Highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the large intestine
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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A highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the large intestine means a number of diseases. Namely - tumors of the colon, blind, sigmoid and rectum, as well as a tumor of the anal canal.
The tumor occurs in the glandular layer of the intestinal tissues. The cells of the highly differentiated adenocarcinoma are similar in structure to the tissue in which the tumor developed. This allows you to quickly diagnose the problem, and because of the low aggressiveness of highly differentiated tumors, there is the possibility and time to choose the optimal method of treatment. As a rule, the causes of the appearance of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon are common for all possible locations of the tumor in the intestinal tract. In the first place is the way of nutrition: low fiber content in the diet, excess flour, fatty and spicy. In addition, an important role in the occurrence of adenocarcinoma of the large intestine is frequent or prolonged constipation, all sorts of pathological processes in the colon, such as colitis, ulcers, polyps. Some influence is exerted by long-term contacts with various toxic substances, the influence of asbestos is particularly detrimental. As in other cases, the onset of the disease can affect nerve stress, heredity, mechanical damage, age characteristics and viral infections.
Where does it hurt?
Highly differentiated cecal adenocarcinoma
Various tumors of the large intestine today are the object of close attention of scientists around the world. It is the share of the large intestine that accounts for the majority of oncological diseases. Most of the symptoms and manifestations are relatively common for all colon tumors, but in some cases there are features associated with the location.
In particular, a highly differentiated adenocarcinoma presents a challenge in that it can not be detected with a standard preventive examination. As a highly differentiated tumor, it has a low degree of aggressiveness, cell polymorphism is mild, the tumor rarely gives metastases.
A certain danger is represented by adenocarcinoma of the cecum by the presence of inguinal lymphonoduses, liver.
There is a highly differentiated cecal adenocarcinoma with approximately equal frequency in men and women, the age of appearance varies in the aisles of 50-60 years. Although there is a sad tendency to reduce the age threshold, and this disease increasingly affects young people. The main symptoms are the same manifestations as for almost any other intestinal tumor - weakness, low hemoglobin, a sharp decrease in weight, suspicious discharge with feces, unpleasant sensation in the lower abdomen, swelling, violation of the defecation regime. The causes of adenocarcinoma of the cecum include the same factors that generally affect the possibility of not only an intestinal tumor, but any other tumor. These include poor heredity, an unfavorable ecological situation, work with carcinogenic substances.
Two important aspects, such as the consumption of natural fibers (fiber), as well as the possibility of formation of non-malignant phenomena such as polyps in the region of the caecum, can be attributed to special factors. The latter in turn have the ability to turn into malignant ones quite often. It is rather difficult to talk about the prevention of such diseases, therefore it will be more reliably regularly every six months or a year to be examined by a doctor. Since with timely detection of this cancer is quite successfully cured.
Highly differentiated sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma
Adenocracinoma of the sigmoid colon belongs to the group of oncological diseases, which is called colon cancer. Cancer of the large intestine is the most urgent problem in modern oncology. Along with the active development of this disease, the possibility of medicine is also growing in its study and development of methods for combating it.
A highly differentiated sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma is a fairly slowly growing tumor that does not tend to actively give metastases. But nevertheless, it poses a rather serious danger. In particular, the sigmoid colon itself has bends, because the tumor developing in it can be detected too late. Also important is the fact that in the early stages of development of adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon does not give symptoms that directly indicate the development of the pathological process in the intestine. At the beginning the patient feels a general malaise, weakness, nausea, fatigue. A little later, pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, distortion of eating habits, exhaustion, pallor of the skin may occur. At rather late stages, when the tumor has reached such a size that it creates mechanical obstacles, there is a difficulty in defecation, feces appear in the stool, such as blood or pus.
The main reasons for the appearance of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon are a lack of fiber in the diet, an excess of substances irritating the intestines, inflammatory processes in the intestine.
