Early menopause in women
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The early menopause in women is diagnosed before the age of 45 and manifests itself as a partial or complete cessation of the menstrual cycle. Such a problem most often indicates certain violations in the body, except for cases when the cause of the development of menopause is a hereditary factor.
The early menopause is characterized by menopause, which is observed for 1 year or more. The causes of this pathology can be different, ranging from the depletion of egg stocks and ending with malfunctions in the work of the female reproductive system, surgical intervention, or hormonal failures. It should be noted that the main symptom of the onset of early menopause is a malfunction in the menstrual cycle. Initially, the delay period of "critical days" is a week, then more, which is a clear sign of premature ovarian failure. A woman with this problem should contact a gynecologist to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor will conduct hormonal studies and identify the root cause of menstrual irregularities.
Despite the failure of the ovaries, in the early menopause there is no complete depletion of egg stocks, and in this case ovulation is still possible. Approximately 10% of women who are diagnosed with "early menopause" can still become pregnant and endure a healthy child. This is the main difference of the early menopause from the usual, in which ovulation does not occur, and the woman forever loses the ability to become a mother.
Virtually all women experiencing the early menopause, experience discomfort, which is caused by hormonal changes. This "hot flashes", mood swings, sleep problems, impairment of work capacity and memory, excessive sweating and other unpleasant symptoms.
Causes of the early menopause in women
The early menopause in women develops for various reasons. If a woman under the age of 45 exhibits symptoms of menopause, this is a powerful argument for visiting a gynecologist, endocrinologist, mammologist and oncologist. Be sure to pass tests to determine the level of hormones in the female body.
The following are the main causes of early menopause in women:
- hereditary predisposition and chromosomal abnormalities (the presence of three X-chromosomes or defects in the X chromosome, Turner's syndrome-genomic disease, etc.);
- rapid acceleration;
- autoimmune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid dysfunction);
- thyroid disease;
- gynecological diseases;
- obesity;
- decreased immunity;
- viral infections;
- radio- or chemotherapy of the pelvic region;
- removal of ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy);
- uterine removal (hysterectomy);
- illiterate intake of oral contraceptives and hormonal drugs;
- bad ecology;
- fasting and strict diets;
- unhealthy lifestyle (excessive smoking).
Genetic factors play a significant role in the development of early menopause, i.e. If your close relatives notice the onset of menopause at a relatively early age, then, most likely, you will have early menopause. Surgical interventions (surgery to remove female organs - ovaries and uterus) immediately lead to the onset of menopause due to a sharp decrease in the level of hormones.
Lack of sex and early menopause
The early menopause in women is a consequence of many factors, among which the intimate life plays an important role.
Lack of sex and early menopause - how are these concepts related? It is proved that prolonged sexual abstinence negatively affects both the psychological and physical health of a woman, provoking hormonal failure. So, lack of sex or its complete absence leads to rapid fatigue, irritability, apathy, depressive disorders. Another significant "minus" of sexual dissatisfaction is the aggravation of premenstrual syndrome, which is manifested in the occurrence of severe pain in the lower abdomen, excessive emotionality and irritability of the woman.
The opinion that menopause occurs earlier in sexually inactive women is associated with a violation of the hormonal balance: as a result of prolonged sexual abstinence the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen decreases. In single women more often failures in the work of the genitourinary system, fibroids and fibroids of the uterus, as well as malignant neoplasms.
Irregular sexuality and the lack of a constant partner adversely affect the state of the woman's sexual health. That is why it is so important to take this moment into account to avoid problems with premature menopause.
What is dangerous for an early menopause?
Early menopause in women can occur at 40 years of age and even earlier, which is a pronounced pathology. Menopause is directly related to changes in the activity of the ovaries and is the result of a decrease in the level of estrogen, or an increase in the level of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.
Unexpected cessation of menstruation can be provoked by a variety of factors, in particular, by surgical removal of the ovaries, or by a specific therapy for a cancer disease (chemo- or radiotherapy), which may damage the ovaries. Statistics argue that three out of four women experiencing problems with menopause are prone to "hot flashes" (paroxysmal fever) due to disruption of the hypothalamus, which depends on the level of hormones, particularly estrogen.
Women experiencing the early menopause often experience emotional experiences, suffer from depression, sleep disorders, and other unpleasant symptoms. Sexual relations deteriorate, which is often associated with vaginal dryness and a higher risk of developing genito-urinary infections. To reduce the negative impact of such an irreversible process as menopause, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations and, if necessary, take a course of therapy.
