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Drugs that improve performance
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Drugs that increase efficiency, help to cope with temporary physical and mental overload, relieve the feeling of fatigue, stabilize and harmonize the psycho-emotional state of a person - that is, greatly improve his state of health.
In addition, there are many pharmacological agents for increasing the adaptive capacity of the organism in situations when, under the influence of certain external negative factors, the vegetative and neuroendocrine regulation of natural physiological processes fails.
However, it must be borne in mind that - in order to avoid negative consequences - to use drugs that increase efficiency, should only be recommended by a doctor, since many of these drugs have contraindications and serious side effects.
Indications for the use of drugs that increase efficiency
Decrease in the working capacity of a person is clear evidence that in his body, as is usually said, fatigue accumulated from prolonged physical work or (much more often) a constant mental load, from experiencing or suppressing strong emotions, from an irrational regime (in particular, lack of sleep), unhealthy way of life, etc. When the feeling of fatigue does not disappear even after rest, doctors ascertain the very widespread morbid state of modern man - the syndrome of chronic fatigue. And the indications for the use of drugs that increase efficiency, in the first place, relate to this syndrome, that is, aimed at increasing resistance to physical and mental stress.
Preparations that increase mood and performance are also prescribed for autonomic neuroses and asthenic disorders, depression, loss of strength and muscle weakness, in cases of a pathological decline in the ability to concentrate attention during work or training. Medications of this pharmacological group are effective in disorders of cerebral circulation, which are accompanied by dizziness, memory and attention disturbance; at states of anxiety, fear, increased irritability; with somatovegetative and asthenic disorders associated with alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
It is almost impossible to list all the names of drugs that increase working capacity, but we will consider their main groups and we will dwell on some of them in more detail.
To increase physical endurance and eliminate the effects of many disease states that reduce the level of adaptability of the organism to external factors, preparations of the adaptogen group are used. In order to improve memory and improve mental performance in clinical practice, nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants) are resorted to everywhere. And in both cases, doctors prescribe vitamin drugs that increase performance - the B vitamins.
Drugs that increase mental performance: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Drugs that increase mental performance, which belong to the group of nootropics, are represented in a wide variety. It is Piracetam, Deanola aceglumate, Pikamilon, Calcium Gopantenate, Phenotropil, Cereton and many others.
Pharmacodynamics drugs that increase efficiency, is based on the ability of their active substances to activate the exchange of nucleic acids, the release of serotonin from sensory neurons, as well as stimulate the synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine and the main source of intracellular energy - adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In addition, the preparations of this group increase the synthesis of RNA and proteins in the cells. The result of this therapeutic effect is the improvement of the energy state of neurons, increased transmission of nerve impulses and a more intensive metabolism of glucose in the cerebral cortex, nerve nodes of the subcortex, cerebellum and hypothalamus.
Also, the pharmacodynamics of drugs that increase efficiency, directly affects the normalization of the structure of the cell membranes of neurons, and when hypoxia contributes to reducing the need for nerve cells in oxygen. In general, these drugs make nerve cells more resistant to various negative effects.
The pharmacokinetics of drugs that enhance performance depend on the biochemical properties of their specific components. Since nootropics in the majority consist of amino acids and their derivatives, their bioavailability reaches 85-100%. After ingestion, they are well absorbed in the stomach and enter various organs and tissues, including the brain. At the same time, plasma proteins are not associated with proteins, but penetrate the GEB and the placenta, as well as into breast milk. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is from 1 to 5 hours, and the time during which the highest concentration of drugs in the cells is reached ranges from 30 minutes to 4 hours.
Most drugs that improve performance are not metabolized and excreted from the body by the kidneys (with urine), the biliary system (with bile) or through the intestine (with feces).
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Piracetam (synonyms - Nootropilum, Pyramem, Pirate, Cerebropan, Ceretran, Cyclocetam, Cintilan, Dinacel, Oxiratsetam, Eumental, Gabacet, Hericite, Merapiran, Nocephalus, Nocecebril, Norzetam, etc.) is available in capsule form (0.4 g) , tablets (0.2 g each), 20% solution for injections (in 5 ml ampoules), and granules for children (2 g of pyracetam).
Tablets Piracetam recommended take on a tablet 3 times a day, and capsules - 2 pieces per day (before meals). After improvement, the dosage is reduced to 2 tablets per day. The course of treatment is from 6 to 8 weeks (its repetition is possible in 1,5-2 months). Dosage and administration of Piracetam in granules for children (after 1 year, with cerebrosthenic disorders): 30-50 mg per day (two meals, before meals).
Deanol anceglumate
The form of the drug Deanol aceglumate (synonyms - Demanol, Nooclerin) - solution for oral administration. This drug, which increases mood and performance, has a positive effect on the state of brain tissue, improves well-being in asthenia and depression. Its use is justified, if necessary, to facilitate the process of memorizing and reproducing significant amounts of information. As the specialists note, in elderly patients Deanol aceglumat positively influences a number of neurotic conditions caused by organic brain lesions or craniocerebral trauma.
