


Symptoms of a fracture of the foot

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Symptoms of a fracture of the foot can be varied, and depend on which part of the foot is affected. The middle part of the foot is permanently vulnerable, and most often fractures are affected by the ramming, navicular, heel, cuboid, as well as phalanges of the fingers and metatarsal bones. Even a small injury to one of the sites disrupts the normal support function of the entire leg. This is due to the specific and complex anatomical structure of the foot.

Fracture ossis pedis - fractures of the foot according to the signs, the methods of diagnosis and the methods of treatment can be divided into several types: 

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Symptoms of a fracture of the foot (ram)

This type of fracture fracturae ossis tali in clinical practice is rare, but if diagnosed, then as a serious injury, a serious fracture. Most often, the neck of bones is liable to damage, and less often - the block of the talus bone. A unique clinical case is a fracture of the posterior process of the bone. The cause of the injury may be a fall and a landing on the heels, resulting in a compression fracture of the body of the talus. If the cause of the injury is too active load on the foot (flexion), then the fracture is subjected to the neck of the bone, followed by a complication in the form of a dislocation of the bone block back. Symptoms of a fracture of the foot of this type are typical and similar to the signs of other damage to the bone system. This is the edema at the site of injury, painful sensations during palpation, hemarthrosis (hemorrhage into the joint cavity), decreased mobility of the foot, changes in the contours of the joint. Differentiate the fracture of the talus from the fracture of the distal anterior or posterior edge of the tibia or from an ankle injury is extremely difficult. Often, such symptoms are considered as symptoms of a similar trauma, and in combination with the rest of the information they are the basis for making an erroneous diagnosis, for example, sprain or ligament rupture. To eliminate the error, you should conduct a detailed survey and specify the symptoms of a fracture of the foot. Characteristic symptoms of fracture of the foot in the talus area: I have increased hemorrhage and severe puffiness in the region of the inner part of the shin, often these signs expand to the lower third of the ankle joint. Fracture of the cervical bone is characterized by valgus deformation (bumps and protrusions), and the anterior zone of the ankle is most painful. If the posterior process is damaged, severe pain is observed in the calcaneal tendon on both sides. Also, pain can cause a tapping during examination, especially on the heel. It is necessary to pay attention to the skin that, when the neck is fractured, has a pale, cyanotic hue and visually looks taut. Confirms the primary diagnosis of an X-ray, which also needs to be carefully studied. Often, the fracture of the posterior process is similar to the sesamoid triangular bone, which is an additional process of the talus bone. The fracture of the posterior part visually differs from the sesamoid bone, it looks slightly jagged. To clarify the diagnosis pictures are taken in two projections in conjunction with a picture of a healthy foot. 

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot (heel)

First, edema is formed at the site of the injury, then there may be a hematoma in the sublobe area. The contours of the heel are smoothed out due to puffiness, palpating the heel feels pain. Symptoms of a fracture of the foot of this type are characterized by a very rapid spread of edema and severe pain in the heel zone when walking. If the fracture was complicated, compression, the longitudinal arch of the foot begins to flatten, the damaged foot is visually very different from the healthy one. If the trauma touches the back zone of the heel with the displacement of the fragments, the pain grows and passes into the gastrocnemius muscle. The diagnosis is refined with the help of an X-ray, which is done in two projections.

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot (navicular)

The cause may be a severe injury, which is applied by a heavy foreign object, squeezing. Less often, damage occurs indirectly - with active, excessive flexing of the sole. As a rule, such fractures are combined with cube-bone injuries, possibly - and with a fracture of the sphenoid bone. The damaged fragment of the scaphoid bone begins to move inward and into the rear. Swelling is small, as is pain. It's painful to walk injured, but the trauma does not limit movement. A sign can be a palpable projection - a dislocation of the fragment at the site of the injury and a typical preference for stepping on the heel only. The diagnosis is confirmed using an X-ray examination.

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot (cuboidal and sphenoid)

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot of this form are difficult to diagnose, they are very similar to a trauma of the boat's bone. Difference can serve as a pain that is localized in the outer region of the foot with a trauma to the cuboid bone, and inside the foot with a fracture of the sphenoid bone. It is also necessary to differentiate on the X-ray a sesamoid bone from the fracture and visually visible fragments of the cuboid and sphenoid bones.

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot (plus)

This is the most common type of fracture of the foot, especially the 1st and 4th bones are especially injured. With direct injury (car collision, falling of a heavy object) poly polyons can be diagnosed, that is trauma of all metatarsal bones. Symptoms of a fracture of the foot depend on the severity of the lesion, it can be multiple edema, severe pain, inability to step on the foot. X-rays are carried out from two sides - oblique pronation at an angle of 50 ° and the rear-plantar side. 

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot of the phalanx of the fingers

Just like in case of damage to the metatarsal, the phalanx is injured in a direct way. The proximal phalanges are more susceptible to fractures, less often distal. The most rare case is a fracture of the middle phalanx of the toe. Symptoms of fracture of the foot are typical for small fractures, the pain is tolerable, there is practically no swelling. The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray.

Symptoms of a fracture of the foot are very diverse, differentiate them through careful examination of the surgeon, X-ray examination, and, of course, timely treatment of the victim for medical assistance.

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