

Diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology)

Optical Neuropathy

Optical neuropathy is a serious complication, occurring in 5% of patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy. It develops due to compression of the optic nerve or vessels feeding it at the apex of the orbit with edematous and enlarged rectus muscles.

Retraction of the century

Upper and lower eyelid retraction occurs in approximately 50% of patients with Graves disease. At the heart of the retraction are the following mechanisms.

Endocrine ophthalmopathy

Thyroid disease (endocrine ophthalmopathy) of the eye can occur without clinical and biochemical signs of thyroid dysfunction.


Ophthalmoplegia - impaired mobility of the eye; can be determined by one or more reasons.


Enofthalm - displacement of the eye deep into the orbit, often slightly expressed. Mechanisms for the appearance of enophthalmos are as follows:


Exophthalmos is an excessive shift of the eye anteriorly, caused by a retrobulbar injury or (more rarely) a shallow orbit. Asymmetry of the eye is better seen when examining the patient from above and from behind.


Microtropy (monofixation syndrome) may be primary or occur in the outcome of surgery after removal of a large deviation angle.

Convergent strabismus

Convergent strabismus (esotropia, a manifesting convergent strabismus) can be friendly or paralytic.


The divergent strabismus (exotrophy, the manifest divergent strabismus) may be permanent or periodic.

Möbius syndrome

Mobius syndrome is a very rare congenital sporadic anomaly.


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