

Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

Placental insufficiency and intrauterine growth retardation

Placental insufficiency (PN) is a clinical syndrome caused by morphofunctional changes in the placenta and violations of compensatory and adaptive mechanisms that ensure normal growth and development of the fetus, as well as adaptation of the woman's organism to pregnancy. Fetal growth retardation syndrome (FGR), intrauterine fetal growth retardation; fetus, small for the duration of pregnancy and fetus with a low birth weight - terms describing the fetus that has not reached its growth potential due to genetic or environmental factors.

Multiple pregnancy: management

Patients with multiple pregnancies should visit the antenatal clinic more often than when they are singleton: 2 times a month until 28 weeks (when the disability certificate for pregnancy and childbirth is issued), after 28 weeks - 1 time every 7-10 days. Consultation of the therapist should be done 3 times during pregnancy.

Multiple pregnancy: course and complications

In case of multiple pregnancies, the woman's demands are higher: the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs function with great tension. Maternal morbidity and mortality in multiple pregnancy increases in 3-7 times compared with single-fetal; while the higher the order of multi-fetus, the higher the risk of maternal complications.

Multiple pregnancy

Multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy in which two or more fetuses develop in a woman's body. Genera of two or more fruits are called pluriparous.

Mature pregnancy

The transferred pregnancy belongs to the category of problems traditionally determining the great scientific and practical interest, caused, first of all, by unfavorable perinatal outcomes in this pathology.

Premature birth: treatment

In the case of the possibility of prolonging pregnancy, treatment should be directed, on the one hand, to suppress the contractile activity of the uterus, and on the other hand, to the induction of ripening of the fetal lung tissue (in the period of 28-34 weeks of pregnancy). In addition, it is necessary to correct the pathological process, which caused premature birth.

How to recognize premature births?

In case of threatening premature birth, a woman complains of drawing, aching pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, a feeling of pressure, a bursting in the vagina, crotch, rectum, possibly rapid painless urination, which may be a sign of low position and pressure of the presenting part

Premature birth

According to WHO, preterm birth is the birth of a child from 22nd to 37th full week of pregnancy (ie 259 days from the day of the onset of the last menstrual period). In our country premature birth is considered to be the birth of a child from the 28th to the 37th week of pregnancy (from 196 to 259 days from the start of the last menstruation).

Gestosis: treatment

With swelling, treatment can be carried out in conditions of women's consultations. Pregnant women with preeclampsia, preeclampsia and eclampsia should be hospitalized in obstetric hospitals located in multidisciplinary hospitals with resuscitation and premature infant care, or perinatal centers.

Diagnosis of gestosis

The diagnosis of gestosis can be made on the basis of a combination of clinical and laboratory criteria. The criterion of gestosis is proteinuria of more than 0.3 g / L, hypertension - at arterial pressure above 135/85 mm Hg. And, with hypotension, an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than 30 mm Hg. Art. From the initial, and diastolic - 15 mm Hg. P. Swelling should be considered only if they do not disappear after a night's sleep.


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