Highly differentiated rectum adenocarcinoma
To date, the problem of colorectal cancer is most important among cancer problems of the twenty-first century. Most often arises precisely adenocarcinoma of the rectum. That is, the development of a cancerous tumor from the glandular epithelium of the rectum. Due to the great urgency of this disease, special attention is paid not only to the development of modern progressive methods of its treatment, but also to the study of possible causes of its occurrence, as well as more accurate prediction of the development of rectal adenocarcinoma. Although no visible breakthroughs in the treatment method against the background of the general development of oncology have been found, the causes of the appearance of rectal cancer have been identified more precisely. As with many other types of tumors, an important role is played by the general background, which includes genetics, general health, and the environment. But in the case of rectal adenocarcinoma, the interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental factors plays a special role, and only in some cases genetic mutations serve directly as the cause. The main risk group for this disease is people who have reached the age of fifty. The main danger of the disease is also that it shows signs of symptomatology at rather late stages, when the forecasts of even the most successful treatment are already rather disappointing. The main symptoms of the disease are aching abdominal pain, the appearance of blood, mucus or even pus in the feces, the pronounced pallor of the patient's skin, active weight loss, bloating and difficulty in defecating. As for the forecasts, the critical period is five years after the onset of the disease. If this period the patient lived, then in the future he has a rather high chance to live many more years. But mortality in this five-year period is quite high. Therefore, the best prevention of rectal adenocarcinoma is a regular preventive examination. To this study can be attributed analysis of feces for internal blood, and also recommend once a year to conduct a colonoscopy for people over fifty.
Diagnosis of highly differentiated colon adenocarcinoma
Correct diagnosis of any disease largely determines the outcome of his treatment. In such complex cases as oncological processes, studies are always conducted that duplicate one another for the accuracy of determining all possible angles of the problem.
In any case, the diagnosis begins with the definition of symptoms. Rarely happens that the tumor is detected by accidental examination. Most often, patients treat these or other complaints. Usually the doctor conducts an examination of the patient. If there is even the slightest reason to doubt the accuracy of the diagnosis, then designate additional methods of investigation. The ultrasound diagnostics, blood tests for specific proteins, various methods of probing, selection of tissues for cytological and histological analysis are the most frequently used methods.
In a number of cases, it is decided to simply observe the development of the disease. If we are talking about highly differentiated adenocarcinoma, which grows slowly and does not metastasize infrequently, treatment can be prescribed to control the development of the disease. And the observation of the results of such treatment can also inform a lot about the disease itself. In any case, the conclusion that this is a highly differentiated adenocarcinoma can only be a doctor oncologist, after carrying out a series of studies and observations. But still the main source of information for proper diagnosis will be a histological and cytological analysis that will determine the state of the cells, their degree of differentiation and mutation compared to the cells of the tissue of the organ that formed the tumor.
What do need to examine?
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Treatment of highly differentiated colon adenocarcinoma
A highly differentiated adenocarcinoma is a kind of tumorigenic tumor that is formed from cells of glandular epithelium, but from the point of view of histological analysis these cells do not differ in structure and functions from other cells of the organ tissue where the tumor was formed. In the overwhelming majority of highly differentiated tumors grow slowly and do not give metastasis. But nevertheless their treatment can not be postponed. First, because the differentiation of cells can change (the level of differentiation of cells will decrease), secondly, because the speed and danger of tumor development are affected by many factors, and not just the results of histological analysis.
Among all possible methods of treatment of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma, the most unifying and reliable method is surgical intervention. He is rarely the only one. But from him more often than not go nowhere. Along with surgical methods of treatment of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Also widely used and radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy (in the case of hormone-dependent tumors). But it should be noted that the auxiliary methods in different cases have different degrees of effectiveness (depending on the organ of origin, stage of development).
Since surgically methods are the main tool for fighting various ailments, the methods of operative surgery are substantially improved. Some operations in the abdominal cavity are carried out without incisions, use micromanipulators, mini-cameras for visual control.
