What should I do if food is poisoned?
Last reviewed: 18.10.2021
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Everyone should know what to do with food poisoning, because this phenomenon is quite common. It will be possible to get acquainted with the first aid a little lower.
It should be noted that even someone who does not have a special medical education can help.
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What to do when poisoning with mandarins?
Do you know what to do when poisoning with mandarins, and how to help a person as a whole? In fact, everything depends on the situation itself and how the victim feels. The first thing to do is rinse the stomach. To do this, you will have to prepare a soda solution. Used in this case, 2-3 liters of fluid. Washing is done with the use of liquid for several "calls". The main thing at this stage is to induce vomiting.
Then it will be necessary to start removing harmful substances from the stomach. To do this, suitable drugs such as Smecta and Regidron. To remove all harmfulness and intestines, it is recommended to use sorbents. These include activated carbon. And it will suit both "white" and "black". The method of its use is simple, 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. These are the so-called standard methods of improving the current situation. If after the done manipulations a person does not feel better, it is necessary to call an ambulance.
After such "treatment" you need to observe a certain drinking regimen, and also eat only broths. The stomach will be difficult to perceive previously consumed food, because it is significantly weakened. If the washing did not yield any results, then this case is among the serious and requires the intervention of professional medics. Because what to do with food poisoning in this case they will decide.
What should I do if food is poisoned?
Few people know what to do with food poisoning. The first thing to do is to induce vomiting. All this is done simply, a weak solution of soda should be drunk by man. For this, water is taken, in the amount of 2-3 liters and soda itself, 2-5 percent. A person should use all the liquid until vomiting occurs. After that, it is desirable to remove the residue of toxic substances from the body. In this case, all known activated carbon comes to the rescue.
If the situation is rather complicated, then you will have to use special means, such as Regidron. It is important to properly "cook" it. So, one packet is dissolved in 250 ml of water and gradually, with slow sips is drunk. Thanks to him from the body will come all harmful. As for activated carbon, it just cleans the intestines. If a strong disorder is observed during poisoning, it is recommended that Smecta be applied.
After a person starts to bounce back, you need to restore the body. Returning immediately to the usual power mode is not worth it, otherwise the situation may recur. Suitable light broths, strong tea and crackers. In addition, you need to restore the intestinal microflora. For this, it is recommended to eat yogurt. Only after a few days, you can return to the usual way of life. What to do with food poisoning, should be known to everyone, because it's serious.
What should I do if I get milk poisoning?
What to do with milk poisoning and how to cleanse the body of harmful substances? Poisoning by dairy products is, to some extent, one of the most dangerous. Because bacteria can "stay" in the human body for a long time. So, how to help a person in this situation?
Naturally, it is recommended immediately to call an ambulance. While she arrives, you need to do yourself gastric lavage. For this purpose both ordinary water and light soda solution are suitable.
The second option is more successful and correct. Take 3 liters of liquid and mix with a small amount of soda. Then the received drink should be given to the person. This cleansing does not end there. It is recommended to take care of the removal of harmful substances from the intestine. In this case, activated carbon can help with ease. It is necessary to give a person in a ratio of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. If there is a strong disorder, you will need to drink Smecta.
In general, restore the intestine is quite problematic. Therefore, in some cases, prescribed droppers. In addition, you will need to use magnesium and vitamins. The subject will be told by the doctor when the call comes. In general, what to do with food poisoning, it is clear the main thing is not to lose a minute.
What to do with kefir poisoning?
To know what to do with kefir poisoning is simply necessary, because it is quite dangerous. It is necessary to understand how to help people. So, what should you do first? Naturally, you need to call an ambulance. If a person's condition is not difficult, then you can wait. Otherwise, it is necessary to proceed to independent actions.
First of all, the stomach is washed. To do this, take water and a little soda, the solution should be 2-5 percent. To remove all harmful toxins from the body will have to use 2-3 liters of such a "solution". But this is not all. Next, go to the cleaning of the intestine.
For this ordinary sorbents, in this case activated charcoal, are suitable. How it will be white or black does not matter. The person's task is to rid the victim's body of all accumulated "muck". In general, you do not need to do anything else, but only if everything is all right.
With the rise in temperature and severe frustration, you will have to move on to serious methods. So, take Regidron and dissolve it in 250 ml of water. This will help a person get rid of all the accumulated harmfulness. In quite serious situations, it is also necessary to continue treatment. So, prescribe vitamins and magnesium. Sometimes it is necessary to put a dropper. Such a question is decided only by the attending physician. You need to call an ambulance without fail. After all, not everyone knows what to do with food poisoning, unfortunately.
What to do when poisoning with eggs?
Do you know what to do when poisoning with eggs and how dangerous is it? The fact is that poisoning with such a food product is fraught with quite serious consequences. Therefore, when eating eggs especially during a hot period, you need to observe some safety, because the consequences can be quite heavy. So, if a person is poisoned by these products, the first thing is to wash his stomach. A solution of soda will perfectly help in this case. About 3 liters of water, soda and we get a solution of 2-5%. The main thing is that the figure should fluctuate in this range. In the meantime, you need to call an ambulance. Because not in all cases you can provide quality assistance yourself. Especially if, in addition to vomiting, a person has a fever and there is a strong upset stomach.
