

Diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology)

Strabismus in children

Strabismus - different in nature lesions of the oculomotor and visual systems, in which there is a deviation of one eye from a common point of fixation, leading to a violation of monocular and binocular visual functions.

Correction (treatment) of myopia

With congenital myopia, early and correct correction is of particular importance as the main means of prevention and treatment of amblyopia. The earlier the glasses are assigned, the higher the corrected visual acuity and the less the degree of amblyopia. To detect and correct the congenital myopia is necessary in the first year of life of the child.

Symptoms of myopia (myopia)

Both congenital and acquired myopia in the case of progressive course can reach high degrees and are accompanied by complications development on the fundus - both in the posterior pole and in the periphery.

Nearsightedness (myopia) in children

Nearsightedness (myopia) is a kind of disproportionate refraction, in which parallel rays of light, refracted by the optical system of the eye, gather in focus in front of the retina.

Abnormalities of refraction in children

Clinical refraction characterizes the proportionality of the optical power of the eye and its anteroposterior axis (distance from the apex of the cornea to the central fovea of the retina). Clinical refraction is the position of the main focus of the eye relative to the retina.


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