

Injuries and poisonings

Stretching of the ligaments of the elbow joint: what to do and how to treat

Elongation of the ligaments of the elbow joint is a closed traumatic injury, manifested in the rupture of the ligament fibers.

Stretching of the ligament of the hand

The bone-ligament mechanism of our body allows us to make a variety of simple and complex movements of limbs and separate joints. But sometimes under certain circumstances the supporting assignment of the ligament is violated. Why and how does the sprain of the arm develop?

What if the mercury thermometer crashed?

Why is it often asked what to do if a mercury thermometer is broken? Because everyone knows: liquid silver metal, which is a thermometric fluid of conventional medical thermometers, is a threat to human health.

What should I do if I get carbon monoxide poisoning?

What to do with carbon monoxide poisoning and what help should the victim provide? Let's look at the methods of helping with carbon monoxide poisoning, as well as the causes and symptoms of poisoning


Periostitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the periosteum of the bone. Padding is a connective tissue in the form of a film that is located on the entire surface of the outside of the bone.

Treatment of periostitis

In recent years, cases of neglected, poorly treatable diseases, including periostitis, have increased. The timely treatment of periostitis, as a rule, leads to complete recovery.

What to do with alcohol poisoning?

What to do with alcohol poisoning and how to help? This problem is very common today, especially among young people. Therefore, everyone should have at least basic concepts about what to do.

Ankle ligament rupture

The rupture of the ligaments of the ankle is a very common injury, especially in sports practice and during ice. You need to be careful not to get this damage.

What should I do if food is poisoned?

Everyone should know what to do with food poisoning, because this phenomenon is quite common. It will be possible to get acquainted with the first aid a little lower.

Tension of the ligaments of the knee joint

Stretching the ligaments of the knee joint is accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations. In addition, such a trauma can cause serious harm. Therefore, if you find the first symptoms of this phenomenon, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.


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