Prevention of highly differentiated colon adenocarcinoma
Oncological diseases are one of those that are most frightening and least manageable. But nevertheless, today many factors have been studied which influence the types of cancer with a high degree of probability. A highly differentiated adenocarcinoma can occur in any organ that contains glandular epithelium. Therefore, prevention itself can be different for different organs. But there are completely similar risk factors for all cases. These include all bad habits. Smoking, for example, greatly affects not only the development of lung cancer, but also significantly exacerbates the picture for cervical cancer, alcohol increases the likelihood of developing adenocarcinoma of the stomach and prostate. An important role is played by healthy nutrition. The presence in the diet of a sufficient amount of fiber significantly reduces the likelihood of developing all variants of bowel cancer. But in addition, it is important to pay attention to the quality of consumed products. A large number of synthetic components, carcinogenic substances, taste enhancers significantly increase the risk of developing an oncological problem. An important role is played by genetic predisposition. Therefore, if it is known that in the family those or cases of cancer were, then it is possible to conduct a genetic analysis on the propensity to this or that type of cancer, and then more closely study the situation. In any case, it is the regular every possible screening becomes a guarantee of health. There are a number of precancerous conditions, such as polyps, hyperplasia, dysplasia of the tissues of certain organs. With their timely detection, it is possible to successfully prevent the development of a cancerous tumor. And even if the highly differentiated adenocarcinoma has been detected in regular studies, it is characterized by slow growth, and there is the possibility of selecting the most appropriate method of treatment to relieve the patient of this problem forever.
Prognosis for highly differentiated colon adenocarcinoma
Forecasts of any cancer are dependent on a number of factors. In most cases, the characteristics of the tumor, such as its size, the histological level of cell differentiation, the stage at which the patient sought help, and the general condition of the organism and a number of concomitant diseases are decisive. In the case of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma, we are talking about a high level of cell differentiation, because such a tumor most often has good predictions, since the growth of a highly differentiated tumor is slow, and metastasis begins at rather late stages. But an important aspect is the correct timely diagnosis and speed of solving this problem.
Unfortunately, the symptoms of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma are not specific, therefore patients often consult a doctor at rather late stages of development. Sometimes such diseases can be detected by accident - during other studies or surgical intervention. Of course, adenocarcinomas of different organs have different frequency of occurrence, because some of them, such as adenocarcinoma of the large intestine, uterus, prostate, are given special attention and more frequent screening, which increases the probability of detection of the disease in the early stages and significantly improves the treatment prognosis.
If the tumor was removed in the early stages, when its metastasis has not yet begun, until the defeat of other organs and tissues, the prognosis is overwhelmingly positive. An important indicator is the so-called five-year survival period. If the patient has successfully survived five years after the detection and elimination of the tumor, then in the future we can say that the probability of recurrences or negative consequences is very low. Also, good forecasts can be said if there are no aggravating factors. For example, the presence of a human papilloma virus or herpes virus in the body can provoke the development of adenocarcinoma, work with carcinogens also worsens the situation, the presence of bad habits adversely affects the body as a whole. Special attention should be paid to the genetic predisposition to this or that kind of oncological diseases. If a person is at risk, this undoubtedly worsens the prognosis. If, during or immediately after the treatment period, the patient continues to come into contact with negative factors, does not limit their impact, this undoubtedly leads to negative prognosis for recovery. Since even a highly differentiated adenocarcinoma can develop rapidly and cell differentiation may decrease, which makes the tumor aggressive and can significantly complicate the fight against metastases.
Adenocarcinoma of the large intestine is one of the most acute problems of oncology of our century. The frequency of its occurrence is steadily growing. The main alleged causes of the occurrence include a lack of food in the gross fiber. Heredity and ecology also play an important role. There are many innovative methods of treatment and diagnosis of large intestine tumors, but speaking about the predictions, it should be said that the attitude of patients plays an important role. Always of great importance was the stage of development of the disease, in which the patient turned to the doctor. Often a number of neoplasms can be detected during preventive examinations. But the proctologist is rarely included in the list of those doctors who are used for prophylaxis. Often people seek help when adenocarcinoma has already reached a serious scale. Highly differentiated colon adenocarcinoma does not have specific symptoms, general weakness, weight loss is unlikely to lead a patient not only to the proctologist, but to any doctor in general. Highly differentiated adenocarcinoma, although slowly, but growing. And at the stage when patients find blood or pus in the stool, the overall predictions of the disease are not very good. About good predictions in general is worth talking in those cases when the tumor is very small and does not damage tissues and organs. In this case, its removal is easily tolerated, and the likelihood of recurrence is very small, in other cases, the worse the forecasts, the larger the tumor size. Since often a resection of a fairly large part of the intestine is required, And to completely remove all affected cells in order to avoid relapse. It is also important to note that unlike other types of adenocarcinoma, the highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the large intestine is quite poorly susceptible to chemical and radiotherapy, therefore surgical intervention remains the most effective and rational way to fight the disease.