In a study on histology, the benign character of the pathology is confirmed. They are round in shape, smooth. With palpation, soreness is not detected. Outwardly resemble a pea.
Speaking of otitis, there is always an inflammatory reaction in the ear. However, the ear inflammation can be different - average, external, acute, chronic, catarrhal, purulent, etc.
Today, medicine is increasingly confronted with various pathologies of the paranasal sinuses. These are various congenital, genetic anomalies, and the consequences of injuries, injuries, and all sorts of complications of the transmitted infectious and inflammatory processes.
Diseases of the ear - this is something with which, although infrequently, but almost every one of us is facing. And most of this type of disease is familiar from childhood.
When otolaryngologists diagnose catarrhal otitis, from a morphological point of view, we mean a superficial type of inflammation that affects the mucous membranes of the middle ear (the tympanic cavity and Eustachian tube) and is accompanied by swelling with exudation.
It is believed that this pathology is found only in pediatrics. Indeed, according to statistics, the appearance of adenoids affects patients aged 3-7 years.