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Hangover treatment with tablets
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Hangover is an extremely unpleasant condition that occurs due to intoxication of the body after some time after taking a sufficient quantity of alcoholic beverages. And the more diverse the drinks, the heavier the hangover. To bring the body into a normal state after a tumultuous feast will help tablets from a hangover in combination with various alternative drugs that ease the condition of the patient.
The hangover is characterized by the following manifestations: severity and incessant cracking pain in the head, constant nausea with frequent attacks of vomiting, loss of strength, constant thirst and drying of the oral mucosa due to dehydration, irritability or apathy to everything. With a severe hangover, other symptoms are added to these symptoms: trembling in the hands, increasing the heart rate, increasing blood pressure, etc. Hangover tablets are exactly designed to save a person from all these unpleasant manifestations.
Tablets from a hangover, reducing manifestations of intoxication
Intoxication at a hangover is a poisoning of an organism by products of disintegration of alcohol, being the basic component of alcoholic drinks. Acetaldehyde - a poisonous substance, released during the decomposition of ethanol. Those. Whatever the alcohol-containing drink, it eventually turns out to be a poison for the body.
Indication for the use of this type of drugs: food poisoning, including alcohol intoxication.
Tablets from intoxication - sorbents, capable of absorbing and removing from the body harmful substances for him, in this case acetaldehyde.
When treating a hangover, doctors recommend contacting them first and then using other methods to combat the symptoms of hangover. Take pills from a hangover against intoxication you need an hour before eating, chewing or wholly.
Pharmacodynamics of drugs from intoxication consists in the fact that the active substances of these drugs, more precisely biologically active additives (BAA), bind and remove toxic substances released during digestion and decomposition of substances that enter the human body from the outside. They help to transport toxins from the blood and lymph in the digestive tract, and then remove them from the body, stabilize and facilitate the work of the liver and kidneys, clean the intestinal mucosa and eliminate stasis in it.
To such dietary supplements first of all it is necessary to include activated charcoal, which is a permanent resident of most home first-aid kits. Almost harmless and effective, he has long won the trust of many, as a reliable protector of the body.
Its only drawback is a large number of tablets, which must be drunk to get the expected result. A single dose of the drug is 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.
Contraindications to the use of activated charcoal are ulcerative diseases of the digestive tract, gastric bleeding. Frequent use of the drug can provoke constipation or diarrhea, disrupt absorption of nutrients in the intestines, and cause hypovitaminosis (a lack of vitamins in the human body).
An analogue of activated carbon with a lower recommended dosage (3 tablets three times a day with a lot of liquid) is white coal. These tablets have a more usual appearance for us, without causing dislike. Unlike activated charcoal does not cause intestinal disorders.
However, the drug has certain contraindications to the use. White coal is not allowed for use by children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, patients with stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, intestinal obstruction and bleeding from the digestive tract. Patients with diabetes can use the drug only after consulting a specialist doctor.
Along with cheap hangover pills, pharmacies have many more expensive analogues of these drugs, which have high efficiency and a relatively wide spectrum of action: Polyphepan, Sorbek, Atoxil, Enterosgel, Polysorb and others.
An unpleasant and painful symptom of intoxication is nausea, which very often remains even after washing the stomach and the effects of sorbent preparations. In this case, it is necessary to resort to the use of effective antiemetic drugs, such as Motillium, Metoclopromide, Cerucal, etc., or use mint tablets that also help with nausea with a hangover.
Popular drugs-analgesics from a hangover
All of the above drugs help remove most of the symptoms that accompany the hangover syndrome. However, they are not such an antidote for a hangover. Even after the use of sorbents, such symptoms as pain in the head and stomach, tremor of hands, tachycardia, etc. Can stay and continue to paint your life in black colors for a long time.
It is for such situations and developed painkillers of wide action, vitamin and mineral complexes, drugs that stimulate the cardiac activity and the work of other body systems. The names of tablets from a hangover are so diverse that it is simply impossible to mention all of them in detail in one article. Consider only the most popular and effective hangover pills.
Faced with the agonizing headache accompanying the hangover, the hand reaches out to all the famous "Aspirin" (acetylsalicylic acid, or simply "acetyl"). But "Aspirin" is contraindicated in people with gastrointestinal diseases because of the adverse effect of acid on the gastric mucosa. Are there any analogues of the drug with a softer effect?
Analgesics (analgesics), especially designed for the treatment of symptoms of hangover syndrome, are often released in the form of effervescent tablets from a hangover based on acetylsalicylic acid. Effervescent tablets are considered the most effective among hangover pills, the main purpose of which is the removal of pain. Their effectiveness is due to the following properties: rapid solubility and absorption in the stomach, rapid entry into the blood, which causes the speed of the drug, significantly less than "Aspirin" irritating effect on the gastric mucosa.