Way of application and dose Deanol aceglumata: for adults, the drug should be taken by mouth one teaspoonful (5 ml of the solution contains 1 g of active ingredient) 2-3 times a day (the last dose should not be later than 18 hours). The average daily dose is 6 g (with the maximum allowable - 10 g, that is, 10 teaspoons). The course of treatment with this drug lasts from one and a half to two months (during the year you can spend 2-3 courses). During treatment, special care should be taken when driving or manufacturing machinery.
Nootropic preparation Pikamilon (synonyms - Amilonosar, Picanoyl, Pikogam, analogues - Acefen, Vinpocetine, Vinpotropil, etc.) - tablets of 10 mg, 20 mg and 50 mg; 10% solution for injection. The active ingredient nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid increases brain efficiency and improves memory by expanding the vessels and activating the cerebral circulation. With strokes, Pikamilon improves the condition of patients with movement and speech disorders; is effective in migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, asthenia and senile depression. For preventive purposes, it can be prescribed to people who are in extreme conditions - to increase resistance to both physical and mental stress.
Dosage and administration of picamylone: it is recommended to take 20-50 mg of the drug twice or thrice a day (regardless of food); the maximum daily dose is 150 mg; duration of therapy is 30-60 days (repeated course of treatment is carried out after six months).
To restore efficiency, a 45-day course of treatment is shown - 60-80 mg of the drug per day (in tablets). In severe cases, a 10% solution of the drug is drip into the vein - 100-200 mg 1-2 times a day for two weeks.
Calcium Gopantate
To restore efficiency at increased loads, as well as with asthenic syndrome in adults, the preparation of Calcium Gopantenate (in tablets of 0.25 g) should be taken on a tablet three times a day (20-25 minutes after meals, morning and afternoon).
This drug is also widely used in complex therapy of brain dysfunction and congenital cerebral dysfunction in children with delayed development (oligophrenia), in the treatment of cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Dosage in these cases - for 0.5 g 4-6 times during the day (treatment lasts no less than three months).
Not allowed in the treatment of calcium by gopantenate (trade names - Pantokaltsin, Pantogam) concomitantly prescribe other drugs-nootropics or the means stimulating the central nervous system.
Drug Fenotropil - form of release: tablets of 100 mg - nootropics with the active substance N-carbamoyl-methyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone. Its use is recommended to increase the stability of brain cells and stimulate its cognitive (cognitive) functions, and also to improve concentration and mood. The drug, like all nootropics, stimulates the blood supply to the brain, activates intracellular metabolism and normalizes the disturbed redox reactions in the nervous tissue associated with the breakdown of glucose.
Doctors prescribe Fenotropil (Fonturacetam), depending on the individual characteristics of the pathology and condition of patients. The average single dose is 100 mg (1 tablet), tablets are taken 2 times (after meals, in the morning and in the afternoon, no later than 15-16 hours). The average daily dose should not exceed 200-250 mg. The duration of the course of therapy is 30 days on average.
The therapeutic effect of Tsereton (generics - Gleatser, Nokholin Rompharm, Gliatilin, Dellecit, Cerepol, Holitilin, Kholina alfoscerate hydrate, Choline-Borimed) provides its active substance choline alfoscerate, which supplies choline (vitamin B4) directly to the brain cells. A choline is necessary for the body to produce a neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Therefore, the drug Tsereton not only normalizes the functioning of receptors and brain cells, but also improves neuromuscular transmission and contributes to an increase in the elasticity of neuronal cell membranes.
Among the indications for the use of this drug appear dementia (including senile) and violations of cognitive functions of the brain, weakening of attention, encephalopathy, the consequences of stroke and hemorrhage to the brain. Cerelets Capsules are taken in these cases one by one 2-3 times during the day (before meals). Treatment can last from 3 to 6 months.
Preparations that increase physical performance
Drugs that increase physical performance include such means to increase the overall tone of the body and activate its adaptive abilities, such as Acetylamino succinic acid, Melatonin, Calcium glycerophosphate, Pantocrine, alcohol tinctures of ginseng, Eleutherococcus and other medicinal plants.
Form release Acetylamino succinic acid (succinic acid) - a tablet of 0.1 g. The general toning effect of this drug is based on its ability to stabilize and simultaneously stimulate the neuroregulatory processes of the central nervous system. Due to this, the use of succinic acid removes fatigue and removes from the state of associated depression.
Dosage and administration of Acetylamino-succinic acid: the usual dose for an adult is 1-2 tablets per day (only after eating, with a glass of water). Children under 6 years are assigned 0.5 tablets a day, after 6 years - a whole tablet (once a day).
The drug Melatonin increases the brain and hypothalamus content of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotin, and also acts as a powerful antioxidant. As a result, this medication is used in the complex therapy of depressive conditions and CNS disorders, insomnia, reduced immunity.
Melatonin is prescribed to adults 1-2 tablets before bedtime. During its reception it is impossible to take alcohol and smoke. For children under 12 this medication is contraindicated; children over 12 are given one tablet a day (just before bedtime).