When all this is over, you need to give people active sorbents. Simply put, ordinary activated carbon. This is necessary in order to alleviate the "flours" of the intestines. To clear it to the full, the drug Enterol. In general, the doctor's ignoramus is not recommended to use anything. All that can help a person on their own, is to induce vomiting and clean the intestines. The rest should be left to the professional. Because as soon as he is able to determine the complexity of the situation. After all, not everyone understands what to do with food poisoning.
What to do with meat poisoning?
What should I do if meat is poisoned and is it dangerous? Poisoning with this product has always been considered one of the most dangerous. Because the consequences can be quite heavy. Therefore, it is important to help people in time. It is necessary to induce vomiting, with the help of a large amount of liquid. Then, do clean up the body as a whole.
To do this, the powder is suitable. One packet of this drug should be dissolved in 250 ml of water. A person should drink this, such a remedy will help to remove the remainder of harmful substances from the body. To clean the intestines, you need to resort to the help of ordinary activated carbon. In general, this can be completed, but this is only with positive dynamics.
What if the person does not feel better? In this case, you need to call an ambulance. Sometimes poisoning is particularly severe when it is impossible to cope with it alone. In this case, medicines come to the rescue. Because it is necessary not only to remove toxic substances from the body, but also to restore it in the future.
So, usually apply Regidron and Loperamide. The first is able to clean the stomach, the second "clean up" in the intestines. If necessary, after cleaning the body, vitamins and minerals are prescribed. What to do with food poisoning, you need to know everyone, especially when it comes to meat and dairy products.
What to do when poisoning with sausage?
Do you know what to do with sausage poisoning, and what harm is it capable of inflicting on the body? Any harmless product can harm. But if it comes to meat, then in this case everything is much more serious. In order not to test fate it is recommended immediately to call an ambulance. In the meantime, you should take care of your first aid yourself.
So, you need to do the washing. There is nothing complicated in this process. Take 3 liters of fluid and dilute with soda. In the end, a 2-5% solution is obtained, which will be used for washing. It is necessary to give a person this drink, until he becomes ill. When everything comes out, it will be necessary to do further purification of the body.
For this, activated charcoal comes to the rescue. You need to give it with a calculation of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. Then take care of the stomach. Suitable bag of Regidron diluted in 250 ml of water. If there is a strong indigestion, you will have to give the victim 2 tablets Loperamide. No more independent manipulation. I'll have to wait for my doctor.
It is worth noting that some time will have to comply with a certain diet. So, no fatty and annoying food. Light vegetable soups, broths and croutons. From drinks strong strong tea will approach. What to do with food poisoning is necessary to know, because such a situation is able to happen to everyone.
What to do when poisoning sushi?
What to do when poisoning land, how to help a person and how to do it? Sushi poisoning does not differ from any other. In this case, it matters how serious it all is. If a person simply feels an ailment and is sick, then it is necessary to do a lavage. So, to help comes 2-5% solution of soda.
For this, this ingredient is taken and diluted in 3 liters of liquid. After that, the product should be given to a person. Thus, vomiting is caused and the body is cleared. Next, you should clean the intestines with activated charcoal. In this case, everything is quite simple.
What if the situation is more complicated? In humans, in addition to nausea, fever may increase, chills and severe frustration may occur. In this case it is recommended to call an ambulance. But while she is on the road, you need to do something. The stomach is also washed.
After that, it is necessary to clean the intestines with activated charcoal. If no improvement is observed, give a sachet of Regidron and 2 tablets of Loperamide. The rest should be done only after examination of the doctor. What to do with food poisoning, you need to know everyone. It is important to understand how to behave after these events, so that the situation does not happen again.
What to do if you are poisoned with a banana?
What to do with banana poisoning, and what harm to the body from this? Harmful substances in the body destroy the intestinal microflora in the first place. Therefore, what gravity would not be poisoning, it does its harm. So it is important to help people. First, an ambulance is called and only, then the rest of the manipulations are performed.
So, you should make the process of cleaning the body, in simple terms, an ordinary washing. In this case, a 2-5% solution of soda rushes to the rescue. Take soda and dilute in 3 liters of water. The received "medicine" is given to a person. He should drink it until vomiting begins.
Thus, it will be possible to rid the body of harmful substances. But this is not all. Then, sorbents, that is, ordinary activated charcoal, come to the rescue. It is necessary to drink it in a certain proportion, so 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. Is it easier for a man? It means everything is OK. It remains only to observe a certain regime. In this case, we mean food. Only light foods can be eaten, preferably soups, broths and croutons. So you need to eat 2-3 days. Then gradually return to the usual regime.
If after washing the person does not become lighter, it will be necessary to resort to other methods. So, dissolve a bag of Regidron in 250 ml of water and give a drink to the victim. With a strong bowel disorder, give 2 tablets of Loperamide. You do not need to do anything else, it is recommended that you wait for your doctor. What to do with food poisoning, should be known to everyone. Life is full of "surprises".
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