The early menopause in women is most often painful, causing severe discomfort. At the same time, premature wilting of the skin and the appearance of pigment spots on the body, loss of the shape and elasticity of the breast, increased wrinkles, increased fat reserves and other unpleasant consequences are noted: frequent absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, a decline in the intellectual level.
What is dangerous for an early menopause? First of all, the deterioration of the process of cholesterol metabolism, which can result in atherosclerosis, as well as other diseases of the cardiovascular system. In women suffering from the symptoms of early menopause, the risk of a stroke or heart attack increases several fold.
In addition, it should be noted increase immunity of the body to insulin. This can provoke the development of type II diabetes. Because of hormonal imbalance, the occurrence of tumors, for example, breast cancer. Due to the decrease in the level of hormones, the density of bone mass deteriorates, which leads to the development of osteoporosis.
To timely identify possible pathologies due to hormonal failure, women after forty years are advised to visit the gynecologist every six months and at least once a year and a half to do mammograms.
The early menopause in women is associated with a premature process of ovarian failure - a decrease in the number of oocytes. "Turning off" the function of the ovaries contributes to estrogen deficiency, a violation of the secretion of neurohormones, endocrine-metabolic neuropsychiatric disorders, changes in the functions of the limbic system, and damage to target organs.
Pathogenesis (ie, the mechanism of the origin of pathology) is due to both molecular disorders and malfunctions in the body as a whole. Studying the pathogenesis, doctors reveal the way of development of the early menopause. Hypothalamus is considered the main regulating element of the menstrual cycle, because it produces the release of hormones. The self-regulating system "hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries" functions for a long time on the principle of feedback. In involutive changes in the hypothalamus, there is a disruption in the release of gonadotropic hormones (including follicotropin). Early menopause is associated with a decreased number of hormones produced by the ovaries. And this leads to a decrease in the level of follicotropin and the cessation of reproductive function.
So, menopause is characterized by a violation of the secretion of hormones, both sexual and gonadotropic. The decrease in the number of classical estrogens leads to the development of atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, and dopamine - to vegetative-vascular reactions in the form of "hot flashes", increased blood pressure and vegetative crises.
The reactions of the body to such a hormonal "storm" are individual. However, it is possible to note the primary role of the hereditary connection on the female line. Of course, the emergence of menopausal syndrome under the age of 40 years is not a natural physiological process. The risk group includes smoking and alcohol-afflicted women who are sexually inactive and have undergone a large number of abortions, as well as women with endocrine disorders, gynecological, autoimmune and oncological diseases.
Symptoms of the early menopause in women
The early menopause in women is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms, among which there are frequent changes in mood, migraine attacks and dizziness, blood pressure jumps, palpitations, neuropsychiatric disorders.
We can also highlight the following symptoms of early menopause in women:
- irregular menstrual cycle or lack of menstruation for several months;
- dryness of the vagina;
- hot flushes;
- drowsiness;
- problems with urination (urinary incontinence);
- emotional lability (mood swings, irritability, mild depression);
- decreased libido.
When these symptoms appear, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor. Because of the increase in the body's level of hormones (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating), there are the following symptoms: a feeling of anxiety, a panic attack, profuse sweating (especially at night), a strong palpitation.
A decreased level of estrogen causes chronic manifestations in the form of dry skin, urinary tract infection, frequent urination. The main "minus" of the irreversible process associated with the decrease in the number of estrogens after the onset of menopause is an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease and destruction of bone tissue.
First signs
Early menopause in women is characterized by signs that depend on genetic predisposition, lifestyle, general health, individual abilities to cope with stress.
The first signs of this pathological process are malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, as well as the "tides" arising on this background (seizures associated with a sharp increase in body temperature). Night sweating is another bright symptom of early menopause. From other disturbing "bells" you can distinguish the disturbance of night sleep, emotional instability, dizziness and strong palpitations, fast fatigue, and memory impairment.
Virtually every woman who has faced the problem of premature menopause, notes marked changes in the emotional and physical condition. According to statistics, 30% of women have many symptoms, indicating a severe course of climacteric syndrome. Often, the appearance of the first signs of menopause causes a woman a sense of fear, panic and confusion, which in the absence of appropriate therapy can develop into a depressive disorder. Thus, it is very important for a woman experiencing problems with menopause to see a doctor for qualified help.