Calcium glycerophosphate (tablets of 0.2 and 0.5 g) is used as a drug that increases efficiency, due to the fact that this substance can enhance protein synthesis, and more active anabolic processes in the tissues of the body, in turn, increase the tone of all its systems. Therefore, doctors recommend taking Calcium glycerophosphate with a general decline in strength, chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion. In addition, calcium is very useful for strengthening bones.
The drug should be taken one tablet three times a day (before meals), but it can not be combined with acidic foods and drinks, as well as with milk.
Pantocrine - a liquid alcohol extract of young (neocostenegivshih) horns of maral, red deer and spotted deer - is a stimulant of the central nervous system and is used for asthenic conditions and low arterial pressure. Dosage and administration: orally, 30-40 drops 30 minutes before meals (2-3 times during the day). The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, repeated courses are held after a break of 10 days.
Preparations that increase physical performance, for many decades, the classic - tincture of ginseng (root), eleutherococcus, aralia manchurian and magnolia vine.
The presence of triterpene glycosides in these biogenic stimulants, which affect the energy processes in the body, explains their unconditional effectiveness in regulating glucose metabolism. These tinctures doctors recommend taking with physical and mental fatigue, increased drowsiness and low blood pressure.
The form of production of drugs based on these medicinal plants - alcohol tincture. Dosage and administration: tincture of ginseng - 10-20 drops (dissolved in a small amount of water at room temperature) 2-3 times a day (for 1-1.5 months); tincture of Eleutherococcus - a teaspoon twice a day (before meals); tincture of aralia Manchurian - inside of 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day; tincture of Chinese magnolia vine - 20-25 drops twice a day.
Contraindications to the use of drugs that increase efficiency
It should immediately be noted that the use of drugs that increase performance, during pregnancy, as well as during lactation is contraindicated, although in many cases the tyratogenic and embryotoxic effects of the listed drugs by their manufacturers have not been studied.
Contraindications to the use of drugs that increase performance, the following:
- Piracetam is not used in children under 1 year of age;
- the drug Deanol Aceglumate is not used for hypersensitivity, infectious diseases of the brain, fever, blood diseases, renal and hepatic insufficiency, epilepsy;
- drug Pikamilon is contraindicated for individual intolerance, acute and chronic forms of kidney pathologies;
- the drug Tsereton can not be prescribed to patients who have not reached the age of 18, and also at an acute stage of a stroke;
- Acetylamino-succinic (succinic) acid is not used for angina and glaucoma;
- the drug Pantocrin is contraindicated in atherosclerosis, organic pathologies of the heart, increased blood clotting, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys (nephritis), as well as disorders of stool (diarrhea).
- tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and Manchu aralia are not used in the treatment of children, with acute infectious diseases, bleeding, hypertension, epilepsy, propensity to convulsions, insomnia and liver pathologies.
Side effects of drugs that increase efficiency
When appointing patients, doctors should take into account the side effects of drugs that improve performance. Namely: Piracetam can cause dizziness, headache, mental agitation, irritability, sleep disturbances, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, cramps; Deanol aceglumate is capable of provoking headaches, sleep disorders, constipation, weight loss, itching, and in elderly patients - a state of depression.
Side effects of the drug Pikamilon expressed in the form of dizziness and headache, irritability, agitation, anxiety, as well as nausea and skin rash with itching. For some, the use of phenotropil is fraught with insomnia, irritability, dizziness and headache, unstable state of mind (crying, anxiety, and the appearance of delusions or hallucinations).
The drug Cereton noted such possible side effects as nausea, headache, convulsions, dry mucous, urticaria, insomnia or drowsiness, increased irritability, constipation or diarrhea, convulsions, anxiety.
But the side effects of Melatonin are quite rare and are expressed in the form of headaches and discomfort in the stomach.
Interactions of drugs that increase work capacity, with other drugs
The use of any nootropic or adaptogen should be coordinated with the use of drugs of other pharmacological groups. Here are the main characteristics of the interaction of drugs that increase work capacity with other drugs:
- Piracetam improves the effectiveness of thyroid hormones, neuroleptic drugs, psychostimulants and anticoagulants;
- Pikamilon reduces the effect of hypnotics and enhances the action of narcotic analgesics;
- Calcium gopantenate prolongs the action of hypnotics, and can also enhance the effects of anticonvulsant drugs and CNS stimulants;
- Acetylamino succinic acid with sedatives (sedative antidepressants and tranquilizers) can significantly alleviate their effects.
- application of tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and Manchu aralia increases the effect of psychostimulants, as well as cordiamine and camphor-containing drugs. And the simultaneous reception of tonic infusions with tranquilizers or anticonvulsants completely blocks the therapeutic effect of the latter.
Overdose of the above drugs can lead to undesirable consequences. In particular, there may be insomnia, increased irritability, limb tremor (tremor), and in patients after 60 years - attacks of heart failure and sudden fluctuations in blood pressure.
The storage conditions of drugs that increase their efficiency are almost identical and assume their storage in a dry, dark place at room temperature (not higher than + 25-30 ° C.). Obligatory condition: the place of their storage should be inaccessible to children.
And the shelf life of these drugs manufacturers, as it should, indicate on the packaging.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Drugs that improve performance" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.