Bright representatives of this type of medicines are german effervescent tablets from the hangover "Alka-Seltzer" and a similar preparation of the Ukrainian producer "Alka-Prim".
In addition to acetylsalicylic acid, which is an excellent analgesic, these tablets contain soda that neutralizes hydrochloric acid in aspirin, protecting the gastric mucosa, and ensuring the speed of the drug by aerating water. Citric acid in these preparations is used for reactions that reduce the toxic effect of alcohol on the body. Glycine in the "Alka-Prim" protects the liver, converting harmful components of alcohol into low-toxic substances, and activates metabolic processes in the organs and tissues of the body.
"Alka-Seltzer" is a drug that has been shown to be used since the age of 15 when there are painful sensations of different localization. The drug is taken by dissolving the tablet in a glass of water. Up to 6 receptions per day with an interval of 4 hours, but not more than 5 days. When an overdose of the drug hangover symptoms are amplified, there is a noise in the ears and confusion.
For all its attractiveness, the drug has side effects, such as digestive disorders, manifested as heartburn, nausea, changes in stool quality, abdominal pain, bleeding from the digestive tract, slight dizziness, allergic reactions.
There are also a number of contraindications to the use of the drug. This age is up to 15 years, pregnancy, erosion and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, increased bleeding and sensitivity to the components of Alka-Seltzer.
"Alka-Prim" is a combined analgesic, which also dissolves in water when taken. Starts to operate in half an hour, the maximum effect is detected 1-4 hours after receiving. It is excreted almost completely with urine for 1-3 days. Usual single dose is 1-2 tablets, maximum - 3 tablets. It is taken 2 to 4 times a day with an interval of at least 4 hours not more than a week.
Symptoms of an overdose are similar to the drug Alka-Seltzer. They are treated only in a hospital, but not at home.
Similar to the drugs and side effects, providing a refusal to take the drug and contact a doctor. Contraindications to the use of the drug can be supplemented with pronounced abnormalities in the work of the liver and kidneys. Careful to be with bronchial asthma and other diseases of an allergic nature.
Effective tablets from a hangover of a wide spectrum of action
A hangover is not an ordinary malaise, but a result of the stress that the human body receives from alcohol consumption in large doses. If everything is left to chance, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous consequences can not be avoided. Therefore, it is not enough just to relieve the headache and nausea. Under the influence of alcohol, the body loses the necessary for proper functioning water, vitamins and minerals, because of which many tissues and human organs suffer.
It is for the maintenance of organs and systems of the body that complex preparations of a wide spectrum of action are created. These tablets from a hangover stimulate the work of the body, saturating vitamins and minerals, reduce the consequences of intoxication, restore the disturbed metabolism, strengthen immunity. Such preparations include "Amber acid", "Glycine", "Medichronal", "Metadoxil", "Zorex", as well as homeopathic medicines "Rekitsen", "Proproten-100", etc.
"Amber acid" - a drug that allows both to prevent a hangover, and to treat it. This is probably the most accessible and simple way to combat hangover syndrome. Tablets with succinic acid - not quite a medicine, it is rather a bioadditive, allowing to replenish the body with a substance not alien to it, but received (in insufficient quantities for treatment) from food products.
The action of succinic acid on alcohol can not be overestimated. It accelerates the cleavage and elimination of alcohol from the body, while protecting the liver from the negative effects of acetaldehyde.
In sufficient doses of succinic acid - an indispensable helper in the fight against a hangover, virtually no side effects and not accumulating in the body. Nevertheless, there are some contraindications to its reception, so as not to complicate the existing conditions associated with certain diseases. It is not necessary to apply the drug to people with peptic ulcer diseases, hypertensive patients, if there are stones in the kidneys. Do not resort to these tablets before going to sleep, so as not to provoke insomnia.
With the aim of treating a hangover state, succinic acid is taken every hour for 1 tablet of 100 mg, but not more than 6 per day. Try to do this together with food intake to avoid a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. An overdose of the drug manifests itself in the form of heartburn and acute pain in the abdomen, as succinic acid significantly increases the acidity of the stomach.
For prophylaxis of a hangover it is necessary to accept 2 tablets of succinic acid for 40-50 minutes before a feast again not on an empty stomach. This will avoid unpleasant consequences, but on condition that the method is not used frequently, since the drug is addictive.
"Zorex" - this is already a real antidote for a hangover. This drug was specifically designed to deal with any consequences of taking a significant amount of alcohol. It is necessary to have it in your medicine cabinet on the eve of big holidays, dedicated, for example, to the new year.
