

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterology)

Diagnosis of cardiac achalasia

Suspicion of achalasia of cardia occurs when patients are presented with typical complaints of difficulty swallowing in combination with pain after the sternum after a meal, regurgitation (regurgitation), frequent attacks of hiccoughs, belching and weight loss.

Symptoms of achalasia of the cardia

Dysphagia is the first and the main symptom of achalasia of the cardia. It has the following peculiarities: it arises inconstantly (with unrest, fast food, insufficient chewing of food), provoked by some specific products

Causes of achalasia of cardia

The causes of achalasia of cardia have not been clarified to the present day. In the etiology of achalasia, two factors are of primary interest at the present time: Histologically, degenerative changes in the intramural nerve plexuses of the esophagus are almost constantly found. Psychogenesis is evident in most patients.

Achalasia cardia

Akhalasia cardia is a neurogenic disease, which is based on a violation of esophageal motility, characterized by a violation of its peristalsis and insufficient relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter during swallowing. Symptoms of achalasia are characterized by slowly progressing dysphagia, usually with the intake of liquid and solid foods, and regurgitation of undigested food.

Dyskinesia of the esophagus

Dyskinesia of the esophagus is a violation of its motor (motor) function, consisting in changing the progress of food from the pharyngeal cavity to the stomach in the absence of organic lesions of the esophagus.


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