Complications and consequences
The early menopause in women occurs against a background of a lowered level of estrogen, which leads to a deterioration in health, in particular, to the likelihood of developing diseases such as osteoporosis, periodontitis and cataracts.
The consequences of a hormonal malfunction may be more serious: early menopause is associated with an increased risk of developing ovarian, breast or colon cancer. The dangerous consequences of climacteric syndrome also include:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, stroke, infarction);
- Alzheimer's disease;
- diabetes mellitus type 2;
- obesity.
These diseases and pathologies are manifested later, about 5 years after diagnosing early menopause. Often, the main cause of estrogen deficiency is bilateral removal of the ovaries. A large percentage of women who have undergone such surgery suffer from heart disease several times more often than their healthy contemporaries.
Because of the redistribution of fatty deposits, obesity occurs when the sex hormones are discontinued, which leads to fatty liver infiltration, increased risk of gallstone disease, osteoarthrosis, etc. To prevent such consequences, doctors recommend that women experiencing early menopause should regularly monitor for weight and to control the level of sugar in the blood.
Early menopause in women is a pathological process associated with premature extinction of the reproductive capacity of the organism. Among the main reasons for this pathology, one can note a hereditary factor. The development of early menopause can provoke endocrine disorders, chemo- and radiation therapy, neglected chlamydia and even a prolonged absence of sexual life.
Complications of early menopause develop against the backdrop of irreversible changes in the hormonal system and are expressed in the form of infertility, as well as various diseases due to reduced immunity. One of the most common diseases caused by a climacteric syndrome are:
- hypertension;
- heart diseases;
- diabetes;
- atherosclerosis;
- neuropsychic disorders.
If the menopause has begun earlier than the due date, the woman should not panic, since this pathology is often "masked" temporary hormonal disorders. If you suspect a climacterium, the first thing you need to do is turn to the gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis of the pathology and identify the causes. If the doctor confirms a climacteric syndrome, first of all, you should concentrate on immunostimulation of the body and effective prevention of concomitant diseases in order to prevent the occurrence of possible complications.
Diagnostics of the early menopause in women
The early menopause in women is diagnosed on the basis of complaints from patients. All necessary research is carried out in the conditions of a medical institution. In addition to a gynecologist, a woman needs advice from other doctors: a cardiologist, endocrinologist and neurologist, since concomitant diseases can interfere with the accurate diagnosis of menopausal syndrome.
Diagnosis of early menopause in women is a multi-stage process, requiring a qualified approach. To study the condition of the ovaries, scraping of the uterine endometrium and cytological tests on the basis of vaginal smears is required. In the complicated course of the early menopause, an analysis is conducted to determine the level of estrogen in the blood, as well as luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.
The diagnosis is confirmed in the event that the gynecologist revealed:
- compaction and enlargement of the uterine walls;
- small seals in the mammary glands;
- increase in the volume of cervical mucus;
- changes in the walls of the vagina;
- neoplasms and myomatous nodes;
- profuse dysfunctional bleeding.
With a long amenorrhea lasting more than a year, it is almost impossible to restore reproductive functions. The gynecologist needs to be treated while there are regular delays to adjust the condition. The doctor will prescribe the following examinations for diagnosis: gynecological examination, pelvic ultrasound, karyotype determination, FSH level monitoring and autoantibody screening, and hormonal examination. Early menopause can develop with pathologies of the pituitary gland or thyroid gland. Only after a comprehensive diagnosis is possible the detection of ovarian exhaustion syndrome.
The early menopause in women requires timely diagnosis so that each patient is able to effectively treat and maintain reproductive functions.
Blood tests must be submitted for the diagnosis of ovarian insufficiency syndrome (extinction of ovarian functions). The following diagnostic criteria can be distinguished:
- lowering the level of estradiol;
- increasing the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone;
- positive and negative progesterone test.
Cytogenetic research helps to identify gonadal dysgenesis, to determine the number of chromosomes in the set, including the sex chromosomes. This will make it possible to specify the genetic syndrome.
