar.
Brewed malt bread with instant chicory
Bread is all around the head, and it's not just a poetic image. He needs a person every day, never gets bored and contains almost all the substances necessary for the body.
The introduction of additional ingredients into bread recipes increases the taste and nutritional value of the product. So, soluble chicory enriches dietary bread with proteins, vitamins, organic acids, inulin, microelements.
Brewed malt bread with soluble chicory can be baked at home - in the oven or bread maker.
- First, prepare the spoon: measure 3 g of yeast (fresh), 50 g of kefir, 1 tsp. Treacle, a little flour, taken from the total portion.
- Welding is done like this: a teaspoon of malt is brewed 50 g of boiling water.
In the bread maker, flour (70 g rye and 330 g wheat), 200 g wheat starter, 4 g coriander, 3 g chicory powder, 30 g water, 60 g kefir.
After 45 minutes, mix all the parts, add salt (2 tsp) and 5 grams of mustard oil. Bake for 55 minutes. At 180 degrees. It turns out a lush and tasty loaf.
How to drink soluble chicory?
Prepare and drink chicory from powder as well as a soluble coffee drink: pour boiling water, add (or not) milk and sugar. Many immediately perceive this drink positively and receive two in one: both benefit and pleasure.
- It is more difficult for those who try to replace natural coffee with chicory. When asked how correctly to drink soluble chicory, experienced people advise to get used to it gradually. First, prepare a morning drink, adding up to 3 parts of coffee one - chicory. Depending on the strength of chicory, you can take a different amount, but not more than two teaspoons per serving. Next, you should equalize the proportion, and then bring it to 3: 1 in favor of chicory.
After getting used to coffee, you can not add and such a painless way for the body to switch to pure soluble chicory. This applies to those cases where there are no contraindications. But even healthy people should not get carried away and remember the measure: a day is enough 2 - 3 cups. It is better to drink them in the morning.
Harm of chicory soluble
For preventive purposes, nutritionists advise drinking two cups a day of soluble chicory. The excess of chicory is fraught with diarrhea, flatulence, digestive process disorder.
However, the cases of harm of chicory soluble are not described. Individual contraindications and hypersensitivity are possible, especially if manufacturers add dyes or flavoring agents of non-natural origin to the product. Therefore, you need to start drinking a new drink with a small portion.
- If you find that a portion of soluble chicory causes a heart beat, nausea, head spin or weakness, eliminate the drink from the diet, and if necessary, visit the doctor. Perhaps there are contraindications that you did not suspect.
Some properties of chicory can be harmful. So, the drink is not recommended for patients with bronchitis, asthma, hemorrhoids, acute gastrointestinal pathologies; they can not be used with strong cough and recovery after operations in the body cavities. Overdose of ascorbic acid is dangerous allergies, hypervitaminosis, especially in pregnant women.
Chicory is known to many as an analog or alternative to coffee, while the useful properties used in alternative medicine are undeservedly forgotten. Today, soluble chicory gets a second wind and becomes very popular among people who profess a healthy eating pattern. If there are no contraindications, everyone can join the community of drink lovers. Drink and enjoy!
Useful properties of chicory soluble
The benefit of chicory is that it helps to give up coffee to those who are not healthy for caffeine. Not all the useful properties of chicory soluble have been studied, but what has already been investigated is more than enough. So, the substance has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, tonic, urine and choleretic, stimulating metabolism qualities.
Soluble chicory has a beneficial effect on the whole body:
- eliminates catarrhal symptoms in angina and other diseases of the throat,
- protects the gum from pathogenic microorganisms,
- normalizes the digestive tract.
Chicory prevents the decay and fermentation of food, eliminates bile stasis and constipation, gently removes excess water, thereby contributing to lowering blood pressure.
Useful ingredients of chicory maintain the tone and energy of the body - without harmful consequences for blood vessels and heart. These include ascorbic acid, B vitamins, microelements, polysaccharide inulin, glycoside, intibin.
Inulin in the fresh root is up to 60%, in dry raw materials - 75%, while in coffee and tea it is completely absent. This allows you to drink chicory without sugar to diabetics and those suffering from excess weight.
Soluble chicory for weight loss
Soluble chicory has been successfully used to combat overweight. What is the power of the rhizome rhizome?
The secret lies in the composition. Inulin, pectin, intibin are the main ingredients contributing to weight loss.
- Inulin controls the formation of insulin, which, in turn, is responsible for the level of sugar in the blood. In the body, inulin turns into fructose, which is responsible for generating energy, but does not cause weight gain. This same substance has a positive effect on the microflora of the digestive tract.
- Pectin stimulates motility and cleanses the intestines from poisons.
- Intibin activates the metabolism, eliminates constipation, which is very important for the normalization of weight.
In addition, chicory activates the digestive and metabolic processes, removes excess fluid. Therefore, its use is recommended every time before meals, about half an hour.
Soluble chicory for weight loss drink warm, preferably without sugar and honey. If the unsweetened drink seems too bitter, it can be sweetened: this will not diminish the benefits.
