

Injuries and poisonings

How to treat a bruise?

How to treat a bruise? What are the consequences of a fall or a blow? At least several times in life, each person asked such questions. In order to understand how to better treat a bruise, you first need to figure out what happens in the body after bruising, which signs are most characteristic, what are the most common consequences.

Osteoporosis in the elderly

Osteoporosis in the elderly is a disease of the skeleton, manifested by a decrease in bone mass and microstructural damage to bone tissue, leading to increased fragility of the bone and, as a result, an increased risk of fracture.

Anaerobic infection

An anaerobic wound infection attracts the attention of surgeons, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists and other specialists. This is due to the fact that anaerobic infection occupies a special place due to the exceptional severity of the disease course, high mortality (14-80%), frequent cases of deep disability of patients.

Diagnosis of osteomyelitis

Currently, the diagnosis of osteomyelitis, clarification of the localization and extent of damage, as well as determining the effectiveness of treatment is based on laboratory, bacteriological, morphological and radiation methods of research, which can be divided into priority and additional ones.

Treatment of osteomyelitis

In all patients on osteomyelitis treatment is based on the principles of active surgical management of purulent wounds and combines conservative and surgical measures. The ideal treatment option is a comprehensive approach with the participation of specialists in chemotherapy, traumatology, purulent surgery, plastic surgeons and, if necessary, other medical consultants.


The term "osteomyelitis" is suggested for the inflammation of bone and bone marrow (in translation from Greek "osteomyelitis" - inflammation of the bone marrow). Currently, this term is understood as the infectious and inflammatory lesion of bone tissue (osteitis), bone marrow (myelitis), periosteum (periostitis) and surrounding soft tissue.

Purulent arthritis

The term "purulent arthritis" is understood to mean various forms of nonspecific inflammatory and necrotic processes occurring in the joint cavity and in paraarticular tissues. Purulent arthritis of large joints in the structure of purulent surgical diseases is 12-20%.

Compression Syndrome

Compression syndrome is formed by squeezing soft tissues or internal organs as a result of the disease with the development of a characteristic clinical picture, which can be regarded as a manifestation of this pathology or as its complication.


Gangrene - one of the forms of necrosis of tissues, when the entire limb or part of it, as well as the organ or its part, is affected by the necrotic process, for example: gangrene of the foot, limb, lung, gut, gall bladder, alpendix, etc.


Inflammation is a complex compensatory-adaptive reaction of the organism to the effect of pathogenic factors of the external or internal environment, which proceeds locally or with a common lesion of all organs and tissues.


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