Within a few months, the concentration of FSH is monitored. For several weeks, the level of hormones in the blood is measured to clarify the diagnosis. An increase in the content of follicle-stimulating hormone (more than 20 mU / ml) on the background of a decrease in the level of estrogens indicates the onset of menopause. The level of estradiol also falls, reaching a mark of 35 pmol / l and lower. Ultrasound reveals the drying of the mucous membranes, a decrease in the uterus and other defects that indicate the onset of premature menopause.
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Instrumental diagnostics
Early menopause in women should be diagnosed using different methods of research. A comprehensive examination of the body will help to determine the degree of extinction of ovarian function and the overall health of patients.
Instrumental diagnostics involves the examination of internal female organs through the use of mechanical devices. From instrumental methods of studying early menopause, we can distinguish:
- Cytological examination (a Pap smear taken from the cervical mucosa to reveal the structure of cells).
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (helps to determine the number of follicles in the ovaries).
- Transvaginal ultrasound (to identify possible pathologies in the endometrium).
- X-ray method (osteodensitometry) - allows to determine the level of bone tissue density; It is used for the purpose of early diagnosis of osteoporosis.
The doctor-gynecologist assesses the patient's condition on complaints, considering all the symptoms. From other methods of diagnosis of early menopause, we can note the determination of the level of hormones (LH, estrogens, prolactin, FSH, TSH, testosterone). The results of a biochemical blood test, coagulogram, mammography, pulse and blood pressure are also required.
Differential diagnosis
Early menopause in women can be accompanied by symptoms that indicate the presence of other diseases and pathological processes. In this case, it is very important to conduct a differential diagnosis that will determine whether there is or is not a menopause based on medical research.
Differential diagnosis of early menopause implies the exclusion of adrenal, thyroid and pancreatic diseases, hyperprolactinaemia, ovarian tumor or pituitary gland. Often the symptoms of a climacteric syndrome are similar to those of a syndrome of ovarian malnutrition. These include: amenorrhea, "hot flashes", excessive sweating, emotional lability, infertility. For the diagnosis of menopause, laboratory blood tests, ultrasound and other studies are performed, which can reveal the depletion of the follicular apparatus and a sharp decrease in estrogen, which is characteristic of menopause.
Conducting differential diagnosis of ammona with thyrotoxicosis requires a blood test for the content of hormones T3 and T4. Common signs of pathologies are a feeling of heat, a violation of the menstrual cycle, a strong palpitation, sweating. Patients with thyrotoxicosis are thin, have hyperemic elastic skin, nervous and irritable.
To identify early menopause, exclusion of neurocirculatory dystonia is necessary , accompanied by paroxysmal palpitations, dizziness, weakness, sweating, paresthesias, undefined pains, numbness of the limbs. The differences of these two pathologies are the preservation of the function of the ovaries with neurocirculatory dystonia and the absence of uterine bleeding.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the early menopause in women
Early menopause in women with timely treatment will not cause excessive discomfort. In addition, correctly selected therapy will help to preserve the reproductive function of the ovaries. To prevent dangerous complications in early menopause, doctors prescribe patients hormone replacement therapy, which contain progesterone and estrogens.
The treatment of early menopause in women should be comprehensive, based on the results of medical research. In addition to hormones, shows the use of antidepressants to reduce the severity and frequency of "hot flashes". To prevent osteoporosis, bophosphonates, vitamin D, calcium and silicon preparations, as well as other drugs that stimulate the formation of bone tissue (Risedronate, Alendronate) can be prescribed. Estrogen-containing creams contribute to the improvement of skin and mucous membranes (relieve the feeling of dryness and discomfort). Medicinal products must be prescribed by the attending physician.
In each individual case, the patient is assigned a corrective treatment program aimed at alleviating the symptoms. In addition to the tablets, plasters and intrauterine devices, as well as vaginal suppositories, can be used. All these drugs are aimed at increasing the doses of estrogen in the blood.
Along with hormone therapy, the patient needs to revise her diet. In the daily diet is recommended to include fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, at the same time it is necessary to exclude the reception of animal products. In order to improve health, moderate exercise and daily walking tours are advised. A healthy lifestyle is the main goal that should be sought when diagnosing an early menopause.
Hormones with early menopause
Early menopause in women can become a serious obstacle in working capacity and ability to live. Therefore, hormonal therapy is one of the main methods of treatment.
Hormones in the early menopause are selected depending on the course of menopause. Hormone therapy is prescribed by courses (for example, Estriol + Ovestin) with the aim of normalizing the menstrual cycle and replenishing the estrogen deficiency. To prevent bleeding with changes in the endometrium, hormone-containing drugs should be taken in a constant regime.
