

Injuries and poisonings


The sunstroke is an option of hyperthermia, which is symptomatically very similar to heat stroke. However, if thermal overheating is influenced by an increased ambient temperature, hyperinsolation (apoplexia solaris - in Latin) is provoked by sunlight.


Hyperthermia from heat exposure or heat stroke is a serious violation of the neurological and general functions of the human body, resulting from overheating of the entire body.

The bite of the wasp

The bite of a wasp is borne by a man much harder than a bee sting. First, unlike a bee that stings, dies, wasps can sting repeatedly.

Bee sting: first aid and how to avoid

Morsus apis - so in Latin sounds a bee sting. Actually, the bite does not occur, as the bee can only sting, and it can carry a variety of both emotional and physiological load.

Contusion of foot

A foot injury is the most common trauma that occurs on its own or accompanies more serious injuries, such as sprain or ligament rupture, tendons, dislocation, fracture.

Nail bruise

Probably, with each at least once in a lifetime there was such a nuisance as a bruised nail. Wild, throbbing pain, a blue nail plate that slides with time and does not grow long again - the spectacle is not pleasant.

Help with traumatic brain injury

The first medical aid for craniocerebral trauma consists of intubation of the trachea, the introduction of the orogastric probe, and the medical prehospital support of the vital functions of the body.

Rupture of the Meniscus

A meniscus rupture is the most unpleasant knee injury that occurs quite often. Breaking a meniscus occurs most often in athletes.

Elbow bursitis

Bursitis elbow by clinical classification can be chronic, recurrent and acute or subacute.

Injury of elbow

Elbow injury is one of the professional problems of people involved in tennis, golf, bodybuilding, other active sports.


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