Intervertebral hernia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What causes intervertebral hernia?
There are many factors that provoke the appearance and development of the intervertebral hernia: these are various injuries, a distorted posture, physical overload of the spine, insufficient development of the muscular corset.
Intervertebral hernia occurs due to a variety of causes, the main ones of which are:
- Osteochondrosis, which is a consequence of disruption of intervertebral disc tissues;
- Incorrect metabolism;
- Scoliosis;
- Injuries;
- Hereditary predisposition;
- Intense loads on the back.
What are the symptoms of an intervertebral hernia?
The intervertebral hernia occurs when, as a result of the prolapse of the disc, a fibrous ring breaks out beyond the spine. All this is accompanied by the following syndromes:
- Painful sensations in the neck that can spread into the hand;
- Pressing sensations in the heart;
- Numbness and weakness of the limbs;
- Increased pressure;
- Dizziness;
- Lower back pain;
The very process of abaissement of the disc is characterized by a sudden sudden pain. And its characteristic feature is a special intensity in the early days. On the third day the pain subsides, however, this does not mean that the intervertebral hernia has disappeared.
The most frequent complaints of people who have an intervertebral hernia are the following: back pain of a pulling, aching nature that can be accompanied by a feeling of tingling or numbness in the buttocks and in the back or side of the leg, as well as in other parts of the body, depending on the location hernia. Pain increases when coughing, sneezing, and when the patient is sitting.
The intervertebral disc has the form of a cartilaginous plate, which is located between the vertebrae and performs a peculiar supporting function, and also maintains the necessary distance between the vertebrae. With sharp slopes and corners of the body, when the weight is lifted, the vertebrae approach each other and exert pressure on each other. This significantly increases the load on the intervertebral disc, because of what it begins to bulge and form an intervertebral hernia. If the hernia bulges forward or sideways, it can disrupt the normal functioning of certain organs, cause intolerable pain. If the intervertebral hernia appeared in the lumbar region, the pain radiates into the leg, subsequently increasing, preventing proper movement.
The intervertebral hernia, localized in the cervical region, is characterized by the fact that the pain irradiates into the hand, can be combined with a headache, restricts mobility of the cervical region. The intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region has pain that radiates to the chest region, becomes more palpable when inhaled or exhaled, often similar to pain in the heart. Such an intervertebral hernia is less common than the rest.
Where does it hurt?
How is the intervertebral hernia recognized?
Intervertebral hernia is diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging.
However, before the doctor will most likely try to collect as much information about you as possible, so you have to answer questions about lifestyle, work, whether there is an intervertebral hernia from relatives, and also about your diseases.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
How is the intervertebral hernia treated?
Before proceeding to treatment procedures, a checkup should be performed in order to establish the diagnosis as accurately as possible and to prescribe the correct treatment. The intervertebral hernia is treated mainly non-operatively, but there are cases when the surgeon's intervention is required. The operation is usually performed if the hernia entails a disruption of the internal organs or persistent numbness of the extremities.
If there is an intervertebral hernia, before the time of going to the doctor or his arrival, you can apply the following options for emergency care to the patient:
- Place it on a hard surface;
- Put a warm water bottle on the damaged part of the body;
- Limit movement in the spine with a corset, bandage.
The intervertebral hernia can be treated with medications, this treatment is aimed at getting rid of the pain. The most commonly used drugs are anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen or Diclofenac. It is also possible to use special gels and ointments. The course of taking medication can be different. However, remember that all these drugs can lead to the occurrence of side effects or even the development of other diseases, so they should be used only under the guidance of a doctor.
If the intervertebral hernia in the early stages of development, it is possible to apply non-drug treatment, it is aimed at reducing the soreness and symptoms of the manifestation of a hernia. The most common methods of such treatment are:
- Massotherapy;
- Reflexology;
- Physiotherapy;
- Use of applicators.
- With proper application, these methods give a good effect.
Manual therapy, as well as acupuncture have a positive effect on muscles and reduce the burden on intervertebral disks, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease. These procedures can bring relief to the patient only if carried out by an experienced practitioner. Physiotherapy, which includes reflexotherapy, massage procedures, traction of the spine, has a restorative effect, and also conducts sessions of therapeutic gymnastics and swimming. Swimming is the best option for the restoration of vertebral discs during the treatment of a hernia, since the load on the spine in water is significantly reduced, which has a beneficial effect on the muscular corset. When walking, it is always necessary to control the position of the posture - no need to be hunched, the head and back should be kept evenly. It is also necessary to control body weight, since excess weight exerts an additional burden on the spine. It is also necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well, consume enough protein and vitamins. It is desirable to sleep on hard surfaces, for these purposes you can use an orthopedic mattress.
Of course, there are many alternative treatments for this disease. However, we advise you to consult a neurologist, since if the intervertebral hernia will be treated nervously, this can lead to disability.
If the intervertebral hernia in advanced cases, use the operation. Surgical methods include the removal of a hernia. Their danger lies in the fact that the intervertebral hernia can return, since only its effects are removed, the original cause remains. However, sometimes this treatment is the only possible way to get rid of pain.
More information of the treatment
How is the intervertebral hernia prevented?
The intervertebral hernia is prevented, observing simple rules: if you are forced to lift a heavy one, you need to bend your legs slightly so that the load on the spine is evenly distributed, and you can not be too cold and be in a draft.
The intervertebral hernia can be successfully cured if you turned in time to a professional - orthopedist, traumatologist, vertebrologist, which will also help to prevent undesirable consequences of this disease. Non-surgical treatment of the intervertebral hernia consists primarily in unloading the spine, neutralizing functional blockages, maintaining muscle tone, which helps to stop the progression of the disease, reduces pain and improves metabolism in the intervertebral disc.