The choice of a drug for hormone replacement therapy is always left for the medical specialist, who will take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and her state of health. There are hormonal drugs in the form of tablets, as well as in the form of injections, ointments, patches and vaginal suppositories. Contraindications for the intake of hormones are certain types of tumors, thrombophlebitis, severe liver disease, condition after a heart attack or stroke.
Combined drugs with the content of female sex hormones Klimonorm, Klimen, Trisekvens, Divina, Cyclo-Proginova help in the elimination of hot flashes, excessive sweating, nervousness and prevent the development of diseases such as osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.
Vagifem and Ovestin are recommended for women who complain of disturbances in the genitourinary system, while Proginova, Estrofem, and Divigel are prescribed to patients who underwent gynecological surgery (eg, removal of the uterus).
Herbal preparations Klimaktoplan and Remens normalize the state of health, help to normalize the level of estrogens, and also have spasmolytic, hypotensive and sedative effects.
ZGT with early menopause
Early menopause in women requires a competent approach to the choice of therapy. In many cases, patients are prescribed hormone replacement therapy to restore the normal state of tissues and reduce the manifestation of menopause.
ZGT in the early menopause is often supplemented by proper nutrition - the ingestion of soy products containing estrogens of plant origin. Using HRT helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms of early menopause and normalize body functions to prevent possible complications: osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, urogenital disorders. Also HRT removes the causes of skin aging, reducing wrinkles and senile pigmentation. Among other advantages, one can note the normalization of the psychosomatic state.
After confirming the diagnosis of "premature menopause," the doctor will prescribe hormone replacement therapy. Thus, the patient will need to take a certain amount of estrogen to prevent osteoporosis, as well as reduce the unpleasant symptoms in the form of hot flushes and sweating. It should be noted that in the case of incompatibility of estrogens with other drugs, hormone replacement therapy should be discontinued. In this case, the doctor will appoint bisphosphonates, vitamin D and calcium preparations to prevent osteoporosis.
It should be emphasized that an incorrectly selected dosage of hormones can trigger weight gain and uterine bleeding. Hormone replacement therapy includes the use of combination drugs containing progesterone and estrogen. These drugs include Pausogest, Indinina, Klimonorm, Premarin, Divisek, Tibolon, etc. These medicines should be taken in a dosage of 1 table. 1 r./day, mainly at the same time of day. The duration of taking tablets is 1-2 years.
Drug Support
The early menopause in women causes a lot of questions related to treatment. Drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, since self-medication can lead to negative consequences, especially if it concerns the taking of hormonal drugs. Usually, with early menopause, the patient is prescribed estradiol preparations or a combination of this hormone with progestogens.
Medications prescribed in the early menopause are most often issued in tablet form, but there are also vaginal gels, creams and cutaneous patches with hormones (Estrogel, Climara, Angelique). These drugs are prescribed for prolonged therapy, do not cause uterine bleeding, quickly eliminate symptoms and prevent complications of early menopause. The intake of hormones is aimed at preventing the onset of premature aging. These include the following medicines:
- Ovestin;
- Femoston;
- Divina;
- Divisek and others.
Drug therapy helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin, normalize blood pressure, remove symptoms, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and other complications. Complexly, you can use alternative therapies, which include the intake of herbal infusions and decoctions, as well as herbal preparations.
Femoston for early menopause
Early menopause in women is treated with combined hormonal means taking into account the degree of severity of menopausal syndrome and the patient's state of health. The choice of medicines should be based on the results of medical research. Self-medication will not lead to the desired results and can harm, so it is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor in charge.
Often appointed Femoston in the early menopause - it is an estrogen-progestogen preparation of antiplasmic action, intended for sequential admission. This combination is used to eliminate symptoms of insufficient amounts of estrogens in the blood, as well as for the therapy of dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
With the help of Femoston, vegetative and psychoemotional disorders caused by premature menopause (tides, headaches, hyperhidrosis, sleep disorders, neurosis, increased excitability) are effectively treated. The medicine is prescribed after 6 months. After the last menstruation. Preventive administration of this drug is aimed at preventing osteoporosis. Tablets are taken regardless of food intake. With the treatment regimen and contraindications for taking medication can be found in the instructions. The dose is adjusted based on the clinical results of therapy.
