Atony and paralysis of the esophagus are conditions characterized by functional disorders of the neuromuscular apparatus of the esophagus, the causes of which are so numerous that they do not lend themselves to any complete systematization.
Expansions of the esophagus are characterized by a giant increase throughout the cavity of the esophagus with characteristic morphological changes in its walls during a sharp narrowing of its cardiac segment, called cardiospasm.
Mechanical damage to the esophagus is one of the most serious injuries, often resulting in death, even in spite of the timely and most fully implemented treatment activities. Anatomical damages of the esophagus (injuries, ruptures, perforations of foreign bodies) belong to the competence of thoracic surgeons
The Plummer-Vinson syndrome is characterized by atrophy of the oral mucosa, pharynx and esophagus and is manifested by a variety of systemic signs: swallowing disorder, dysphagia, burning sensation in the tongue
Trophic diseases of the esophagus arise as a result of the action of local or general pathogenic factors and are manifested by various pathomorphological changes in its mucosa and deeper layers.
Contact ulcers of the esophagus - a rare disease that occurs as a result of prolonged pressing contact of the walls of the esophagus, located in front between the plate of the cricoid cartilage and from behind - the body of the sixth cervical vertebra.
Scleroderma of the esophagus - one of the manifestations of systemic scleroderma - a progressive disease characterized by changes in connective tissue with the development of sclerosis and obliterating lesions of arterioles.
Actinomycosis of the esophagus is a rare disease, the occurrence of which is possible only if the mucosa of the esophagus is damaged and the infected agents stay in it.
The esophagus papyrus is one of the varieties of bullous diseases of the mucous membrane and skin, which is the most serious disease of all known malignant dermatoses.