

Injuries and poisonings

Contusion of the brain: symptoms, treatment

A bruise of the brain is a more severe brain damage, accompanied by macroscopic morphological changes in the brain substance. Contusions of the brain, depending on the nature and severity of the injury, can be quite diverse - from relatively coarse individual, to expressed multiple, affecting vital structures.


Concussion is a traumatic brain injury. In most cases, it has a light course and averages up to 70-80% of neurosurgical injuries.

Funnel chest

The funnel chest (pectus excavalus) is a developmental defect in the form of depression of the sternum and ribs, accompanied by various functional disorders of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Innate muscular torticum

Congenital muscular torticollis - persistent shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, accompanied by the inclination of the head and restriction of mobility in the cervical spine, and in severe cases deformation of the skull, spine, and shoulder-blades.

Congenital kyphosis

Kyphosis - curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane with the formation of convexity facing posteriorly. Kyphosis based on vertebral anomalies is the most common type of congenital kyphosis, ranging from 61 to 76%.

Congenital scoliosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Scoliosis - lateral curvature of the spinal column, combined with its torsion. The most common scoliosis on the basis of anomalies in the formation of vertebrae. Among such anomalies are wedge-shaped vertebrae and semi-vertebra.

Fracture of the bones of the wrist: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Fractures of the bones of the wrist reach 1% among the fractures of the remaining bones of the skeleton. The scaphoid bone most often suffers, then the semilunar, much less often - all the other bones of the wrist.

Fractures of the condyles of the hip and lower leg: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Fractures of the condyles of the femur and lower leg are referred to intraarticular injuries of the knee joint.

Fracture of the coronary process of the ulna: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Fracture of the coronoid process of the ulna is rarely met. As a rule, the mechanism of injury, as a rule, becomes an indirect cause of injury - a fall on the unraveled arm or a sharp contraction of the shoulder muscle, in which the fragment of the coronary process is torn off.

Fracture of the first metacarpal bone: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Particular attention is paid to this bone due to the fact that the first metacarpal bone is located separately from the others, is very mobile, participates in bringing, leading and contrasting the first finger. It is also functionally equivalent to the other four fingers.


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