

Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

How to prevent Rhesus-conflict during pregnancy?

The introduction of anti-Rh0 (D) -immunoglobulin into practice was one of the biggest achievements in obstetrics in the last few decades.

Rh-conflict during pregnancy: treatment

Most accurately, ultrasound is diagnosed with edematous hemolytic disease of the fetus. In the absence of dropsy there are no reliable criteria that would allow detecting signs of severe anemia in the fetus.

Rh-conflict during pregnancy: diagnosis

The most common method for detecting antibodies is direct and indirect Coombs probes with the use of antiglobulin serum. The activity of antibodies is usually judged by their titre, but the titre and activity do not always coincide.

Rh-conflict during pregnancy: symptoms

Immune anti-Rh antibodies appear in the body in response to the Rh-antigen, either after transfusion of Rh-incompatible blood or after delivery of the Rh-positive fetus. The presence of Rh-negative anti-Rh antibodies in the blood indicates that the body is sensitized to the Rh factor.

Rhesus-conflict during pregnancy

Rhesus immunization during pregnancy is the appearance of a Rh in a pregnant woman in response to the ingestion of fetal erythrocyte rhesus antigens into the bloodstream.

Sensitization to chorionic gonadotropin: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The autoimmune factors of a habitual miscarriage include the presence of antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin (HG). According to I.V. Ponomareva et al. (1996), in serum 26.7% of women suffering from habitual miscarriage have antibodies to the chorionic gonadotropin, which, having high affinity, block the biological effect and in some cases lower the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin.

Mutation factor V (Leiden mutation, resistance to protein C)

Mutation factor V has become the most common genetic cause of thrombophilia in the European population. The factor V gene is located in chromosome 1, next to the antithrombin gene.

Mutation of the prothrombin gene q20210A: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Prothrombin, or factor II, under the influence of factors X and Xa passes into an active form, which activates the formation of fibrin from fibrinogen. It is believed that this mutation among hereditary thrombophilia is 10-15%, but occurs in approximately 1-9% of mutations without thrombophilia.

Protein S deficiency: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Protein S is a non-enzymatic cofactor of protein C in the inactivation of factors Va and VIIIa, has its own protein-independent C anticoagulant activity. Protein S, as well as protein C, is dependent on vitamin K and synthesized in the liver.

Deficiency of antithrombin III: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Antithrombin III is a natural anticoagulant that accounts for 75% of all anticoagulant plasma activity, a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 58,200 and a plasma content of 125-150 mg / ml.


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