

Injuries and poisonings

First aid with bruises

First aid for bruises should be rapid, especially if the child is injured or especially dangerous parts of the body are damaged. Although a minor injury is considered a bruise without damaging the skin, nevertheless bruises can be very strong and violate fairly deep layers of soft tissue.

Ointment from bruises: which is better to choose?

Ointment from bruises is a tool that reduces pain syndrome, swelling and effectively resolves existing bruises, bruises.

Ointment from bruises: which is better to choose?

Ointment from bruises should have the property of dissolving and utilizing the blood that has accumulated in the subcutaneous tissue as a result of a bruise. A bruise is more correctly called a hematoma, which is an edema or swelling with blood clots under the skin.

Intervertebral hernia

The intervertebral hernia is a dangerous disease that is associated with a change in intervertebral discs of its usual position.

Symptoms of ankle fracture

Symptoms of ankle fracture in clinical practice are often mistakenly diagnosed as signs of dislocation or sprain of the ankles.

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot can be varied, and depend on which part of the foot is affected. The middle part of the foot is permanently vulnerable, and most often fractures are affected by the ramming, navicular, heel, cuboid, as well as phalanges of the fingers and metatarsal bones.

Symptoms of a hip fracture

Symptoms of hip fracture are multiple signs of serious injury, especially dangerous for the elderly. Fracture of the femoral neck is one of the main causes of disability in older patients.

Symptoms of a fracture

The symptoms of a fracture are those necessary signs that help differentiate the true bone damage from a strong soft tissue injury. Symptoms are conditionally divided into absolute, that is, obvious and not subject to doubt, and relative, that is, indicative.

Treatment of joints

Treatment of joints and numerous diseases associated with them - one of the most difficult issues of modern medicine. Despite significant achievements and research of new techniques of medical scientists, diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and arthrosis can hardly be completely cured


Osteoporosis is a pathology associated with increased fragility of bones. In most cases, it occurs in women due to age-related changes and the onset of menopause. Bones lose their strength, become much weaker and, as a result, easily break.


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