

Diseases of the eyes (ophthalmology)

Keratitis in children

The diagnosis is usually established on the basis of microscopic examination and sowing of smears or scrapings from the cornea. If the patient receives treatment, it is advisable to temporarily cancel it 24 hours before the study.

Acute conjunctivitis in children

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is a highly contagious disease characterized by reddening of the eyeball, lacrimation and frequent combination with keratitis.

Endophthalmitis in children

Endophthalmitis develops when the infectious process is localized in the cavity of the eyeball. The term panophthalmitis is used in the progressive spread of infection that affects all tissues of the eye.

Cellulite of orbit in children

Cellulite of the orbit occurs when the inflammatory focus is located behind the tarzorbital fascia. Can be combined with extraorbital cellulite.

Extraorbital cellulite in children

Extraorbital cellulite is characterized by localization of the inflammatory process in front of the tarzorbital fascia, which prevents the spread of infection into the orbit.

Conjunctivitis in newborns

Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common causative agent of neonatal conjunctivitis in the West. The disease occurs as a one-way process, but quickly spreads to the second eye.

HIV infection and eye diseases in children

Infection of the fetus occurs through the placenta of the mother. The disease is manifested in 40% of children born from affected women.

Herpes simplex virus and eye disease in children

Congenital herpetic infection of newborns is associated with infection of the mother's genital tract. Infection is almost always transmitted during childbirth, rarely intrauterine infection occurs after rupture of membranes.

Toxoplasmosis and eye diseases in children

The frequency of toxoplasmosis varies widely in different geographical regions. In some countries, toxoplasmosis is extremely common, and in others it is rare.

Rubella and eye diseases in children

Disease of a woman during pregnancy with infectious rubella, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, dramatically increases the incidence of the symptom complex, known as congenital rubella syndrome.


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