Ovariamine in early menopause
The early menopause in women is successfully treated with dietary supplements, which is proved by medical practice. The intake of biologically active additives is included in complex therapy aimed at normalizing the menstrual cycle and hormonal background.
Ovariamine in the early menopause is taken as an active ovarian bioregulator. This drug is a natural analogue of estrogen and is available in tableted form for 155 mg. Each tablet contains 10 mg of citamine - a set of trace elements, proteins, vitamins and nucleic acids taken from the ovaries of animals (cattle). The main function of Ovariamine is the ability to inhibit the synthesis of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormones). The purpose of this drug is to normalize the menstrual cycle and the state of the reproductive system, as well as to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
The exact procedure for taking the complex drug Ovariamin should be determined by the attending physician. The treatment regimen indicated in the instructions: 1-3 table. Three times a day before meals with a 10-14 day course. Contraindications to therapy are pregnancy, breast-feeding, as well as individual allergic reactions. It is undesirable to use dietary supplements on your own, as self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences.
Yarina plus for early menopause
The early menopause in women requires a competent approach in choosing therapeutic methods. The patient must strictly follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor. This applies to the use of hormonal tablets - oral contraceptives, which have not only a pronounced contraceptive effect, but also a curative and preventive effect, reduce the painfulness of bleeding, reduce the risk of developing a tumor of the endometrium and ovaries.
Yarina plus in the early menopause is used as a combined preparation, which includes active tablets, as well as auxiliary tablets with calcium levomolephate. The contraceptive effect of this drug is achieved through the "soft" suppression of the ovulation process.
Drospirenone, contained in a contraceptive, is similar to the natural hormone progesterone, which is produced in the female body. This feature determines the role of tablets in normalizing the hormonal background. With the help of "Yarina", dysmenorrhea and menstrual irregularities are treated, endometriosis, the risk of developing mastopathy, good and malignant tumors, female inflammatory diseases, and osteoporosis is reduced. The wide use of the hormonal contraceptive "Yarina plus" in the US and Europe led to a significant reduction in the number of these diseases.
Alternative treatment
Early menopause in women can be treated with proven alternative methods in combination with drug therapy. Alternative medicine offers teas, decoctions, herbal tinctures that reduce the manifestations of menopause.
Alternative herbal treatment helps to remove the underlying symptoms. Some medicinal plants are able to produce hormone-like substances, thereby restoring the hormonal balance in the body. Reduce the frequency of "hot flushes" will help ayr swamp, lungwort, licorice roots, horsetail, aralia, as well as blackberries. Taking a mixture of honey and apple or beet juice, a woman experiencing the severity of an early menopause can cope with aggression and irritation, strengthen the nervous system.
Alternative means in the form of tincture of valerian officinalis, decoction of field horsetail, tincture of sage, chamomile and calendula make it possible to get rid of mild depression and cope with stress and emotional experiences. Useful substances that are contained in these plants contribute to the normalization of cardiac activity, eliminate problems with sleep, reduce the risk of migraines.
To improve the condition in the early menopause, you should also adhere to a healthy diet, special rules of hygiene, exercise and give up bad habits.
Herbal Treatment
The early menopause in women should be treated in a comprehensive manner, using a variety of methods, including alternative medicine.
Herbal treatment helps restore women's health and get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. The most effective plants are the red brush and the boron uterus, which are used to treat various gynecological diseases.
The bovine uterus is taken in the form of broths and infusions. Raw materials (1 tbsp.) Are poured into a glass of hot water, after which it is boiled for 10 minutes. On a water bath and cool. Take a decoction of 1 tbsp. Spoon up to 5 times a day.
Tincture of a red brush is prepared as follows: 50 g of root pour half a liter of vodka, insist for a month, filter and take 30 cap. Three times a day before meals.
In the early climax, alternative healers recommend using mistletoe white in the form of water infusion, for which you should pour the raw material (15 g) with a glass of boiling water and insist. Take three times a day for 1 tbsp. L. Before meals.
You can also take Rhodiola Rose tincture, which is sold at the pharmacy. Dill water reduces the number of tides and normalizes sleep. For its preparation it is necessary to pour boiling water (0.5 l) 3 tbsp. L. Dry seeds and insist in the thermos for an hour. Then the broth should be diluted with water, bringing up to 1 liter. Take 100 ml several times a day for half an hour before meals.
