

Injuries and poisonings

Craniocerebral injury in children

Craniocerebral trauma in children (TBI) - mechanical damage to the skull and intracranial structures (brain, vessels, nerves, meninges).

Symptomatic intensive therapy for poisoning

Symptomatic (intensive syndrome) therapy consists in an emergency elimination of the development of the functions of vital organs and systems that have developed in connection with the action of a toxic substance.

Age features of acute poisoning treatment

Features of resuscitation and intensive care in children are associated with quantitative and qualitative differences in the adult and children's organism.

Methods for stimulating natural detoxification

Detoxification, carried out as an emergency medical intervention, aims to accelerate the elimination of toxicants from the body, as well as reduce their toxicity during the period of being in the biomeding environment and includes three main groups of methods aimed at stimulating the natural processes of cleansing the body or replacing them (prosthetics) by using methods of artificial detoxification and for the neutralization of toxicants with the help of antidotes

Antidote therapy - specific detoxification

Antidote therapy remains effective only in the early toxicogenic phase of acute poisoning, the duration of which is different and depends on the toxic-kinetic features of this toxic substance.

Complex detoxification of the body

The implementation of a full-fledged detoxification in cases of mild and part of moderate poisoning does not present a difficult problem and is achievable by enhancing the processes of natural detoxification.

Diagnosis of acute poisoning

Clinical diagnosis of acute poisoning - the most accessible method, used both in the prehospital stage and in the hospital, is concluded in the detection of symptoms characteristic for the exposure of the body to a toxic substance by the principle of its selective toxicity.

Endogenous intoxication, or endotoxicosis

From the general point of view, the term "endogenous intoxication" (endotoxicosis) means a pathological condition (syndrome) that develops in various diseases due to accumulation in the body of various endogenous toxicants when the function of the natural biological detoxification system is inadequate.

Inhalation trauma

Inhalation trauma - the defeat of the respiratory tract, lungs and the body as a whole with the inhalation of combustion products during a fire. Inhalation trauma can be isolated or combined with skin burns, significantly weighting the course of the burn disease and worsening the prognosis.

Injury of the abdomen

Closed abdominal trauma occurs as a result of the impact of an explosive wave, when falling from a height, blows in the stomach, and squeezing the trunk with heavy objects. The severity of the damage depends on the degree of excess pressure of the shock wave or shock force in the stomach by the moving object.


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