Pharmacodynamics. The drug has a pronounced anti-toxic, hepatoprotective (supporting the function of the liver) and antioxidant (protective against the cells of the body) action. The active substance of the drug is unitol. Its interaction with the products of alcohol breakdown leads to the formation of non-toxic compounds that are removed from the body together with urine. Getting into the body, unitol along with the blood flow penetrates the liver and, reacting with acetaldehyde, helps to remove the latter from all organs and tissues. An additional component of calcium pantothenate helps to restore carbohydrate and fat balance and rapid regeneration of body tissues.
Pharmacokinetics. The highest concentration of the drug in the blood is observed after 1.5 hours. The total time of action is from 9 to 11 hours. Approximately 60% of the active substances are excreted from the body with urine, another percentage - with feces.
Indications for use: alcohol intoxication and poisoning with volatile chemical elements, severe hangover syndrome, various stages of alcoholism, withdrawal syndrome.
Method and dosage of tablets from the hangover "Zorex". The drug is available in the form of capsules, which take half an hour before meals, washed down with a sufficient amount of water. The drug is intended both for the prevention of hangovers and for the treatment of its symptoms. Prophylactic dose: 1 capsule before bedtime on the day of the feast. Treatment of a hangover and associated chronic conditions provides for an increase in the frequency of taking tablets to 2-3 per day. The duration of such treatment is from 3 to 10 days.
Side effects of these tablets from a hangover are extremely rare and are presented in the form of allergic manifestations: itching and rash in various places of the skin and mucous membranes, including genitals, occasionally accompanied by their edema and sudden increase in body temperature.
With an increase in dosage of 10 or more times, a drug overdose appears, manifested in the form of dyspnea, inhibition, lethargy, and brief seizures. In such a situation, immediately wash the stomach with plenty of slightly warm boiled water and drink the recommended amount of activated carbon or its analogs. If necessary, resort to laxatives.
Contraindications to use: age to 18 years, acute forms of severe diseases of the kidneys and liver, intolerance of the drug components. When the pressure is lowered, consult a doctor about the possibility of taking and dosage of the drug.
Interactions with other drugs: it is not compatible with alkalis and preparations, which contain salts of heavy metals. These drugs reduce the effectiveness of Zorex.
Shelf life of the preparation and its storage conditions. The drug can be used within 3 years from the date of manufacture when properly storing it in a room with air temperatures of up to 25 on C and without access to sunlight.
By the way, there is a variation of this drug with the name "Zorex-morning", which allows to prevent the onset of a hangover before alcohol is consumed. And in fact and the truth, what for to be excruciated and suffer in the morning if in the evening it is possible to make so that fun did not leave an unpleasant deposit from consequences of the drunk. Just for this purpose the pharmacological industry produces a lot of preparations on the basis of succinic acid for the prevention of hangover syndrome: Drinkoff, Limontar, Antipohmelin, Zelnak, Bison.
"Drinkoff" - a universal remedy, a warning hangover, kills the smell of alcohol in your mouth, improves metabolism and even, according to the manufacturer, increases sexual activity. It is easy to find on sale. Natural plant components plus succinic acid and a complex of vitamins make this drug an indispensable companion of the feast.
"Drinkoff" is sold in the form of capsules or jelly in bags. Take it right after the feast in the amount of 2-3 capsules (up to 5 pieces) or 1-2 bags of jelly. If you forgot to do this in the evening, you can drink the medicine right from the morning.
Thanks to the natural composition of the drug does not cause addiction and undesirable side effects. Nevertheless, taking these tablets from a hangover is not recommended for people with persistent increase in blood pressure, gastritis type A with a violation of immune processes, kidney failure, severe liver damage, heart rhythm disturbances, ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions and thyroid diseases.
"Antipohmelin" is another common and effective remedy that helps to avoid the consequences of rough fun. This drug is a complex of several acids and glucose, does not cause side effects. From contraindications to use, only intolerance of the individual components of the drug is known.
Take it you need according to the following scheme: 2 tablets to the table and 1-2 tablets for every 100 g of strong alcohol. If alcoholic drinks have a small percentage of alcohol, then 1-2 tablets are taken for every 250 g of alcohol-containing beverage.
"Zelnak" is a preparation of exclusively plant origin, neutralizing acetaldehyde and other poisons, and also increasing the overall tone of the body. One of the most sparing drugs for a hangover. The minimum of side effects and contraindications, which result only from the composition of the drug and the sensitivity of the organism to individual components.
Take "Zelnak" can be up to (30 minutes before drinking), after and during the feast in the amount of 2 capsules.
As you can see, there are plenty of hangover medications, but this is not a reason to abuse alcohol. No matter how good the antipode remedies seem, they help only up to a certain time. At some point, tablets from a hangover will be simply useless, and you will have to treat alcohol dependence in a specialized institution.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Hangover treatment with tablets" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.