Peony tincture also reduces tidal flashes and softens other symptoms of menopause. In addition, it is useful to use mint, clover, chamomile, hops, shepherd's bag, horse chestnut, rosemary and other medicinal plants.
The early menopause in women is well treatable with homeopathic medicines, whose action is aimed at reducing symptoms in the form of hot flashes, insomnia, psychological discomfort.
Homeopathy in this case means the use of natural preparations containing plant extracts, minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids. These drugs include Estroel, which contains a complex of natural substances, including phytoestrogens. These special natural substances improve mood, prevent the development of osteoporosis, promote the normalization of the autonomic nervous system.
Klimafit protects the body from osteoporosis, normalizes the hormonal background, struggles with the symptoms of menopause. It contains macro- and microelements, vitamins, soy extracts, valerian, hawthorn, horsetail. Alliter is another drug that has proven effective in eliminating the symptoms of menopause. It contains evening primrose oil and garlic extract, boosting immunity, improving the brain's performance, stopping the unpleasant symptoms of early menopause.
Preparations with phytoestrogens Climadinon and Climadinon Uno contain extract of zincifuge and ancillary substances, are safe in use, effectively eliminate hot flashes, improve the well-being of women.
Of the other homeopathic remedies, mention may be made of Feminalgin, Tsi-Klim, Feminal, Femikaps, Menopace, Inoklim, Tribestan.
The early menopause in women manifests itself sharply, bringing great psychological discomfort and annoying frequent attacks of headache, hot flashes, jumps of pressure.
Surgical treatment can lead to early development of climacteric syndrome, especially if the patient underwent ovarian surgery. In this case, women can experience negative symptoms in the form of general malaise and rapid fatigue, arrhythmias, chills, heart attacks and migraines. Because of surgical intervention, the female body does not have time to prepare for the natural period of menopause, so signs of early menopause arise unexpectedly and proceed extremely hard. Very often, surgical menopause becomes the root cause of prolonged depression.
In women who underwent an operation to remove the ovaries, headaches, fainting, and blood pressure can sharply appear. Owing to hormonal failure, the cardiac efficiency decreases. Of the other signs of the onset of early menopause, which arose as a result of surgical treatment, one can note apathy, irritability, outbreaks of aggression, frequent insomnia.
Hormonal changes adversely affect the endocrine system, resulting in disruption of the thyroid and adrenal glands. Such problems provoke the emergence of chronic fatigue and the development of bone diseases.
More information of the treatment
Early menopause in women can be prevented or mitigated by using preventative measures to support immunity and preserve women's health.
Prevention includes a healthy lifestyle, the rejection of bad habits, which will help preserve the reserve of the ovaries. Women after 40 years should give up rigid diets, move more, do their favorite things to maintain a balance of energy and quality of life. One of the conditions for a healthy lifestyle is daily exercise without fatigue. For this purpose, fitness classes, pilates, yoga, swimming, jogging in the fresh air, as well as breathing exercises are perfect.
It is necessary to exclude infectious diseases, stressful situations, to observe personal diet, to temper, and also to avoid heavy loads, including psychoemotional, and chronic fatigue. Of no less importance is a good rest, proper nutrition, motor load.
Women in their 40s need to watch their thoughts. It is not necessary to think that youth has passed, it is better to devote more time to working on yourself. Disengage from work and recharge optimism will help travel to different cities and countries. New emotions, vivid impressions, interesting acquaintances will help to distract and strengthen the psyche.
Early menopause in women can occur dramatically, causing discomfort and causing discomfort. Often the extinction of ovarian function occurs gradually, which leads to fluctuations in hormonal activity.
The prognosis depends on the causes of menopause and the peculiarities of the course of this pathology. If there is a prolonged absence of menstrual flow (within 6 months - 1 year), the probability of remission is reduced, but in rare cases, the woman still has a chance to become pregnant. A positive prognosis of fertility is based on the following signs: according to the results of ultrasound - the normal state of the ovaries, the level of FSH varies, in the history - the conduct of chemotherapy or autoimmune conditions.
Thus, the early menopause in women is not only a gynecological problem, but also a problem of the entire female body. It should be noted the multifaceted nature of this process, due to the systemic effects of estrogens - hormones that have a protective effect on many organs and systems. Treatment should be comprehensive, which will prolong the life of patients and prevent the emergence of dangerous complications, especially cardiovascular.