

Diseases of the ear, throat and nose (otolaryngology)

Acute bilateral otitis media: exudative, catarrhal, purulent

Bilateral otitis is an inflammatory disease in which the tissues of the ears of the left and right sides are affected. At the same time, the pathological process can spread deep down, causing inflammation of not only the middle and inner ear, but also other areas of the brain area of the head.

Otitis of the inner ear: signs and how to treat

Internal otitis is an inflammatory lesion of the inner ear. Because of its peculiar structure, the inner ear is called a labyrinth, and its inflammation is called a labyrinthite. 

Adenoides of the 1st degree in children: how to treat

Adenoides of 1 degree in a child - this is a common reason for appealing to a doctor because of the high incidence of children against this pathology. This disease is characterized by an increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which violates the local immunity of the child and causes frequent respiratory pathologies.

The causes of adenoids in children

The causes of adenoids in children may be different, but for proper and effective treatment it is important to know not only the causes, but also the mechanisms of the development of this pathology.

Prophylaxis of adenoids in children

Prophylaxis of adenoids in children is for today the main task, considering the extent of the spread of this pathology. The concept of "adenoids" is very closely related to the concept of a sick child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the development of adenoids in order to reduce the incidence of children.

Tubootitis in children and adults: acute, chronic, bilateral

What is turbohotit? It is an inflammation of the Eustachian tube, which is the passage connecting the organs of hearing and breathing, that is, the middle ear (drum cavity) and the back of the nasopharynx.

Angina without pain in the throat and temperature: is it

In everyday life, any reddening of the throat, especially with whitish dots or a touch on the tonsils is called angina. Aesculapius of Ancient Greece, too, was called so all inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, and from their light hand this name in the same understanding is used in everyday life even today.

The temperature at angina in children: what to do and how to bring down?

Angina is often seen in preschool children. Characteristic signs of the disease are weakness, plaque on the inflamed tonsils, as well as noticeable manifestations of intoxication.

Angina without fever: purulent, follicular, lacunar, catarral

Who among us has ever had a sore throat? A rare person does not know what it is. Most of the angina is familiar from childhood as something terrible, accompanied by terrible discomfort and sore throat, as well as rising temperatures to critical levels.


Lopeworm is the characteristic location of the auricles - they do not adhere to the temporal bones, but protrude, sometimes quite strongly. From the point of view of aesthetics, such a feature is considered a flaw and can often provoke the appearance of various complexes associated with the reaction of others to this defect.


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