Some experts recommend drinking chicory instead of dinner. Or even replace tea and coffee with this drink.
There are many effective drinks made from chicory for weight loss. The easiest way is to take a soluble product, pouring a teaspoon-two into a batch of boiling water or milk. There are no officially established norms, but still it is not necessary to drink chicory in liters.
For the sake of truth, it should be noted that chicory is ground or root slices, as well as liquid extract, for weight loss. But no drink will do a miracle unless, in parallel with its use, one takes care of the rational nutrition and the lively lifestyle.
Soluble chicory in pancreatitis
Soluble chicory is used for the prevention of pancreatitis and the treatment of a pancreas patient. The fact is that the beneficial substances of the drink dissolve and remove gallstones blocking the outflow of enzymes from the gland. As a result, the blood circulation is resumed, the body is cleaned.
There is also the opposite opinion: the choleretic properties of the drink can trigger the passage of stones and clogging of the bile ducts, which is very painful and dangerous for health. Therefore, the question of the use of soluble chicory in pancreatitis should be decided by the attending physician.
In most cases, chicory is used as an addition to the main drugs and diet, during the remission of the chronic process. Tsikorny drink is introduced into the diet of the patient gradually, prepare in concentration of a teaspoon of powder for a portion of water. Improve the unusual taste can be milk. The benefit is that the root stimulates the secretion of bile and digestion, prepares the body for processing nutrients, removes toxins and undigested substances.
If regular use of a soluble beverage is required, 25 drops of chicory tincture and several grams of honey are dissolved in a glass of water. Drink daily on a tablespoon, 20 minutes before eating.
This dosage improves metabolism, reduces sugar, eliminates bloating and soreness of the gastrointestinal tract. Inulin, in particular, stabilizes the activity of the pancreas, which breaks down due to the inflammatory process.
Soluble chicory in hypertension
Soluble chicory in hypertension is useful for several reasons.
- First, it replaces coffee for people who are contraindicated in caffeine.
- Secondly, does not increase the pressure.
- Third, it reduces the pressure very gently. In this regard, hypotonic chicory is also suitable.
The result of hypertension is felt after a few days - if you consume soluble chicory regularly, watch for pressure and well-being.
Pressure can increase with insomnia, stressful situations. A fragrant drink has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, prevents nervous and emotional overload, normalizes sleep, increases resistance to stress.
A sweetish drink reduces the intake of sugar, which is important for diabetics who are also prone to hypertension.
Ascorbic acid, which is rich in chicory, strengthens the vessels, and potassium is needed for the heart muscle. Due to the drink you can normalize weight, because its excess is also dangerous development of hypertension. Inulin maintains a beneficial intestinal microflora, promoting digestion. In addition, chicory is useful for the normal functioning of the kidneys; with dysfunction, edema and a rise in blood pressure are possible.
Prepare the drink as tea or coffee: brew in a Turk or thermos. Add honey, soy milk, other ingredients.
Soluble chicory for liver diseases
For preventive purposes, soluble chicory is used to improve the performance of many organs and systems, including digestion.
Soluble chicory for liver disease should be used with extreme caution. Too large doses are harmful to the liver.
It is appropriate for the treatment of certain liver diseases: it speeds up metabolic processes, promotes the dissolution of gallstones, normalizes the activity of this and other organs: kidneys, spleen, gall bladder. Chicory is useful during recovery from viral hepatitis.
Soluble chicory in type 2 diabetes mellitus
The rhizome of chicory is rich in inulin, and in this context the plant is very interesting for diabetics. Inulin preparations made from chicory roots, with type 2 diabetes:
- have a pronounced hypoglycemic result;
- reduce daily fluctuations in the blood glucose of the patient.
Due to this, soluble chicory in type 2 diabetes mellitus can be used for treatment as an additional agent.
Inulin also prevents the development of the disease, heals an easy form, and with moderate and severe forms helps to reduce the dose of the main drugs and prevent complications typical for diabetes.
The substance gives the saturation effect, which is important for diabetes and often accompanying this disease of excess weight.
Soluble chicory in anemia
Due to the iron content, soluble chicory in anemia is very useful. After all, anemia is anemic, and iron is actively involved in hematopoietic processes. Soluble chicory is used for both prevention and complex treatment of anemic disease.
- In iron deficiency anemia, a remedy is recommended: a dessert spoon of chicory diluted in 200 ml of warm milk. Drink three times a day for 2 months.
With scurvy and anemia juice is very effective, squeezed out of the leaves of chicory. It is mixed with milk and taken three times a day for 15 ml, for one or a month and a half, until the body is saturated with iron.
Soluble chicory dilates the blood vessels, so it is not recommended for people with varicose veins 2 - 3 stage, hemorrhoids, vascular pathologies.
Hyperacid gastritis, gallbladder problems, inflammatory processes of other digestive organs in the acute stage also refer to contraindications to the use of soluble chicory.
You can not drink chicory for asthma, chronic bronchitis, liver, gallbladder, kidney, severe hypotension.
With caution use it in the treatment of stress, depression, insomnia.
People who react to ragweed can be allergic to the root of chicory.